Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,711 The Arrogant and Brainless Cousin

At Qinglong Villa, the hall of a villa was brightly lit at this time. A young man who looked less than twenty years old was sitting there lazily, wearing a handmade Versace evening dress, which was exceptionally bright. The whole person looked cynical.

Her purple hair looked particularly dazzling. And these people in the living room are all young people who don't look like they are young people, like gangsters. All of them have dyed their hair in colorful colors. Anyway, you can be rebellious. , unconventional. However, even if the police in Jiangcheng saw these people on the street, they would pretend not to see them.

Moreover, even among the people on Jiangcheng Road, no gangster dares to dye his hair into colorful colors now.

Nowadays, if other people in Jiangcheng dare to dye their hair into colorful colors, they will be caught and beaten directly. A guy with a very unique personality and a green hair on his head said a little drunk: "Master Ye, today I heard that your eldest cousin is back, and your old man is already I gave him the Qinglong Villa, and you said, if we want to find such a good place for gatherings in the future, it will not be easy."

Young Master Ye, Ye Guang of the Ye family, snorted and said: "What? Big cousin, he's just an actor. What's the big deal? However, I heard that he is also an awakened person. Otherwise, the old man may not take a serious look at it." , you don’t have to worry about this matter, if you dare to take back my Qinglong Villa, what the hell, you have to ask me first if I am willing. By the way, then are you willing?"

Naturally, Lv Mao and others were clamoring for their unwillingness. Those who could mix in this circle were all awakened people. There were six of them, the leader was Ye Guang, and the remaining few were also awakened young people from other families. .

Although there are not many awakened people in the world now, those big families with inheritance have actually known this secret for a long time, and have begun to deliberately cultivate the younger generation of awakened people.

Therefore, there are currently about twenty awakened members of the younger generation in the entire Jiangcheng, and six of them are now concentrated here. If you are not an awakened person, you will not be able to integrate into this circle.

In fact, Ye Guang is not a fool. He knows that his eldest cousin is an awakened person, and his methods are very powerful. If he is a stubborn bronze level, he is also quite powerful.

Therefore, he was also worried that he would not be able to deal with it. This was not just a direct act of recruiting a bunch of gangsters, but in fact, it was just to cheer him up.

He may not be able to deal with Ye Ming by himself, but in such a situation, if he adds the people he knows, then Ye Ming is not a problem at all. Qinglong Villa is a place that Ye Guang likes very much and will not let it go easily.

Moreover, this place is a blessed place. If you practice here, it will be easier than practicing in ordinary places. Therefore, it is almost impossible for Ye Guang to easily give a place like this to his cousin whom he has never met.

At this time, a security guard ran in in a panic and said: "Master Ye, Master Ye, it's not good, someone broke in and drove a big truck."

Ye Guang was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Brothers, my eldest cousin is really here. He is an internationally famous star. It is difficult to see him even if he wants to see him. How about it? , come with me to see what kind of a three-headed and six-armed cousin my big star cousin is, and he will rob me of Qinglong Villa as soon as he comes. Xiaosi, you are the loudest kid, but don’t give in. "

The green-haired man said disdainfully: "What's the big deal? He's just a star. I've seen many big stars. When they arrive in Jiangcheng, they'll be coiled up by dragons and laid down by tigers.

In Jiangcheng, this is the world of our brothers. If anyone wants to come and hang out, they should first ask us if we are willing. "

After hearing this, Ye Guang burst out laughing and said, "I'm happy to hear this. What's the big deal? He's just an actor. The future world belongs to the awakened ones, and the future world belongs to us after all, right?"

Ye Tenglong was also very fast in doing things. The next day, he directly asked someone to bring your rockery in the old house and follow Ye Ming to deliver it. The title at the beginning was Knight Sixteen. It looked like a steel A monster super car. After entering the villa, the guard wanted to stop him, but after taking a look at the car, he didn't have the guts to stop him. News has come from the Ye family's old house that this car is the eldest young master's car.

Today's drama is a confrontation between the eldest young master and the second young master. It would be better for these people who work in Qinglong Villa to restrain themselves a little. But Qinglong Villa is a place that Ye Guang has been running for many years, and there are still some die-hard subordinates. After Ye Ming came in, he was intercepted by others. Knight Sixteen and the others did not dare to intercept, but the big truck transporting the rockery behind them, But it was directly intercepted.

The security guard clearly stated that large cars are not allowed to enter the villa.

Ye Ming got out of the car directly, looked at the reports of the intercepted trucks, smiled slightly and said, "Don't you know who I am? You know who I am, and you still have the guts to intercept my car. You have the guts."

Without further ado, Ye Ming punched and kicked twice, and in less than twenty seconds, he directly knocked down the security guard who was intercepting the big truck. For a moment, the ground was full of security guards lying down and wailing. The scene was very lively.

Ye Ming snorted and looked at them and said, "There is nothing wrong with wanting to express your loyalty to your master, but you have found the wrong person. If you dare to go against me, why don't you go back to the hospital and reflect for half a year?"

This time Ye Ming was more ruthless. Although he did not have the awakening ability of using golden source particles, in such a situation, it was very easy to kill these security guards just based on Ye Ming's own skills. One thing.

On such a question, Ye Ming directly showed his authority. He knew that he was new here, and if he acted too weak, he would be considered weak at this time. It would not be easy for him to master Qinglong Villa by then.

