Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3545 I am a star

Professor Long was very surprised. This time, he actually accepted a request from a friend and came here because of favors.

Of course, it was also because what I came here to identify this time was something that was said to be a relic of Cao Xueqin. Otherwise, Professor Long might not have come here casually.

A big shot in the industry like him can't just be bought with money.

Of course, some experts and professors can talk nonsense for money, but respected experts like Professor Long, who are big names in the industry, cannot be hired with money alone.

In fact, Professor Long also believed that he had identified this box at this time. It was the real relic of Cao Xueqin, so of course it was worth a lot of money. The guarantee of 10 million was indeed normal. Maybe the final auction price would be higher. more.

Originally, Professor Long thought that even if Ye Ming did not open the box, he would at least put it in a bank safe or something. It would not be easy if he wanted to see this box in the future.

And he even took a few more close-up photos just for this purpose, looking a little reluctant to leave.

But Professor Long never expected that Ye Ming would directly donate the box at this time.

Although Professor Long is the kind of old scholar who only focuses on studying knowledge and doesn't know much about the world, this does not mean that Professor Long does not know what this box represents.

It's not that he doesn't know what kind of number 10 million represents, it allows ordinary people to live a happy life.

Anyway, as long as you don't commit 10 million to an ordinary person and live a happy life, it shouldn't be a big problem.

So at this time, Professor Long was even more surprised that Ye Ming directly donated the box. However, Ye Ming also said that he directly sent Professor Long and others to the car and sent someone to escort the box back. It wasn't until after getting in the car that Professor Long realized that Ye Ming was really not joking.

He actually really said that he would donate this box, so he donated this box, and he was not sloppy at all.

Professor Long left, and the crew seemed to be talking a lot after that. What happened to the boss's 10 million yuan? That was Cao Xueqin's relic worth at least 10 million yuan, and he donated it as soon as he said it would be donated.

At this time, Damimi pulled Yaya and said, "Yaya, tell me the truth. Is your boss stimulated? Or maybe your boss is out of his mind or something.

10 million, that's 10 million. Professor Long has already said that the minimum guarantee is 10 million. According to your boss's stingy character, under such a situation, he actually put 10 million things were donated.

How do you want me to believe this?

Good guy, I have known him for more than a year or two. This guy is very stingy. Everyone has donated 10 million yuan.

How do you know what he thinks?

He told me just now that this box of medicine was for speculation, but now he has donated it, which makes me feel unconfident.

Yaya also shook her head in embarrassment at this time and said: "Sister Mimi, I really don't know about this. Our boss went out for a walk, good guy, he came here with a box in his arms.

Then he said solemnly that this box belongs to Cao Xueqin, because if it is really identified as Mr. Cao Xueqin’s book box, then we will make a fortune if we live there.

He also told me that if this box is real, it might be worth 10 million, and even more. Professor Long also gave me a guaranteed quotation of 10 million. I wonder if our boss is very lucky this time. OK, right?

And you have known each other for such a long time and you still can’t figure out why he donated the box. I don’t know even more. How about we ask the boss what he thought and actually donated this box directly. Just donated it.

This is definitely not in line with the boss's previous style. It seems to me that even if the boss auctions this box on the spot, it will be more in line with his previous personality than if he donated this kid. "

At this time, Damimi nodded and said: "Okay, then we have to ask. Make sure this guy didn't drink wine today. I think this guy, the decisions he makes after drinking may make people unhappy." He regretted it.

If he drank this thing, he might even dare to donate this box. "

At this time, Yaya swore and said: "Absolutely not. I can guarantee this. Besides, the boss is not a person who likes to drink. Anyway, he definitely did not drink on the set. He came back happily holding the box. I didn’t seem to be drinking at all.

So I'm sure he didn't drink. He should have made this decision when he was completely sober. At this time, he secretly said with confusion, if this is the case, then things will become a little interesting. Your boss did not drink. He directly put the value of 1, 0 million boxes were donated.

And he also said that he would directly use this box for publicity at this time. If you do this thing for publicity, you should stay. If you directly donate the box, what is going on? ah. "

At this time, Ye Ming was supervising everyone to set up the venue and shoot part of the sister's scene. Because the scene was still being set up, Ye Ming and himself were discussing how to shoot this scene.

After all, discussions with professionals can reduce a certain amount of unnecessary trouble during rejection and reduce the number of NGs.

At this moment, Damimi and Yaya came over.

Damimi walked over and said, "Yi Zi, let me ask you a question. I'm actually quite curious. Why did you have to donate this box? Right?"

Professor Long has also said that the minimum value of this box is 10 million. You must know that 10 million is a very big number. Anyway, I think it would be more suitable for publicity if you said to use this box for publicity at the beginning. Our new white lady legend.

But now that you have donated again, how will we publicize it after you donate? The thing is no longer in our hands, so we don’t have too many gimmicks to promote it. "

At this time, the sister was stunned and said: "Boss, have you donated this box? I heard about it. I have just seen your box. Because of this scene, I came over in advance to prepare, but I didn't expect you to donate this box.

This still surprises me, but what I don’t understand is why you donated it?

