Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2024: The influence of the dimensional world begins

Wang Fulin finally said earnestly: "Ye Ming, the fact that you can find me proves that you still have a certain degree of vigilance, and you have a certain strength, which is much higher than many people in this world.

Therefore, you should have more ability to protect yourself during this spiritual energy tide.

As for me, I have nothing else to say. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I hope you can still maintain your innocence and not be fooled by your powerful power.

It's a good thing, don't think that you are already an awakened person, above ordinary people.

In this case, I think it will be good for you and the world. "Such serious words obviously failed to impress Ye Ming.

At this time, Ye Ming said very definitely: "Director Wang, you don't need to brainwash me. With great power comes great responsibility. Yingjiang's power is the largest in the world.

One of the five gangsters, but do you think he is safeguarding his own interests or the interests of the world? Naturally, you have to protect your own interests first.

Even Rabbit has made a fortune quietly. Now he can't say that he is the world's overlord, but he is also a famous monster rabbit in the world.

In fact, this is the case. If you have power, you must first protect your own interests.

Of course, I won't take the initiative to find trouble. If others don't provoke me, I won't bother to find trouble for others. But do you think there are more greedy people in this world, or more decent people? "

Wang Fulin was a little speechless. He thought for a long time without saying anything, and finally said: "You kid, of course, there are more greedy people."

Ye Ming laughed loudly and said: "Yes, that's the truth. There is a saying that is as great as your fist is, so is your truth. Never underestimate the greed of human nature.

Therefore, you must first have the strength to ensure that your own words are true. "

Ye Ming stood up and wanted to leave, then thought about it before turning around and said: "Director Wang, you actually know one thing better. For example, many people are jealous of my career. I once put my own All theaters have been given away.

This means that my power is not strong enough, and there are still many people coveting my career.

When I was in a coma, the company was divided and almost fell apart. If I hadn't woken up in time, I guess it would have been possible for a group of people like this to directly divide my company.

There are also more than a dozen courtyard houses in my service company. I haven’t even counted how many buildings there are. If I don’t have enough power and my international reputation as a guarantee, I dare say that these things will definitely happen. No bones or dregs will be left after being eaten.

There are some things that I actually have no control over.

What I can guarantee is that if others don't mess with me, I won't take action casually, but if others want to touch my things, I will never show mercy. "

Ye Ming felt the spiritual energy tide. Sure enough, the influence of the dimensional world had begun, and Huaxia could also feel the spiritual energy tide.

Because Ye Ming can adjust his appearance with spiritual energy. As an international superstar, it is almost impossible for Ye Ming to go out and go shopping like an ordinary person.

Even with the sunglasses Ye Ming was wearing, the possibility of being recognized was very high. After all, he is an international superstar with hundreds of millions of fans. Even fans in China are measured in billions.

This is also a price of being a big star. Basically, there is no private space.

The same is true for Ye Ming. If he goes out to the downtown area, it is almost impossible without bodyguards, and it will definitely be difficult to move.

But the situation now is completely different. The spiritual energy tide has indeed begun to occur. Ye Ming himself can clearly feel that as an awakened person, he is actually very sensitive to spiritual energy.

Therefore, he can adjust his appearance through spiritual energy in time, so that when others look at him, they may feel familiar, but they will never think that this person is Ye Ming.

In other words, Ye Ming will be a popular face in the eyes of others, but they will not regard Ye Ming as a star.

In this case, it would be very easy for Ye Ming to experience the life of ordinary people.

This kind of life is the embodiment of the comfort that Ye Ming had only in 1997, before he photographed Huanzhugege.

After getting on the bus, no one could recognize Ye Minglai.

At this moment, Ye Ming saw a long-haired girl in her early twenties walking up. She had long flowing hair and good looks. She was wearing a white sportswear and her youthful atmosphere was clearly revealed.

He was holding several books in his hands, including college mathematics tutorials, archaeological yearbooks and the like. He looked like he was either a college student or someone working in a university.

However, Ye Ming could clearly feel that the girl looked relatively tired. Is this wrong? Ye Ming felt very curious. It seems like the age around twenty is when you are most energetic.

For people of this age, even if they stay up late for two or three days, they will still be full of energy when they wake up.

The girl in front of me now has no dark circles under her eyes. It is obvious that she should not stay up late.

But her whole person was very depressed and mentally weak. Ye Ming could clearly feel that it was as if some external force had directly extracted her energy.

This is a very rare situation. Therefore, Ye Ming began to pay careful attention to this girl.

After the bus started, a jade pendant fell out of the girl's pocket. The jade pendant, which looks relatively simple, is engraved with some mysterious symbols.

Ye Ming's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a jade talisman. He picked it up and took a look. It was indeed a jade talisman. It was a jade talisman used by ancient people to make wishes.

This kind of jade talisman has been blessed by a Taoist master and has a very long history, no less than five hundred years.

Of course, the mysterious symbols on it actually have no aesthetic value, and they look like the carvings are messy.

If you look at it from the perspective of art, it basically looks like it was carved randomly by an apprentice.

But Ye Ming could feel that this jade pendant had revived.

The emergence of the spiritual energy tide revived this jade pendant that had been dormant.

Ye Ming was surprised at this point. He could feel the emergence of spiritual energy tides. Other people in the world, or some mysterious beings, could also feel the emergence of spiritual energy tides.

Lin Jing, a student in the Department of Archeology at Capital University, had no choice. When she signed up, she filled out the form "obey the assignment" and ended up in the Department of Archeology.

