Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1537 Comments on Super Girl

[The wind and rain are blowing in the evening of May, and the lotus leaves on the pond are as dew-like as pearls. It doesn’t make people grow old because of lovesickness. Don’t waste your life in vain--encouraging learning]

Lao Xu clamored to kill Shaolin first and Wudang later, but now the people from this sect have no intention of fighting at all. Later, it was said on the Internet that the head of Wudang wanted to teach Lao Xu a lesson. It turned out that the head of Wudang later said that he must convince people with virtue. What the hell is this? How about destroying Lao Xu’s prestige first and then convincing others with virtue? Now If you say you convince people with virtue without even fighting, does that mean you have some stage fright?

Of course, saying this may mean that the so-called heads, abbots, etc. are all arrogant and rich. Lao Xu is just a casual cultivator in the world. He practices Wild Fox Zen and cannot stand on the stage. Even if he is a boxing champion, Uncle's team has said that there is no comparison between an amateur and a professional, but Uncle Wrinkle is qualified to say that the world boxing championship gold belt, Olympic gold medal and other bodyguards are definitely the best in the Chinese martial arts world. A golden body.

It doesn't matter if people say this, they are qualified to say so. But those so-called six major sects of Jianghu, who talk about convincing people with virtue, are just trying to fool the people. First destroying Lao Xu's prestige will be more convincing than saying ten thousand words of virtue to convince people. But as for now, there are currently six major factions besieging Guangmingding, but Guangmingding is just Lao Xu. Apart from anything else, Lao Xu's ambition and aggressiveness are actually worth learning from the Chinese martial arts community. Not convinced, are you? If you are not convinced, then just go to the fight. Go to the fight directly and win before talking about anything else.

Ambition, in fact, among the top ten super girls, only Chunchun and Bibi can see such a thing in their bodies.

As for the others, including Zhang Liangying, the third runner-up, and He Dabao, the fourth runner-up, the rest have no ambitions. Bi Bi was ambitious, but he changed a lot of styles, changing them again and again, and lost his own style. His ambition was empty, but in the end he failed to realize his revenge.

On the other hand, Chunchun, no matter what happened, later on he also made original creations, and he was able to sing "See you at the next intersection," "I'll be old if you don't go crazy, etc." By the way, these two songs are all the same. It's a thousand times better than that song from Young China.

Ambition is very important for a person in the entertainment industry. Perhaps at this time, Ye Yiqian simply said that she was not aware of this. Therefore, she has no intention of changing now. . Of course, even if Ye Yiqian suddenly wants to change now, it can't be changed just by talking about it. Changing one's own style requires a long process. It does not mean that you can change your style just because you want to.

But on a matter like this, what Bibi did was not good enough. She tried to change it by herself, but she really didn't change it. Of course, there is also He Dabao and Ye Yiqian. She has been acting cute and cute for more than ten years and has always adhered to her own style, but she has no intention of changing. This is already very rare.

But in such a situation, it seems that these two have never really become famous. At least He Dabao has not reached a higher level in popularity. Strictly speaking, Super Girl is actually the Spring and Autumn Girl. Supergirl's popularity has reached its peak. Chunchun’s current generation of Super Girls is the pinnacle of Super Girls and Fast Boys. No other generation of Super Girls and Fast Boys can surpass this generation in terms of influence. It is even said that this generation of Super Girls themselves will never have the chance to surpass them. themselves.

This year's Super Girl is just like the Princess Fairytale phenomenon back then. I don't know why, but it's popular, and it's extremely popular. Even among the top four, He Dabao is so famous that he doesn't want it.

But after the prosperity, it was just one scene, and the mountains and rivers were silent forever. There were no big features at all, and there was no development. This is the key to the failure of Super Girl and Fast Man to continue to become popular. In other words, after becoming popular, it is actually spring. Chun continued to stand on the front line alone, but later on, it was actually just that. For example, He Dabao, who works in the second and third tiers, is doing well. For example, Ye Yiqian, a silly and sweet person, is not doing very well, but marrying a good husband can be considered a complete life. Anyway, in this version of Supergirl, basically the protagonists and supporting characters are all popular.

Next came the judges' comments about the contestants. At this time, the princess didn't say anything, she just nodded and said it was pretty good.

Even if this is over, the princess is like this and has a cold temperament. No matter how she is, it will not erase the princess's temperament of being cold in high places. Na Ying said that she put forward some of her own opinions very resolutely, but she said that the typhoon that Ye Yiqian performed was already relatively mature. At least compared with the preliminaries and rematch, the typhoon problem was already mature. not enough. At this time, what Na Ying said made many people laugh. It is said that Ye Yiqian finally found the right song for herself.

This meaning is also very obvious, that is to say, before this, there were times when Ye Yiqian failed to find the right song for her. Participating in a competition is very important for a singer to find the right song for him.

If you really can't find a suitable song for yourself, then it will be quite embarrassing in such a matter. Ye Yiqian's own grades are not very good, and this is also a reason.

Professional teachers also commented on Ye Yiqian's current performance. The key is that she no longer has stage fright, and she is already relatively skilled in turning her breath. It is a great improvement compared to before. Why do teachers in this profession say things like this?

In fact, there is quite a reason for this. Among the top ten super girls, Ye Ming actually hired a teacher to provide guidance on how to practice speaking, how to communicate with each other and other professional skills. The professional teacher invited is the professor and expert on the stage.

