Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1823: The impact of the photo scandal on the entertainment industry

The occurrence of this matter between Edison Chen and Zhang Baizhi can only be attributed to two people, young and energetic!

Of course, in such a situation, Edison Chen accidentally took a photo and sent it out. This will also bear a very heavy responsibility. Now that Zhang Baizhi calls him to reprimand him, then Edison Chen has no ability to talk back.

He himself was in the wrong, so how could he retaliate at this time?

To say how deep the relationship between two people is is simply nonsense!

Of course, it is impossible to say that two people have no feelings at all. If two people have no feelings at all, it is impossible for them to be together.

How can there be just a little bit of emotion? Playing together in the morning is more important.

In Zhao Da's words, young people don't understand emotions at all, they are just for fun!

But he took this matter too seriously, so it didn't end well.

Zhang Baizhi thought for a while and finally found nothing to say. Finally, she remembered something and said, "You didn't also keep what happened that day, did you?"

Chen Guanxi was stunned for a moment, unable to remember, and said curiously: "It's not like it happened once or twice. How could I know what you're talking about?"

Zhang Baizhi suddenly became furious and said: "Pretend, keep pretending. Don't you know about this? I will tell you to delete it on the spot after that."

You also promised me that you would delete it immediately. Don't tell me when you forgot? "

Edison Chen seemed to suddenly remember something and said: "You are talking about that time. Don't worry, it's not the two of us. I must have deleted it. After reading it, I deleted it on the spot. Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing left." .”

Then Edison Chen swore again, saying that he would definitely delete it and would not leave it on the computer. At this time, Zhang Baizhi breathed a sigh of relief quietly. If the photos and videos from that time were really posted, then it would really be out of control.

In fact, things are getting out of hand during this period, but if the matter has not been reported, there is always a little room for redemption. Now Nicholas Tse is on his side, so at this time, Zhang Baizhi, although It’s not that we can’t advance or retreat, but there is always a person who can shield us from the wind and rain and stand up for ourselves. If what happened that time was also published, then she would not only hurt one or two people, but Nicholas Tse would really feel sorry for her.

At this time, Zhang Baizhi breathed a sigh of relief quietly! He said, "Be honest with me. You'd better take on this responsibility, otherwise I won't let you go. Do you understand that you have to behave like a man?"

Edison Chen muttered, "Don't you know if I look like a man?"

But he just said this in a murmur. You said to make it clear, but he didn't have the courage. He knew that the one Zhang Baizhi hated most now was himself. If he heard such words, he would definitely come to hunt him down. my own.

But Zhang Baizhi's star language is still very keen. He heard what Edison Chen said, but he didn't understand what it was. He was very angry at the moment and said: "Guanxi Chen, what did you say? If you have the guts, you can Speak clearly to me."

Edison Chen immediately explained tremblingly: "It doesn't matter what you have, I mean if you don't worry about this matter, I will definitely stand up and take responsibility.

I have decided on this matter, then I will definitely quit the entertainment industry. Infinitus will quit the entertainment industry and will never appear in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong!

Whether it's you, Ajiao, or anyone else, I have to settle this matter, and I will definitely stand up and take responsibility. "

Is Edison Chen considered a scumbag?

It's hard to say this. Most people think this guy is a scumbag. In fact, he just can't eat the grapes and says the grapes are sour.

It's just a photo shoot, so I just say someone has a bad personality or something. Anyway, even photographer Chen is no good at all.

Just by looking at the photos, your personality must be so good! If you are really a gentleman, you won’t even look at it. You look at the photo and then scold Edison Chen.

This is a bit unkind!

It's not about overturning the case for Photographer Chen. He has done a lot of harm to people. It is even said that the Hong Kong entertainment industry can decline to such an extent because of Photographer Chen's contribution.

Although Photographer Chen's photo scandal was not the key, it was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back.

From then on, the entertainment industry in Hong Kong suddenly embarked on a long journey of decadence, and it was a one-way journey.

