Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 255: Proud Paramount

Paramount sent Edward Wood, the president of the Asia-Pacific region, slowly smoking a cigar. The green smoke slowly rose, hovering along the curtains for a while in the winter sunshine, and soon dissipated with a gust of wind. A deserted afternoon. To be honest, Wood didn't think it was necessary for him to come over. This was just the copyright of a novel. Would it be useful for him, the regional president, to come over? At this time, I should be enjoying the scorching summer sun, warm sea water, and beautiful beauties in bikinis on the beaches of Sydney, instead of coming here to suffer during this bitterly cold time.

In this damn weather, even if you breathe outside, it may turn into a layer of frost, which is so cold that it is unbearable. However, because it was said that the rival Huayi Brothers sent Asia Pacific President Ai Qiuhua, known as the White Fox, Paramount headquarters also designated Wood to come and contact him immediately. At this time, Wood called his secretary and asked: "What time did the little guy named Ye Ming make an appointment to come over?"

The secretary said respectfully: "It's half past nine, Mr. Wood. It's not the time yet, but the bosses of several film and television companies in China are here. They want to meet you, the president. I don't know what you mean?"

Wood did not intend to see anyone before he came into contact with Ye Ming. Therefore, he waved the cigar in his hand very easily, as if chasing away flies around him and said: "Those people, forget it, they will I am scheming, there are a few people who really want to make movies, if Ye Ming comes, just ask him to come directly to see me."

At this time, in the lobby of the Beijing Hotel, the CEOs of several companies were waiting patiently. Among them, Boss Dong Pingdong of Poly Huayi also appeared. He frowned and said: "The president of Paramount Asia Pacific, If there is nothing special, and it is not a Paramount blockbuster that is about to be released, usually they will not come here, but this time, I have not heard of any Paramount blockbuster being introduced. If Edward Wood comes here, then There are just some things worth exploring. It’s difficult to hit because of the foreign investment in theaters next year.”

What does Mr. Wood mean when he comes here? Even a big boss like Dong Ping is not very clear about this. However, now that Paramount has taken action, such a giant Every move he makes will attract the attention of countless people.

Zhang Weiping did not hide it, but thought about the key, and then said: "If the news I got is correct, it is not only that Mr. Wood, President of Paramount Asia Pacific, is here, Huayi Brothers Ai Qiuhua, President of the Asia Pacific Region, also rushed over at almost the same time. These two came here to find Ye Ming."

Chen Weimin was shocked by these words. He said incomprehensibly: "Lao Zhang, did you hear it right? Is it for that boy Ye Ming? It seems that it shouldn't be, although it is said that [Crazy Stone] is profitable A lot of money, but under such circumstances, it is impossible for a movie to attract the attention of Paramount and Huayi Brothers, which are the real giants of Hollywood."

Zhang Weiping was a little jealous, and said wanly: "Yes, if it is a low-cost movie, it is impossible to attract the attention of Hollywood, but Ye Ming does not only have [Crazy Stone] in his hands. Ramon and other giants seem to be just making games. What really makes Paramount and Huayi Brothers excited is the novel "Harry Potter" in Ye Ming's hands. Ye Ming bought it out quietly. I have obtained the copyright of [Harry Potter]. Thinking about the popularity of this novel, you will know why Paramount and Huayi Brothers are coming. I heard that people from Fox are also on their way. Even today If not, it will probably arrive early tomorrow morning."

This news was like a bombshell, setting off huge waves in the hearts of everyone present. [Harry Potter] Ah, that is the most popular novel in the West right now. Dong Ping keenly discovered the business opportunities in it and said: "If this is the case, then you think, if we join forces to invest [ Harry Potter], is there hope? After all, Ye Ming is one of his own. If there is such a good opportunity, he must always think of us first."

Dong Ping's words immediately moved Zhang Weiping's heart. Wang Zhongjun pondered for a moment and said, "This is a little difficult. The filming of fantasy movies is not that big, but if we talk about special effects, that's the big one. , the several of us put together, even if we include the official Beijing Film Studio, and invest together, we may not have so much money."

Dong Ping said very resolutely: "No matter what happens, you always have to give it a try, right? As long as you hold the right to shoot in your own hands, then in such a situation, we can advance or retreat. Shou, it’s not too late to sell it if it doesn’t work.”

