Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1950: Follow your feelings

I have to say that the press conference was actually quite successful. After all, Ye Ming's influence is very powerful. Running Brothers is also a phenomenal variety show. Therefore, at a time like this, the people who are paying attention must be very Much.

Moreover, this is promoted on the CCTV platform, and there are almost no people who don’t give face to it.

Of course, like Chen Zhong and that guy on house inspection Sunday. That's an exception.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. At this time, Ye Ming got into the car and Hong Fei drove. In fact, Hong Fei was full of questions, and this time he finally took this opportunity to tell them.

Hong Fei said while driving: "Boss, isn't this a bit unreliable? You are really lenient to the guys from Huihuang Film and Television. Since you are back now, you should leave them alone. , who made them have thoughts they shouldn’t have.”

Ye Ming smiled and said with an indifferent attitude: "This matter is actually just the same thing. It is not as complicated as you think. After all, they are their own employees. Even if they have a little thought, then There is no actual action, right?

Therefore, we still need to treat them differently. Of course, for example, there are people in Baodao who dare to change jobs directly and leave before the contract expires. This is absolutely unforgivable.

I have asked the lawyers from the legal department over there to send a direct letter to them. This time, we must let those people get out of the entertainment industry.

For example, some of the more popular ones like Jay Chou did some small tricks, but after all, they did not betray openly.

Last time on the set, Jay Chou even said he didn't have the guts to come see me. Anyway, this matter must be killed to serve as a warning to others, but there is no need to be so cruel to one's own people.

As for Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and others, they followed me almost from scratch. Do you think I am burning a bridge by crossing a river?

This is simply impossible. I just want to give everyone a signal, that is, if I, Ye Ming’s employees, make mistakes, I will punish them. If not, there will be courts. If other people dare to intervene, that is impossible. .

Therefore, I will restart Running Brothers just to take care of these people. Otherwise, any cat or dog would dare to attack the actors of our company. I will not care about the people of Brilliant Film and Television, and I will not care about the status of film and television in the future. Therefore, when it comes to such an issue, we must behave well. Ichiban is the one. I don’t care what others think, I just tell everyone that I will protect my people. "

Ye Ming originally had the same idea as Hong Fei, and wanted to give Huang Bo and others a break, but now there are some rumors in the entertainment industry that Ye Ming is going to defend Huihuang Film and Television. This is something Ye Ming cannot tolerate. thing.

Needless to say, there must be someone behind this news, otherwise, it would not have spread so quickly.

After all, on such an issue, Ye Ming has many enemies. Maybe one of them wants to see Ye Ming's jokes, or wants to cause Ye Ming some trouble, so he just does it.

But no one thought that Ye Ming was really such a protective person. There was a little bit of news just now, but on such a problem, Ye Ming was immediately kicked out of the cauldron when he entered, and he directly put the running Brother, you have played a trump card like this.

Once Ye Ming plays such a trump card, who dares to say that Ye Ming will not attach great importance to the actor of Huihuang Film and Television.

If you really don't pay attention to it, then when it comes to a matter like this, you simply mean that you don't care about the life and death of these people.

At this time, Hong Fei didn't say anything anymore. As a subordinate, he just reminded his boss, but Ye Ming was the one who really made the decision.

Moreover, Ye Ming's style is actually very cohesive. Everyone likes to have a boss who protects their weaknesses, and Ye Ming is actually such a boss.

If one day, Hong Fei feels that he really encounters some kind of difficulty, then maybe Ye Ming can directly help him solve such a problem.

Working under a boss like this basically means you have nothing to worry about.

At this time, Hong Fei sent Ye Ming to Future Film and Television Company. At this time, he still had to be busy with the preparatory work for Ode to Joy. Although the main shooting location was at Huihuang.com, it was not like that at this time. Ode to Joy just doesn’t have any other exterior scenes.

There are also coffee shops, bars and other places. This kind of place can either directly set up a bar and coffee shop, or use a real bar and coffee shop as a shooting location. No matter which of these two choices you choose, it is a must. Please contact us in advance.

If the crew has to build it themselves, it is even more important to prepare in advance, otherwise, the filming will be delayed.

These things need to be done by someone who is familiar with the situation.

And Hong Fei is such a person. He has been in the entertainment industry for a long time and has a relatively wide network of contacts. He needs experience and connections. Hong Fei can handle this kind of crew affairs very easily.

At this time, Ye Ming returned directly to the Siheyuan of Future Film and Television.

This time Ode to Joy, the five beauties did not go to Huihuang.com to experience life. After attending the press conference, the five beauties went back directly. Anyway, Ye Ming did not have a hard and fast rule to go back to experience life after attending the press conference.

Combining work with rest has always been a work attitude advocated by my boss.

This is when work-rest balance works best. Because at this time, Changing Ode to Joy and Five Beauty actually received quite a profound blow.

This time at the press conference of Running Brothers, although it was said that Ye Ming took great care of Ode to Joy, this was a press conference of Running Brothers after all.

Moreover, as a phenomenal variety show, Running Brothers has a very high popularity.

In such a matter, Wang Baoqiang, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and others were all on the front line before joining Running Brothers, and Wang Zulan of the Deng Dynasty also entered the front line after joining.

Therefore, in a matter like this, if we talk about a competition for popularity, even Jiang Xin among the five beauties of Ode to Joy would not dare to say that he is more popular than the brothers of Running.

Therefore, in this press conference, the media actually paid more attention to the situation of some people from Running Brothers.

As for the five beauties of Ode to Joy, if it weren’t for Ye Ming’s reminder and help, it would have been impossible to attract too many beautiful pictures.

