Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1575 Spielberg’s cry for help

[Snowflakes are falling, and the mountains and rivers are covered in silver. I know how late I am, a few fragrant plum blossoms. --Ruixue]

This time, Ye Ming didn't sit in the circle for too long. He was directly greeted by Manager Yu and left, saying that the princess was here.

The princess came this time to fulfill her promise, because she said she was introducing Liang Dong to Ye Ming. In the box, a very energetic middle-aged man sat next to the princess, sitting as tight as a pine tree, and he looked like he was calm and confident. Judging from the degree of control this middle-aged man has over his body, this kind of person has most likely been a soldier. Therefore, this person's identity and aura are already obvious.

Sure enough, the princess introduced: "Ye Ming, let me introduce to you. This is Manager Liang Dongliang of Universal Group. Manager Liang, I don't need to introduce this, right?"

Liang Dong stood up and said: "This princess needs no introduction. I'm afraid there are not many people in China who don't know Mr. Ye. He is a great writer, a big star, and the boss of Huihuang Film and Television and Huihui Website. When we chat, we often talk What kind of person is Mr. Ye, how can he start from scratch and reach this point?" Ye Ming is actually now a regular on the rich list. After all, his wealth and fame have grown to a very high level.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, Ye Ming will not let this guy go.

There is a topic, and he is young and rich. What a good target for speculation. Moreover, Ye Ming is really rich. He started from scratch. From a film school graduate, he was still a part-time actor, but now he has reached an attitude that many people need to look up to.

Liang Dong also talked about it with his symbol friends. When everyone mentioned Ye Ming, in addition to saying that he was talented and capable, the most talked about thing was that Ye Ming's luck was really good.

Whether you are making movies or TV shows, writing books, or singing, everything is basically smooth sailing. Even if there are some twists and turns, you can still turn misfortune into good fortune and turn adversity into good fortune. This kind of luck is what everyone hopes to have most.

As for wealth, for Liang Dong and his friends, wealth is just a number now. Therefore, in a matter like this, what they want is luck. Chinese people have a special love for things like luck. Therefore, Ye Ming has become a frequent subject of discussion.

Ye Ming didn't dare to be disrespectful. He was a billionaire, and he was older than himself, so he still had to be polite.

Seeing Liang Dong standing up, he immediately greeted the morning, stretched out his hand and said: "Mr. Liang, I have long admired your name. I often go to your Universal Plaza to buy things. There is such a Universal Plaza near our college. I What I like most is when there is a discount at Universal Plaza. Our classmates in the dormitory even said that they have a small book that records the discount patterns at Universal Plaza."

The Global Plaza is indeed very large. Not to mention the four major super cities in China, first-tier cities basically have at least one Global Plaza. Therefore, a place like this is indeed a place where many people visit. It is a place that is impossible to bypass.

The princess said from the side: "Mr. Liang, Ye Ming is thinking about building a new cinema chain. Maybe you have a common language in this regard and can communicate. Ye Ming likes to keep the real estate of the cinema chain in his own hands." In his hands, this aspect is very similar to Mr. Liang’s.”

This is considered matchmaking. In fact, when you reach a position like a princess, it basically means that you don’t know what to say. You need to mention it by name. If you can understand it casually, then it is considered as understanding, and you can get out of this circle. Play. But if you can't understand the princess in time about such a thing, then it will be impossible to play in this circle in the future.

It was obvious that Liang Dong understood the meaning of the princess's words very well. He nodded and said, "It's good to be a theater chain. Our group is a store operator, and cinemas are also indispensable. However, they are all rented to others. We will have more time in the future." If so, then we can get in touch. With Mr. Ye's Brilliant Film and Television and our Universal Plaza, I believe it will be helpful to the theater chain."

Listening to Liang Dong, it seems that he is also very interested in theaters. But after thinking about it, Ye Ming is also very clear. After all, on such a problem, Liang Dong himself is very interested. It's a real estate business, a store, Universal Plaza. It's not an ordinary hypermarket. It's one of the top stores in the country. It's impossible without a movie theater. It's just that at this time, most of these movie theaters are leased to others. Universal Plaza What I like more is collecting rent.

Of course, there is also football that Liang Dong likes very much. Global Plaza used to sponsor China Football, but later everyone also knew that those guys from the Football Association, let alone useless snacks, but if they really write down the things inside , is no worse than The Legend of Zhen Huan, they are both guys with ulterior motives.

Therefore, the person who was hacked later couldn't bear it anymore, and Liang Dong just turned the table over and stopped playing. But no one can deny Liang Dong's love for football.

Just when Ye Ming was about to say something, his phone suddenly rang. After seeing the number, Ye Ming frowned, as if things were beyond his expectation. After signaling to the princess and Liang Dong, Ye Ming said in English: "Steven, what happened? You called me on duty at night. This is what you always do." The style of things is a little different.”

Steven Spielberg, this guy is quite conceited. A genius actually always has the conceitedness of a genius. At this point, many geniuses will show the aura of putting their eyes above their heads. of. Therefore, Spielberg is also a very proud person. Of course, similarly, he is proud because he has his own pride. After all, the box office of his movies is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

But just because of this pride, under normal circumstances, even if you encounter any kind of difficulties, you rarely call for help at this time. If you can use your own wisdom to solve it, then in this case Regarding one thing about his son, Spielberg is the kind of person who would never ask others for help. Even asking for help from his friend Lucas is rare.

