Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1824 Take action

Although the photo scandal had a huge impact on the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang, Ye Ming didn't really care about it.

What he is concerned about is that his subordinate, his sister, was kidnapped during the summer vacation because of this, and he came to Xiangjiang to deal with this matter.

It was better to get rid of the reporters than to come out alone. In fact, if he wanted to really get rid of these reporters, these reporters would not be able to stop Ye Ming at all.

But those who clearly don't want to act too special, if they say that they have arrived in Hong Kong City, they haven't even met a reporter, which is amazing.

As a star, you have to pay the price of being a star. It is normal to be bumped into by reporters. Therefore, Ye Ming was able to express his views on the photos to the extreme, but then she He quickly got rid of the reporters and left alone. That is to say, the reporters who followed one of them were also very puzzled. They were not following one or two celebrities here. Even when Michael Jackson came here, he was followed by them, but he was not lost. However, several people here actually lost track of one of them. Is this because I am too useless?

Ye Ming came out directly and found an abandoned factory based on the information from Uncle Six. According to Ye Ming's own feeling, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang should be in this factory.

This matter is probably due to Yang Shoucheng's backing. After all, this matter involves the artist who promoted their family.

It would be strange if this matter had nothing to do with Yang**,

But even if Yang ** is the backer, there will still be a price to pay. Even if it is Lao Yang, it is impossible to give up at this time.

At this point, Ye Ming was thinking about rescuing people first and then settling the score.

It has to be said that the place chosen by Brother Hutou is quite hidden, but he never expected that Ye Ming could find Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang just by feeling.

Of course, Ye Ming is not so arrogant as to think that he can cover the whole of Xiangjiang and find people with his feeling.

This is why he asked Uncle Liu to help him determine the approximate location of those people.

As for the matter of rescuing people, Ye Ming decided to show off his powerful power and use thunderous means to suppress this matter. Otherwise, in the future, anyone who comes out will dare to kidnap people from his company. In the future, Brilliant Film and Television How should people like me get along?

And as his boss, he can't take action personally every time, right?

At this time, Ye Ming pushed gently, and the door wrapped with thick iron chains collapsed instantly.

If anyone saw this scene, their jaw would definitely drop. The thick iron chain on his arm collapsed so easily. This is definitely an inhuman force.

Ye Ming quickly found the abandoned warehouse. There were two men guarding the outside, and Ye Ming could clearly feel that at this time, in fact, under such a situation, inside the warehouse But there are a few people, twelve, and if two of them are Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang, then the remaining ten people should be the ones who kidnapped his men.

At the same time, at the wireless station, Uncle Shao Liu heard the report from his subordinates and immediately said in surprise: "The paparazzi who followed Ye Ming actually lost him?"

A person who looked like a supervisor immediately swore: "At that time, it was not just our reporter, there were about seven or eight reporters with more than ten people. In the end, they were lost like that. Those people didn't know how they got the person. Lost.

You must know that those people are all veterans. Even when Jackson and Madonna came to Hong Kong City, these people were still watching. "

It is almost a convention that celebrities of different levels should be followed by reporters.

Stars like Ye Ming are at the level of emperors and superstars. Therefore, they naturally have to be watched by very experienced reporters. They are all veteran reporters who have been in the industry for more than ten years or even more than twenty years. These are the elite paparazzi in Xiangjiang, but just like this, some people went to follow Ye Ming, but they actually lost them halfway.

At this time, the supervisor added: "It was probably lost at the location we gave it. I don't know if it's a coincidence."

Uncle Shao Liu was even more surprised. Ye Ming asked him for the approximate location of Brother Hu Tou, and Uncle Shao Liu gave it to him without hesitation.

In fact, it was Uncle Shao Liu who originally wanted to ask someone to rescue him.

After all, in such a situation, these two actors were kidnapped while they were doing a show. Due to reasons and reasons, Uncle Shao must rescue them even for his own sake. of.

But Ye Ming also said that he had to do it himself to scare the monkeys. Uncle Shao thought about it for a while and it was the same thing.

People who knew that the person was from Huihuang Film and Television actually dared to kidnap him.

This clearly means that they don’t take Huihui Film and Television seriously. They think that Huihui Film and Television is a mainland company and does not have much influence in the Hong Kong city.

This time Ye Ming decided to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, which is also very normal.

Otherwise, if anyone dares to challenge Huihui Film and Television on an issue like this, it will be difficult for Huihui Film and Television to have any work in Hong Kong.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Uncle Shao Liu did not take action on this issue himself.

In fact, Uncle Shao Liu has been wondering what method Ye Ming will use to solve this problem.

If you are talking about finding someone from the Jianghu, it is also possible. After all, he also has certain relationships with some big guys in Xiangjiang. If Ye Ming uses this relationship, it will definitely be very easy to solve the problem. .

But the key point is that for this kind of thing, you will owe a favor, and it will not be easy to repay it.

And even if Ye Ming used his connections in the world, his uncle Shao Liu was confident that he would definitely get the news.

There is another action that Ye Ming will use official power to call the police.

But if you call the police for something like this, it is tantamount to making the matter public and amplifying it, which will have a bad impact on Huihuang Film and Television.

And if you do it this way, it is impossible to serve as a warning to the monkeys.

And Ye Ming also told himself clearly that this time he wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, so he would not use this method of calling the police.

However, Uncle Shao actually understood that Ye Ming had another way, which was to find someone from the military to solve this problem.

