Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 416 Angry Han Shanping

At this time, his men actually arrested Ye Ming, which immediately alarmed the director Xie Jinming. After Xie Jinming heard the report, he immediately rushed over to clean up the mess. Ye Ming is not just a star. As a physique, Xie Jinming knew very well that Ye Ming had someone above him. Not to mention potential friends, even Han Shanping, Zhang Yimou and others on the surface were not someone he could offend. As for Zhao Guang and Young Master Zhao, now is the time when the dead Taoist friends are not dead and the poor Taoists are not dead. Xie Jinming is not very willing to take this matter into his heart.

When the time came, Xie Jinming immediately reprimanded his men and said: "Old Song, you are also an old policeman. Do you still need me to always mention civilized law enforcement? Why don't you open the handcuffs quickly?"

Captain Song naturally understood that things were getting out of hand. This was something he could no longer bear. Once such a problem develops, based on Ye Ming's popularity, it is estimated that he will definitely not be able to reap the benefits. Captain Song glanced at Zhao Guanghe resentfully. It was this playboy who caused the trouble. Otherwise, he would not have been so unlucky and would have been caught by Ye Ming directly.

At this time, Captain Song was willing to say that the rain boots were not very good, but at this time, he also knew very well that there was absolutely no room for negotiation on this issue, so he personally took out the key and opened it for Ye Ming.

This was easy to say, but Ye Ming didn't have any intention to control it. The handcuffs were removed for support. Xie Jinming immediately came over to comfort him and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am Xie Jinming, the director here, Mr. Ye. It's my fault, I didn't educate my subordinates well, and Mr. Ye was frightened."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "It's not a big deal for me. We are all our own people, and it's easy to talk about anything, but my friend was implicated for no reason. This is a bit unreasonable. Binbin, put your Take off the mask."

Fan Binbin is very obedient. She has grown so big. In fact, this is the first time she has been handcuffed. Therefore, at this time, she feels a little uneasy about going to work, as if her whole heart is pounding. Beating and beating.

Amidst the tension, there was also a little bit of excitement. After seeing that the queen was Fan Binbin, although everyone was quite surprised at this time, Fan Binbin, who is also the actor of Huanzhugege, was watching a movie with Ye Ming. In fact, it was not a big deal, it was normal.

Moreover, Fan Binbin is not as difficult to deal with as Ye Ming. If this is the case, as long as Ye Ming is dealt with, the matter will almost be over at this time. This made Xie Jinming feel a lot more relaxed. Immediately he said very politely: "Miss Fan, I'm sorry, I didn't educate my subordinates enough, which made Miss Fan feel wronged. I will definitely educate them well later to ensure that they will not cause trouble."

Ye Ming didn't say anything. Fan Binbin was very smart and naturally he would not get involved in such a thing. Besides, in a situation like this, there is a bigger person involved in this matter, and she, Fan Binbin, will naturally not steal Lucas's limelight. In China, he actually said that the police had handcuffed him. This made Lucas very angry. Even in the United States, even in Washington, and even in the White House, no one dared to handcuff him. Lucas Yes, I didn’t expect that just watching a movie in China would lead to this situation.

Fan Binbin said very considerately: "Director Xie is so irritating. All we want is justice, nothing else."

These words are also quite deceptive, not ordinary cunning. What we want is justice. Seeing how you handle it, Xie Jinming seems to feel that Fan Binbin is as difficult to deal with as a little fox. How can I treat you fairly at a time like this? Arrest Zhao Guanghe? Obviously that's impossible. At this time, it's good that Zhao Guanghe can swallow this breath.

Xie Jinming did not expect that Ye Ming was not aggressive in this matter, but that Fan Binbin was a bit reluctant.

Therefore, Xie Jinming was a little unhappy at this time. Although Fan Binbin was a star, he didn't have Ye Ming's connections, right?

Therefore, Xie Jinming said very solemnly: "Don't worry, Ms. Fan, we will handle it impartially. We will not unjustly accuse a good person, but we will definitely not unjustly accuse a bad person."

Zhao Guanghe also seemed to realize that in such a situation, things were starting to go a little bit beyond his expectation. Therefore, at this time, he immediately shouted: "Yes, even if you are a star , but can a star be an adult? There was no one at the Red Star Cinema who testified for me, Ye Ming actually beat me."

