Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,536 The Supergirls’ Typhoon

[I think back to the time when Gong Jin was still in his prime years. Who could bear the smoke from the kitchens? In my life, I have only fulfilled my ambitions, and the spring of a river is full of fire and water - Chibi Nostalgia]

He Jiong was also very excited at this moment and said: "Everyone, please pick up your mobile phones now, get ready, and cast your precious vote for the player in your mind. Your vote may determine the player on the stage. Let us wait and see the fate of the Super Girl finals." Here is what Li Xiangzai said: "So, the first contestant to take the stage now is Ye Yiqian, our lovely little princess Ye Yiqian, the song she brought today Yes, I still love you."

The first person to appear is obviously under tremendous pressure. After all, you are the one who takes the lead, and the judges, teachers, and audience must be very strict in their requirements. Therefore, the first mall to open will definitely be under tremendous pressure. Ye Yiqian was breathing hard behind the stage, trying to calm down her mood, and Bi Bi said from behind: "Come on Sissy, don't be nervous, just show up to your best."

Let’s not talk about whether it works or not, but Bibi can stand up and encourage Ye Yiqian at such a critical moment, which also shows that the relationship between the two people is very good. Ye Yiqian reluctantly showed a smile and said: "It's done, don't worry, I will be careful. I have practiced this song countless times, so this time, I think there will be no problem."

Don't think that it is very simple for a singer to sing for three or four minutes on stage. In fact, if you say lip-synching, there is no problem. Anyway, it is just to fool people. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills. But there is no lip-syncing problem on Supergirl's stage, at least for now. If a singer does not pay attention to daily exercise, then his singing will inevitably regress.

In fact, most singers, at least most of them now, pay great attention to their daily practice. For example, in a situation like this, no one knows how many times Ye Yiqian has practiced this song off the stage. This is to have a perfect display on the stage. But in fact, now, it has been said that Ye Yiqian cannot be allowed to say anything else, nor can she be nervous.

Because at this moment, on the stage, Li Xiang has already said: "I would like to invite the first contestant to take the stage, Ye Yiqian."

This means that the curtain of the stage has been raised. At least, in these three or four minutes, this super girl's stage belongs to Ye Yiqian. One person, monopolizing a stage and the audience of Supergirl, how many opportunities can there be in life. You must know that this is the Supergirl finals. This is a Supergirl stage with Jackson, Zhou Huajian, and of course Jin Yong, two queen-level judges, Princess Na Ying, and a large number of great gods.

Ye Yiqian slowly walked onto the stage. In the process, she also began to slowly calm down her inner nervousness. At this moment, she told herself very clearly that she could not be nervous now. On such a stage, she even said that no accidents could happen, otherwise, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

Xu Ruyun's fifth solo album, the title song of the same name is "I Still Love You." It continues the consistent style of Yun style singing. The music started, and Ye Yiqian slowly began to sing this sad and euphemistic song [I cling to your body and hold your hand tightly, the rain wets your hair and wets your sleeves. I hold the umbrella in my hand as if I never owned it. At the moment of parting, you were so cold that you shivered. If you had said you loved me then, I wouldn’t have wanted you to go... 】

Xu Ruyun is not the kind of singer who looks amazing, at most she is the kind of singer who looks cute. If a woman, in her thirties or forties, still looks so cute when facing the camera, this is quite amazing. Xu Ruyun is such a singer. Of course, her most widely sung one-man show was her one-man show, but that song was not suitable for Ye Yiqian's style. Therefore, when choosing, Ye Yiqian still chose I Still Love You.

This time, Ye Yiqian worked very hard. In fact, she knew it very well, because she was very lucky to be able to reach this point in her own strength. Among the top ten, even her own The overall strength is not the last, but at least the second to last is not running away.

Therefore, if you want to fight your way through the finals, it will be quite difficult in such a matter.

She had no choice but to work hard, especially when choosing songs, she knew that choosing a one-man show would be more attractive, but one-man show was not suitable for her, and she was not sure about the singing method, so , in such a situation, Ye Yiqian could only choose a song like "I Still Love You".

It was the finals anyway, and under such circumstances, I stood on the Supergirl stage for the last time. Thinking of this, Ye Yiqian began to slowly calm down. After all, it means that at this time, her own foundation is still there. To be able to stand out from thousands of players and reach the top ten stage, even Ye Yiqian is a little bit lucky. , but at least it has its own strength.

Therefore, when the song reached the second half, Ye Yiqian's overall performance was already quite impressive. Ye Ming nodded, glanced at Jackson and said, "Mike, what do you think of this player's performance?" Needless to say, singing skills or not, there is actually nothing to say about such a thing, especially in this situation. Don't talk about singing skills in front of Jackson.

It is also a very good question to talk about typhoons. At times like this, no matter how it is, this matter is the same and will bring considerable benefits to the singer. Jackson's personal evaluation is a very important evaluation in the world music industry. . After all, Jackson's identity is placed there. When he evaluates a singer, he naturally says that it will bring great benefits to the singer.

Jackson thought for a while and said: "When I first went on stage, I was quite flustered and couldn't hold my breath. But later on, I started to calm down and was able to adapt to the stage in a short period of time." atmosphere, the overall strength of this singer is still there, but her own typhoon is indeed relatively weak. If it is said that she is truly born to sing on the stage, then at this time, even if she faces more There will be no stage fright when there is a large audience. This means that standing on the stage, I am the focus of the whole world's attention. If a singer does not have such an awareness at this time, then what? In this matter, it is almost impossible for her to become a top singer.