In fact, the five beauties in Ode to Joy are all great beauties. The one in the previous one was a great beauty, and this one is even more so. Basically, they are all at the level of bringing disaster to the country and the people, or they are in a state of being invincible and cute.

If it is said that in other situations, beautiful women always have a lot of privileges and will always attract more attention from the camera.

But in such a situation, this thing is not so simple to do. Because the popularity of Running Brothers is so high, restarting Running Brothers is even more eye-catching news.

The entertainment industry is actually such a realistic place. Whoever is more popular and can attract more audiences will be favored by the media. And Run Brothers is a profound proof of this point.

Therefore, at this time, Ode to Joy and Five Beauties was actually hit hard.

Of course, the Run brothers treated the five beauties of Ode to Joy quite interestingly and did not put on any airs. Xu Zheng, the most wily among them, seemed to have noticed something, but Xu Zheng himself was not sure.

But when he saw his boss praising the five beauties of Joy so much, at a time like this, he himself determined that among the five beauties there was at least one beautiful woman who had a close relationship with his boss.

As for who this beauty was, Xu Zheng really couldn't tell. After learning the news, Xu Zheng naturally made it very clear what he should do.

Putting on airs and acting like a big name, not to mention that the stars of brilliant movies and TV shows will not do that. Even if you still have this habit, when you see your boss praising the five virtues of Joy, you should feel a little bit in your heart. idea.

And Ye Ming made it very clear that when the time comes, Ode to Joy Wumei will join the Running Brothers, they are comrades in arms.

Therefore, in fact, the Running Brothers are quite polite in exchange for Ode to Joy.

However, even if you give Ode to Joy five beauties to drink Yunnan Baiyao, it is impossible to make up for the trauma deep in their hearts.

This is actually very helpless. This is a problem that people who enter the entertainment industry must face. The cold bench is not found in other industries. The entertainment industry also has cold benches, and the cold bench is more intense than in ordinary industries. There are many.

At this point, it is difficult for others to help Ode to Joy.

Among them, Zhao Baozi, although he is said to be a kind of cute and invincible, innocent and cute, is also the one who has been hurt the most. Da Mi Mi is not the kind of veteran who has been in the battlefield for a long time, and he can be considered a newcomer.

Not to mention Liu Sisi, without much experience, the mood of these three people was actually particularly low.

As for Liu Tao, she has been in the entertainment industry for a relatively long time, so she has experienced a lot of being benched.

Especially this time, the boss actually took good care of the five of them and focused on introducing the five beauties of Ode to Joy. Therefore, in Liu Tao's view, this was a relatively lucky thing.

If it weren't for the boss's strong support, it would be strange to be able to attend such a press conference. As for Jiang Xin, Empress Jiang Xin is definitely the kind of heartless person.

Forum bench?

No, in Jiang Xin's mind, there is actually no concept of being on the bench.

After all, Jiang Xin doesn't have the consciousness to stand aside. She is the kind of existence that defies heaven and earth.

Therefore, in fact, this kind of thing is not very lethal to Jiang Xin.

Therefore, at this time, among the five beauties of Ode to Joy, Liu Tao and Jiang Xin are considered to be the two more cheerful people.

At this time, Jiang Xin had not really integrated into the group.

Therefore, in such a situation, Liu Tao is the only one who can really stand up to comfort Zhao Baozi, Da Mi Mi, and Liu Sisi.

Therefore, on such a question, Liu Tao also played the role of a big sister. He looked at Zhao Baozi with a smile and said, "Do you think you have been wronged?"

It is indeed unacceptable to be treated so coldly at the press conference. Zhao Baozi didn't say anything, he looked aggrieved, as if he wanted to cry. This is simply a cute rhythm.

At this moment, Ye Ming actually pushed the door open and came in. Seeing Ode to Joy and Five Beauties which is not very popular, Ye Ming actually had already expected it.

In this situation, everything is under control. When Liu Tao saw Ye Ming coming back, he was very relaxed in such a situation, and he could finally breathe a long sigh of relief.

I no longer need to be a psychiatrist to educate the other three newcomers.

Since it is said that the boss has come back, it is more appropriate for the boss to do this himself.

After all, the boss's eloquence is quite amazing. 272 means that if the boss can't agree, then we can still have in-depth communication.

This is something that is impossible for me to do.

Therefore, from Liu Tao's point of view, as long as his boss takes action, there is no big problem. As for Jiang Xin, Liu Tao is actually not worried at all. This person is just like a stupid elder sister. The existence is truly heartless.

Therefore, this kind of person does not need any comfort, because this kind of cold shoulder will not be placed in her heart at all.

On such an issue, neither Liu Tao nor Ye Ming were able to enlighten Concubine Hua.

At this time, Ye Ming saw the five beauties with different expressions of joy in the room, smiled slightly and said: "How about it, this time I participated in the press conference, do you feel that you have gained something, a little aggrieved or something.

Do you feel that the entertainment industry is indeed a very realistic place?

Why do so many reporters not pay attention to you, who are good-looking, but instead pay attention to a group like the Running Brothers, whose average looks are not that good? "

At this time, Ode to Joy Wumei was immediately attracted by Ye Ming's rhetorical questions. This is basically the rhythm of exposing scars.

I was ignored at the press conference just now, and when I came back, I was asked such direct questions by my boss. This is definitely an unbearable topic.

But Ye Ming did not pay more attention to the five beauties of Ode to Joy. Instead, he continued very directly: "It's okay to feel like this. Follow your feelings."

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