Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,603 Spielberg’s plan

[The fallen leaves always return, and the autumn wind blows for two or three miles. A cold wind passed through the night, and frost began to rise all over the place. --Qiu Shuang】

Ye Ming finally sent Team Zhao and Red Stone's gang away, so naturally he rushed to Spielberg's side without stopping.

As for whether Team Zhao and the others could leave smoothly, there was actually no problem at all. Because what Ye Ming gave Team Zhao and the others was an induction compass. Similar to the gravity sensing device of later smartphones, it directly overlaps with the gravity of the earth itself. The earth's gravity still has a certain relationship with the sun and the moon, which shows the peculiarity of this gravity.

The earth's magnetic field may be blocked by electromagnetism or other changes, which is why the general compass has no effect in the Luoxia Mountain area. But it is impossible for anyone to change the earth's gravity casually, at least not on a large scale. Perhaps it is almost impossible to change the earth's gravity on a large scale. Even if the earth is exploded, it is impossible to change the earth's gravity on a large scale so easily.

The earth's gravity, east, west, north, south, cannot be exactly the same in all directions. Therefore, this kind of compass is very useful in such an illusion. It is even said that someone will use this when going to the two poles in the future. This kind of compass, even if the satellite phone signal is not good, this kind of induction compass will not cause any problems.

Spielberg is in more danger here. The situation at this moment is that Spielberg must face Ma Laosan directly, because although the interstellar battery still has the energy to protect them, no matter what, The interstellar battery was about to run out of energy, and he came to the Sanxingdui ruins to solve this problem. Without the interstellar battery, it would be impossible for him to have such a wild imagination.

If there is no strong imagination as the backing, then on such a problem, it is impossible for him to become the king of commercial movies.

Therefore, now is the time for his life and death. He knows this very well. If he doesn't give it a try, he will be willing to do whatever he wants.

Therefore, at this moment, Spielberg stood up, looked at the air with cold words and said: "Ma Laosan. Do you only have that little ability? In such a situation, are you still the same as a turtle? ? I know it’s you and it belongs to a man, so don’t hide it, and fight openly and happily if you have the ability.”

Ma Laosan, this must be Ma Laosan’s fault. Now I got the map from Ma Laosan. What’s more, I just got here and got lost. To be precise, I can’t get out. , and not only can't get out, but many people have died at this time, and now only four people are left. It depends on the situation, and the trend is likely to continue to get worse.

Although Spielberg is not very willing to use the energy of the interstellar battery, after all, he uses a little less, but in such a situation, Spielberg himself is very clear in his heart, that is to say In such a matter, if all the men he brought were dead, then he would probably have no chance of making a comeback.

Therefore, no matter what happens, Spielberg has to give it a go no matter what he decides. Therefore, Spielberg stood up and said: "Ma Laosan, I know you are nearby, don't hide your head and show your tail. Although I don't know what you want, but if you don't show up, then what you want is also Don’t even think about it.”

In fact, from the moment his first staff member went crazy and died, Spielberg was wondering, what on earth was going on that made his staff go crazy because of this?

Later, the interstellar battery came into play and protected Spielberg and others. At this time, Spielberg wondered whether the crazy people had some inner connection with Ma Laosan. He himself thought that this was a possibility, but because he had no idea, he did not dare to say it casually. After all, there were still two staff members following him.

There is nothing difficult to lock up with Lucas. After all, the two of them are too familiar with each other. If Lucas comes with him, he is actually prepared to take risks. This is a trust between friends. It's just that even if Lucas supports him, at such a critical moment, if the staff betrays him, the result will be difficult to predict.

Therefore, he wanted to determine one thing, whether his idea was right, whether the interstellar battery could be so attractive, and whether Ma Laosan was here for the interstellar battery.

As for the rest, this is just one of Spielberg's acting skills. He has shot so many movies. Although Spielberg himself is not an actor, his acting skills are not average. Spielberg said it seven or eight times at once, and sure enough, the sound came out from mid-air.

Sure enough, it was this guy Ma Laosan: "Director Spielberg, welcome to Hu Xia Lai. I didn't even expect that you have something like an interstellar battery in your hands. This time, my layout is not in vain."

The interstellar battery is indeed for the interstellar battery. At this moment, Spielberg said a little annoyed: "Since you are for the interstellar battery, you can just say it directly if you have any conditions. How can you kill my staff like this? Such a thing."

Ma Laosan laughed loudly and said: "You are compassionate, right? In fact, you don't have to think so much about a problem like this. What you are thinking about now is that you should not be able to protect yourself when it comes to a problem like this." Let’s talk about their lives. Of course, we also need to be reminded that those people actually died a worthy death. If so many people didn’t die, how could I use the energy generator? Not only the people you brought must be killed, but also, There are also many Chinese people outside who must die. It is your honor to be able to die providing energy for the interstellar generator."

Life energy, in fact, Ma Laosan is in great need of life energy. For a problem like this, the interstellar battery is what Ma Laosan wants, but to collect more energy, in fact, for a problem like this, death is necessary. It's just that this time it was a bit big.

