Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,712 Destroy your spiritual core

Ye Guang said very arrogantly: "Tell me, tell me what? Are you telling me that you are a big star?

Of course, your Brilliant Film and Television and Ruinhuang King are very rich. My father has already said this, and my mother asked you to hand over the company. Can you manage such a large company by yourself? It's better to leave it to the family. "

Listening to Ye Guang's words, it seemed that asking Ye Ming to call him out of the company was a gift to him.

It's very helpless. A person with such a brain-dead state is basically hopeless.

Ye Ming sighed and said, "It seems that you know nothing about this matter. Although you are an awakened person, you have no idea what the meaning of what happened in the past few days is?"

Ye Guang sneered and said, "Awakened One, what's the big deal? You're still here to teach me. Doesn't it mean that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

Do you believe that these are all Hollywood tricks? Don't be ridiculous, cousin, do you think that because you are a star, you will make everyone believe what is in the movie?

In this world, the greater your ability, the more benefits you will get. Just like the company you worked so hard to build, doesn’t it have to be handed over to your family in the end?

Big fists are the last word. Cousin, you don’t know how to act silly in a movie, do you? You don’t know this little thing? "

Xiao Si stood up and said: "Master Ye, why are you talking nonsense to them? I think these people need to be dealt with. And you, my eldest cousin, stop talking nonsense with him so much. Why don't I deal with you? Just throw it out. It's a waste of us." time"

Ye Guang glanced at Xiaosi and didn't take this kind of thing seriously at all, waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I'll leave this matter to you, but be careful, you are my cousin no matter what. Be patient when you strike

Even if he knows about the Awakened One's ability, if someone is killed, I won't be able to explain it to the old man. "

Xiaosi nodded and said excitedly: "Come on, Mr. Ye, just watch it. I'll make a measured move."

After saying that, Xiaosi took a look and said: "I should call you cousin, no matter what. You are a good star and you just come here to make trouble. Aren't you asking for trouble for yourself?"

Now I will let you take a look, what is the ability of the awakened person? The world is different from what you imagined. There will always be some people,

Being able to be above money. "

After that, Xiao Si stretched out his hand, and the wind source particles in his palm slowly turned into a light cyan wind blade.

The wind blade is as big as a dragon's eye, spinning continuously in the void.

Exuding a glorious light.

The small wind blade contains powerful destructive power.

In an instant, the wind blade drew an afterimage and headed straight for Ye Ming

At this moment, the sharp blade seemed to be able to split the whole world, bursting out with amazing power.

Awakeners of wind-source particles always have certain blessings in terms of speed.

No wonder Xiao Si is so arrogant, he also has the ability to be arrogant.

This wind blade alone can break through the steel-like security door with ease.

When a person has supernatural power, his mentality will inevitably change and become a little arrogant, and he will not take ordinary people in his eyes at all.

Even if this ordinary person was once his relative, his superior mentality cannot be changed no matter what.

At this time, Xiao Si smiled slightly. It seemed that the direction of the wind blade he released was Ye Ming's shoulder, not Ye Ming's head. This was already for the sake of the Ye family.

Although the other four gangsters did not take action, they unknowingly blocked Ye Ming's escape route.

It seems that they cooperate like this for more than a day or two. They do this kind of thing often.

Ye Ming smiled slightly and slowly stretched out his right index finger.

A golden light flashed, like the first ray of sunshine that created the world, emitting a dazzling brilliance.

In the boundless darkness, brilliant light bursts out

At this moment, this golden light seemed to be the center of the world, so domineering and unrivaled.

The golden light flickered at Ye Ming's fingertips, and in an instant, a powerful force burst out, cutting through the void and flying towards him.

Target, Wind Blade.

The wind blade was instantly hit by golden light from lightning.

It shattered into pieces in an instant, and scattered light rain, turning into source particles and disappearing in mid-air.

This week it was revealed, and the friends were all shocked.

Ye Guang watched Ye Ming's golden light burst out stupidly.

