Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 381: Grassroots pressure on professional drama

However, Wang Di also understood very well that if she admitted to framing Ma Su, let alone the crew, she would not be able to stay at Brilliant Film and Television.

Therefore, Wang Di gritted his teeth and said firmly: "I'm sorry, Director Ye, I don't know what to confess. I went to see Ma Su last night, but Ma Su and I are college classmates and have a good personal relationship. I I didn’t go to see her once or twice yesterday, so that doesn’t mean anything.”

Wang Di believed that if he said that he did not admit it, no one could prove what he had done. Even if Ma Su was right, he could not prove that the alarm clock was his own work, let alone someone else's. Ye Ming snorted, looked at Wang Di with an unkind expression and said: "Very good, if you don't want this opportunity, then clean up and leave. You have been removed from the company's accountant. You will get one from the company's accountant tomorrow." I will leave immediately with my monthly salary.”

This means that you should be fired. There is no room for negotiation at all. Such a decision also surprised Wang Di. She did not expect that Ye Ming would be so decisive. If he said he was fired, he would be punished. There was no evidence at all. Didn't talk about it.

Therefore, Wang Di turned pale and argued unconvinced: "Why, why should you fire me? I am the wrong god. Even if it is beheading in ancient times, there must be a crime."

This is actually something Ma Su wants to ask. Wang Di, is it really his classmate, his best friend who did such a thing, but why did he do it like this? Ye Ming snorted and said: "Evidence, okay. Originally, I wanted to leave you a face and let you leave on your own initiative. I just didn't care about what happened. However, you must have evidence. This You found it yourself, don't regret it.

You and Ma Su are classmates, right? Everyone in the company knows it, but what did you say when Ma Su was late? People from other companies, even if they are not Ma Su’s classmates, Xu Zhenghuang Even if they were acting from the perspective of a colleague, they would still have their own choice when it comes to such an issue. They would choose to help their colleagues. Why, because they have a clear conscience.

But what about you, you are Ma Su’s classmate, but in such a matter, as a classmate, you have added insult to injury. This is not something ordinary people can do. Why would you do this? Or did you say that you want to play the heroine? Do you think that if Ma Su was dismissed because she was late, then you would have hope of playing the heroine? "

Wang Di was speechless and sweaty when she said this. She did not expect that on such a matter, Ye Ming's analysis was actually inseparable. Although it was not 100% correct, at least it was It's almost the same as the truth.

Ye Ming sighed and said: "In a film crew, if you want to get higher, it's not a big deal to use some means, but you have gone too far. I can tell you, even if Ma Su is criticized in this situation, We won it. By then, the company will also have Tang Wei, whose acting skills are much better than yours, and Sun Li, who may be younger, but her acting skills and talents are higher than yours. There's no way you'll be able to take the lead role, or even if you're a supporting role, I won't consider you for a question like this, you'll still be a recorder."

Wang Di saw that the matter was irreversible and he would definitely be driven away. Therefore, he said unceremoniously: "Director Ye, I admit that I did these things, but I don't understand why. You said that my acting skills are not good, but I graduated from a regular school. I dare not say anything else. Tang Wei and Sun Li can have better acting skills than me. It’s so funny. What about my university graduates? Isn’t it just a matter of learning things in vain?”

What Wang Di showed at this time was a kind of pride, the kind of pride that a regular academic student has towards those at the grassroots level. They think that since they graduated from a real university, their acting skills must be very good.

But Ye Ming burst out laughing and said: "In terms of acting, it is undeniable that you can learn some systematic things in school, which is very important for actors, but it does not mean that all stars have graduated from professional schools, right? , Xia Yu was still a child when he won the Best Actor at Cannes. Can you say how much acting skills he learned from professional schools? Some people are born to be actors, but some people even studied in professional schools. , it is impossible to achieve any big results. If you talk about your acting skills, I will give you a chance to act opposite Huang Bo. As long as you can suppress Huang Bo, then I will let you do it at this time. How about you stay and play Tang Xiaolian?"

Huang Bo is an actor who has never attended a professional school. According to Wang Di's understanding, Huang Bo was actually a singer who ran a bar before. And even among the bar singers, none of them are very good.