Anyway, personally speaking, Photographer Chen is also working for everyone's benefit. Without Edison Chen, you would never have seen these photos, and you would never have seen them in your lifetime.

You can say that *** is not both virtuous and artistic. At that point, there is no such thing as virtue or art.

But you can't say that people have three customs and that people have three customs. People who know the three customs may not be so elegant.

In Feng Gangpao's words, what big cloves of garlic are there?

Don’t say you don’t know about ***, are you still considered a young generation of netizens if you haven’t watched ***’s movies?

After hearing this, Zhang Baizhi relaxed a little. This guy still has the courage to take responsibility.

At that moment, Zhang Baizhi said very simply: "You were the cause of this matter. You don't know your responsibility. Let's settle this matter as soon as possible."

By the way, where did you send your computer to rest?

The newspapers said that you sent the computer to be repaired, but he leaked all the photos. Why not just find the person who repaired the computer? Arrest that person and ask him who spread the photos. . "

Don't talk about it now, what Zhang Baizhi hates the most is not necessarily Chen Guanxi, but the person who spread the photos!

Now the newspapers have made it very clear that it was because Edison Chen's personal computer was broken, and Edison Chen's assistant took the personal computer to repair it. As a result, those photos might have been leaked from that computer, and it was even said that it was 100% It was leaked from Edison Chen’s personal computer.

Therefore, in Zhang Baizhi's view, if he could catch the person who repaired the computer, he would definitely be able to catch the person who leaked the photos. Even if the person who leaked the photos was not the person who repaired the computer, he must be the same as the person who repaired the computer. This guy who repairs computers is related.

Therefore, it seems to James that if this person is found, then the mastermind behind the photo scandal will definitely be found.

Edison Chen said helplessly: "Please, you can remember this matter, can't I remember it? I have already told the police about this matter, but the police did not find out at all.

They all said that they found that guy's shop, but that guy was a computer hacker, and he used an ID card he picked up to register the shop.

Therefore, it is impossible to find out his true identity, and he also knows that after he cannot be photographed, someone will come to him, and he will definitely come to ask for him. The store has been closed, so we don’t want to Any real information on this guy?

If a computer hacker wants to hide himself, it is still difficult to find him. Now the police are looking for him, but even at the scene, they can't find any traces of this guy. It is said that the police's publicity made this computer hacker a little annoyed, so he directly The second wave of photos has been sent out. "

I c, Zhang Baizhi also wanted to curse at this time, how unlucky it was, it all happened to one person, how could he be so stupid! If you can't even find a computer hacker, what do you police do for a living? Zhang Baizhi hung up the phone angrily.

Anyway, I couldn't get any useful information from Edison Chen, so I was just angry to talk to this guy on the phone. How could this thing have happened if this guy hadn't been careless?

If this hadn't happened, I would probably start preparing for the wedding now. Can I do it to this extent?

There is no need to think about things in the entertainment industry. Anyway, my entertainment career has been ruined by this. Although I am a victim, at this time, it is estimated that no one will dare to use themselves to act in movies and sing in a short time.

Zhang Baizhi is very certain about this, otherwise Ajiao Chen Guanxi, the reason for these people is that research can completely ruin a person's public image. Very important people are very important, although I have repeatedly denied it before. He is the head of the Jade Girls, but no matter what, having a title like the head of the Jade Girls will be very helpful to his future. Everything now is ruined.

In any case, Zhang Baizhi knows very well that she can no longer go back in the entertainment industry, at least not to the peak period. The only thing that can comfort her now is that Nicholas Tse has stood up and shielded her from the wind and rain. It's not like facing the media alone.

So what will happen after this storm passes? It's hard to say whether I will go on to make movies and sing or something like that. The question is, when will the impact of the photo scandal end?

Three years, five years or ten years? Eight years.

