Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1962 It’s not you who started the lawsuit

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. He originally didn't want to get involved in this matter. This was not the first time that something like this had happened in the entertainment industry. It had nothing to do with him, so he didn't care about it at all.

Therefore, he was silent for a moment and said: "I heard that this matter has been litigated. Has the court already decided it? Let's hear what the outcome is."

Judging from Guo Degang's tone, this matter seems to have been decided, or at least it is not very beneficial to the Huo family.

Guo Degang immediately said, "This case has really been decided. The first instance has already decided and admitted the true identity of the descendants of the Huo family. However, the first instance judgment did not admit that the Huo Yuanjia crew had anything to do with Mr. Huo Yuanjia." The phenomenon of slander and slander is just that we don’t support it anyway.

Speaking of the Huo Yuanjia crew, they treated Mr. Huo so badly that the entire Huo family was wiped out. No one else would be able to endure this.

If the Huo family is really wiped out by the enemy, then who are the Huo family members in Jinmen now? Could they be people who jumped out of the cracks in the rocks?

Do you think this is bullying?

Even if the producer apologizes, the Huo family doesn't expect much compensation, but if someone insists on it, they don't think they are wrong and think it is just artistic creation. This is a bit bullying. "

The key to this is that the producer is a powerful party, so it is unwilling to admit that it has done something wrong. Guo Degang couldn't stand it, so he brought people to Future Film and Television to find the boss.

Therefore, on an issue like this, it can be said that Lao Guo spoke uprightly.

However, the point of what Ye Ming heard was not that. As a powerful party, it was not easy for the producers to admit their mistakes first.

For example, if you want to play a hooligan, who can do it better than Yingjiang? That is to say, Xiong Da and Rabbit can play with Yingjiang a few times, and the others have stopped. To be honest, my rabbit is really ruthless, and he is indeed as domineering as the famous demon rabbit in the world.

Of course, because Ying Jiang is powerful, he always wants to be the leader of Lao He's army and manage the world.

He always dislikes rabbits and bears, fearing that these two beasts will usurp his dominance.

Anyway, it can be seen from this case that the producers of Fearless are indeed a strong party, so it is really difficult for them to admit their mistakes at a time like this.

But Ye Ming didn't care about this, but pondered for a moment and said, "Is it true that you just said that the Huo family is not prepared to ask the Huo Yuanjia crew to pay how much compensation?"

Guo Degang was also stunned at this time. How to explain this matter? His boss was not concerned about how to win the lawsuit, but about the issue of compensation. Do geniuses think differently from others?

This thing is really mind-blowing.

But Guo Degang immediately said: "Really, it is indeed like this. People from the Huo family came to my door and told me that it was definitely not for money, but for the reputation of their ancestors.

It doesn't matter how much the compensation is, the key is to make the other party bow their head and admit their mistake. Can you manage this boss? "

Ye Ming nodded thoughtfully and said: "This is about the same, right?

However, you are not the person involved, so what you say does not matter. Let the Huo family come. Let the Huo family be the masters of the matter. I want to hear what they have to say in person.

If this matter is really just for venting their anger and not for money, then I will help them.

But if you let me know that they are here just for compensation, then you should know in your heart what the result will be. Make it clear to them what I mean. OK? "

Guo Degang actually heard Ye Ming's words very clearly. He knew very well what kind of temper his boss had. If he dared to cheat, he would have to bear the boss's anger.

This boss's character of always reporting flaws in the entertainment industry is something that ordinary people cannot bear. This matter must be made clear to the Huo family.

I have fulfilled my duty as a fellow villager. From now on in Jinmen, no one will say that Lao Guo is not working hard anymore.

As for what kind of choice the Huo family makes, it depends on what the Huo family wants.

Therefore, Guo Degang nodded immediately and said happily: "Boss, don't worry, the Huo family's people are outside. I'll let them come over now."

Naturally, Guo Degang must explain this matter clearly before bringing the Huo family over.

At the gate of the courtyard, there were a few anxious people waiting, one older and two younger. At first glance, the young people looked like scholars, but the older people looked as tall as pine trees. , there should be some effort in the hand.

As for the older people, Huo Shan is the boss of the Huo family. He does have skills in his skills, and he is considered a relatively prestigious person in Jinmen.

This time he took the lead in handling the matter.

As soon as Guo De came over, Huo Shan immediately greeted him and said, "Mr. Guo, how is this going?"

Whether Ye Ming is willing to help or not is a big deal.

In this case, the lawyer also said that basically the judgment of the first instance was qualitative first. Even if there were any changes in the second instance, it was only a slight change of details. The essential judgment was actually what the lawyer said. It is very clear that there will basically not be much difference from the first-instance judgment.

Therefore, Huo Shan was actually holding his breath in his heart. If he lost, the Huo family would be extremely embarrassed.

Therefore, he found Guo Degang, hoping that Guo Degang could find a way to introduce Ye Ming. Only when a star of Ye Ming's level intervenes can this kind of thing change.

Therefore, Huo Shan and others also very much hope that Guo Degang can bring some good news.

Guo Degang hesitated and said, "Master Huo, I said I saw the boss, but the boss didn't say he didn't care. He just asked me, what you said about the Huo family's lawsuit is not for money. What the boss meant by this is Say, is it true?

If he intervenes, and you are all chasing money in this case, our boss's anger will not be something we men can bear. This is very important, I must ask clearly. "

Huo Shan said with great certainty: "Mr. Guo, don't worry. Although our Huo family is not rich, we are not so poor that we have no food to eat. We don't want to make money with the reputation of our ancestors.

