Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 256: Establishing a theater chain

Mr. Wood looked at the young man in front of him quietly. It was hard to believe that this young man was the copyright owner of [Harry Potter]. Could it be that this young man was a prophet and knew that [Harry Potter] would be a big hit? Therefore, did you sign the copyright for [Harry Potter] in advance? However, even so, in Wood's view, this little guy is actually just a lucky little guy. In Paramount's eyes, he is still a small fish and cannot be put on the table.

At this time, Mr. Wood coughed and said in a very arrogant manner: "You are Ye Ming, the copyright owner of [Harry Potter]. Please introduce yourself. My name is Edward Wood, President of Paramount Asia Pacific. Today I am here to talk to you about the copyright transfer on behalf of Paramount. Five hundred thousand dollars is already a pretty good price. Even in Hollywood, the price of a first-class screenwriter may not be the same. To this extent. For half a million dollars, Paramount wants all the rights to [Harry Potter]."

At this time, Mr. Wood's face showed extraordinary confidence. He believed that Ye Ming would be shocked by this number. In fact, this was the case. The price of a first-class screenwriter in Hollywood is generally two to three hundred thousand. This It still needs to be met with a big-budget movie. The price given by Paramount is, to be honest, not bad in Hollywood. Mr. Wood believes that Ye Ming will happily agree to this price in order to establish a relationship with Paramount.

At this moment, Mr. Wood felt that the cold weather in the capital did not seem so annoying. However, Ye Ming, in the expectation of Mr. Wood, shook his head decisively and said: "Five hundred thousand, such a price is deceiving people, not to mention, [Harry Potter] is not said to be able to be made into only one movie. Movie, if Paramount says this is the only way to be sincere, then I think there is no need for us to continue."

Cunning little guy, Mr. Wood doesn't like young people like this very much. If it were in Hollywood, then at this time, Mr. Wood would have a hundred ways to make young people like Ye Ming, who don't know the heights of the world, pack up and get out. But this is China, and when he arrives in China, Mr. Wood must follow the rules of China.

Moreover, the board of directors has already issued an order to obtain the copyright of [Harry Potter]. In order to allow Wood to achieve his goal, he was even given a discretionary power of two million.

Allow Mr. Wood to use $2 million of his discretion to complete the transaction. But now it seems that Ye Ming is not so easy to deal with. At that moment, Mr. Wood said solemnly: "Young man, there is no easy end to greed. Please tell me your conditions. As long as they are reasonable, Pyla Meng will consider it as appropriate." Ye Ming now takes the initiative, and Mr. Wood has to bow his head.

At this time, Ye Ming did not hesitate and said firmly: "There are three conditions. One is that the copyright has a guaranteed minimum price, and a movie costs two million US dollars. According to Hollywood rules, I have the right to a 5% share. .”

This is actually the price of a top-notch script in Hollywood. There are only a handful of screenwriters who can get such a price. Of course, Spielberg is both a screenwriter and a director, or even a producer. , that is the exception.

Anyway, the script is guaranteed to be worth two million, which is definitely not low. As for the 5% box office share, well, the Hollywood Accounting Association will make this clause a formality, but generally, the script and he must still have such a clause.

At this time, Mr. Wood frowned and said very unhappily: "Mr. Ye Ming, you are too greedy, two million, the price of a top editor. Do you have any works? And, well, this novel is still If it’s not yours, you dare to ask for two million. Those first-class editors who have been working for ten years don’t dare to ask for this price.” As for the 5% box office share, well, Mr. Wood ignored such a terms.

At this time, Ye Ming said firmly: "[Harry Potter] is worth the price. If Paramount says it can win it, you will not regret it. We all know this novel Regardless of whether I wrote it or not, the copyright of this book belongs to me, doesn’t it?”

Mr. Wood was silent for a moment, seemingly acquiescing to Ye Ming's statement, and then said: "You continue."

Ye Ming then said: "The other thing is that I intend to build a theater chain, which requires an investment of 20 million US dollars. I hope Paramount can cooperate with me. You can think of it as a venture capital investment or a joint venture. Whether it's a theater chain, these are my two requirements, you can go back and think about it for a while, I'm not in a hurry to get an answer."

At this time, the suppressed anger in Mr. Wood's heart finally broke out at this moment. He roared without any regard for gentlemanly demeanor: "No way, boy, are you challenging the order of Hollywood? Even editors in Hollywood are Step by step, no one will ask for two million at once, not even Spielberg. Your first request is a taboo in Hollywood.

