Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1576: The great director was also tricked

【When autumn frost covers the ground, who knows when the leaves will fall. One kind of lovesickness is early, two lines of tears are late. --Acacia]

Shu Capital, Luohan Temple Antique Market, the largest antique market in Shu Capital. As a gangster in his early years, Ma Laosan was also very famous in Shu Capital.

Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, etc., it's not a full-scale crime, but if you say he does all kinds of evil, it's normal, and he can be regarded as a weird guy in the gangster world. Moreover, this guy has a flexible mind and knows that there is a bottom line for making mistakes. Ma Laosan would never do something like that that might lead to him being taken out for target shooting.

Therefore, the gangsters who lived in the same era as Ma Laosan were either dragged out by the people to practice shooting, or they were locked up in prison and rehabilitated for the rest of their lives. Even if they had a chance to come out, they would be in the same age, and it would simply end in a tragedy.

And Ma Laosan is much more honest now. He has opened a small shop in the antique market. Let alone making money. With his ability, if he doesn't lose money and lose money to his grandma's house, it will be like smoke rising from his ancestors' graves.

Do you really have the guts to come to the antique market if you don’t have any skills? But Ma Lao San really organized the shop impressively. It is impossible for Ma Lao San to do appraisals, and it is impossible to develop this ability in a short period of time.

And it means that in such a matter, some questions must involve some advanced knowledge. For example, when appraising bronzes, if there are seal scripts or something like that, how can you recognize them without knowledge? And even if you have knowledge, , it is difficult to say whether everyone has the ability to recognize seal characters.

Therefore, it is not easy to be the owner of an antique shop at this time.

But he can be considered a well-rounded person. Knowing that his level is limited, he found an old man to be the shopkeeper and became the big boss himself. Anyway, the shopkeeper has the final say on small matters.

Of course, there are some unclean things that must be done. Anyway, they are all things on the road. Under such a situation, Ma Laosan is quite comfortable doing these things.

In the antique market, tomb robbers and the like naturally have more contact with people on the road. Therefore, because of this coincidence, Spielberg wanted to find some clues related to Sanxingdui culture, and did not want to alarm the officials. At such a time, he naturally decided to go to the Luohan Temple Antique Market to find clues.

Therefore, under such a situation, Spielberg and Lucas took people straight to the Luohan Temple antique market.

Luohan Temple was built in the Song Dynasty and is a famous ancient temple building in Shu.

Later, antique traders gradually formed an antique market around Luohan Temple. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, this market was actually a large antique market. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, this market actually stopped for a while, but the reform After its opening, the Luohan Temple Antique Market regained its vitality. Therefore, under such a situation, Spielberg got off the plane and went straight here. If you want to know about Sanxingdui culture, this should be the easiest place to find out.

As for the two people following Spielberg and Lucas, one is the bodyguard Lampa, nicknamed Nighthawk. It is said that he is a retired special forces soldier of the U.S. Marine Corps. Not to mention that one is worth ten, but seven or eight big men, as long as they are not Being stuck in a dead end, there is no problem in solving it anyway.

There is another person named Hans, who is a Chinese expert. He studied Sinology-related research at Harvard University. This time it was because Spielberg wanted to slide down, so he had to find a relevant expert. So, at such a time, I found Hans and asked Hans to help with some things. In fact, Spielberg himself knows very well that if he doesn't find a relevant expert as a guide when it comes to China, he will definitely be tricked to death in such a matter.

Therefore, Hans can guarantee that he will not be tricked to death by those cunning businessmen in China. It can be said that Hans is the strategist and think tank among the four.

After getting off the plane, Spielberg complained from behind: "Hans, are you sure that you can find useful clues by going to the antique market at this time?" Hans thought for a while and then said: "This It’s hard to say whether I’ll give you a discount, but at this time, there are relatively few people in the antique market, I’m sure of this.”

Lampa immediately said unhappily: "Glasses, you guy, don't show off your poor knowledge. We have to achieve our goal as soon as possible. If the current antique market says that there are no decent people, then If we go there, what will it do?"

From Lampa's point of view, in fact, when it comes to a matter like this, if there are no people in the antique market, then go get the information yourself, and you will be successful.

Hans glanced at Lampa with great disdain and said: "Big bear, what do you know? Use your brain, brain. When you go to the antique market, you don't fight. You don't need force. You have to use your brain. If we go At that time, if there were too many people in the antique market, it would be easy for us to become the focus and be noticed by everyone. Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Lucas are famous directors. If there are too many people, it would be easy for us to be noticed. The chances of recognition will be very high.

Therefore, for something like this, we don’t have to worry about it if we go when the number of people is relatively small.

Moreover, even though there are relatively few people now, the owners of those shops are usually there. What we are going to find is Ma Laosan, the boss of Qianlixuan. According to the information reported by my informant, it is said that Ma Laosan has something related to Sanxingdui in his hands. If it is said that we want to know more as soon as possible As for Sanxingdui culture, Ma Laosan is a good choice. And if you go to him at this time, his vigilance will be the lowest. "

A sinologist is a sinologist, and he or she has a relatively good understanding of some things in China. For example, if you go to the antique market, what do you do? If you want to buy antiques, then naturally you just go to the antique market.