According to your temper, you shouldn't donate this box. It would be more appropriate to put it in your safe. "

Anyway, almost everyone who knows Ye Ming is very curious. Why did Ye Ming donate the box?

After all, everyone knows Ye Ming very well in their hearts. In fact, he is a relatively frugal person. To say that he is frugal is a guarantee. In fact, he is relatively stingy, relatively speaking.

Anyway, he is not a very generous person in life, but he is investing in movies, TV series, etc., which he is very generous.

But if it is just about personal life issues, then he will become more cautious in spending money, and even stingy.

Therefore, at this time, Damimi and Sister Zhi were really suspicious of Ye Ming.

At this time, Yaya also said on the side: "Yes, actually when the boss first made this box, I thought it was unreliable. Later, the wife of the boss said that this box should be used for publicity, no matter what the box is. True or false, then in such a situation, as long as our propaganda goes out, the rest will not matter, right?

As long as it can promote this TV series, there is not much else to worry about, but it does not mean that you donated this box. "

Ye Ming said without hesitation at this time: "I originally had the same plan. Mr. Cao Xueqin's relics may even be said to be the most valuable relics for research. No matter how difficult this book box is, there will be no other similar relics." Piece.

It is a good publicity point in itself.

But there is actually nothing we can do about this matter, you know, right?

My plan is good, and there is absolutely no problem with this, but sometimes there are things that I don’t think I can do for granted.

You must know that first of all, I am a public figure. When I first said that I would use this box for publicity, I did not consider this. If I were just an ordinary person, OK, if I picked it up, I would pick it up. This would not happen at all. No big deal.

He did not say that there was no case of missing 10 million in the antique market, but that there was more than one such example. As long as you play in the antique market, you must abide by this rule. People who do not follow the rules cannot play in the antique market. Others won't play with you.

Don't say you have to pay compensation after buying a fake. If you don't abide by the rules of the antique market, you don't have to think about playing in the antique market in the future.

Why is the antique market collapsing so badly now? Why is it collapsing so badly? It's because many people nowadays don't follow the rules. After buying fake goods, they go to court to sue, and they win in the end.

After buying and leaving, there is no such habit of looking for debt in the antique market. If you buy wrong, it is because you have no eyesight. If you get an eyelash, you deserve to knock out your teeth and swallow it in your stomach. This is the antique market. rules.

But now many people are not abiding by the rules. Why do we say that our shareholder market has become increasingly declining? It has collapsed now anyway, do you know?

There are basically very few people who really play antiques, less than 1‰ of the heyday. Of course, this does not include those experts and professors who study this in universities. That is because they have Chinese antiques as support.

Anyway, most of the research is done in museums, so the experts and professors who really do knowledge except for a few are a bit cheating, most of the others are good, but they are professors and they study antiques. People are not buying and selling antiques.

Nowadays, among those who actually buy and sell antiques in the antique market, apart from those auction companies with backgrounds, take a look at how many of them have ended well, right?

Unless you have already become famous and have a family in the early days, if you enter the antique market as a newbie now, you will be courting death. Of course, you have to say that you have several small goals. The exception is if you are a rich man, right?

These rich people are playing in the antique auction market, and what they play is high-end. If ordinary people play, then you have to say that playing with small antiques worth dozens or hundreds of dollars is just your hobby. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s a big deal, making money and losing money, it doesn’t have much impact, it’s just a hobby, right?

Most of us can afford to buy dozens of yuan, hundreds of yuan, or thousands of yuan for a few pieces a year. This is relatively low-end in the antique market, but in terms of high-end, it is not ordinary. people can afford it.

A relatively mid-range antique may make the average person go bankrupt.

Therefore, in the high-end antique market now, there is basically no chance for ordinary people to enter.

Of course, it is still possible for ordinary people to miss something, although the chance has been greatly reduced now.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. If such a thing happens to me, it won't work. I'm a public figure, I'm a star, and the public's demands on me will be very high.

Even if I'm filming a movie, it's always OK no matter how much I turn, no problem, that's my ability, right?

After the movie I made was released, I made so much money, although the audience was envious. They have nothing to attack me. I make a living based on my ability. I sell millions of copies of an album and make so much money, and no one else says anything.

What's there to say? I just rely on my ability to make a living, right?

But if I buy an antique, and this antique is real, and I bought an antique for 2,000 yuan, it is worth 10 million, this is not relying on my ability to earn a living.

This is the real pick-up. If this pick-up is applied to an ordinary person, he will be able to eat and drink without worries in his life, but it cannot be applied to me. I am a public figure and I have to pay a lot of moral responsibilities.

I bought this box for 2,000 yuan. If the seller comes back and says that he didn't think about it when he sold it, or that I cheated him, then what do you think I should do? right?

I am a public figure, and it is difficult for me to wash myself. Most of us have a mentality of sympathizing with the weak. How many hundreds of millions have I transferred? How many billions have I made from that one movie? Hundreds of millions. Records can also earn tens of millions. Think about it, how many people are jealous of it? "

In fact, Ye Ming's words like this also expressed his helplessness, so he thought of donating the box directly.

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