I originally thought about studying for a year or two and changing my major, but then I also felt that the Department of Archeology seemed to be a good choice, so I stuck to it until now.

It is said that due to some business needs in the school, Lin Jing may stay in school after graduating from university. This can solve the household registration problem. Therefore, she studied even harder.

It is very difficult for a foreigner with no background and no financial support from his family to get a quota to stay in Beijing.

Recently, Lin Jing is writing a graduation thesis, which is basically a graduation thesis on the evolution of Chinese jade carving. Therefore, she is always rushing to schools, antique markets, museums and other places.

You need to find materials, which is not an easy job. But in order to stay in school, I really worked hard.

Without a good grade, even if the tutor wants to help, it will be impossible.

Therefore, Lin Jing has been working very hard. Today she went to the antique market. Of course, she did not have the money to buy those precious jades worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Therefore, going to the street stalls was a more realistic option.

Although she herself knew very well that in the antique market, many of the antiques on the stalls were fakes, and some even looked fake at first glance.

But there is no way, there is no money, I can only try my luck.

Today she ran to the antique market, and some familiar stall owners began to greet her. After going around, she saw a jade pendant from a stall owner who was said to have come from the Maoshan area.

The carving was relatively rubbish, but it looked like it must have been old, and the pattern carving was also quite strange, so it also attracted Lin Jing's attention.

Holding it in her hand, Lin Jing could clearly feel the cold feeling of this jade pendant.

Lin Jing's eyesight is not very good, but she believes in it.

So, after some haggling, I bought it for fifty yuan. This is all her living expenses for a week, and she will probably have to eat instant noodles next week.

Unexpectedly, at the moment the transaction was completed, Lin Jing suddenly felt a burst of fatigue, as if the jade pendant in her hand had generated a heat flow, draining all the energy and energy from her body.

Therefore, Lin Jing seemed to be in a relatively tired state.

Even the stall owner kindly persuaded Lin Jing not to work so hard and go back to rest, right? Lin Jing, who originally wanted to continue investigating the market, had no choice but to take a ride back to school.

After getting on the bus, Lin Jing saw a young man who seemed familiar, as if she knew him somewhere.

But she never had an accurate impression of the specific situation in her mind.

I was really tired, so I had to find a place and sit down in front of the young man.

This young man is Ye Ming. Ye Ming picked up the jade pendant and saw that it was a wish-making jade charm.

However, although this jade talisman has awakened, it has not truly become a wish-making jade talisman.

Because a real wish-making jade charm needs to be decorated.

The finishing touch, this is the last step of the jade talisman. Only jade talismans with real eye-catching touches can be effective.

This is similar to the current situation of online identity binding. When surfing the Internet, it doesn’t matter whose ID card you use, but you must use an identity.

In this regard, the Jade Talisman is also in a similar situation. Ye Ming dotted the jade talisman directly.

Because it has absorbed Lin Jing's energy and spirit. Therefore, at this time, after Ye Ming clicked his eyes, this jade talisman became a real wish-making jade talisman.

The true wish-making jade talisman belongs to Lin Jing. Only when Lin Jing makes a wish with the jade talisman can she truly exert the power of this jade talisman.

Ye Ming was actually not greedy for heaven's merits. He greeted Lin Jing and said, "Girl, I saw that your jade talisman fell down just now."

Lin Jing reluctantly raised her head and took a look. Sure enough, the jade talisman in Ye Ming's hand looked familiar. He touched his pocket and found that his jade talisman was indeed missing.

After thanking her, Lin Jing took it and sat down again.

The bus arrived at a stop, and a group of people got on. As a result, the seats were relatively scarce, and there were no seats for the next few people.

In fact, in Beijing, or in any big city, this is a very normal thing.

After all, traffic jams, full buses, etc. are all very normal. Big cities need to be forgiven.

Anyway, if you stay in a big city for a long time, you will get used to crowded buses and traffic jams.

Driving your own car and taking the bus or subway each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

At this time, people who usually don't have a seat will only get the result of recognition.

But there are still some people in the world who don't want to admit it. This kind of thing also happened on the bus today. An old man in his seventies with a goatee and a sinister appearance didn't even look like a good guy.

This is the kind of person who, in the 1970s and 1980s, would arrest someone directly at the police station, and 99% of the time they would not be innocent, and there would definitely be a criminal record.

This kind of person is older, but his mind is definitely more twisted.

He thinks that he is an old man, and the old man should be respected. If there is no seat, the young man should take the initiative to give it up.

At this time, no one gave up their seats on the bus, which made the old man feel very unhappy. Where had the excellent tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young gone?

This kind of thing made the old man very angry, so he decided to find someone to vent his anger on.

Anyway, I am so old, do young people dare to argue with me?

No one seems to dare?

Therefore, the old man took a look at the people sitting in the bus. Needless to say the older ones, there is no point in arguing. If you argue, you will be at fault.

People really dare to fight directly with themselves. Don't quarrel casually with people of your own age. This is the usual behavior of the elderly.

After taking a look at Ye Ming, Ye Ming was said to be young. However, although Ye Ming was young and had been transformed by spiritual energy, the old man did not recognize Ye Ming, but the evil aura on Ye Ming's body suddenly made Goatee bearded. There was a moment of surprise, as if seeing an endless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, a terrifying aura rushed towards his face.

This is a person who cannot be offended. He might have a life in his hand.

If such a person is hot-headed and gives himself a try, he will be the one who suffers.

Although the police will definitely come to solve the problem in the end, if a young man like Ye Ming really beats himself to the point of paralysis, will he still be the one to suffer?

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