Therefore, at this time, Wang Di looked at Huang Bo with great disdain and said, "I still can't suppress him, just make fun of him."

Although Wang Di said he graduated from a vocational school, he seemed to have never heard of the saying that some people are born to make such a good living. At this time, Huang Bo was actually such a person.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Huang Bo, come here. When you come now, you will play the role of He Sanshui. First, you will play opposite Wang Di's Tang Xiaolian, and then you will play the scene where He Sanshui enters the supermarket for the first time. Do you have confidence in the cigarette buying scene, the last scene, the scene where Tang Xiaolian said she wanted to call the police but He Sanshui went crazy?"

Huang Bo had long disliked Wang Di. This girl didn't have much ability, but she relied on the fact that she graduated from a professional school. Therefore, in such a situation, she looked down on herself.

Xu Zheng and Ma Su, both graduates of vocational schools, had played opposite Huang Bo, so they knew Huang Bo's abilities and did not dare to underestimate Huang Bo at all. But Wang Di doesn't have such a chance.

Therefore, in such a situation, he could only raise his head and look at Huang Bo arrogantly. Huang Bo stood up, and his whole body suddenly became more focused. There was a very obvious difference from sitting there doing nothing. The main thing in acting is to control one's own energy. Obviously, Huang Bo is very good at this aspect.

Huang Bo said with a smile: "Don't worry, Director Ye, I promise to complete the task and let Wang Di know what real acting is."

At this time, Xu Zheng was a little surprised. He was the actor of He Sanshui, but why did Huang Bo follow him? Under such a situation, if Huang Bo was a little surprised that he could get such an opportunity, then at such a time, Xu Zheng was surprised by Ye Ming's behavior. Some other views.

Why was my role given to Huang Bo? When I gave it to Huang Bo, did it mean that I had to adjust my role? In the past, Xu Zheng would not have worried about this, but at this moment, Ye Ming made it clear that he wanted to face the crew directly, and he would take action on himself to correct the work. This result gave Xu Zheng a feeling of panic.

It's a pity that the simulation plot is about to start. Although Xu Zheng didn't say anything, he was very worried in his heart. It just means that everyone is focusing on the scene now, and no one will notice Xu Zheng's changes.

Ye Ming said hello: "Lighting and sound, all departments should pay attention, and everyone else should stay out of the camera's range."

Although it was just a trial scene, Ye Ming really managed such an experiment.

Wang Di was very excited. He glanced at the angry Ma Su triumphantly, as if to say that he had been sorted out. Huang Bo's expression was slightly anxious, uneasy, and even a little trembling.

In fact, from the moment he enters the scene, Huang Bo is brewing his emotions. At this time, the explosion of passion is the real test of a person's acting skills.

At this time, Huang Bo's decadent expression and his slightly shabby clothes really made him look like a migrant worker.

He Sanshui walked up to Tang Xiaolian without saying a word. At this time, he immediately glared at Tang Xiaolian fiercely and said, "Where is the boss's wife." Tang Xiaolian glanced at He Sanshui and immediately frowned and said, "The boss's wife is not here." Wangdu, who played Yang Xiaolian at that time, finally said that he felt the suffocating pressure emanating from Huang Bo.

Although Huang Bo's acting skills have not yet reached the level of a movie king, his acting skills are now over 600, which is much higher than Wang Di's. Therefore, at a time like this, Wang Di truly felt the breathless pressure from this moment on.

It wasn't until this moment that Wang Di's heart skipped a beat, and he truly understood why the boss chose Huang Bo and Ma Su, but he didn't choose himself. If I talk about playing the role of Tang Xiaolian, just by saying a sentence about Huang Bo, I feel like Alexander.

You must know that Huang Bo is not the best actor yet. At this time, Wang Di can feel the huge pressure. Therefore, under such a situation, she finally began to give up. However, the strong unwillingness in his heart and the pride in his bones made Wang Di grit his teeth and persist.

She was unwilling to admit defeat and left in despair. She had been waiting for countless days and nights for this day. Countless longings for beauty will come true on this day. (To be continued)

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