In fact, Ma Laosan did not want such a large-scale frontal attack, because it would increase his risk of exposure. Ma Laosan's motto is actually to make a fortune silently. This is his life experience.

But this time the situation is different. If Spielberg doesn't get the interstellar battery in his hands, he will be in danger of complete death. As for why he knew that Spielberg in the United States had an interstellar battery, it was because he released the cultural relics at Sanxingdui. As long as anyone with an interstellar battery gets this thing, he will definitely come to China. Looking for the root cause.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, it actually makes no difference whether Spielberg has an interstellar battery, or who has an interstellar battery. Ma Laosan released the antiques from Sanxingdui, implying that there would be an energy generator in Sanxingdui. In fact, as long as someone comes looking for photos, there will definitely be an interstellar battery in their hand. Therefore, this time, it is not that Ma Laosan must lure Spielberg here, but whoever has the interstellar battery will definitely be attracted. Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, Ma Laosan no longer hides it.

Moreover, the energy generator needs to be activated by life energy. In the past, he was unwilling to cause large-scale human deaths because he was afraid that China would find out the clues. But this time, if he could not get the interstellar battery, he might himself Death, a fellow Taoist will not die as a poor Taoist. Ma Laosan knows how to choose.

Therefore, this time it is not only that many people brought by Spielberg died, but also just to activate the energy generator, and to maintain the illusion in the Luoxia Mountain area. At this time, the last The people in the training camp are the backup energy prepared by Ma Laosan. Energy generators, indeed, are related to interstellar travel. Spielberg knew clearly that what he needed was an energy generator.

But obviously, his opponent, Ma Laosan, who is hiding in the dark, will definitely not give it to him easily, and he also covets his interstellar battery. Therefore, in such a situation, Spielberg thought about it and found that he was actually in a disadvantageous position.

After all, we are in an illusion now, so when it comes to a problem like this, I am in a passive position. If Ma Laosan is really ruthless about a problem like this, I will be in danger. .

Until now, Ma Laosan has not been completely cruel, probably because he is afraid of detonating the interstellar battery.

Although there is not much energy left in this interstellar battery, it is a battery for interstellar travel after all. Once it detonates, the powerful energy generated cannot be easily resisted by Ma Lao San. In other words, Ma Laosan has already determined that the interstellar battery will be his own. Therefore, on such a problem, he will not allow Spielberg to detonate it like that.

Spielberg paused and said, "Are you sure I have an interstellar battery on me? If not, then wouldn't you definitely be losing money?"

Ma Laosan wanted to trick this guy Spielberg. Let’s take a look at how the interstellar battery in Spielberg’s hand came from, where it came from, and whether there are other interstellar batteries.

Spielberg actually wanted to trick Ma Laosan and see what kind of person Ma Laosan is. Such a large-scale illusion is not something ordinary people on earth can do. Even in the history of the world.

There are probably only a few such large-scale illusions, and the biggest one may be the large-scale flood all over the world. In the West, there is Moses parting the ocean, there is Noah's Ark, and in China there is the legend of Dayu controlling the floods. Anyway, no matter what it is, this is related to a large-scale fantasy. Although the scope of the vision in the Luoxia Mountain area may be smaller than that of Noah's Ark and Dayu's flood control, if we say that the large-scale vision this time is related to the parting of the waves by Moses when he left Egypt, If you compare them, they are actually about the same.

Therefore, at this time, Spielberg also felt that if he could figure out such a thing, it would be very helpful to him in the future.

Ma Laosan said proudly: "Actually, this is very simple. I released those Sanxingdui antiques. No matter it is any country or race in the world, as long as there are alien things in their hands, , they will definitely be interested in coming to China to see other Sanxingdui ruins. But it is not certain who will come.

What I didn't expect was that the first person to come was actually you, and there was something like an interstellar battery. I like gifts like this very much, and thank you very much for bringing me something like this. "

This interstellar battery is indeed very important to Ma Laosan, so he took the risk of coming here in person.

You know, under normal circumstances, even if there is something major, it will be on an issue like this. Ma Laosan also uses projection avatars more often, at least that's how he's done it in recent years. But this time, because the scope of the matter is too large, if it is said that only the projection is here, then on a question like this, can the projection really complete the task on his behalf? This is really not possible. That’s easy to say.

Therefore, Ma Laosan, who has always disliked me coming in person, actually said this time that I would come in person.

Spielberg knew that at this time, Ma Laosan might be going to be cruel. Ye Ming had not come over at this time, so he might not be able to feel it in time. At this time, Spielberg also pretended to be curious and asked: "Are you so sure that the thing is on my body?"

Ma Laosan said very definitely: "Of course I am sure. Do you know what the half of the dagger you gave me is used for?"

Spielberg hesitated before saying: "I bought that thing from another friend. That friend of mine is very interested in Chinese antiques. There are many channels here where you can get them. Some interesting things from China. This bronze dagger is actually one of them."

Although Spielberg knows that this bronze dagger is not simple and may have a lot to do with Sanxingdui culture, Spielberg really doesn't know what this thing is.

But it seems that Ma Laosan knows this. (To be continued)

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