Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 401: The Most Difficult Moment of Glory

There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, there are only eternal interests. No one can resist the temptation of such interests. Even if Warner Brothers and Paramount are enemies, they are still willing to cooperate.

After all, no one wants the copyright of the novel [Harry Potter] to be in the hands of a Chinese named Ye Ming. After all, this novel already has a special significance in the West, and its popularity is unimaginable. It is even said to be a work that can compete with the historical magic masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings".

Therefore, Warner Bros. is thinking of holding the copyright of the remaining novels of [Harry Potter] in its hands, and Paramount actually has this intention.

At that time, when Ye Ming and Ms. Luo Lin signed the contract, they signed it in the name of Brilliant Film and Television. After all, if he signed it in his personal capacity, there would be some obstacles. Therefore, at this time, as long as he acquires Brilliant Film and Television, then The copyright of the [Harry Potter] work was then obtained.

Therefore, at this time, Ai Qiuhua said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, we at Warner Bros. have good cooperation with you. Therefore, at this time, we are also very sincere in wanting to acquire Huihuang Film and Television. According to our understanding, if there are no accidents, your company will definitely not last two weeks and will go bankrupt."

Mr. Wood further said: "Mr. Ye has ambitions, but because his ambitions are too big, if you are just doing movies and TV series, then I don't think we have a chance, but you want to do theaters." Cinema chains are a money-burning industry in the early stage. There are still no successful private cinema chains in China. After all, they are relatively undeveloped and lack experience. Therefore, once Huihuang Film and Television has financial problems, your cinema chain will be like It will drain all your wealth like a vampire. You will have to go bankrupt by then. Now you can still sell it for a good price, but by then, it will be impossible for you to buy 20 million. Maybe a few million will do. Got it.”

Ms. Ai Qiuhua said cunningly: "Mr. Ye is a friend of our Warner Brothers. I will not see my friend in danger, but when the time comes, we Warner will not pay such a high price. Therefore, in fact, Mr. Ye There are not many opportunities to consider. You still have one week to consider, and I hope Mr. Ye will give me a result that satisfies both parties."

This is forcing a woman to have an uterus. To be honest, if you want to buy it, then Paramount and Warner Bros. are the richest people with deep pockets, and the prices they offer are the highest. For example, Poly Huayi and Huang Family, the prices they offer are comparative. That's so bad. However, even if Mr. Wood and Ai Qiuhua analyzed the situation so thoroughly, in fact, to be honest, the financial situation of Huihuang Film and Television is much worse than imagined. It is impossible to hold on for ten days, maybe ten days. .

Therefore, it can be said that Mr. Wood and Ai Qiuhua came very timely. However, at this time, Ye Ming was not panicked at all, and did not mean to compromise at all. He smiled as if the initiative was in his own hands and said: "You two, are you so sure that we can't hold on to Brilliance? In fact, We just have one TV series that has been blocked and one movie that has not yet been completed. It is very easy to complete that New Year's film. And our next small-production movie from Brilliant Film and Television is about to be released. I think Dark The moment will pass."

Ai Qiuhua's eyes lit up, and he always felt that he had missed something. It seemed that the young man in front of him was much more stable than he thought. To Mr. Wood, this kind of stability was just pretentious, and he simply wanted to show off. A way to raise the price. The negotiation this time was obviously not very successful. Ye Ming definitely had no intention of letting go easily. No matter how hard the two old foxes tried their best at this time, they still couldn't succeed.

After returning to the hotel, Mr. Wood sat in the coffee shop and said angrily: "Ms. Ai Qiuhua, I think we are too kind to Ye Ming. This will make a young person think that our eight major film and television companies are soft persimmons." If he is not satisfied with such a price, what does he want to do?"

This is also a way to sow discord. After all, Warner Brothers and Ye Ming have a cooperative relationship. Therefore, they are one of the eight giants that can easily acquire Huihuang Film and Television. Even Paramount cannot compare with this. But Ai Qiuhua would not be easily fooled. He smiled elegantly and said, "Mr. Wood is joking. If Ye Ming can be dealt with so easily, then he will not be able to support such a company." .

Cinema chain, if he can think of a development direction like this, it means that he is one of the few people in China who can see through the essence of movies, and in China I have seen people who can seize this opportunity. There are only two people, one is Han Shanping from China Film Group, and the other is Ye Ming. In addition, your private quotation from Paramount should be 25 million. Ye Ming is not tempted. Don't you think why? "

At this time, Mr. Wood didn't feel embarrassed at all. It was impossible to cooperate with Warner Brothers. The cooperation was actually superficial. It was just a means to Ye Ming. In fact, he himself also gave it to Ye Ming. Ye Ming quoted a figure of 25 million, which is a very good result and quite tempting.

