Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2025: Who will the heaven spare?

These days, you have to look at the car to find trouble, and you have to look at the people to find trouble. People who can afford to drive tens of millions of luxury cars, you have to look at people to see if they dare to accelerator?

Anyway, luxury cars have built-in monitoring systems. At best, they may be nervous and mistake the accelerator for the brake.

As for finding trouble, it is natural to find a soft persimmon to pinch. For someone like Ye Ming who was not a good person at first glance, Goatee decided to let him go for the time being.

As for the next little girl, she looks like she is from college and has little social experience. This kind of student is the easiest to bully.

Therefore, Goatee walked over without hesitation, pushed Lin Jing and said, "Little girl, give me a break, do you know how to respect the old and love the young?

I'm already so old, but you didn't even give up your seat when you saw me. Did college go to waste?

How does a teacher teach you how to be a good person? "

Lin Jing was speechless for a moment. Some old people nowadays don't even care about propriety, justice and shame. Although such people are a minority, or even a very small number, among the old people, their role as a leader is too bad.

It is precisely because of these very few shameless old people who rely on their old age that no one gives up their seats to the old people in the car, and no one helps the old people up if they fall down on the road.

This is a step back in social morality. More than ten years ago, if an old man fell down, there would definitely be many people running over to help him up. As we age, who is not old yet?

But in the current situation and social atmosphere, if an elderly person falls down and does not claim to have social security or blackmail others, basically no one dares to help him.

Even if you dare to go, you have to start recording and find three or five witnesses before you dare to go.

Therefore, at this time, Lin Jing was muttering in her heart. In addition, she was really tired. Therefore, after taking a look at the old man, she really didn't have the energy to speak, so she was too lazy to answer him.

The more you open your mouth about this kind of thing, the more you will be harassed.

Ye Ming said from behind: "You are still an old man. How old are you? Are you sixty or not? There is an old man in his seventies or eighties next to you who didn't say anything. You have the nerve to say that you are an old man. Giving up your seat is a good deed." Jide, if I don’t give up my seat to you, people will still buy tickets.

Don't rely on your old age to show off your old age. "

Ordinarily, after saying this, Goatee should have transferred his target to Ye Ming, but Ye Ming is such a ruthless person. He looks scarier than those who work on the road. He must be the kind of double bonus from the mixed society. Stick level.

Goatee has been watching Hong Kong movies for decades, so he knows who he shouldn't mess with.

Therefore, Goatee rolled his eyes at Ye Ming and said nothing, but continued to say to Lin Jing: "Little girl, if you don't get up, I will sit down."

After saying that, Goatee wanted to sit on Lin Jing's body.

At this time, people on the bus also started talking one after another. Some accused Lin Jing of giving up her seat. She was a hypocrite. If you have the time to speak up, give up your seat yourself.

Some blamed the old man, thinking that it was Lin Jing's duty not to give in, and they also bought tickets. And looking at Lin Jing's face, you can tell that this is definitely a girl who is not in good health.

But Goatee was so thick-skinned that he turned a deaf ear to the words of the people in the car at this time.

Ye Ming originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, the old man still had to be punished enough.

Regardless of how much fun he is having now, sooner or later he will have to make a list. Therefore, Ye Ming also sat on the sidelines, acting as if he was just making soy sauce.

Lin Jing, on the other hand, was unwilling to continue making trouble like this, so she struggled to get up and gave up her seat.

Goatee is also in a hurry. Others have already given up their seats. The matter is over now, right?

However, Goatee did not settle the matter just like that. Instead, he said: "Today's young people have no idea of ​​respecting the old and caring for the young. One generation is not as good as the other. It's so difficult for them to do so." You have learned all these years in vain.

If my daughter was like this, I would have slapped her in the face to teach her a lesson.

Don't be dissatisfied, little girl. Everyone gets old, and I am here to educate you so that you will make fewer mistakes in the future. "This is really enough.