I can guarantee that we are definitely not doing this for money. In fact, after winning the lawsuit this time, it is our greatest wish to have them apologize.

If there is compensation, I will make the decision and donate all the compensation directly to charitable organizations in Tianjin. "

If it is true that it is not for money at all, it is difficult to say, but at least most of it is for a breath.

But looking at the situation now, it is very unfavorable to themselves. At this time, they are not just doing it for money, they must be trying to compete for a breath.

Therefore, Huo Shan can guarantee that at least now the Huo family is filing a lawsuit not for compensation but for the tone.

After hearing this, Guo Degang gritted his teeth and chose to believe his fellow countryman.

Therefore, he immediately said: "Come on, since I said this about you, then at this time you can follow me to meet our boss and see what he says.

By the way, tell our boss what you just said, it should be helpful to you. "

Guo Degang brought Huoshan over and entered the office. Huo Shan was frightened for a while. Seeing Ye Ming was like seeing a sleeping dragon. Ye Ming, a kung fu star, looked quite amazing.

The body contains powerful explosive power. This kind of explosive power made Huo Shan feel frightened, which means that it may cause fatal danger to Huo Shan.

However, Ye Ming then restrained his momentum, and Guo Degang introduced him, saying that it was the Huo family's business, and if there are any problems, you two can talk about it.

Ye Ming didn't even think about it and said directly: "Mr. Huo, this matter is not a big deal that I don't care about.

I just think that these people are a bit unkind. After all, they wrote Mr. Huo Yuanjia to wipe out his family, and they still don't apologize.

So I thought I'd take care of this. Guo Degang also made it very clear just now that you are filing this lawsuit just to vent your anger, not to compensate.

I want you to tell me personally once, just to vent your anger, not to compensate. "

Huo Shan said categorically: "Mr. Ye, as the person in charge of this matter in the Huo family, I promise you that if we can win the case this time, we, the Huo family, will not pay a penny for any compensation and will donate it all to Jinmen." charity."

Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction and said: "Charity, well, it's very good. It's great that you have such courage. As for donating to charity, don't donate it to the university?"

Establish a Fearless Education Fund, those charities, reputation? Well, forget it, I will just donate it to the university to establish a fund when the time comes. "

Originally, Ye Ming wanted to say that charities were not very reliable, but at this time, Ye Ming actually thought about it and realized that it seemed that that beautiful thing had not happened yet. The reputation of current charities is pretty good.

But since beauty shows off wealth will happen, it’s hard to say what’s happening now. Therefore, it is better to donate directly to the university.

When Huo Shan heard this, he immediately said: "Even if we want to donate, we must win the lawsuit first, otherwise there will be no compensation at all. In the first instance, we did not win the lawsuit. At most, the Huo family was recognized. Identity of descendants.

The lawyer also said that if the second instance wants to overturn the case, it will not be an easy task.

Is there any way Mr. Ye can change this reality?

Could it be that public opinion supervision fails? "

In Huo Shan's eyes, this matter is a foregone conclusion. He is also treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor to see if finding someone can change the passive situation in the Huo family.

Lawyers have said that the possibility of winning the case is basically zero. Ye Ming was speaking so categorically at this moment. Could it be that Ye Ming really had a way to influence the second trial?

Ye Ming's Brilliant Network is a website all over the world. Therefore, if public opinion really intervenes, there may be some changes in such a matter.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "The court's decision is actually within the scope of the law. I don't have the ability to change the first-instance decision."

Hearing this, Huo Shan felt a chill in his heart. Even Ye Ming said there was no chance, was he really just giving up?

Ye Ming then said with a smile: "Don't worry. In fact, this case does not mean that there is no hope of overturning the case. Haven't you already won a small step? The identity of the descendants of your Huo family has been determined in the first trial. , it’s impossible to change this, right?”

Yes, when Huo Shan heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "This may be the only thing that we, the Huo family, are gratified about."

Ye Ming immediately said: "This is already good. It has been officially recognized. This is also an ironclad proof. In China, when we file a lawsuit, there is definitely no possibility of overturning the verdict.

After all, that's what our laws say. And the Fearless crew, they are also very strong.

The first-instance verdict has come out, which proves that the second-instance verdict is unlikely to be overturned.

However, the court has recognized the identity of you Huo family members, which is also very important.

If you can't litigate this lawsuit domestically, there's no problem, just go abroad.

This person needs to learn to think about problems from multiple aspects, right? If you can't win at home, just go abroad. "

What he said made Guo Degang, Huo Shan, Hong Fei and other people at the scene stunned.

If you can't win the lawsuit at home, how about going to litigate abroad?

Guo Degang's eyes widened and he said: "Boss, if you say we can't win at home, then we will go to litigate abroad. Is this possible? Can we definitely win at home?"

Ye Ming immediately said: "Wrong, we are not saying that we can't win at home. In fact, the Huo family has already taken a small step towards victory. It's just that your victory did not meet your expectations.

In fact, the Huo family can be considered a victory, but the other party refused to apologize. If it is difficult to litigate domestically, then it would be easier to solve the problem if you directly litigate abroad. "

In fact, speaking of it, the Huo family really won this lawsuit, at least they couldn't be considered a loser.

It's just that the people on Fearless's crew are relatively strong and unwilling to admit their mistakes.

If Ye Ming hadn't felt that the Huo Yuanjia crew should admit their mistake, then in such a situation, he really would not have intervened in this matter.

But now that the Huo family has said that they are doing it for publicity and not for money, then it is not a big deal to help the Huo family in the lawsuit.

Others may feel that it is not easy to go abroad to litigate, but Ye Ming thinks that this is a normal thing.

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