Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3546: I mean it

Ye Ming paused and continued: "Actually, in such a situation, I transferred so much money. Although others were jealous, I earned it with my own true ability. Do you know?

It’s not a big deal even if other people are jealous of me. It’s not shabby to make money based on my ability. They can’t do anything to me. If I pay taxes as usual and there won’t be any problems with other people’s taxes, no matter how much I earn, others won’t be able to do anything to me. It's just jealousy, and there is no other way.

If you think about the rich and powerful people, some of them make more money in one year than I make in my whole life. So what happens to others? Sometimes they are just as jealous, but what can they do? So the rich people There are many, and there are many who earn more than me.

It’s just that because I am a celebrity in the entertainment industry, every move I make will attract everyone’s attention. Therefore, if I earn a little more, I will be more eye-catching and more enviable and jealous.

Therefore, in such a situation, I must make sure that I will not have any major stains or major moral flaws. In this case, others will be unable to do anything to me, but this box, Later, after I bought it, I actually felt that I had made money. This was my first feeling.

If my feeling is correct and this box is real, I will really make money. I think it is worth tens of millions or so.

Professor Long also said that he would conservatively estimate the value to be 10 million. But when I heard that Professor Long was shocked that this box was indeed real, I found myself in some trouble.

Because in such a situation, I bought it from someone else for 2,000 yuan. And I remember that person’s surname seems to be Zhang, and he is also the kind of person who often goes to antique markets. I don’t know whether his box is inherited from ancestors or something. Anyway, I don’t know where it came from. I just bought it from his hand. I spent 2,000 yuan on a box that was passed down from someone else’s family or an antique that was purchased by someone else. Anyway, I bought it. The box turned out to be worth 10 million. Think about what Lao Zhang would do. Think about it?

He will definitely think that I deceived him. Although I bought this box with money and openly, and there is no such thing as a debt in the antique market, but these days, you can't guarantee that some people will incite Lao Zhang. Why bother me? After all, I spent 2,000 yuan to get his antique worth tens of millions.

I said I bought it, but if the reporters, paparazzi, or someone with ulterior motives might use Lao Zhang to accuse me of deceiving him, he would then buy the box for 2,000 yuan. If you bought this box, what would happen in such a situation, right?

So in this case, it would be okay if no one instigates it, but I think it is unlikely. Even after Lao Zhang knows the news, he will not feel comfortable in his heart, and maybe he will come on his own He was making trouble for me, telling me that I was doing something wrong with his suitcase.

At this time, if you think about it carefully, if the reporter gets this news, he will definitely investigate how I bought this box, and then the reporter will soon find out Lao Zhang.

Don't underestimate that group of people. They may not be able to do it well, but investigating individuals or something like this is the specialty of the paparazzi group. I estimate that they can kill Lao Zhang's ancestors in less than a day. Yashiro was investigated.

So it is certain that someone will use this aspect of Lao Zhang to attack me. After all, I have made so much money. I can say that in a sense, I have taken away a lot of traffic in the entertainment industry. .

After I take away other people's traffic, it's equivalent to cutting off other people's money. Think about it, cutting off people's money in the entertainment industry is like killing their parents. How hateful it is.

Think about it, the man selling egg pancakes on the roadside hates me anyway. After all, I didn’t share his money. He should earn his money and earn his money. The money I earn has nothing to do with him. I just want to earn it. No matter how much money I make, it has nothing to do with him. She won't hate me.

And sometimes I might become his customer. At that time, he still has to fawn over me. Customers are God, right?

However, my colleagues in the entertainment industry don't make much money all year round, but there are many people here, and they will think about who makes the most money in the entertainment industry. It just so happens that I am the one who makes more money in the entertainment industry, and if we leave, we won't Less traffic.

In such a situation, think about it, a lot of people will hate me. If they know, I spent 2,000 yuan to buy antiques worth tens of millions, and I am here Showing off Cao Xueqin’s box while filming, then I’m going to be so hated, right?

Normally, I don't have anything to look at from others, and I really don't have any moral leverage to fall into the hands of other people. In this case, even if they want to attack me, even if they are jealous because I make a lot of money, there is nothing they can do.

But in such a situation, if you think about it carefully, if Lao Zhang's matter was really known to those people, and really used by those people, 2,000 yuan, if it was just a wooden box, For 2,000 yuan, Lao Zhang definitely made a profit.

Even if it is just an antique box from the Qing Dynasty, he will not lose money for 2,000 yuan, but if this thing is a relic of Mr. Cao Xueqin, it will be worth tens of millions. Think about it, this good guy has such a gap. Well, he owes Bei If the gap changes, so and so will not be moved.

Lao Zhang will definitely be deceived and taken advantage of by someone with intentions. At that time, someone will definitely take advantage of me. The boss will attack me and say that I am deceiving people or something. Although we are a normal antique transaction, I spent 2,000 yuan. He also approved the price.

But when the time comes, people in the entertainment industry will fabricate news, and those viewers and fans will sympathize with the weak and Lao Zhang. Then I may cause unnecessary trouble.

Then think about it, we promoted it, but it caused unnecessary trouble. If they say that I defrauded Lao Zhang of a box worth tens of millions, then this is my moral deficiency.

Such a thing is quite a blow to me. Although I know that what I do is undoubtedly worthy of heaven and earth, others don’t think so. Others think that I am a good guy. I accounted for two people a year. Three hundred million, maybe.