But it was not enough. Ye Ming was definitely not that easy to deal with. Therefore, Mr. Wood failed, but this guy was not a man of his own. He quickly understood why he failed.

That's why drinking coffee with Ai Qiuhua happened.

Therefore, at this moment, Mr. Wood said very proudly: "Actually, I also know that you are not a real person. It is correct that I quoted 25 million, but as for you, you also quoted 28 million privately." Bar.

Do you think Ye Ming is really a fool? I knew he refused my 25 million without thinking. There is only one possibility, that is, someone is more cruel and cruel than me and quoted a higher price. And a person like this can only do it if you beg. You have killed ten thousand enemies and lost three thousand to yourself. In China, you dare to use this trick. I really don’t know what you are thinking. Now Ye Ming must know that his company is what we want very much, and he will never let go easily. The board of directors gave me an authorization of 30 million. I don’t know if you have received a higher authorization than me. However, it may not be that easy to satisfy Ye Ming. "

This is naturally a very simple matter. When the two of them take turns to quote and the price increases like an auction, Ye Ming will always understand the value of his company. In fact, neither of them knew that Ye Ming was a person from the future. He understood the value of [Harry Potter] better than anyone else, so it was useless to give him more money.

At this time, Ai Qiuhua said with confidence: "What if this is enough to let him know some bottom lines? He has provoked too many enemies. Therefore, in fact, even if we say we won't take action, If so, then at a time like this, there will be people plotting against him. I heard that in China, whether it is an official company or an enterprise, there are people who want to acquire Huihuang Film and Television. Therefore, on this issue, I think He should know the importance himself, and when the time comes, he will naturally think that our price is the most suitable, 30 million, I don’t think it will be a problem if he doesn’t use 30 million.”

Who knows whether the 30 million that Mr. Wood said is a real price? Paramount has already said it lost once, so this time Wood probably said that it will be even crazier, and he will easily put his bottom line Tell yourself? Obviously that is impossible. Therefore, Ai Qiuhua will not believe the price of 30 million. Only when the real dust has settled, can she truly be able to do so at a time like this? to relax.

But at this moment, she had to be on guard against Wood, the old fox. [Harry Potter] can only be acquired by Warner Bros., so Paramount has no hope.

At this time, Mr. Wood nodded on this matter: "Time is his biggest shortcoming. His time to succeed is too short, and he does not have enough foundation to support this enterprise. However, as a partner, Warner Brothers is also in this To disrupt the situation at the critical moment, this had to make Ye Ming feel chilled.

Therefore, on such an issue, Ye Ming is insisting now because he has grievances. Only when he truly feels the crisis of bankruptcy will he know who is the enemy and who is a friend. "At this time, Mr. Wood and Ai Qiuhua are actually the same. They can only wait, really wait for the opportunity to come. Anyway, it only takes ten days. As a mature businessman, this time is completely worth waiting for. .

But let's see if Ye Ming has the patience at this time. Another variable is the acquisition by people within China. However, at this time, both Mr. Wood and Ai Qiuhua sent people to keep a close eye on those companies in China that were qualified to purchase Huihuang Film and Television. As long as there is any abnormality in the capital flow of these enterprises, then the two of them will definitely use conditions that satisfy Ye Ming to win glory.

If the eight giants of Hollywood say they want to care about something, then they will definitely make a move on such an issue with full confidence. Otherwise, they will prepare secretly. Once they take action, That is the possibility of killing with one strike. It's the same as last time's "Harry Potter". In fact, Ye Ming took advantage of a prophet, otherwise Rowling would never have escaped the hands of the eight giants of Hollywood.

After the people from Warner Brothers and Paramount left, Na Ying and Princess Zhao Wei walked into the office. At this time, Na Ying's heart was still pounding. She walked over and patted Ye Ming and said, "Okay, Ye Zi , 20 million US dollars, you are not tempted by this, you are quite powerful, it seems that your sister looks down on you. If you had nodded just now, you would be a newly minted billionaire immediately. What is the situation that makes Hollywood The eight giants are eyeing you."

Na Ying was very clear in her heart. If Ye Ming didn't have something in his hands that would attract big names like Hollywood, then a price like 20 million would never appear in China. But what is there about Ye Ming's China Film and Television that makes these giants tempted?