This is hard to say, so under such a situation, Zhang Baizhi will start to make plans for her future no matter what! If you don't do it in the entertainment industry, how do you do it?

Take care of your husband and raise your children at home. It seems that it is difficult in such a situation. Although Nicholas Tse stood up at this time, can such a thing as marrying him for a lifetime last forever?

A couple in the entertainment industry? It's just that. In fact, it is difficult to live a lifetime without any big news, but such a big thing happened between myself and Nicholas Tse. Although I am in a good mood now, it is said that it will last a lifetime, Zhang Baizhi It will be difficult to live a life without confidence in yourself!

Zhang Baizhi herself is almost sure that after this matter calms down a little, will she and Nicholas Tse be able to live a lifetime together?

That's a no-brainer. Fortunately, Nicholas Tse is still loyal enough and truly loves him, so he stepped forward to block this matter, allowing most of the firepower to be directed at Nicholas Tse himself.

Zhang Baizhi herself felt that she had found the wrong person and found a responsible man. Unfortunately, there was already a rift between this man and herself.

Such a rift is irreparable. If you want to live a lifetime, basically don't even think about it. It's very difficult. Therefore, you must plan carefully what you will do in the future.

Ye Ming came to Xiangjiang. Many people knew about this matter, but not many people knew about what happened to him coming here. However, the reporters in Xiangjiang were also well-informed, so they blocked Ye Ming. , reporters don’t know Ye Ming’s real purpose of coming here, but that doesn’t prevent reporters from interviewing Ye Ming.

Could it be that in a situation like this, a reporter must have asked about the photo scandal and asked how he saw the photo without it? How to understand this?

Ye Ming didn't want to be so ostentatious. He came here just to deal with things.

But as a person in the entertainment industry, it is impossible for him not to face reporters, and Ye Ming is well aware of this.

Although the company's matters are quite urgent and should be handled as soon as possible, I was actually stopped by a reporter who always had to answer some questions.

Regarding this point, as a person in the entertainment industry, Ye Ming is very self-conscious. He plays a big name and drives away reporters. This is not an attitude when facing the media. You always have to face what you should face, especially when it comes to photos. What about the certificates!

Ye Ming also wanted to express his own opinions. Expressing his opinions through positive words was also Ye Ming's explanation to everyone.

At this time, Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "This matter happened to him at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Some things are private and should not be made public.

I think that as long as you don’t break the law or violate discipline, there is no problem with anything you do. Within the scope of morality and the law, as long as you don’t violate these two points, I think there is no problem with anything you do.

But the key is to expose some things and violate some unspoken rules in the entertainment industry. Those who work in the entertainment industry should understand that there are some unspoken rules that cannot be violated. I think, I have also met Edison Chen. .

Then you give me the impression that you are not that flamboyant person.

It can only be said that young people are easily impulsive.

Even computer hackers have done something wrong in this matter. You published these photos. After all, it is a very private matter. If you published it, something is wrong. Moreover, it will have a huge blow to the entertainment industry in Hong Kong. I I’m not talking about speaking for someone, I’m not talking about standing here and taking space for someone, but I’m talking about the entire entertainment industry. Do you think it’s appropriate if something like this happens in the entertainment industry at this time? ?

Is it good for the entertainment industry? "

Because this sentence left those reporters speechless. Is this a good thing or a bad thing for the entertainment industry?

If the photo scandal has exploded in the entertainment industry now, it has really made the entertainment industry popular and attracted more attention!

But from his perspective, this kind of thing is unhealthy for the entertainment industry.

Not all reporters are fools. They know that once something like this breaks out, ordinary viewers' impression of the entertainment industry will definitely become very bad. ,

This photo scandal is not necessarily fatal to the entertainment industry, but it is definitely a very bad influence. This is a very negative thing.

At this time, Ye Ming saw that the reporter was silent and immediately said: "Look, you all know that this matter is not a good thing for the Hong Kong entertainment industry in the long run, right?"

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