At this time, Zhao Guanghe grasped this point and refused to give up. Xie Jinming also looked at Ye Ming helplessly and said: "Mr. Ye, what do you think of this matter? Your friend seems unwilling to reconcile. "

Ye Ming greeted Fan Binbin, and Fan Binbin immediately grunted, not very convinced, but in the end he shut up and said, "Forget it."

After saying that he was sulking alone, he stood behind Ye Ming and stopped talking. This was because he was angry with Ye Ming. He was maybe drawing a circle and cursing Ye Ming in his heart.

At this time, Lucas finally took off the mask of the Black Warrior himself, and said very dissatisfied: "Ye. I am very dissatisfied with this matter. Why can't we, as victims, get what we deserve?" As for their care, they would rather handcuff us like prisoners first."

At this time, the police on the scene were dumbfounded. Oh my God, it turns out that the real master is here. The greatest science fiction director in Hollywood, George Lucas, the father of Star Wars. Yes, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace premiered in Beijing. , I heard that Lucas came here to support him. At this time, Captain Song was dumbfounded. It turned out that he had arrested George Lucas, and he had used such a ridiculous reason to arrest George Lucas. He was not the person arrested in the movie theater. This Luca Director Si, you are too busy to conduct private interviews incognito. This pockmark is not called pockmarked, it is called a trap.

Xie Jinming was very nervous about this. George Lucas was involved. Not to mention him, even his director probably couldn't bear this matter.

Captain Song was completely dumbfounded. If he was an ordinary foreigner, or if he was fooled by a few words, he could be fooled away. But on a question like this, he just said that what he caught was a big fish. Fish, George Lucas, what awaits Captain Song is a not so bright future.

Zhao Guanghe is not a fool. As a fan of Star Wars, how can he not be familiar with the bearded old Lu? It seems that these seventeen are a bit bigger than you, too big to be within the range of his calculations. Therefore, Zhao Guanghe coughed and said: "I still have some things at home, Xiaoliu, let's go first."

If we don't retreat at this time, how long will it take to retreat?

Therefore, when faced with a problem like this, he immediately thought of a retreat. But how could Xie Jinming give him this opportunity at this time? In order to deal with Lucas, Xie Jinming is very clear. Finding out what this matter is is the real shortcut.

Finally, I don’t know if it’s because the box office is really not that good. Although newspapers say that the box office of Star Wars has been rising, George Lucas, who went to see the scene in person, was still not very satisfied. At this time, Lucas truly believed. Sometimes, the words of experts may not be believed. This gave him a great deal of knowledge.

Or maybe it was because of an encounter at the police station. Anyway, Lucas was in a very low mood. Even when he left, he looked heavy and left quietly.

And the only person who knew that George Lucas was leaving was Ye Ming who came to see him off alone. George Lucas left with some regrets and his two old friends Wood Ai Qiuhua.

Han Shanping was so angry about this that he almost died. After hearing what Ye Ming said about Lucas leaving, Han Shanping smashed the tea cup into pieces on the spot in the office. The banging sound woke up half of the people in the corridor. .

But at this time, Han Shanping had no intention of restraining himself and said: "This matter is actually messed up. Do they know how much effort I wasted in inviting Lucas here? A dandy, calling him a dandy is ridiculous." It’s a praising of him. At this time, he is no better than a piece of shit. A piece of shit can still farm the land for the farmer brothers. What do these scum know? They only know how to cause trouble all day long."

Ye Ming said helplessly: "What Zhao did in this matter is indeed unethical. I guess his future is a bit slim this time, right?"

Han Shanping snorted and said: "What future does he have? He has no future at all. Even his father has no future. This is a standard cheating. A good son should be given by his own father." You’re cheating your father. It’s better to strangle a son like this to death after he’s born?”

Han Shanping hated this guy Zhao Guanghe very much. This thing was so embarrassing that he was thrown into Hollywood. If it hadn't been for Zhao Guanghe, he might have been able to establish a deep cooperation with Director Lucas. Relationships are not impossible in books.

By then, the benefits to China Film Group will be obvious.

But all the plans were messed up by Zhao Guang and this bastard. No wonder Han Shanping was so angry. (To be continued)

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