At this time, Na Ying finally understood one thing, that is, why Ye Ming said that Huihuang Film and Television was not bad. In fact, as long as Ye Ming nodded, then at this time the two giants of Hollywood would directly The one who wrote the check.

Is this Ye Ming's confidence? But how does such confidence come from? It does not mean that all people can persevere in the face of the temptation of 20 million.

On this point, in fact, no matter how it is said, Na Ying is now more relieved about this matter, at least Ye Ming's situation is not so dangerous. As friends, the three of them were naturally happy for Ye Ming. Ye Ming's smiling expression was still so calm, as if he had everything under control. At this time, he said slowly: "Actually, it's nothing, because I signed a contract for a book, and both Warner Brothers and Paramount hope to get my book."

At this time, even the princess was very surprised: "What kind of book is worth 20 million dollars, and it's in US dollars? At such a price, even Hollywood giants who want to publish a book have to weigh it. of."

Ye Ming did not hide anything, and said very relaxedly: "This book is called Harry Potter, and it is the copyright of a novel that I bought from a lady named Rowling when I went to Hong Kong City once. Now you guys You should understand why Warner Bros. and Paramount are all thinking about my company, right?"

[Harry Potter] This is the most popular novel in the West, and the author has made a lot of money from it, which is really enviable.

At this time, Na Ying looked at Ye Ming in surprise and said, "Do you have the copyright of this book?" Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's right, I signed a contract with Ms. Luo Lin early. Actually, , or the first book [Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone] that I helped her publish. An encounter in Hong Kong City turned out to be so wonderful."

At this time, the three people present had to sigh that Ye Ming's luck was really very good. At this time, Na Yingcai said: "It's like this, are you still worried about not having money? One book of Harry Potter can make you a real rich man."

Until this time, Ye Ming said with a frown: "Because of the contract, my remuneration will not be fully paid until next year. Therefore, I actually don't have much money now. However, this time, actually, The price Ai Qiuhua gave me before he came was 25 million, and the price Mr. Wood gave me was 28 million, which made me feel a little hesitant. I knew this price was completely fair. I couldn’t be tempted, so I waited for a suitable opportunity.”

At this time, Sister Fang Fang came in again. The expression on her face was still not very happy. Someone came to buy her company. This was a company she built with her own hands. Even the boss Ye Ming was her star, so , Sister Fang Fang is a very affectionate person for Huihuang Yiying.

Therefore, although he had always said that he wished the company would lose money or something, that was just a joke. When it really came to a critical moment, Sister Fang Fang still stood very firmly on Ye Ming's side on such an issue. At this time, Sister Fang Fang stood there and said with some discomfort: "Boss, Mr. Dong Ping from Poly Huayi, Mr. Luo Sihai from Sihai Film and Television, and Mr. Wang Zhongjun from Huayi Brothers came here together.

In fact, if the three of them came, of course they were coming with bad intentions. In fact, Sister Fang Fang knew this, so her expression was not very happy. After the people from Warner Brothers and Paramount had just left, three domestic companies actually said that they were coming with them. It's definitely a case of taking advantage of others' misfortune.

Ye Ming knew that these three people would definitely make some moves, and it was not impossible that they would even want to divide Ye Ming's brilliant film and television under such a situation.

Therefore, when asked a question like this, Ye Ming nodded and said: "Please invite the three bosses to come over. Sister, you should do it in my office for a while. I will go to you later." Na Ying snorted. One voice said: "These three people have just come here now. I think they must have no good intentions. But even if they offer a price that can surpass the Hollywood giants, this is definitely asking for a slap in the face."

You can tell the purpose of these three people, even Na Ying, who is not a businessman. Therefore, Ye Ming should definitely have a way to defend against such a problem. Therefore, then Ying took the princess and Zhao Wei back to the office first.

After two minutes, Wang Zhongjun walked in first, then Mr. Dong Ping from Poly Huayi, and finally Luo Sihai from Sihai Film and Television who had been watching Ye Ming's jokes. These three people came with three different expressions , Wang Zhongjun is a little heavy-handed, as he comes as a friend, while Dong Ping has an inscrutable feeling, and is a good person in the business world. Dong Ping's success is definitely not a fluke.

Therefore, in this situation, Dong Ping seemed to have a cunning potential hidden under his honest expression.

And the last one is Luo Sihai. This guy is definitely a person who takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. He came here because he was just watching the joke. Of course, when he was watching the joke, he didn't say that it was impossible to acquire Huihuang Film and Television. Today Luo Sihai Come on, he actually had such an idea, but Luo Sihai didn't expect that he would meet Dong Ping and Wang Zhongjun. (To be continued)

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