At this moment, the golden light shining in Ye Guang's heart was like the sun, dazzling and crushing,

This is a crushing advantage.

Who said that Ye Ming was just an awakened person who had just started! Is this kind of ability to control gold element particles something that a junior awakened person can achieve?

Even my father and mother may not be able to do this kind of thing. Maybe my grandfather can do it.

But my grandfather has been awakened for many years. He is one of the earliest awakened people in China and the veteran of the photography group.

Moreover, it only took Ye Ming a long time for his cousin to wake up, and it only took two or three days for Ye Guang to get the news.

And now looking at my cousin, he can control the golden source particles to the extent that he can freely control them.

Is this something that a junior group member can do?

Although Xiaosi is a bit cynical, his abilities are very smart. Even in Jiangcheng, he is one of the best among the younger generation.

But he didn't expect that he didn't even have the ability to fight back in front of his eldest cousin, and was directly crushed.

Si Geng was dumbfounded. He knew best how powerful his wind blade was.

Even if there is a piece of steel in front of him, he can split it into a crack.

But he didn't expect to be killed by a small finger stretched out by Ye Ming.

This kind of result is really heartbreaking, Lao Tie, it’s really heartbreaking, do you know?

Ye Ming did not let go immediately, but looked at Xiao Si and said: "Everyone has to pay the price for everyone's choice.

The cycle of karma and retribution is not good. You took action against me because I asked you to get back the situation. It was the awakening of the source particles. What I want to tell you is that you are far behind. How can you compare with me. "

After speaking, Ye Ming stretched out his fingers gently, the wind was light and the clouds were light, without the slightest smell of fireworks. With supreme domineering power, the golden light burst out and turned into a sword light, heading straight for Xiaosi.

In an instant, Xiao Si suddenly felt the feeling of death coming to him. The moment he was noticed by Ye Ming, he already felt the smell of death. He would never forget that feeling for the rest of his life.

It was a constant struggle, roaring and wailing in the process of sliding into the abyss of death, but to no avail.

Golden light flashed, and the breath of death burst out in the silence.

At this moment, it was as if the golden sword light was the only thing left between heaven and earth.

Xiaosi yelled, lying on the ground holding his head and rolling.

I saw a drop of blood slowly dripping out from between his eyebrows.

Ye Gong said angrily: "Ye Ming, you are so brave, you actually abolished Xiaosi, aren't you afraid of provoking a struggle in Jiangcheng?

This is Chi Guoguo's provocation. Do you know what will happen if you do this?

Even your grandfather may not be able to bear such consequences.

You've made a fool of our family, and you haven't done anything at all. All you've done is bring trouble to the family. What on earth do you want to do?

Are you willing to destroy our Ye family? "

Ye Ming looked at Ye Guang with cold eyes and said: "My brother, don't yell so much, you are all grown up and you have to use your brain when doing things.

Do you know it in your brain? Although the Awakened are powerful, the world of the Awakened is not as simple as you think.

This time, you are lucky to have met me. If you met other awakened people, I will kill you directly.

The family may not be able to redress your grievances and avenge you. Remember, you may not have the ability, and you may not have the courage if you don’t say it, ability, ability, remember?

The group of people who photographed the guest group, the old guys, are just trying to find someone to establish their authority.

At this time, the curtain of the Awakened Ones was slowly opened, and the family was just moving away a little bit.

You are a little bit ahead of what this world calls you, but this little bit is definitely not the reason for you to do evil.

Therefore, you have to pay for what you do.

I think as an awakened person, even if you are not qualified this time, you can do it this time, because we are a family and have escaped. If you encounter a vicious awakened person next time, you will be more likely to kill him. Therefore, it is better for you to be an ordinary person than to be a rich man. The lady's family can guarantee that you will live a happy life. "

Paike Group, that’s right, this is the name of the Chinese Awakened Alliance to the outside world. The Chinese Paike Group is a popular name in the city, but this is the name of the Chinese Awakened Alliance, the Awakened ones who control everything in China, whether it is Whether registered or not, any awakened person who violates the law will be dealt with by the people in this photo shooting group.