But if you are looking for people or clues about a problem like this, it is easier to achieve your goal by going to the bosses when there are few people.

Moreover, what Ma Laosan said is right. Spielberg came here secretly and did not want to be seen. If there are too many people in the antique market, there is no guarantee that he will. Someone recognized this Spielberg guy.

Therefore, this is also a good idea to ask Spielberg to come when there are few people. In this case, Spielberg is relatively able to listen to the opinions of experts. If it weren't for the time he was making movies, Spielberg was actually a great director with a relatively good temper.

Therefore, at this time, Spielberg and his four people went directly to the Luohan Temple Antique Market. At this time, one of Hans' informants was a little old man who looked like a deer with a head and eyes like a rat. Anyway, he was relatively thin. At first glance, he looked like the kind of guy that people would be wary of.

Anyway, Spielberg's first impression of this person was not very good. If this refers to a situation in the selection of actors, at this moment this person is directly selected by the director.

Fortunately, this was an informant that Hans found. If something happened, it would be better for Hans to handle it. Therefore, although Spielberg hated the little old man in front of him, he still held it back.

But this little old man's attention is actually focused on Hans. In this little old man's opinion, Hans is the real boss of the group. Although Spielberg and Lucas are still famous directors, at this time, in fact, this little man doesn't really want to like American movies.

Therefore, at this time, foreigners, basically this little man, can clearly distinguish black people from white people. As for the rest, foreigners basically look the same in front of this little old man. This man is a foreigner who is face-blind.

In fact, it is the same in foreign countries. When looking at people in Southeast Asia, foreigners will basically feel face-blind.

At this time, Hans greeted the little man and said: "Yang, we must first say something ugly. If we fail to achieve our goal this time, then the handling fee will be refunded to us."

At this moment, Lao Yang vowed: "Hans, don't worry, you and I will not cooperate for a day or two. You should know who I am. As long as you say what I promised, there is nothing that cannot be done."

The news is very certain. I confirmed it and saw with my own eyes that Ma Laosan had a map related to Sanxingdui culture in his hand. But yes, there is. However, at a time like this, if you think there is any kind of ability that can be obtained from Ma Laosan, then it has nothing to do with me. "

Lao Yang had to talk about this in advance. Anyway, it was about matchmaking, so when it came to an issue like this, he would be a villain first and then a gentleman.

Foreigners are not easy to mess with, but Ma Laosan is even more difficult to mess with. If he messes with aliens, it will be no big deal if he hides away for a while.

But if he provokes Ma Laosan, it is not impossible for him to be thrown into the Yangtze River. It is best not to provoke people like Ma Laosan if possible.

Although Ma Laosan is a talkative person among the gangsters, it seems that Lao Yang cannot provoke him casually on such a matter.

Therefore, this means that we must make it clear first, so that Hans will not default on this later.

This guy Ma Laosan has a map in his hand, which may be related to Sanxingdui culture. Spielberg's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the news. What did he do all the way to China?

It’s not that he has any internationalist spirit, and he came here for some cause in China. He came here to inspect the culture of Sanxingdui, saying it was for his next movie. Only God knows this. Because Spielberg doesn’t even know what kind of script his next movie will be, because he wants to see how the market is before he can decide what kind of script he will film.

The king of commercial directors, such a name does not come for nothing. Spielberg has done a lot of research on what types of movies the market will demand, and what kind of movies Spielberg will encounter by chance. notebook, and then take appropriate measures to choose a more suitable notebook for shooting. Not only can every movie selected like this make a lot of money, but the possibility of losing money is very small.

Of course, in order to enhance his personality, if Spielberg said that he wanted to make an art film or something, then it might be possible to lose money at the box office on such a thing, but wouldn't there be DVD posters and so on later? Are you waiting around these markets? The mature mechanism of Hollywood movies means that if a movie loses money, then it is possible for them to make money from the peripherals of the movie. So this is where the mechanics of Hollywood cinema mature. Looking at Chinese movies, they usually rely on whether they make money at the box office. If a movie can make money at the box office, then based on such a thing, the movie as a whole can be considered profitable.

If it is said that it lost money at the box office, it is basically certain that this movie lost money. Of course, for example, a few film directors, such as Zhang Yimou and others, have the ability to sell overseas copyrights, but directors with such ability are very rare and can almost be ignored. Therefore, Chinese movies generally rely on the domestic box office, and this is unlikely to change significantly for a long time to come.

Speaking of Spielberg, this guy himself said that his next movie will be related to Sanxingdui culture. Ye Ming just wanted to listen to such words. As for whether he really believed Spielberg himself It means that the next movie must be shot with content related to China's Sanxingdui culture. Ye Ming would not believe such a thing anyway.

It's not like Ye Ming is a newcomer who is just starting out in the world. After being fooled by Spielberg like this, he really believed that he would definitely make a movie related to China's Sanxingdui culture.

The only thing that can allow Spielberg to make this kind of movie is the market. If the market needs a similar movie, then it may be possible, but it will definitely not be Spielberg's next one. movie, Ye Ming is very confident about this. (To be continued)

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