Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1602 Race against time

[The sandy desert is flying at dusk, the horn is blowing and gold is everywhere. Why would a man die in a hundred battles? His loyalty shines through the past and present. --Dream back to Xi'an]

Spielberg didn't want to delay it any longer. In fact, there was one person who knew that this matter couldn't be delayed any longer, and that was Ye Ming. Ye Ming also knew that even if the phone could not be connected, and there was still no signal, it was not that Spielberg shut down to save power, but that he really could not be contacted.

Otherwise, even if the phone is turned off, Spielberg would not be able to contact him without turning it on.

There is no news from Spielberg at all. The only possibility is that he didn't even have a chance to call.

Therefore, Ye Ming can also guess that Spielberg and those in the training camp are more dangerous now. The moment he entered Luoxia Mountain, Ye Ming first asked the system a question [Has Ma Tiejun's gene been scanned? 】When he saw Ma Tiejun, Ye Ming felt that something was wrong with something like this, so he ordered the system to scan Ma Tiejun's genes.

The system still used the emotionless and cold electronic voice to say "Scanning has been completed. All Ma Tiejun's information has been included in the information database, and the host can access it at any time." 】

Ye Ming nodded and opened the true eye of the prop. As expected, Luoxia Mountain had no influence on Ye Ming. However, after walking for more than ten minutes, Ye Ming asked again: "Luoxia Mountain is not a small place." , the satellite positioning system also has no effect. So for such a problem, I want to quickly find Spielberg and those people in the training camp, what is the best way. 】

The system quickly gave the best answer [Eye in the Sky, the evolution item of the Eye of Reality 2.0. The Eye in the Sky allows the host to scan everything like a satellite. The illusion in the Luoxia Mountain area has no hindrance to the Eye in the Sky. The host can quickly determine the target. 】

Even the Eye of Truth can see through Ma Laosan's illusion. At a time like this, the evolved version of the Eye in the Sky is naturally even more powerful. Ye Ming quickly switched to the Eye of the Sky, and in an instant, he saw the entire Luoxia Mountain area. At this moment, there were three people from the training camp staying in the relatively peripheral area, motionless. In fact, this is also because the people in the training camp are professional people who survive in the wild. Although this is a training camp organized by a company, it still has the necessary equipment.

Moreover, specialized wilderness experts were hired. Although it may not be as powerful as Mr. Bei, it is still at the level of a wilderness survival expert.

For people who are training for survival in the wild, one thing is very important. The first thing is that if you determine that you cannot come out, the first thing you should do is not to be anxious or blame others, but to find a relatively safe place and try your best. Contact the outside and wait for rescue.

This is the best way to conserve your physical strength and increase your survival.

Of course, if you can find a suitable water source, your chances of survival will be greater. Of course, those who think they have the ability can try it out, but you must have Mr. Pei's ability to do so.

Ordinary people would rather have a professional tour leader arrange to find a place to rest. Saving energy is the most important thing.

Lei Shidong, the president of Pumpkin Technology, felt that he was unlucky enough. He finally got an opportunity to have fun with the people. He took a few backbones and a group of outstanding employees to conduct such field training, but ended up being trapped. .

At this moment, Lei Shidong looked at his men who were tired and thirsty, and said with some worry: "Captain Zhao, tell me when will our rescue come."

Captain Zhao is a relatively dark and thin person, but he appears to be very strong. He is a rather contradictory person. He seems to be quite contradictory. He is a bit thin but he definitely does not look weak. Because Captain Zhao's whole body is full of hard muscles, he is a muscle expert, and there is not a trace of excess fat in his body. Obviously this is an effect that can only be achieved after countless hard training.

Team Zhao said with great certainty: "We can't contact the outside now, and the satellite phone has no signal at all. We can only ask the people in our company to detect abnormal situations in time and send people to rescue us. Otherwise... , Come here, find a rope, don’t you have a belt? Someone can donate the belt and tie this guy up for me."

Team Zhao was actually quite depressed this time. He only brought more than 20 people here, which was considered a relatively small training camp, but he didn't expect to get stuck in the Luofeng Mountain area. And the most depressing thing is that someone just reminded me that he needs to take people to evacuate the Luofengshan area, but Lei Shidong, the adventurous chairman, refused to agree.

He said that he had been to this area of ​​Luoxia Mountain not once, so there would not be any big danger. This was an important reason why Team Zhao gave in and brought people from the training camp. But after coming in, there is no signal on the mobile phone. This is not the most terrible thing. Although China Mobile claims to have signal all over the world, it is normal for there to be no signal in some mountainous areas.

But the even more depressing thing is that the satellite phone actually has no signal.

These are not problems. Even without a satellite phone, Captain Zhao is still very confident when walking out of the mountains here. He has conquered all the high-altitude mountains that are much worse than here, and even Mount Everest. This small difficulty is nothing, but the crux of the matter is that the more terrifying thing is that someone comes in. After that, he went crazy. This was the scariest thing, and one programmer, Ma Tiejun, actually ran away.

After that, going crazy seemed to be contagious. Now five team members have gone crazy, and some other team members don't seem to be in a very normal state of mind either. But Captain Zhao had no choice but to tie up the person first. Otherwise, in such a strange place, a crazy person would have a very slim chance of survival.

