Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3788 Factors

When Ye Ming heard this, he also had some concerns in his heart. On the surface, he nodded calmly and said: "There are advantages to being big, but there are also big difficulties to being big. If the ship is big, it will naturally turn around. It is not as good as small boats like us." Comes easier.

I also understand the things you mentioned. After all, some people in the company are actually brought in by related households and want to take action. If they are driven away, it will affect the feelings of the related households. This is actually the success factor of our industry. At least 30% of it is related to household factors.

If the relationship account is well maintained, the chance of success will be greater. If the relationship account is not maintained well, then it will be difficult to move forward if you offend the relationship account, but if the relationship account blocks you, it will still be no problem.

So it’s normal that you can’t get rid of some people or can’t get rid of them, but that doesn’t mean you don’t treat your company’s employees as one thing. You really have to take this matter seriously.

Anyway, it seems to me that we have to lay off employees regardless of whether they can be laid off. This is a process that must be gone through. I just want to pay a little attention when making choices.

In the entertainment industry, it actually matters, which is indeed good, but even if it is done after a meal, what is the biggest factor for an entertainment company? The biggest factor is good works.

As long as we do our job well and produce good movies and TV series, even the leaders above will look at us differently, and then we won't have to worry about anything.

Do you think they have too few connections? "

Yu Qiangwei nodded when she heard that. He said with emotion on his face: "There is a way. Sometimes you don't have to rely on connections to do things, and things will be done slower if you rely on connections.

So in fact, that is also a rule, and it is also an unspoken rule. Very few people in our entertainment industry will abide by it, but your company may do it more frequently.

The first of the two methods of layoffs is more ineffective, but neither is the second. It just means that when the time comes, he will be worse at interception.

Because Xiaojia still doesn’t know what it means to fire a few people when winter comes, which is also a very bad operation.

Li Jiangnan would be indecisive when doing business, and he would be very straightforward when facing interests. But for a person like that, when dealing with related parties, he would have to clean it up. I am more indecisive and it would be fine.

We can only continue to face the cold winter like this, but given the situation of their company, with such a small staff, when the salary is paid, it will be a very small number.

It’s useless to plant people, and that’s not to say that they are all useless. He chose these relatively useless people from related households, and just sent them away and that was it.

But since the two of them had already talked about something else, they wanted to explain the topic clearly, and Ye Ning thought that he could do it himself. That makes it clear, it is difficult to say whether Li Jiangnan has the courage and determination to clean up these relationships.

But that process must be experienced, because you have indeed encountered the problem of cold winter. If you want to survive the cold winter, given the size of their company, this is quite difficult.

Therefore, if he proposes to downsize staff in his company at this time, he will encounter little resistance. In the past, he had no reason when facing related households.

Anyway, at most, if you look at it yourself, when any company faces the culvert of pride, layoffs are not the first thing to do. Re-installation is the last thing that is less certain that it can survive.

He said those related parties should also understand this, as this will inevitably have an impact on your company. "

So you suggest that he clean up the company, which is very unnecessary. "

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] So as you mentioned, layoffs and reinstallation are necessary issues. How much does their company need to be able to maintain its abnormality? You know that, but if your company follows that principle and does it right, it won't be more troublesome.

When winter comes, we will fire a few people, and these big film and television companies will go bankrupt directly. If there are two companies, then these big film and television companies will go bankrupt in batches.

Ye Ming persuaded very confidently from the side: "Since you want to survive the cold winter, since you want to lay off employees, you have to cut the knot slowly at this time. There will be no happiness, if it is a pain-free process.

For example, if winter comes, your company may be so bloated that it needs to run out of financial resources before it can continue to grow in the winter.

In fact, whether Jiangnan Film and Television is cleaning up and whether it can survive the cold winter has nothing to do with Ye Ming. It is even said that Jiangnan Film and Television will go bankrupt due to the coming winter. This may still be a problem for Yu Qiang. The bad news.

If those cakes were made by Ye Ming, logically Ye Ming would hope that there would be layoffs in the film and television industry in the future.

Anyone who has ever used a network knows that caring about you has some magical power, so it is incomprehensible that Yu Qiangwei is willing to offend everyone in her network.

But at that time, Ye Feng thought about it and finally said: "Long-term pain is like short-term pain. There are things that should be done and must be done. Of course, he can figure it out himself.

It is so bloated that if we go back, we must run out of financial resources, and then we can continue to persevere in the winter.

Of course, the company is his company, and he has no idea how to run it. Therefore, it is not up to him whether he wants to clean it up or not. What he insists on is whether he wants to clean it up or whether he can clean it up. If so, is there anything we can do about it?

After all, the entertainment industry is such a small cake, and the eight small film and television companies occupy a small part of it. If at least one of the eight small film and television companies goes bankrupt, how much cake will be left at that time?

If you are unlucky, it is too far away, but you can survive that winter. That is a completely passable thing. "In that case, there is no opportunity. It does not mean that once the winter in the entertainment industry breaks out, if the impact is small, then their company will find opportunities to do these clean-ups in one or two months before the winter comes. It is more difficult to do the work of essential personnel.

Layoffs are what you think must be laid off. How to choose depends on him. Of course, even if he is laid off, there are ways to do it. It depends on the luck of their company.

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