Therefore, at this time, when the teacher evaluated his students, he was naturally quite polite. It is said that Ouye Yiqian is very good at breathing changes and other things and has a lot of gold coins, that is, her teaching performance is still quite high. In fact, no matter what it is, one thing is very certain when it comes to a question like this, that is, the top ten Supergirls, judging from the current situation, the changes are indeed very big. of.

Even Ye Yiqian, the first top ten player to appear, has already changed so much. How the remaining Super Girl players will change is even more worth looking forward to. After the professional teacher commented, this was a bit of a letdown on the spot. After all, this kind of professional review did not attract much attention.

Most of the audience just said that I listened to the songs well. As for how the singer presented these songs and how he performed them, the audience did not pay attention to this. For example, are some vocal techniques something that the general audience should pay attention to? When you talk about eight syllables, high notes, low notes and mid-range sounds, the average audience won't pay attention to this.

There are also ethnic, American, popular and other singing styles, which are of little use to the average audience. In fact, popular singing was originally called pop singing, but later some people in the relevant departments felt that if you call it pop singing, then bel canto singing, ethnic singing, etc. are no longer popular, right? Therefore, the popular singing method was later changed to popular long hair.

Some things in the entertainment industry make people speechless, especially some shady things in the Chinese entertainment industry, which are so dark that it makes people panic. There is no popular singing method in Europe and the United States. They call it pop singing. As for why Huaxia changed to popular singing. You know this. There are some things that you don’t know are serious. If you know too much, you will get angry and panic. Anyway, people from relevant departments will smash them everywhere, you know.

In Lao Guo's words, when you sing, you hope to win awards, and when you talk about cross talk, you hope to die together. In fact, cross talk is not the only family that hopes to die together.

To say which one is better at singing is really a bit of a comparison between Guan Gong and Qin Qiong. There is no comparison. After all, some people like bel canto, some like ethnic singing, and some just like popular, or popular singing. But from the perspective of industry interests, popular singing, which is what China calls popular singing, is the most profitable singing method in the music market.

Time is the only criterion for testing truth. Therefore, which singing method has more existence value can also be seen from the economic value of the market.

The market value of popular singing can instantly beat that of bel canto and good ethnic singing. The Xiao Song and other ethnic singers in the Spring Festival Gala may have a very high status in the Chinese entertainment industry, but they were promoted by relevant departments. To be honest, the status of these people is actually the same thing. Not to mention, just talking about album sales, Xiao Song's album sales are incomparable, let alone Zhou Huajian, Jacky Yau, or even Hua Tsai and other king-level existences.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, don't let Xiao Song compare with the album sales of superstars such as Ye Ming and Andy Lau. In fact, in such a matter, how can we compare albums? When comparing status, Xiao Song will naturally kill them in an instant. Even if the album is more than the sales volume. Compared to Daolang, Xiao Song is not as good as Da. But in fact, when it comes to an issue like this, in terms of status, at this time, Xiao Song is not even a little bit higher than Daolang.

This is actually something that happens within the system. In some key parties and so on, in fact, the Spring Festival Gala still trusts its own people more. Especially for someone with ability and status like Xiao Song, it is even more important to take a trip. If you can't say it, then this time actually showed the phenomenon of bel canto and ethnic singing. At least Xiao Song's album sales are called "hot", but how many copies are sold? You can see Xiao Song's album sales. Has Song announced anything?

There is nothing to announce. In fact, the results are not very good. The sales volume of popular singing methods can easily reach hundreds of thousands or millions. Even if the album is from a newcomer, but with such publicity, then in this case At one time, it was not uncommon for albums to sell tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. But what is the sales volume of Xiao Song's album? Haha, I can only use the word "haha" to describe it. Therefore, in fact, the market is the only criterion for testing singing skills. Whether others will take the initiative to spend money to buy your album means that it is a recognition of your singing skills.

Anyway, in the Chinese music industry, there is a sense of having fun behind closed doors. Although it does not represent all of them, at least from the perspective of the mainstream of the Chinese music market, it is more true that this is the case, which has abruptly improved the status of the Chinese nation and Bel Canto singing. Of course, these people also protect each other's interests. For example, the experts at the scene said they were praising Ye Yiqian, but in fact those who knew the inside story knew it very well.

This is also to praise oneself for the relatively high level of teaching. Ye Yiqian, one of the top ten Super Girls, studied with me for a few days, and her progress was actually quite obvious.

Therefore, such a kind of praise is actually like Lao Wang selling his melons and bragging about himself. At this time, Ye Ming took over and said: "Actually, what the judges and teachers said are more professional. Even singers in the entertainment industry can understand what is going on. In fact, Still not much. Therefore, under such a situation, I feel it is necessary to explain what the judge teacher said about the benefits of changing the breath.

This is of course very beneficial. For example, if a singer is good at changing the breath, then there is no big problem if he can sing three or four songs consecutively at one time. But if it is said that in such a situation, you do not understand the change of breath, or that in such a situation, even if you say that you know, but after all, you do it from the reality, that is relatively poor. Yes, if you can only sing one or two songs, you will be out of breath. It is even said that some singers will be so tired when they sing a song that they feel out of breath. This is one of the meanings of breath transformation. If you do well, it actually saves your personal energy, which is actually quite important for a singer. ” (To be continued)

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