Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 382: Don’t accept it

He Sanshui said impatiently at this time: "When will he pay me back?"

If Tang Xiaolian said she could take it on at this time, she would have glared at He Sanshui unceremoniously and said, "How do I know? Ask her."

But at this time, Wang Di originally said that she wanted to say such a rough sentence according to her own ideas, but at this moment, her mind went blank, and she didn't know what to say. I immediately knew what stage fright had happened to me and I had forgotten my words. If it was just a matter of forgetting my words, then there is nothing to say about it, because no matter the actor, in a situation like this, he would not dare to do it all over again. Forgetting lyrics, forgetting lyrics is really common when filming movies and TV series.

But at this time, what happened to Wang Di was not only forgetting his words, but also stage fright. If Tang Xiaolian, played by Wang Di, just said that she forgot her words at this moment, then at this moment, her most direct expression would be to smile awkwardly, and then directly tell the camera that she forgot her words. . , but at this moment Wang not only forgot his words, but also suffered from stage fright.

Faced with Huang Bo's strong pressure, Wang Di got stage fright, and what was very embarrassing was that she had no reaction at all. She stood there stupidly as if she had lost her soul. , at this time, Huang Bo also saw that something was wrong, and immediately waved his hand and said: "Wang Di, Wang Di, why did you forget the lyrics?"

The people present are all old people in the industry. Even Wang Baoqiang, who is not an old man, in this situation, it is clear that Wang Di lost this time. He couldn't even catch two of Huang Bo's lines. This is not the case. You keep saying that your acting skills are good and that your acting skills are from a vocational school. Does this mean that the acting skills of those who graduate from a vocational school are better than those who come from a grassroots background?

This opened a different door for grassroots actors like Wang Baoqiang, who also came from Yeluzi, to improve themselves.

In fact, Wang Di was really unlucky this time. If we talk about the actors who have been systematically trained, their overall quality is indeed higher than that of group actors. exist

At this time, actors who graduated from vocational schools are proud to have Ye Ming's own capital.

But at this time, when Wang Di picked his opponent, he simply said that he picked Huang Bo. Huang Bo is not an ordinary actor. He is a candidate for the future movie king. Even if his current acting skills are not very mature, on this issue, it is not that Wang Di, who graduated from a professional school, is not good enough. Other students can compare.

One is a professional poor student, and the other is a future grassroots actor. It is very normal for Wang Di to end up like this. In such a situation, it actually meant that the pride and complacency in her heart ruined Wang Di's future. At this time, Ye Ming walked over and said: "Wang Di, you can't even pick up two lines from Huang Bo. What else do you have to say at this time? Do you think that just because you graduated from a vocational school, you must be better than those who graduated from a vocational school?" Grassroots actors are much better."

In fact, that's what Wang Di was thinking in his heart, but the reality slapped him hard. In such a situation, Wang Di said harshly: "It's not a big deal, it's just a loss. I... People can afford to lose. I'm still young and have plenty of opportunities. Don't worry, I won't stay at Brilliant Film and Television, but I believe that I will always succeed one day."

At this time, Wang Di glanced at Ma Su as a loser, but also looked a little envious and said: "Ma Su, my classmate, don't blame me for being cruel. After you have been in this circle for a long time, you will understand. It's a circle of winners and losers. If you want to climb up, you have to do whatever it takes. And even if you do whatever it takes, sometimes you may not be able to really get what you want, just like what happened to me now. .”

When Ye Ming saw that Wang Di wanted to leave, he finally couldn't help but said: "Wang Di, actually, your character is not very suitable for the entertainment industry. You are amazing, and your acting skills are... It is said that after ten or eight years of your career, being able to become a third-tier star is already considered a great achievement. Therefore, in such a situation, if you listen to my advice, it is better not to join this circle. This circle As you said, there are some unscrupulous people, and there are a lot of intrigues. But it has its own bottom line, and every circle has its own bottom line. In good times, this bottom line is friendship, right? You cannot betray a true friend, otherwise you will never be able to gain a foothold in this circle."

