Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1963: Going abroad to file a lawsuit with Li Lianjie

Guo Degang was a little dumbfounded by this matter. In the past few years in the entertainment industry, Guo has seen a lot of ups and downs, but he just felt that he was basically following the rhythm of his boss.

Even people in the entertainment industry like Guo Degang can't keep up, and it's even more impossible for people outside the circle like Huo Shan to keep up with Ye Ming's pace.

If Huo Yuanjia's crew hadn't angered the Huo family this time, he probably wouldn't have had any chance to deal directly with people in the entertainment industry in his entire life.

At this moment, Guo Degang said in a daze: "Boss, wait a minute, wait a minute, let me go through this first. What's going on?

You said, if we are in China, if we want to win further, it is unlikely that the Fearless crew will bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

Therefore, it does not make sense to go abroad to litigate a lawsuit. "

Ye Ming nodded firmly and said, "Yes, if you are not satisfied with the result after the domestic lawsuit is over, you can just file a lawsuit abroad. What's the big deal?"

Guo Degang exclaimed and said: "This matter is causing trouble. We have a place to argue the case in China. After all, this is our own matter, and it is impossible for the domestic courts to ignore it."

But if we go abroad, do you think the courts in their country can handle this matter? "

Huo Shan nodded stupidly on the side, even saying that he didn't even have the courage to speak.

Going abroad to litigate a lawsuit is something that ordinary people would never dare to think about.

Although Huo Shan is a relatively well-known person in Jinmen, he is still an ordinary citizen without any big ambitions or ambitions.

After Huo Shan heard Ye Ming's proposal, he immediately thought, I haven't figured out the domestic affairs yet. Is it appropriate to go abroad?

However, Guo Degang had already asked about this matter, and Huo Shan did not speak.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Of course, as long as you are willing to litigate this lawsuit, then I guarantee that a court will be willing to take care of this matter.

Don't look at international lawsuits as mysterious. Just hire a lawyer. You can hand over all the evidence directly to the lawyer, wait for the court to hear the case, and then wait for the result.

According to the cause and effect of this matter in the Huo family, your probability of victory is very high. If there are no accidents, it should be about 80%.

I am sure that if they win the lawsuit, the Fearless crew will definitely apologize and compensate them. "

Huo Shan immediately said: "Mr. Ye, if there is really compensation, we will definitely donate it to Jinmen University as soon as possible and we will not keep a penny."

This was a statement. Ye Ming supported their lawsuit, but they also had to have their own attitude.

But Guo Degang said: "Then boss, I have a question, where should we go to litigate? If we go abroad, there must be a place.

Also, this happened in our country. It seems that foreign countries may not accept this lawsuit.

Do you think this is true? "In Guo Degang's opinion, it was somewhat unreliable when his boss said he would go abroad to litigate.

Although Guo Degang is not a lawyer, he still has basic legal knowledge. Besides, he has also been a defendant in the past two years, so he knows a little bit about jurisdiction.

For example, if you have a car accident in Shanghai, you must go to Beijing to litigate. This seems a bit inappropriate.

And this is considered domestic. If you go abroad, this seems to be even more unreasonable.

Ye Ming said without thinking: "I said, as long as it is your original lawsuit, someone will accept it. Go to the UK. If you go to the UK to fight this lawsuit, it will be the easiest to win."

Huo Shan finally understood from the shock, and immediately said with some trepidation: "Boss Ye, you said we go to the UK to file a lawsuit, so will they definitely accept it?

What if the British court does not care about this matter? How do we sue them? "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Of course, the British court will definitely accept this case.

Because this actually involves a jurisdictional issue.

I know you are worried that the British court cannot handle this case and will not accept it, but in fact this matter is not what you think.

If it were an ordinary Chinese film, it would be impossible to file a lawsuit in the UK, and they would not accept it.

But this time you are suing Huo Yuanjia, starring Li Lianjie. In this case, one of the characteristics of Huo Yuanjia is that it was also released in the UK. This is the key to your prosecution.

As long as the work is published, distributed and screened in the UK, the British courts have jurisdiction.

Therefore, in such a situation, you can directly file a lawsuit in the British court, and I guarantee that a lawyer will tell you what to do.

All you need to do is prepare two things, one is evidence and the other is money. I will help you find a lawyer. You must prepare money and evidence. You must do this as soon as possible.

If I think correctly, the UK will accept the case within a week. "

Go to the UK to sue. What Ye Ming said is true. It seems that there is some truth to what Ye Ming said.

Guo Degang said curiously: "If Fearless is released in the UK, will they really take care of this lawsuit?

If you put it this way, wouldn't it be the same to go to the United States or Japan to litigate? Why do we have to go to England?

Is it easy to litigate in the UK? "

In Guo Degang's opinion, if there is no problem in filing a lawsuit abroad, then Fearless has also been released in Japan and the United States. At this time, there is no big problem in choosing a country.

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "Of course, because this is a matter of some legal details. You must be familiar with British and American laws on this point.

For example, in lawsuits involving reputation, British law is more favorable to plaintiffs. The plaintiff does not need to prove that the media's defamation was intentional, and the British constitution's provisions protecting freedom of speech are "much weaker" than those in the United States.

In other words, if this kind of lawsuit is filed in the United States, as a plaintiff, the possibility of victory will be smaller.

However, if you go to the UK to file a lawsuit, then at this time, according to British law, the protection of speech rights and personal reputation will be more focused.

In other words, in the UK, juries will more often consider the reputation of a celebrity.