It's very polite to think about it. This player is not aggressive enough. A singer will not be successful if he is not aggressive enough.

If you think about it, you have to use a song, which is as short as three or four minutes. Some songs are even shorter. Even if they are longer, seven or eight minutes is considered the longest among songs. But in such a short period of time, it is not easy to make the entire audience jump with the emotions of your music. A singer must be very aggressive in order to truly take the situation on stage into his own hands.

This singer, I didn't see how aggressive she was at first. "

The aggression that Jackson talked about, if translated into something easier to understand, is ambition. Ambition is the key to making a singer more attractive. If you don't even have the ambition to dominate China or the world, then in a situation like this, it means that it is better to be relatively inferior.

At this critical moment, there are actually some things that come to mind more than their own rankings in a real sense.

Regarding this matter, even though Ye Yiqian said she wanted to compete for the championship, she seemed to know that her overall strength was not enough to compete for the championship. Therefore, when singing on stage, although Ye Yiqian now says that she has begun to adapt to the live environment, the ambition and aggression she expresses when she is good are indeed not enough.

Maybe it means that the general audience can not necessarily feel this, but on such a question, as a superstar and the king of pop music, Jackson can naturally easily see clearly where Ye Yiqian's shortcomings lie. What a place.

Therefore, Ye Ming asked Jackson what the player's Typhoon was like. At this time, Jackson answered without hesitation.

Of course, this is a relatively fair answer, and it is not meant to be perfunctory at all. Ye Yiqian doesn’t know why she gives people a feeling of enthusiasm, unrestrained, or cuteness, but you will never feel something called ambition from Ye Yiqian. s things. In other words, the aggression Jackson mentioned is not enough.

At this time, Ye Ming also said helplessly: "Indeed, Ye Yiqian's ambition is indeed not enough. Not only Ye Yiqian, but other people also don't have much ambition. This may be caused by Chinese culture. result."

Chinese culture pays attention to the golden mean, which is the essence of Confucianism, as well as loyalty, filial piety, propriety, justice, integrity, shame and so on. Therefore, people who are cultivated in such a cultural atmosphere often find it difficult to be ambitious. of this kind of thing.

Son, among the top ten Supergirls, if we talk about truly ambitious people, there seem to be only two people. One is Supergirl champion Li Yuchun. Chunchun is the kind of person who is born to eat this bowl of rice. In a situation like this At one time, she was very aggressive and ambitious when she was on stage.

Even if Li Yuchun has no expression or movement, just standing on the stage, in such a situation, it actually means that he has expressed one meaning, that is, I am very ambitious and I want to conquer. worldwide. If a rubbish song like Young China hadn't been blessed by Brother Chun's aura, people would definitely call it a scumbag on the Internet at this time.

It can be said that Brother Chun used his own power to save Young China with this song.

What the heck is it to talk about accepting concessions after winning? The winner does not need to be modest. Victory is victory, just like Sanda Lao Xu, who defeated the Tai Chi master in less than twenty seconds, directly exposing the paintings of some masters of Chinese martial arts. Now the Chinese arena has become lively. Martial arts that do not aim at winning are just hooliganism, cheating money, attention, and clicks. This is a popular saying on the Internet after the PK between Lao Xu and Tai Chi Master.

In addition, when Lao Xu said, don’t talk about martial arts. You don’t even have martial arts and you still have the nerve to talk about virtue. Are you worthy? Although this is an extreme statement, Tai Chi Master cannot represent Chinese martial arts, and it is impossible for Lao Xu to defeat a so-called Tai Chi Master, so he is self-righteous. As for the Tai Chi master who said he didn't want to win at all, this is a bit shameless. It's shameful to still quibble when things have come to this point.

Anyway, the current Chinese people just don’t have much ambition, or there are very few people who are ambitious. If it is divided from martial arts to the level of sports, then in fact, at this time, martial arts is almost the same as dance. It means the same thing.

Most of the so-called martial arts on the market are just showy, and they have almost the same meaning as dance. Of course, a so-called master who can teach his disciples some skills to strengthen his body is already considered to have a conscience and no martial ethics. Teach the disciples some tricks such as fists, embroidery and legwork, etc. That doesn’t mean there is no such thing. It's not that there are no true martial artists in China, but they are already very few.

Like the old sharpshooters Li Shuwen and Sun Lutang. Even the assassin Wang Yaqiao, even the Master Hai Deng who has the title of the last martial artist, etc. After these masters of the older generation passed away one by one, what was left of the Chinese martial arts? Is it just chicken feathers? Maybe, maybe not, but there are very few true masters of Chinese martial arts, true competitive masters, who can go to the battlefield. It's no wonder that Lao Xu, an amateur fighting madman who became a monk on the way, was so arrogant. No one came out to destroy his prestige.

Of course, it does not mean that if Lao Xu wins once, Chinese martial arts will become scum. The martial arts inherited for thousands of years cannot be destroyed by Lao Xu, but in such a situation, it is indeed said and reflected. Now the Chinese martial arts is in an embarrassing situation. (To be continued)

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