Although Ye Guang is a bit dandy, he is not stupid. When he heard Ye Ming's words, he immediately knew that Ye Ming was ready to destroy him, so Ye Guang did not dare to delay for a moment, turned around and ran away

But now that Ye Ming has taken action, he will never leave anything behind. The hidden danger reaches out and shoots out a burst of cyan light, and the wind source particles condense instantly. Ye Ming shouted: "Restraint!"

Ye Guang suddenly felt as if he was entangled by an invisible rope.

You can't escape even if you want to.

Ye Ming walked over in a dangling manner, holding out a golden light. Breaking through Ye Guang's spiritual core between his brows.

In an instant, Ye Guang's spiritual core was destroyed by Ye Ming. From then on, he could only be an ordinary person and could no longer act recklessly relying on his status as an awakened person.

Li Guang said angrily, Ye Ming, how dare you destroy me, how brave are you?

My parents will never let you go, and neither will my grandpa, and my brother will definitely avenge me when he comes back. You are dead, you are dead, even if you are from the Ye family, If you dare to destroy me, you will be dead. "

Ye Ming sighed and said: "A person like you is so arrogant and has no ability, making yourself as high as the savior.

Rather than being killed by others, I should be doing it for your own good by destroying your spiritual core. This way, I can save your life and pass on the family lineage. It’s no big deal.

Grandpa will not blame me.

As for the second uncle, second aunt, or your brother, even if they don’t come to me, I will go to them.

The second uncle also agreed to give Qinglong Villa to me yesterday, but he did not explain it clearly to his son. At this time, he dared to stop me from taking over Qinglong Villa. What does this mean?

Do you look down on me? "

Ye Guang broke out in cold sweat for no reason, Ye Ming's momentum was too aggressive.

After Ye Ming said this, he saw the other four little gangsters, and said nonchalantly: "Good brothers, we share blessings and share hardships. In my territory, you dare to take action against me?

You are quite courageous, but forget it, since you are brothers, then there is nothing good for two brothers in the same life. "

Ye Ming was very ruthless and shattered the spiritual core of these four gangsters one by one.

Well, as an awakened person, if your spiritual core is destroyed, you will no longer be able to practice and realize the source particles. This is the best punishment for an awakened person.

Ye Ming and several of his gangsters were eliminated.

In an instant, the security guards of the entire villa were shocked.

Ye Ming looked at the stupid security guards and said rudely: "What are you doing? You're all stupid, aren't you? Why don't you go to work and find someone to unload the rockery from my truck? From now on, I am the boss here." , I have the final say on everything. If you want to work with him, you can work immediately. If you don’t want to work with him, get out.

Those people sent these trash back to me and told their family members that if they want revenge, they can come to Qinglong Villa to find me.

But if you come to trouble me next time, I won't be so polite. "

Ye Ming is actually very clear that he does not have any foundation in Jiangcheng. He said that he has the support of his family. In fact, depending on the situation, the Ye family really does not support him very well.

If under such circumstances, the family can not hinder itself, it would be very good. Just like my cousin Ye Guang, hand over the Qinglong Villa honestly, and you will continue to be superior. the awakener,

What will happen to Wan Guan's wealth now? I can still only be an ordinary person. Speaking of which, are you just mentally retarded? Ye Guang was against him and found some weird reasons not to kill him for the sake of family ties.

Destroying him will also let other members of the Ye family know that there will never be a good end for anyone who dares to go against him.

The key for Ye Ming is that he doesn't have more time, so he has to use more drastic measures.

At this moment, he felt that Cao Cao would rather be feared than pitied.

Of course, everything is based on strong power. Awakened people have big fists. Ye Guang dared to ask Ye Ming to hand over the company because he thought he was an awakened person and was more powerful than Ye Ming. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have the guts to say such things.

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