Now he knew that he couldn't afford to waste time, and a big opportunity was about to happen. If he wasted too much time in this place, then he felt that he would suffer a big loss.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming unceremoniously used iron-blooded methods without killing anyone, which seemed to Ye Ming to be kind. At this time, Ye Guang also came out with his brothers showing off their power. When he came over, he saw that his security guards were knocked down all over the floor.

This immediately made Ye Guang furious: "Ye Ming, who are you? When you arrive at my Qinglong Villa, you dare to hit my people, are you looking for trouble?"

Ye Guang did not pretend not to know Ye Ming. If there were big stars like Ye Ming and international stars in China, maybe there were some who didn't know him. But if it was people from first- and second-tier cities like Jiangcheng, If you still say you don't know Ye Ming, you are insulting your own intelligence. Therefore, Ye Guang did not pretend not to know him, but directly reprimanded him.

Several people following you also shouted and cheered for Ye Guang. At this time, it seemed to say that Ye Guang was on the side of justice, while Ye Ming was like an intruder.

The guy named Xiao Si pointed at Ye Ming and said, "The man named Ye is too arrogant and doesn't take our brothers seriously."

Ye Ming glanced at the green-haired young man coldly. The cold extension was like two sword rays, which directly made Xiaosi shiver. He felt like he was looking at a killing god. That cold look, contempt for life, ruthless.

After all, he swallowed the words that came to his lips and didn't dare to say anything else too outrageous.

Ye Ming took another look at his second cousin, smiled slightly and said: "Ye Guang, you really disappoint me. If you are saying that you will obediently let Qinglong Villa out, at this time, even if you are saying I didn't look down on you that much when you found someone to restore the situation afterwards, but your performance now, to be honest, really makes me very disappointed.

What about your Qinglong Villa? Didn’t Uncle Zhong tell you yesterday? This is my father's Qinglong Villa. Being able to let you live here for free for so many years is considered a favor to the family.

Now I'm just here to take back what I deserve.

But, looking at the situation now, it seems that you have no plans to move out at all. Moreover, seeing that you are leading a group of people, what do you mean? Are you planning to defeat a dead hand with both fists? "

Looking at Qinglong Villa at this time, Ye Guang really has no intention of moving. In fact, giving Ye Guang one day is enough for him to move his personal belongings.

But Ye Guang has no intention of handing over Qinglong Villa at this moment.

Even if his father repeatedly warned him, Ye Ming, his eldest cousin, was also an awakened person, and his methods were ruthless. Therefore, he told Ye Guang not to cause more trouble. Since the family had already given the place of Qinglong Villa to If you don't agree with Ye Ming, then just let the villa out obediently.

If Ye Guang is not convinced, then he can just look for an opportunity to regain his position.

But Ye Guang didn't listen to his father's words very well.

Ye Guang thinks that his father is too old and confused to be an awakened person. Even if Ye Ming is an awakened person, what's the big deal?

At this time, he came with five brothers. Although he didn't say it clearly, his meaning was very clear, that is, he wanted to force Ye Ming to give up Qinglong Villa.

In Ye Guang's view, Ye Ming is just a junior awakener, only at the bronze level. Therefore, even if he cannot deal with it by himself, it is still very easy to deal with a Ye Ming with the help of five brothers.

Therefore, now that Ye Guang saw Ye Ming, he was very confident and did not take his father's warning to heart at all.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Guang also sneered and said: "First cousin, you have a big appetite. You want my Qinglong Villa as soon as you come here. It is very inappropriate for you to spread these words no matter how you spread them." , I think you still have to think better. After all, once you do something wrong, you can't go back.

To be honest, Qinglong Villa is not bad. It is a good place for my brothers and I to gather. You should find a house to live in by yourself, right? You are not qualified to win this place.

By the way, is this the rockery in the old house?

Just leave and leave the rockery for me. I happen to be short of a rockery to decorate the facade. I have been thinking about this for a long time, but unfortunately the old man refused to give it to me. This time I want to thank my eldest cousin for being able to give it to me. Bringing this thing to me can be regarded as the fulfillment of a wish I have had for many years.

Well, by the way, for the sake of this rockery, I’ll treat you to lunch today, so don’t leave.

You can do whatever you need to do after eating. Otherwise, if my brothers get angry, I may not be able to control it myself. "

These words already contain the element of threat. In fact, it is no wonder that six awakened people are very confident in dealing with junior awakened people of different levels.

Therefore, Ye Guang was very arrogant and confident when facing Ye Ming. Ye Ming sneered. He was stupid. This was a high degree of stupidity. What kind of idiot did he have to be to have such an attitude to talk to himself.

If he said that he didn't know that he was an awakened person, then Ye Guang said that, Ye Ming said that he could barely accept it, but Ye Ming believed that his second uncle Ye Feihe did not tell Ye Guang about his affairs. .

However, now that Ye Guang knew his identity and had the courage to talk to him, he had to make Ye Ming feel that he was encountering a severely mentally retarded patient.

Ye Ming shook his head helplessly and said: "Ye Guang, originally, if you honestly let Qinglong Villa out of this matter, I may not do anything to you. No matter what, we are all our own people. .

But I didn't expect you to be so stupid.

He actually dared to talk to me like this. It seems that the second uncle felt it was too embarrassing, so some things were not told to you exactly. "

Ye Ming was very sure that if his second uncle Ye Feihe told Ye Guang exactly what happened yesterday, then under such a situation, Ye Guang would definitely not dare to talk to him like this at this time.

But now it seems that Ye Guang's extremely arrogant look, is it possible that such a stupid thing is also inherited? Seeing a mentally retarded child like Ye Guang, the behavior was so similar to the behavior of his second uncle and second aunt yesterday.

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