Lin Jing was furious after hearing this, but after taking a look at the goatee, she was also very old.

People in their sixties may have some geriatric diseases. If the trouble continues, it may not be of any benefit to them at this time.

Therefore, Lin Jing did not have the same experience as Goatee.

However, although he didn't say anything, he was muttering in his heart. He grabbed the jade pendant he bought and secretly thought, this kind of old man is disrespectful.

You're not afraid of retribution. It's better to just let the car hit you and make you paralyzed. You'll regret it in bed for the rest of your life, right?

Of course, Lin Jing was just thinking like that. At this time, she was just in the spirit of Ah Q.

But Lin Jing never expected that when she was thinking like this, the jade pendant in her hand gave off a faint white light, which flashed away, and the patterns on it also became dim and dull, looking vaguely visible, as if there was no light at all. There is no complete carving.

At this time, the bus passed an intersection and stopped at a platform not far away.

In the distance, there is a bank. This point of the bank is the time for handover after get off work.

Naturally, there are escorts armed with live ammunition. After the handover is completed, the escorts put the money directly into the car, then lock the door, and the driver starts and leaves.

At this moment, the bus stopped and the people on the bus got off one after another. At this time, Goatee also followed.

But if he wants to go home, he has to cross a cross to get there. The bus is not a taxi. It doesn't matter if you park it there.

At this moment, a young man on the bus suddenly stretched out his head to take a picture with a smile. He didn’t know who he was taking a picture of, but Goatee also had a guilty conscience. Although it was shameless, it was also very shameless to be photographed and posted online. of things.

Therefore, the goatee pointed domineeringly at the young man and said: "You brat, what are you taking pictures of?"

The young man refused to give in and said confidently: "You old man, do you care?

Can I take pictures of blue sky and white clouds? Is it possible for me to take street scenes? What does the photo I took of the bus stop have to do with you?

It's easy to eat carrots and worry less, but you are more lenient. "

As a result, the old man was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick with anger. He wanted to get back in the car to settle the score with the young man and teach him what is etiquette, justice, integrity, and Chinese virtues.

But the bus obviously won't wait for people at this time. After the people get off the bus, it starts directly.

Although Goatee has a strong body and can walk as fast as flying, he is still an old man no matter what. It is obviously beyond his power to chase the bus at this time.

I could only point at the young man, jump to my feet, curse a few words, and leave panting.

At this time, the old man was very angry, and he usually ignored traffic lights. This kind of rule was designed for young people.

Elderly people, according to Goatee, should have privileges, and they should have huge privileges.

Even if you run a red light, it's not a big deal. Does the car dare to hit you?

You definitely don’t dare. If you dare, Goatee will teach the driver how to behave in minutes.

At this moment, the bank's cash transport truck slowly drove out. But at this moment, the sprinkler truck drove directly over.

Although usually no one would mess with the cash transport truck, nor would they dare to mess with it.

But there are also people on the sprinkler trucks. They are vehicles managed by the city. As long as they do not violate traffic, they basically go sideways.

There is no habit of water trucks giving way to cash trucks.

The water sprinkler truck whizzed by, directly spraying water all over the cash transport truck.

The driver of the cash transport truck was naturally prudent and thought he was unlucky.

The sprinkler truck also has people on it.

So the driver wiped it with the wiper a few times, did a simple cleaning, and then started it again.

At this time, the water on the glass of the cash transport truck was not completely cleaned.

However, it is basically the kind that does not affect the line of sight. At this time, the driver took a look and saw the green light, no problem, started directly.

And in a situation like this, Goatee ran a red light and walked over from the side.

At this moment, Goatee was still in an angry and dizzy state. Although he felt that it was a red light and he shouldn't go, he was used to it, so he didn't pay much attention.

And in such a situation, the driver of the cash transport truck actually felt uncomfortable.

Although I didn't get splashed with water in the car, I was still feeling angry.