Therefore, when arriving in the UK, the hope of victory will be greater.

Therefore, in fact, the First Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, while in the UK, the right of speech and the right of personal reputation are more balanced.

In the entertainment industry, two celebrities, Britney Spears and Kate Hudson, once sued an American magazine, the National Enquirer, in the UK.

And won. The key point is that this American magazine is also published in the UK.

Therefore, if you sue in the UK, there will be no problem.

Similar to peers, the movie Fearless is of international scope and has also been released in the UK.

Therefore, in such a situation, the British courts also have certain jurisdiction over the Fearless crew.

At least they will definitely take the case.

Therefore, in a situation like this, if you go to the UK to sue, there is basically no big problem.

Legally speaking, there are also cases quoted as saying that since it is a case in which two celebrities, Britney Spears and Kate Hudson, won the case, the jury and the judge will definitely consider similar cases when making decisions. of.

This will be very helpful to you and will greatly increase your chances of winning. "

Let me go, Guo De just took a breath of cold air, it turns out that the entertainment industry can still play like this?

It seems that if a person stands from a different angle, it will affect a person's thinking in times like this.

My boss really stands tall and sees things far away.

Moreover, his boss is indeed a cunning person. The crew of Fearless Fearless were unlucky to have encountered an opponent like this. With an opponent like this watching them secretly, they would probably have nightmares at night.

However, at this time Huo Shan immediately said: "Don't worry, Boss Ye, the evidence is not a problem, we have already prepared it, and money is not a problem. We will prepare the money immediately when we get back. As long as we can win the case, we will pay any amount."

Ye Ming waved his hand with a smile and said: "Don't take litigation so seriously. As long as you stand on the side of truth and justice, then there is no need to be afraid of litigation.

The filing fee for a typical case in our country is 50 yuan, which is not much in the UK. It is a little more expensive than us, but nowhere near as expensive.

The key is the lawyer. The profession of lawyer is very popular abroad, and the fee is not very low. You mainly need to prepare the lawyer's fees and the related food, accommodation and transportation expenses to the UK.

After winning the lawsuit, the Huo Yuanjia crew went out, and this is also the case abroad. "Litigation costs, according to international practice, whoever loses the lawsuit will pay.

Under certain circumstances, it can be divided equally or the judge can decide. Therefore, the Huo family basically does not have to worry about prosecution fees. Ye Ming is also very clear about this.

In this case, the Huo family has the moral and legal upper hand. Basically, as long as there is a lawsuit, the Huo family is sure to win.

Therefore, it will be up to Fearless's crew to bear the cost of prosecution. In fact, the Huo family spent more on legal fees.

Of course, at this time, the Huo family didn't dare not make more preparations. Ye Ming just said that they are helping you with the lawsuit. When the time comes, you say that you have no money, and that won't work.

On that day, a big news broke in the entertainment industry, that is, the Huo family had decided to go to the UK to sue the Fearless crew.

It was originally a small news in the entertainment industry. As a star, he became a defendant, and he was considered a defendant because of a work. This is not a common occurrence in the entertainment industry, but it is definitely not an exception.

Therefore, this kind of news actually did not cause much response.

If it weren't for the fact that the protagonist of this story was the famous star Li Lianjie, there wouldn't be as many reporters concerned as there are now.

Li Lianjie was not seen being intercepted by reporters at the airport. How come there were not many reporters who intercepted the Huo family. The key is that the Huo family is not from the entertainment industry, and not many people like to read the news about the Huo family. But this time it's different.

Finally, there is news worthy of reporters’ attention.

This kind of reputational lawsuit is a relatively normal case in China.

But if something like this happened abroad, it would be news.

Therefore, after getting the news, many reporters could not intercept Li Lianjie, so they went directly to intercept Huo Shan and others.

After all, it is easier to find the whereabouts of Huo Shan and others than to find the whereabouts of a big star like Li Lianjie.

Huo Shan had no intention of keeping it secret. He actually wanted more reporters to pay attention to such things.

Therefore, in the face of reporters' questions, Huo Shan said very resolutely that it has been determined that the lawsuit will be fought abroad. Moreover, the relevant lawyers in the UK have already taken over the case, and the preliminary preparations for the prosecution are already in progress. in progress.

If there is any news from the court, I will notify my friends in the media as soon as possible.

Let me go, there is really news like this, and it was Huo Shan who took the initiative to go to the UK to sue the Huo Yuanjia crew.

The reporters are very curious about this matter. In fact, in China, the Huo family has already won the lawsuit and is the victorious party. It just means that some of the Huo family's demands have not been met.

Therefore, at this time, more reporters actually believed that the Huo family should cease operations.

But I didn't expect that the Huo family was more ruthless than they thought. They actually asked a lawyer to go to the UK to sue the Fearless crew.

So at this time, reporters actually have a question: Can the United States handle this matter?

As a result, Huo Shan was very straightforward in this process and directly repeated what Ye Ming said.

Moreover, they immediately stated that two celebrities, Britney Spears and Kate Hudson, had won similar lawsuits in the UK.

What reporters are least afraid of is making things bigger. The more things are made bigger, the greater the news value of an incident like this.

Therefore, after hearing the Huo family's statement, reporters immediately went to verify the relevant news.

There is indeed news like this, and the dedicated reporter also checked it out. In terms of relevant legal details, the UK takes relatively good care of the plaintiffs in such cases.

In other words, if they go to the UK to file a lawsuit, it is very likely that the Huo family will succeed. If no special factors occur, the Fearless crew will face losing the lawsuit for the second time.

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