Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 400: Have you asked me what I meant?

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "There are always difficulties, but they are only temporary. People in Hollywood are really powerful. Just a small ban has alarmed them. They really think that I am He is someone who is easy to bully." At this time, Ye Ming's heart was filled with anger. Bullies don't bully people that much. Now that Paramount and Warner Bros. have arrived so quickly, it's really a bit unprepared.

Ye Ming calmed down his anger and said: "Sister Fang Fang, you are responsible for bringing people to the conference room, and I will be there in a minute." Then, Ye Ming turned around and said: "Sister Weiwei, actually I am here I really have something to say and need your help, because my brilliant film and television was blocked, which affected my New Year film "A Man on the Road". I basically shot this film, but the people from the film studio actually It means to evacuate all the people. Some people have very vicious intentions."

Needless to say, Zhao Wei nodded and said: "You want me to help you find a group of people at the film school, right? There is no problem with this. Many of my friends want to find a formal crew to practice. , when the time comes, you can take care of food, food, and housing, and you don’t have to pay anything else. I believe they will be very happy to cooperate with you."

Ye Ming is an actor. Those who have not left school, such as makeup, photography, lighting, etc., once they have such a cooperation with Ye Ming, then on such a problem, if they take jobs after graduation, then I can be very proud to say that I have worked with Ye Ming. Ye Ming is the Golden Horse Best Actor and a king-level singer who was crowned king in the first battle. This qualification is very important in the entertainment industry. Maybe someone else wants three hundred, but you You are eligible for a price of four hundred yuan.

The entertainment industry is such a place where people are ranked based on seniority. Therefore, there are still people rushing to cooperate with Ye Ming even if they don't pay. Ye Ming said with a smile: "That's not necessary. The rules are the rules. Giving money is a must. You can't let everyone help in vain. Don't worry, I will give the money according to the rules in the industry. Sister Weiwei, you don't have to refuse."

In fact, it's like what Zhao Wei said. Even if he said he wouldn't pay, there would still be people vying to cooperate with Ye Ming, but the things that would be shot with money are completely different from the things that would be shot without money. of.

The photos taken with money definitely have a kind of spirit in them, which cannot be bought without spending money. Ye Ming has also risen step by step from the grassroots to today's king-level status in the industry. Therefore, he also has a very good understanding of this industry. In the end, Zhao Wei didn't insist. After all, if he could find a profitable job for his junior schoolmates, then she, the senior schoolgirl, would also be very happy.

What is prestige? If you can convince others and bring benefits to others, this will enhance your prestige.

At this time, Ye Ming said to Na Ying: "Sister, in fact, you have also seen that if you say you are short of money, it is impossible. Huihuang Film and Television is not very short of money, so this is the money giver. Come from Hollywood. The eight giants are all fat sheep." Being able to cut down the fat sheep of Hollywood is also a matter of knowledge. It is impossible for ordinary people to do this.

At this time, Na Ying and Hu got excited and said excitedly: "Ask the people in Hollywood to give you money. You are cooperating with Warner Brothers and there is no urging, but they are here to acquire you. You will not be in the same danger by then." , why do you say they are giving you money?"

At this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "There is no problem with this matter. I naturally have a way to let them take the money. If I don't give them money, this time Warner Brothers' early investment will be completely wasted." , I’m not afraid that they won’t be tempted.”

Ye Ming actually has such an ambition, which is definitely not to be underestimated. However, if this is the case, Na Ying is relieved, nodded and said: "It's best if you can let those foreigners take the money. It made me worry in vain. If I persuaded those foreigners to take the money instead of buying your glory, then you can invite me tonight, you can't say you don't have time."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "You don't have to wait until night for this. You can book a box now, and I will pay the bill then. The people at Warner Brothers will definitely take the money, and I am very sure of it."

By the way, sister, are you interested in playing a guest role in my movie? It can last for twenty or thirty seconds. "

At this time, Ye Ming suddenly thought that "People on the Road" should have a surprise for everyone. Such a surprise can definitely have an unexpected result using Na Ying's words. But before Na Ying said yes, the princess said eagerly: "If I have a movie role, how can I be spared such fun things? Prepare a role for me. I also really hope to see what acting can do." What’s interesting?”

He didn't expect that the princess was an accident. In fact, Ye Ming also planned to invite the princess to participate. It was just for a guest appearance and for fun. With the friendship between the two of them, it was probably not a big problem. But the princess is the kind of person who is as cold as ice. Once she refuses, it will hurt her feelings. Therefore, Ye Ming was absolutely sure to ask Na Ying to come out, but he was not so sure about the princess.

Therefore, I didn't even bother to ask the princess for the basis. Unexpectedly, regarding such a question, the princess herself said that she would participate in such a movie.

Even Na Ying, who is a good sister, feels that this matter is interesting. You know, it is definitely a great pleasure for a person to have the Queen of Heaven and Princess acting in a movie.

Therefore, at this time, Na Ying patted the princess on the shoulder and said: "My dear, you have finally come to your senses. In fact, acting in a movie is very interesting. It is said that in the crew, there is a mixed bag of good and bad, and it is a small Speak, then you will be able to see the cruelty of the crew."

The princess always uses a thick disguise to protect herself, but when it comes to things like this, she is actually a very cute person at heart.

With these two easter eggs, Ye Ming absolutely believes that he will give everyone a surprise. Although it is said that the current Lunar New Year films are still focused on stories and have not yet reached the stage of truly competing for actors, it is already a sign that this will happen. In fact, when it comes to making movies, mainland entertainment circles generally like to compare actors. They can use first-tier actors instead of second-tier actors, and they can use second-tier actors instead of third-tier actors. This habit started with Zhang Yimou's Heroes. After Hero, in fact, at times like this, if you don’t have three or five movie stars joining you, you will be embarrassed to tell others that you are a big production. But now this trend has already begun to take shape.