Yes, they were just guessing anyway. Anyway, I made a lot of money. They thought it was a bit inappropriate for me to cheat someone else's box since I made so much money.

Although I was really lucky and missed something, most of the people who paid attention would not believe it. You spent 2,000 yuan to buy someone else’s box worth tens of millions. How could you say you missed something? How could you be so lucky? Ah, the volcano erupted on your ancestral grave.

If you are so lucky, I can use 2,000 yuan to pick up a box that costs tens of millions. If you have the ability, can you try to buy another one?

Good guy, most people will definitely not believe me, and will probably believe Lao Zhang at the first opportunity. Of course, I will definitely have the ability to reverse this matter and make the truth known to the public, but at that time I guess the cucumber dishes are cold.

What I want is to promote The Legend of the White Snake. What I want is the TV series The Legend of the White Snake to compete with Jianghu Heroes. We have less than two months now. If I keep entangled in this matter, it will be delayed. I shot the new Legend of White Snake.

So on such an issue, I must keep all my energy on the TV series The Legend of the White Snake, and I cannot let my opponents grab any leverage.

What's more, it's such a huge moral flaw. The flaws are fake and man-made, but if I reveal the truth about this flaw to the public and completely reverse the situation, it will probably take half a year.

At that time, all the cucumbers and vegetables were really cold, so in such a situation, I had to eliminate this hidden danger. If I wanted The Legend of White Snake to succeed, then I had to eliminate this hidden danger.

If I had not filmed this TV series, then in such a situation, I could slowly play with them, and the truth would eventually be revealed one day.

The worst case scenario would be to take a polygraph test with Lao Zhang and file a lawsuit, but if you think about it, once this matter goes to court and scientific instruments are used to detect polygraphs, the end of the past six months will be considered very fast.

It is normal for a lawsuit to last a year or two, so in such a situation, I cannot leave any major moral flaws on my opponent.

But now it seems to me that the box used by Mr. Cao Xueqin is a moral flaw to me. I also just thought of this problem.

Although this box is relatively valuable, compared to me, the more valuable it is, the greater my moral flaw will be, and someone will definitely use Lao Zhang to attack me.

Such a thing is the last thing I want to happen. "

So at this time, everyone seemed to understand. Yaya was stunned and said: "Then if you donate the box under such a situation, others won't do anything to you?

It's still the box you bought, right? "

But Ye Ming retorted with great certainty at this time: "Although I bought this box, right? I spent 2,000 yuan to buy this box. This box has indeed been authenticated by Professor Long and is really guaranteed. I guess It’s worth 10 million, but I’ve already donated this box.

I have donated this box to the university for academic research. Even if the box is worth 100 million, it has nothing to do with me and has nothing to do with me.

So at a time like this, if someone attacks me again with the matter of Lao Zhang, then I can say unceremoniously that I did not keep this box, nor did I give this box to You can make money by selling it, right?

I found out that this box was real, so I directly donated the box to the university for Professor Long and his colleagues to do research on. I didn’t get a penny from it. I spent 2,000 yuan. I didn't make any money, so I donated this box instead, which is equivalent to me donating 10 million. The more money I donated before this box was released, the more money I donated.

So I donated this box, so I can make up for it with my local snacks. In this way, I can directly establish my moral benchmark. I am just a philanthropist. No, I am a person who works for the Chinese national culture. Inherited and donated masters who have made outstanding contributions.

At that time, I estimate that Professor Long will give me 500 yuan and a small banner or something. Anyway, there must be a donation certificate and the like. The 500 yuan reward seems to be a legal reward as I remember. In this case, I will It’s just a loss of 1,500 yuan, right?

So if I donate this thing, I will immediately stand on the moral high ground. If you think about it, if you spent 2,000 yuan to buy a box, and it turns out that the box is worth 10 million, you Will you donate this box easily? "

At this time, Yaya shook her head the next time and said very cooperatively: "Of course I won't hand it over casually. I don't even know what 10 million looks like. How could I donate it?"

Ye Ming nodded at this time and said: "It's still the same, right? If you don't want to get out, but I donated it, it proves that I am a moral model, right?"

In this case, it would be unreasonable if someone were to use this matter of Lao Zhang to attack me. So when the time comes, if we continue to use this matter to publicize, then our TV series "The Legend of the White Snake" will remain the same. Save a lot of publicity costs.

Such a result is not something I can get by spending 1,000 yuan to promote a TV series, so how do you make good use of your own advantages and use them for publicity?

Such a favorable condition is still very important to me.

So under such a situation, for me, donating the box has only advantages and no disadvantages. Not to mention that I lost 10 million. After all, I picked up the 10 million by mistake. It’s just a loss of 1,500 yuan.

Originally, those tens of millions were not mine. I picked them up, and if I really kept them, it would cause some harm to me. But now that I have donated them, in such a situation, Everything is under my control, I am a moral model, I am a moral benchmark.

If others want to attack me in this aspect, it will be untenable.

So ok, although I donated the box at this time, my effect has already achieved the result I need. In this case, if you think about the big difference between me donating and not donating, what should I do? Don't donate this box, right?

And if I donate this box, then in such a situation, I can still gain Professor Long's friendship. "

If he could not donate, then Ye Ming certainly felt that it would be better not to donate, but after thinking about it, he decided to donate, which would be more beneficial to him.

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