Ye Ming has a very close relationship with the official power in the mainland. Under such a situation, if he uses some connections to ask people from the military to take action, it will definitely be as easy as thunder.

This can definitely serve as a warning to the monkeys. After all, no one in the world is willing to provoke the police, but no one in the world would dare to provoke the military.

Provoking and confronting the police is not something that has never happened in Xiangjiang, and it has not happened once.

But everyone in the martial arts world has a bottom line, and this bottom line means that they cannot provoke the military.

If you are talking about provoking the military, then on such an issue, you are definitely seeking death.

Moreover, once Ye Ming uses his power in this area, it will definitely not be known by others. Maybe even after the problem is solved, outsiders will know that it was someone from the military who took action.

But the possibility of this kind of problem is not very high. The key is whether the military people will be willing to take action. This is difficult to say.

Regarding such a problem, Ye Ming would not do it easily, because it was not that far yet. After all, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang were not kidnapped by Somali pirates.

Therefore, in fact, under such a situation, when Uncle Shao heard that Ye Ming could not be found, he couldn't guess what Ye Ming wanted to do for a while.

However, in the end, he let out a long sigh and said: "If the arrangement continues, if news related to Huihuang Film and Television appears, the people in the news department will deal with it in a weakened manner, or treat it as if it does not exist. Anyway, it will take three days. I don’t want to see TVB report news related to Huihuang Film and Television.”

Although in such a situation, Ye Ming disappeared, why exactly? It was difficult for Uncle Shao Liu to understand for a while, but regarding this issue, just relying on his own intuition, then Uncle Shao Liu knew that there would be a feeling that the storm was about to come.

This feeling is actually due to an unimaginable sixth sense. This feeling has made Shao Liushu take a lot of detours.

The supervisor didn't say anything. At the wireless station, Uncle Shao Liu was a real man of his word. He sat alone in the pond like a tiger crouching, nourishing his spirit under the shade tree. If I don't speak first when spring comes, no insect would dare to say anything.

At the wireless station, Uncle Shao Liu is so domineering. As a subordinate, you don't have to understand what the boss means, as long as you follow the boss's instructions.

In fact, Uncle Shao knew clearly that Ye Ming's disappearance this time meant that there would definitely be shocking news in the future, and it would definitely be big news related to Huihuang Film and Television.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys, if Ye Ming didn't use thunderous means, it would be impossible to kill chickens to scare monkeys.

In fact, Brother Hutou's two boys don't guard the warehouse very carefully. This is Brother Hutou's territory. Who dares to cause trouble here on the main road?

Therefore, the two boys were chatting one after another. When Ye Ming appeared near the warehouse, one of the boys realized that someone had actually broken in.

This guy was very surprised. Who was so brave that he dared to break in at this time?

After Ma Zai saw Ye Ming, he was stunned for a moment, Ye Ming, this is Ye Ming. In Hong Kong City, Ye Ming is also famous, especially the first part of Infernal Affairs, he is known as the savior of Hong Kong City's entertainment industry. of existence.

Moreover, Ye Ming's records are also selling like crazy here in Hong Kong City. It can almost be said that there is no one in Hong Kong who has not heard Ye Ming's songs. Even if you are illiterate, it is impossible to miss Ye Ming's singing singing from the supermarket barber shop.

Ye Ming has thousands of fans in Hong Kong City, known as the Ye Family Army, and is one of the most powerful fan organizations in the Hong Kong City Support Club.

As a person who lives on the road, he is also inextricably connected with the entertainment industry, especially since the two Ma Zai are young people. It is impossible not to know Ye Ming. There is Young and Dangerous before him, and Infernal Affairs behind him. Young and Dangerous can be said to carry forward the underworld spirit.

And Infernal Affairs is a legend in the world, a hidden legend.

Pushing the story of Xiangjiang Jianghu to another peak.

Therefore, Ye Ming's status in the world is higher than that of ordinary citizens. Especially when it comes to the recent popularity of Fast and Furious, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to say that this is a gangster movie.

After all, racing like this can only be done by people in the martial arts world.

Therefore, Ma Zai recognized Ye Minglai at a glance.

But it was precisely because this Ma Zai recognized Ye Ming that he couldn't believe that such a thing was true.

When Ma Zai pointed at Ye Ming, he said intermittently: "Shrimp boy, shrimp boy, shrimp shrimp..."

At this time, Ma Zai was greeting his companions, but he didn't expect that his vision went dark, and he lay directly on the ground, and then he didn't know anything.

As for the horse boy named Shrimp Boy, he was looking at a black cat on the wall without paying much attention to his companion. When he turned around to take a look at what was going on, He was also knocked unconscious in an instant. He didn't even know who knocked him unconscious, and he was knocked down directly.

Killing chickens to scare monkeys is something that must be done, but as for killing innocent people indiscriminately, Ye Ming cannot do this. Ma Zai like this also obeys orders. In fact, under normal circumstances, many of these people are forced to embark on the road of martial arts.

There are many people who are forced to have no choice. In fact, if it is possible to form a righteous path, then under such a situation, who would want to take the path of Jianghu.

What Ye Ming wants to do now is to kill the leaders. As for Brother Hutou's gangsters, there is no point in killing them. He is not a murderer, so naturally he cannot do this kind of killing. The matter of killing is coming.

As for why I showed up in front of the first Ma Zai, naturally I wanted to tell everyone that I am here, and Huihuang Film and Television will not let their own people be kidnapped.

If Ye Ming didn't want people to know, in fact, at this time, no one in the world would see that Ye Ming had been here.

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