From this moment on, the several bosses present felt very heavy. They were all foxes for thousands of years, so they naturally understood the meaning of Liao Zhai. But Zhang Weiping knows the best in his heart. You guys have a wishful thinking, but when it comes to cunning, Ye Ming is no worse than you. If you want to get it from him, Lipot]'s copyright, that's not an easy thing.

At this time, a young white man, wearing a black suit, walked over with an arrogant expression, and looked at Zhang Weiping and the others with a condescending attitude, as if the king was inspecting his subjects.

However, despite this, Zhang Weiping and Dong Ping stood up immediately after seeing the white young man.

Maybe this young man is nothing, but behind the young man is Paramount, so they must maintain the necessary respect for the giant. Dong Ping is relatively familiar with international business and has dealt with Hollywood companies. Therefore, he was the first to step forward and ask, "I wonder if Mr. Wood has time."

At this time, the secretary raised his nostrils, snorted twice and said, "I'm sorry everyone, Mr. Wood has some things to deal with, so he doesn't have time to see you for the time being. Mr. Wood asked me to express my deepest apology to you."

This is how Westerners are. Even if they refuse to see someone, they will act as if they are attending a banquet. But such a result was actually not a disappointment to Dong Ping and others, because they were prepared when they came, and Mr. Wood would not see them. In fact, under such a situation, they are just here to try their luck. If they see them, it is no different from winning the lottery. It is reasonable if they don't see them.

At this time, Dong Ping said slightly disappointedly: "That's such a pity. I hope I can have the opportunity to visit Mr. Wood next time."

If someone just disappears, what can you do? Didn't you just say that you have to be obedient and go back? After the secretary left, Dong Ping sighed and said, "It seems like it is indeed the case. Only tycoons like Shao Yifu are qualified to talk to people from Paramount on an equal footing. In our entertainment industry, in fact, hierarchy It's everywhere. "

Just when everyone was very disappointed, Zhang Weiping's eyes lit up and he said hello: "Ye Ming, this way."

Because he saw Ye Ming walking in, why did Ye Ming come? In fact, a few of them knew it very well. Think about it, the CEOs of several domestic film companies were all frustrated when they came, but they did not expect that Ye Ming Ming is still here. Moreover, it seems that Ye Ming is not worried about not seeing Mr. Wood at all. Think about it, with a big killer like Harry Potter in hand, let alone the president of Paramount's Asia Pacific region, even if he is The president didn’t say it was impossible to see him.

At this time, Ye Ming was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhang Weiping and the others, but in a blink of an eye he understood what they were here for. Of course I plan to meet Mr. Wood. This relationship didn't just happen, so Ye Ming also came over to chat with a few bosses. At this moment. Dong Pingcai said: "Mr. Ye, I heard that the copyright of [Harry Potter] is in your hands?"

This is not a secret. Therefore, Ye Ming nodded happily and said: "That's right. It's at my place. This time Mr. Wood came over. It is estimated that Paramount Company has taken a fancy to this copyright. How about discussing it?" The possibility of purchasing is relatively high.”

As expected, it was similar to what Zhang Weiping said, so at this time Dong Ping said very kindly: "Sell Paramount? Is Mr. Ye saying that he doesn't want to shoot by himself? If he says that the funds are not enough, then you say, A few of us are still willing to help. If you have money, why let outsiders earn it?"

Ye Ming immediately understood that this was a Hongmen Banquet, but he did not show any signs of being in a hurry. Instead, he said with a smile: "We will shoot it ourselves. In fact, I thought so at the beginning, but in the end I still couldn't figure it out. This movie Only the eight major Hollywood film and television companies can afford to film, and the remaining companies simply don't have the ability to do this.

Apart from anything else, the special effects alone are beyond what we can accomplish. There is no company in China that can do it. All our companies combined, even if we have money and can complete the filming, we can hire Hollywood to do the special effects. But have you ever thought about distribution? For a film with such a huge investment, if the distribution cannot keep up, we will lose so much that we will have to jump off the building. As for the distribution channels of these domestic companies, I don’t need to say more. I think everyone is very clear that China simply does not have such conditions. "

Ye Ming's words once again made everyone fall into deep thought.

Distribution is king.

This is an era where distribution is king. Everything will be fine once a movie is shot. The most important thing is the issue of distribution channels. (To be continued)

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