Therefore, when you see the green light, you immediately increase the accelerator and leave. This time, the pedal is a bit too heavy.

Moreover, in such a situation, there is still some water on the car glass, which means that the driver is not able to see the front clearly clearly, but the side view is not very accurate.

Therefore, he did not observe an old man walking through a red light.

In addition, the accelerator was a little too wide, so by the time he saw the old man approaching and stepped on the brakes directly, it was already a bit late.

What it meant was that the car's rearview mirror hit Goatee. This kind of force was quite strong, and it knocked the goatee away directly.

Coincidentally, at this time, the sewer nearby was blocked, and the workers were cleaning it. There were also warning signs. Even older people could not ignore such warning signs.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, with this kind of warning sign, it is considered foolproof.

But someone was unlucky. The old man with the goatee was knocked away and was knocked into the sewer that was being repaired at lightning speed.

Fortunately, there were workers down there. If there were no workers and there was a sewer with the manhole cover opened, the goatee would have been knocked directly into the sewer.

But maybe it was because there was someone in the sewer, so he held up his goatee. At this time, the lower half of his body fell down, and the upper half of his body was stuck at the mouth of the well.

An accident, a traffic accident. Goatee screamed, wailing and moaning, obviously struggling for life, as miserable as a cicada in the cold wind.

There's a car accident. Please help. Call the police or ambulance. They'll be here soon.

In fact, Ye Ming also followed him down at this time, because he could feel that the old man would definitely be unlucky. Because the wishing talisman has been activated, it proves that this kind of wishing will definitely happen.

Things in life really happen by chance. Therefore, in such a situation, he stood not far away and waited to watch the show.

Goatee ran a red light, the driver of the cash truck stepped on the accelerator, and then a traffic accident occurred, all in Ye Ming's eyes.

Under such a situation, Ye Ming gained a deeper understanding of the wishing talisman. Sure enough, it was the tide of spiritual energy, and the wishing talisman had awakened.

In a situation like this, the ambulance arrived first, because there was a hospital nearby, so it naturally arrived relatively quickly.

In such a situation, the old man has been carried out.

There is nothing we can do if we don't lift him out. There is a worker repairing the sewer down there. We can't let the worker hold the old man all the time, right?

Of course, the doctor came to check the patient's condition first and did a simple examination. The doctor shook his head helplessly. After all, he was a doctor who often went to emergency rooms and had very rich experience.

This old man was not hit very seriously, he was scratched on the side, but the most serious thing was that he fell directly into the sewer after being hit.

The result was a comminuted fracture of the lumbar spine. Not to mention in China, even if you have the money to go to the United States, the best treatment result for such a comminuted fracture is hemiplegia.

However, the hospital likes this kind of patients the most. It is not life-threatening, but it is not easy to treat it, and major and minor surgeries require careful attention.

Therefore, the cost will naturally remain high.

In this new year, hospitals also need to generate revenue. Therefore, patients who cannot die but are not easily discharged from the hospital are actually more popular among people in the hospital.

However, this old man will definitely have to read in bed for the rest of his life.

If something goes wrong, if you are unlucky and don't have any feeling in your lower body, you will have to be taken care of by someone to urinate and defecate.

If the family has money, it's okay. If there is no money, then as the old saying goes, there is no filial son in bed for a long time. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be the kind of unlucky one.

When the stretcher comes down, put the old man into the car first. No matter what, it's important to save people first.

As for traffic accidents, of course the police will come forward to deal with them.

This matter actually has nothing to do with doctors.

There are gods at the top of your head. If you seek death, sometimes the price will be very high.

A very small group of old people do bad things, but the old people in society as a whole are blamed. It is said that it is not the old people who have become bad, but the bad people who have become old.

In fact, kind-hearted old people make up the majority, but this kind of positive news is obviously not as eye-catching as news about old people fighting for seats on girls on buses.

If you don’t believe me, look up at the sky and see who has been spared. There is always a price to pay for doing something wrong.

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