Therefore, Ye Ming was also very puzzled at this moment. Why did Spielberg call him at this point? Could it be that he encountered some difficulties?

But this guy came with Lucas. Therefore, there are actually two results in such a matter. One is that Spielberg is drunk and talking on the phone is pure. I was too busy to panic, and another point was that I encountered such a big trouble on a matter like this that Spielberg himself couldn't solve it.

Moreover, when it comes to such a question, Spielberg said rudely: "I can't wait any longer. If I wait any longer, the possibility of me returning to the United States alive will be very small." .Ye, we here, just like you said, encountered unexpected trouble. Moreover, no matter how this trouble is, it cannot be explained by science. Now Lucas and I regret it, If I didn’t listen to your advice, please contact the authorities first.

Now that Lucas and I are trapped, we have no choice but to call you. "

Ye Ming immediately frowned: "You are trapped. This is strange. Where are you trapped now?"

In a place like China, foreigners, especially Americans, usually receive some preferential treatment. If you want your children to go to college easily in Beijing, immigrating to the United States is a good choice.

This fully illustrates this point. Foreigners are indeed treated differently in China. In fact, most of the foreigners refer to people from Europe and the United States, especially Americans.

In fact, Americans receive certain preferential treatment all over the world.

Therefore, regarding such a problem, Ye Ming is very clear about one problem, that is, the people who trapped Spielberg are definitely not Chinese. Even the Chinese on the road basically do not have the courage.

Therefore, Spielberg said that he was trapped, which basically excludes human factors. Therefore, this guy may be saying that he was trapped somewhere.

In addition, he himself also said that he wanted to see the Sanxingdui Cultural Site. Therefore, in such a matter, there is basically no doubt where Spielberg is trapped.

As expected, Spielberg immediately said: "I don't know, we arrived here in an abandoned village. In fact, after we got off the plane, we followed some people from the antique shop here to this abandoned village. But now, we are I'm stuck here and can't get out. If you want to know where this place is, you probably have to go to the antique market here to check. It is said that this village is very famous in the antique market here. It seems to be related to Sanxingdui culture. What an inextricable connection.”

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "There seems to be no decent mountain near the Sanxingdui ruins that can trap you. The nearest hill is about 30 kilometers away. Of course, there are more mountainous areas over the capital of Shu, but it is said that it is difficult to trap you." There are indeed not many mountains where you can live.

Just hold on, I'll be there right away. "

Spielberg immediately said very excitedly: "Well, you go to the Shudu Antique Market and find a man named Ma Laosan there. He sold us the map, and he also found the guide for us. Yes, as a result, now we have arrived at this abandoned mountain village. The guide can’t be found and we can’t get out. If we had known this was the case, we would have been ready to set off again.

By the way, I left a broken bronze dagger with Ma Laosan. I bought this bronze together with the bronze statue at that time and mortgaged it to Ma Laosan for the map. If you can find this person , hope that stuff is helpful to you. The speed, I don’t think I want to stay in this place for a minute. It's as creepy as hell... "

Then, and then there was no more. Spielberg didn't finish what he said in the end. Maybe the phone was out of battery, maybe the signal was cut off. No matter how it was said, Ye Ming just didn't hear anything after hearing this. The next words.

At this moment, Ye Ming thought for a moment, frowned and said, "Princess, Mr. Liang, I'm really sorry. Spielberg called just now and said that he was trapped in a place near the capital of Shu. Therefore, I Had to see it.”

Liang Dong didn't think about what kind of person Spielberg was for a while. Maybe he had seen Spielberg's movies, but he was a person who didn't care who the movie director was. This is a pure businessman who puts almost all his thoughts into doing business. Therefore, it was difficult for Liang Dong to figure out what kind of person Spielberg was.

On the contrary, the princess is not an ordinary second- or third-generation person, but she has studied abroad. Therefore, she is very powerful in terms of vision and so on. At least there is one thing that the princess cannot help but We know what kind of person Spielberg is and what his status is in Hollywood.

Therefore, the princess was also very curious at this moment and said: "Spielberg, is that the guy who filmed Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark?" Ye Ming nodded and said: "That's director Spielberg, Steven Spiel. Berg, the No. 1 director of commercial films in Hollywood. And Lucas, those two are stuck."

Lucas, Liang Dong knows this person, there is nothing we can do about it, Star Wars is really too famous. It's not that Spielberg's movies are not famous, but Star Wars can be said to be the founder of a sect.

Therefore, Liang Dong also knew the seriousness of such a matter. He said curiously: "Two big directors in Hollywood, but why did they leave the movie instead of filming, and at the end, what did they come to China to do?"

The arrival of these two people is usually big news, but this time, there is no news. At least the news in the entertainment industry. If it is said that these two great directors have arrived in China, it is impossible to say anything. You can't get it, you should be fired early.

Ye Ming said without thinking: "These two are here to inspect. It is said that they are for the next movie. Spielberg himself said that the next movie may be related to Sanxingdui culture. Therefore, Let’s investigate in secret first. Naturally, not many people know the news.” (To be continued)

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