Wang Di smiled sadly and said: "Director Ye, you are now the best actor, and you are already standing at the top level of the entertainment industry. Therefore, at this time, whatever you say is correct, you Dare you say that you have never suppressed anyone in this circle or scheming with anyone?"

This circle is so dark and cruel. It’s not just one person saying that Wang Di is smearing this circle, but only if you really come into contact with such a circle, then you will know that Wang Di has not slandered this circle at all. The circle is already said to be very dark. At a time like this, do we still need others to smear it? That's simply not necessary.

Ye Ming told Wang Di very definitely: "I don't say that I have never fought with others. I have also suppressed others, but those are all the troubles others caused me. I never said that I suppressed others because of the actors I disliked. , I have been able to get to where I am today because I have done it step by step. With my own efforts and achievements one by one, people have recognized my status. Do you think that the Golden Horse Award can only be obtained by conspirators? "

What Ye Ming said was very decisive. At a time like this, no matter how he said it, Ye Ming always expressed his ideals with an impassioned expression. This kind of performance that is impeccable and makes people feel sincere from the depths of their souls is actually a performance at the level of an actor. In other words, what Ye Ming said at this time was so contagious that people would believe that what Ye Ming said was true and there were no lies. Wang Di really didn’t know what to say in such a situation. alright.

At a time like this, she had nothing to say. She glanced at Ma Su with a confused look, and opened her mouth to say something, but the words she was sorry for never came out. On a question like this, Wang Di thought Even if you say sorry, it's actually too late. Since the matter is said to have already happened, at this time, it is really difficult to recover. Wang Di was a very straightforward person. He confessed his feelings and left directly.

At this time, the crew believed that the real mastermind behind the incident was Ma Su's classmate. Until Wang Di left, Ma Su still couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. His classmate who was as close as a sister actually said that he stabbed him hard at the last moment.

This knife stabbed her in the heart, and the blood flowing out was as bright as the sunset, as sad and beautiful as the afterglow of the setting sun, and it hurt her heart in the night.

This is a kind of heartache, and the pain of the soul is the most unbearable. At this moment, Ma Su said with tears in her eyes: "Why, she is my best classmate, but my best classmate betrayed me when I needed her most."

Behind her, Ye Ming sat helplessly on the director's chair and said, "Part of what she said is right. The competition in the entertainment industry is really fierce, not to mention bloody, but let me tell you a number. You can clearly see that there are 100,000 extras, but we need no more than 15,000 extras. This is still the annual fee for high-production movies and TV series. For example, this year, maybe 10,000 extras are enough. In such a huge market competition, tell me, can the competition not be cruel?

But Wang Di didn't stick to his own bottom line. In fact, I knew that her acting skills were not very good, so if I kept her in the company, I wanted to train her for two years, then be a behind-the-scenes person and start from the scene notes step by step. It may not be that one day she will not be able to achieve the position of a female director. Wang Di has scheming and planning skills, but she just doesn’t have the acting skills. This is for sure. Therefore, when it comes to a problem like this, he chose this path himself. Others have nothing to say. "

Wang Di left. At this time, Ye Ming didn't mean to say anything bad about her. She chose her own path. How about taking notes? Didn't you make movies when you took notes?

In the entertainment industry, it’s not just about being an actor who has the skills to make a movie, shooting a movie is not something that only an actor can accomplish.

The entire crew, from the director to the recorders, and even the crew delivering lunch boxes, are all part of making a movie. Without these people, even if the Oscar winner came, it would be impossible to make a movie.

Ye Ming looked at the people on the evidence list with sharp eyes like an eagle, and said in a deep voice: "I hope that the people in my company, whether they are actors, makeup, scene recorders, etc. , one thing you have to remember is that everyone is part of the crew. I don’t object to intrigues, but there must be a limit. If anyone dares to violate my limit, then at this time, Wang Di is him I will never let him go lightly. I hope everyone can remember this."

Because of Wang Di's experience, Ye Ming said such a harsh word on a question like this, which made people feel chilling. The invisible murderous intention in Ye Ming suddenly enveloped the whole world. crew. (To be continued)

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