After Master Kun, Ye Ming and Lao Yang also rushed over. After seeing the situation at the scene, they asked who was the team leader. Team Zhao stood up and said firmly: "I am the team leader, and you are sent by the superiors to help us." Of?

How about just the two of you. No, you are Ye Ming, the big star Ye Ming, are you kidding me, asking a big star to search and rescue? You are not here to film a reality show, are you? "

Many team members also recognized Ye Ming. After all, he was a big star, and he was a super star, which was hard to see.

But Ye Ming nodded and said: "I'm not here to film a reality show. This place is quite special. It's useless if there are too many people. Since I found you, I'm relieved. In addition, you are not the only team training here." The people from the training camp are trapped. You take this compass and go directly north. You will meet people from another training camp on the way. Together, you can evacuate here quickly. Don't hesitate and go directly. , even if there is any movement behind you, you cannot look back, otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Team Zhao was stunned for a moment and said, "Were you the one who called us some time ago?" Ye Ming's voice was very familiar. I originally thought he was a big star, so he was naturally familiar with his words, but after listening carefully, It seemed like he was indeed the person he was talking to on the phone.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "You people, you have lived in the city for too long, and you have simply forgotten the dangers of the wild. You don't take other people's well-intentioned warnings to heart. It is normal for you to suffer a little. Be careful next time, it doesn’t hurt to be a little more alert, especially in the wilderness.”

Although Ye Ming said he was teaching Captain Zhao a lesson at this time, Lei Shidong blushed after hearing this.

In fact, Captain Zhao planned to take people away because the boss, Lei Shidong, felt that he had not visited this area once or twice. He was familiar with the terrain, so he must bring his employees here.

This one is to train everyone, and the other one is to show the wisdom and prowess of myself as the boss in such a matter.

I didn't expect that things would change so much. Therefore, Lei Shidong immediately said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, actually this decision was made by me. I originally wanted to train everyone's coordination ability, but I didn't expect that there would be such a result." Ye Ming didn't Just a big star, if Ye Ming is just a big star, then on such a question, Redstone may not care about Ye Ming. After all, he is also a billionaire, but Ye Ming is also a billionaire, and a billionaire richer than him. Ye Ming is even on the list of the world's richest people. And he, Lei Shidong, is actually on the list of China's richest people. Therefore, Lei Shidong had no airs at all in front of Ye Ming.

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "Forget it, Mr. Lei may not have expected this. There are still others among them. This time I should also teach you a lesson. There is nothing wrong with listening to other people's opinions when doing things. "

Obviously, if the people in the two training camps hadn't listened to the advice, it would have been enough for Ye Ming to save one training camp. But the result is that now Ye Ming must save three people in the training camp, and the third one is relatively close to Spielberg. In such a situation, Ye Ming himself has no What kind of confidence can we save this last person? Who knows what Ma Lao San is thinking about, Death Harvest, if Ma Lao San can use this move, then it will be a pretty good thing for Ye Ming to ensure the safety of himself and Lao Yang. . At this time, Ye Ming's words made Lei Shidong feel very ashamed. This matter was indeed his fault. If he had not insisted on his own way, his employees would not have encountered such a dangerous situation at this time.

Therefore, Lei Shidong also vowed to work hard to complete the mission and rescue the people in the other training camp. As a half-expert in wilderness survival, although Redstone is not as experienced as Captain Zhao, on such a matter, Redstone can be considered half an expert, right? Lei Shidong immediately said: "Don't worry, don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will do my best to find the people in that training camp and take them out."

Now Lei Shidong has nothing to say. If he couldn't get out before, it was because he didn't know the direction and got lost in this area. But now with the compass given by Ye Ming, there is no big problem.

As long as the direction is correct, then on such an issue, both Team Zhao and Lei Shidong believe that leaving at this time is not that difficult.

This matter made Captain Zhao very happy, but he thought about it before saying: "Mr. Ye, we also have a compass here, but in a situation like this, our own team actually also has a compass. , and there are domestic and foreign ones, high-end ones, and ordinary ones. It’s not just one or two people, it’s almost one for each person.

But our compass, I found out when I got to this area, these things are of no great use. If the compass was really useful, we would have left long ago, and there was no way we would have waited until now. "

As the leader, Team Zhao is responsible for the people in the team. Therefore, there are some things that must be asked clearly no matter what they are. Ye Ming did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "If your compass is useful, why should I come in? As for the compass I gave you, it has been specially processed, okay. Don't waste time. , you should leave quickly."

Captain Zhao and Lei Shidong knew that this place was not a good place to chat, and they also knew that a place like this was very dangerous. After thanking Ye Ming, Team Zhao and Lei Shidong hurriedly left with their team members.

At this time, Ye Ming breathed a long sigh of relief. Spielberg wanted to save them, and those trapped in the training camp must also be saved. Now Team Zhao and the others agreed to pay attention to the other team, which bought Ye Ming a lot of time.

What Ye Ming can do now is actually to pray that the team in another more in-depth training camp will be safer. As for other things, Ye Ming was really powerless on such a matter.

Now, in fact, Spielberg's security is not as high as it seems on the surface.

Facing Ma Laosan directly is a very dangerous thing. This guy Ma Laosan can be said to have lost his mind a little bit now.

He is the kind of person who is likely to pounce on and bite anyone he meets. Meeting such a person is a very troublesome matter.

Now all Ye Ming can do is race against time to save the last person in the training camp. (To be continued)

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