As for the second request, it is even more unreasonable. We at Paramount will not accept threats. You are threatening. understand. "

Ye Ming didn't seem surprised at all and said with a smile: "Well, if you think so, forget it. Mr. Wood can consider it, but I think Ms. Ai Qiuhua will be interested in my conditions."

He dared not agree to any of the two conditions mentioned by Ye Ming. Even if he agreed to one, he might be completely fired after returning. Wood had to think about his job.

When he met Ms. Ai Qiuhua, Ye Ming noticed that this woman was not simple, and there was a shrewd look in her eyes. Ai Qiuhua is known as the White Fox, so he is naturally a very shrewd person. The smart thing about her was to say: "Mr. Ye Ming, tell me what conditions you want."

As the president of Warner Bros. Asia Pacific, she discovered the price of [Harry Potter] from a unique female perspective. Now, companies such as Columbia and Fox have not made any moves. If they wait until they make some moves to compete together, , it will probably be even more troublesome. At that time, Ye Ming may wait for the price and sell. Yes, the Chinese seem to like to wait for the price. Ye Ming was not verbose at all and directly restated his conditions.

Ai Qiuhua said that he was not shouting and angry like Wood. He was a rational businessman, and rational businessmen are the most terrifying.

After pondering for a moment, Ai Qiuhua's blue crystal eyes flashed with a look of shock and said: "Mr. Ye's ambition is not small. You want to be the number one private theater chain in China."

China is No. 1. Obviously, Warner Bros. knows that China will allow foreign capital to enter a field like theater chains next year. What Ye Ming wants to do is to use foreign capital to establish his own theater chain. Twenty million US dollars, that’s what it takes to be the number one private theater chain in China. At this time, Ai Qiuhua had to be shocked by the young man in front of him. What kind of young man was he?

Ye Ming said with a smile: "I dare not say it first, but I don't like to put my destiny in the hands of others. If I can pretend to be a theater, that is the way to go. Since the country allows it, I will also catch it." It’s an opportunity to live like this.” Hearing Ai Qiuhua’s intention, there was room for negotiation, which also made Ye Ming feel happy. At that moment, Ai Qiuhua nodded and said, "I want to know more about this plan."

Ye Ming then said in detail: "People have inspected the first, second and third tier cities in our country. There are about more than 170 of them. Among them, there are more than 80 that have investment value. After analysis, there are more than 80 that are truly feasible. It is roughly the first and second tier cities, so there are a total of fifty-eight cities, and each city has at least two cinemas, so there are at least one hundred and thirty cinemas.

The company can be divided into five regional subsidiaries. I plan to establish a joint venture with Warner Bros. to establish Brilliant Cinemas. You will invest 20 million and hold 40% of the company's shares. I want 60%. China's market is very vast. After joining the WTO, it will definitely be a battleground for military strategists. Investing now is the most cost-effective time. "

Ai Qiuhua pondered for a moment and said, "I want to ask the headquarters for their opinion on this."

She is the president of the Asia Pacific region, not the president of Warner Bros. She needs to ask for advice on this matter.

However, Ye Ming still underestimated Warner Brothers' determination to obtain [Harry Potter], and they actually agreed quickly.

Ai Qiuhua himself felt a little unbelievable: "Mr. Ye, the headquarters has agreed, but we need to send financial personnel over. The financial personnel have the right to supervise the use of 20 million US dollars."

Ye Ming nodded, it would be strange if Warner Brothers didn't send someone over.

As for the copyright issue, Ai Qiuhua said that two million dollars is impossible. Hollywood has its own rules. Ye Ming is not qualified to ask for two million US dollars in copyright fees. Five hundred thousand US dollars is the highest. Of course , if the first part of [Harry Potter] can be a big seller, then the copyright of the second part can be increased. To Harry Potter's box office. Ye Ming said there was no pressure at all.

After signing the preliminary contract, Ye Ming returned to the company and found Sister Fang Fang, Hong Fei, and Li Dazhi, and proposed the establishment of a brilliant cinema. This shocked the three people very much. The country had just When foreign investment began to be allowed into theaters, Ye Ming himself obtained foreign investment, and he obtained 20 million U.S. dollars in one fell swoop, which is simply unbelievable.

In the end, Ye Ming decided to let Hong Fei, an old Jianghu, serve as the manager of the brilliant cinema chain and start the matter of establishing the brilliant cinema chain. Of course, building a new cinema chain was the last resort. The best option was to directly purchase the cinema chain like Qilu Province. Moreover, Ye Ming Ming emphasized that it is best to keep the property rights of the theater chain in your own hands. This condition made Hong Fei a little confused.

However, just as Sister Fang Fang said, the company has no money, and almost all the working capital has been invested in the brilliant cinema chain. (To be continued)

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