If Na Ying and the princess were really used as guest stars, it would definitely be very eye-catching. Ye Ming came to the office. In fact, two people came this time. Mr. Wood and Ms. Ai Qiuhua were both here. Was it such a coincidence that they were rushed? At least Ye Ming didn't quite believe it. But in fact, the two of them really walked together and came here together.

Ye Ming greeted the two of them with a smile and said: "Ms. Ai Qiuhua, I haven't seen you for a long time. Without you, your style will always be so radiant." Everyone loves to hear compliments, even if Ai Qiuhua is an iron lady. No exception. Ai Qiuhua said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, you are too polite. I was just about to come over and see you. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Wood at the airport. Is this the time I came over? Mr. Wood said he was here to attend [Planet] War: The Phantom Menace] came, and I didn’t expect him to follow you. It seems that he is also interested in your company."

At this time, Ai Qiuhua was actually clearing his suspicions. After all, the two of them came together. If Ye Ming suspected that there was something fishy at this time, then Ai Qiuhua was responsible for this. Don't want to see it.

Ye Ming was not afraid that there was something fishy between the two of them, and said confidently: "You two are simply too concerned about our company. You are right, our company has had some problems recently, but when it comes to selling, it has not reached that level yet. "

Mr. Wood also said unceremoniously: "Mr. Ye, let's tell the truth. In fact, the news that your company has been banned is not a secret. You invested more than 30 million before and after the TV series. Although the movie is wrong, it is still worth 1 or 2 million." Wanba, this is a big test for your company's cash. I don't believe you can persist.

In fact, if you make a move now, we at Paramount will definitely be able to give you a suitable price, 20 million. Your company has only been established for less than two years, and 10 million US dollars a year is a very fast way to make money. , you can become a billionaire in the blink of an eye. "

This time Paramount actually spent a lot of money and must think about grabbing Ye Ming's company.

Because of the last failure, Warner Bros. came together. This matter is definitely something that makes Wood feel ashamed. Every time he meets Ai Qiuhua in the future, he will think of this matter, like a stick in his throat, like a awn in his throat. I always think about washing away this shame. Therefore, after hearing that Brilliant Film and Television had financial problems, Mr. Wood took the initiative to propose to the board of directors the acquisition of Brilliant Film and Television. Unexpectedly, the Paramount board of directors actually agreed.

At this time, Ai Qiuhua frowned and said: "Mr. Wood, we have a very good cooperation with Huihuang Film and Television. Therefore, on this issue, I think we Warner Brothers have a higher priority to purchase Huihui Film and Television." For film and television, this is a win-win situation, so Huihuang Film and Television should sell it to us, 21 million, and I will pay 21 million."

Mr. Wood would not give up this great opportunity, and smiled slyly and said: "Ms. Ai Qiuhua, in fact, at such a time, we at Paramount acquired Brilliant Pictures, which was well prepared. , Under such a situation, even if we say that Paramount acquires Brilliant Pictures, do you think that under such a situation, we will not be able to cooperate? In fact, the same thing is that we can cooperate."

What Mr. Wood said was very beautiful, but Ai Qiuhua absolutely believed that as long as he asked Mr. Wood to acquire Brilliant Pictures today, Paramount would be able to cancel the Harry Potter contract tonight. This is just a small step. It's just a matter of paying some compensation. Of course, if Ye Ming unilaterally breaks the contract and gives the money to others, Warner Brothers will sue Ye Ming to bankruptcy. But if we are talking about Paramount, which is also one of the eight giants in Hollywood.

You know, Paramount’s legal team is known as the most powerful legal team in Hollywood. If you break a contract, it's not a big deal.

Therefore, Ai Qiuhua will never believe this. He snorted and said: "You have such good intentions, or do you think I am easy to fool? Twenty-two million." Anyway, at such a critical moment, Ai Qiuhua will never give up casually. In particular, he said that he could not give up his purpose in front of Mr. Wood. Otherwise, her position as the Asia-Pacific president will be in jeopardy after she returns. In fact, at this time, the princess, Na Ying, Zhao Wei and the others did not leave. Naturally, they were listening outside. Moreover, there were also some company employees who were listening to me at this time.

But none of them expected that a company that was about to go bankrupt would actually offer such a sky-high price.

This is simply more violent than robbing a bank. Even that Yingdu was astonished, twenty million dollars, that was a cost of one hundred and seventy-eight million dollars. Na Ying and the three queen-level people were all surprised by this powerful price, which would only make ordinary people feel excited.

Even if it is one million US dollars, it is still beyond the reach of employees like them. Therefore, they can only envy others when their eyes are full of little stars.

But what surprised them even more was Ye Ming's answer: "I think neither of you have thought about one thing clearly, that is, in a situation like this, whether I am willing to take action on Brilliant Film and Television, you guys They keep bidding, but they don’t see me as the boss.”

At this time, it was Ai Qiuhua who was surprised: "You are a company that loses money. In such a situation, if you drive for one day, it will be with you for one day. If it comes tomorrow, then I think the price will be It will be lowered appropriately." At this time, Mr. Wood sent out a very hidden act, but Ai Qiuhua was able to catch it. That means start lowering prices.

They are all old foxes. Therefore, Ai Qiuhua also nodded slightly, saying that he could force Ye Ming to sell Brilliant Pictures as soon as possible. At this time, Paramount and Warner Brothers actually said that they would join forces. This is simply a What a miracle. (To be continued)

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