Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1534: Status Issues in the Entertainment Circle

[The autumn breeze is cool, and the bright moon wraps around the screen window. The fallen leaves are drifting away, and thousands of miles are covered with autumn frost. --Autumn】

As a boss, you want to squeeze the interests of your employees. This is what Ye Ming does very well. The people at Brilliant Film and Television can create wealth for Brilliant Film and Television. In other words, they can all make money for Ye Ming. of. Ye Ming started the company for this reason, and he would not shy away from this. Actors, singers, etc. in your own company all have to pay a commission to the company. This is how the entire entertainment industry actually does it, and Ye Ming naturally said that he would do it in the same way. Otherwise, Ye Ming would seem to be an alien to everyone. Capitalists are always exploitative, and this is most appropriate when applied to Ye Ming. All bosses in the entertainment industry do things this way. To be more precise, all bosses who make money do things this way.

But it's one thing for a boss to squeeze his employees, but Ye Ming is one of the few bosses who is willing to fight for his employees. Anyway, in such a situation, as long as one of its employees is wronged, whether it is the staff behind the scenes or actors and singers, as long as they are wronged, the company will definitely come forward to solve the problem. So speaking of it, just like Li Yuchun's modification of the lyrics this time, Chunchun has signed a contract with Tianyu and is considered an employee of a subsidiary of Huihuang Film and Television.

Therefore, since they are his own employees, at this time, Ye Ming said that he would first protect the interests of his employees. The stage is ready, the curtain is raised, and the hosts He Jiong and Li Xiang are also ready to go. After announcing the start of the Supergirl finals and adding advertisements, the rest of the time will be left to Ye Ming. If it is It is said that in this finals, He Jiong and Li Xiang are responsible for the professional part of the entire program. That is to say, when the contestants compete, the announcers and series are all responsible for He Jiong and Li Xianglai. This is also the case. Usually one of the responsibilities of the show host. Therefore, regarding a question like this, Super Girl is somewhat different from other programs, that is, it is hosted by an assistant, and this assistant host is Ye Ming, who is responsible for the non-professional parts. For example, teasing the contestants with the guests, or Ye Ming teasing the guests, and the guests teasing Ye Ming, etc., these are what Ye Ming is responsible for.


Although Ye Ming is a big shot now, a big shot like Ye Ming would not let go of his status to be an assistant host at a time like this.

But in this situation, at this time, Super Girl is a program of his own company, and Ye Ming actually likes this kind of program very much. Therefore, he would really like to be the assistant host here.

And on such a question, even if Ye Ming is the assistant host, who dares to underestimate Ye Ming. A big star will not become a small actor just because he plays a small role. Actors are big or small, but roles are not big or small. These words are actually Ye Ming's understanding of movies and TV series.

This is also Ye Ming's sentiment. Ye Ming's appearance as the assistant host actually has two advantages. One is that it is a good news point in itself.

Ye Ming, a huge superstar, never expected to be the host and assistant. Of course, this is not the first time that Ye Ming has done this in Super Girl. Ye Ming did not introduce the contestants at first. In fact, if Super Girl reaches the point where it is now, no matter what it is, the contestants will have a group of fans, and they are a good group of fans. Now Ye Ming is introducing some of the guests present.

He said very happily: "At the beginning of the program, let me say two off-topics. Although it is off-topic, I think everyone will be very interested. As for me, it can be said that I am reading Mr. Jin Yong's novel Growing up, there are also a lot of familiar works such as TV series, The Condor Heroes, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Swordsman, etc. I think everyone will be familiar with it. And today at the scene, we are also fortunate to have Mr. Jin Yong here. . Let us welcome Mr. Jin Yong with the warmest applause."

He is worthy of being a dean of martial arts novels. Such a person is definitely not restricted by his status as a martial arts novelist. Naturally, he has thousands of fans, even if you haven’t seen it. I’ve read Jin Yong’s novels, but if I haven’t seen Mr. Jin Yong’s TV series or movies, it’s like being a caveman. Even illiterate farmers may not dare to say that they have not seen Jin Yong's TV series.

Naturally, at this time, there was a burst of thunderous applause, which was quite a surprising Easter egg. Mr. Jin Yong is not very good at participating in variety shows. In other words, a few media such as CCTV have interviewed Mr. Jin Yong. Therefore, on such a matter, participating in a variety show, especially a variety show in the Mainland , this is also the first time for this team Jin Yong.

He was very surprised to receive such a warm welcome at the scene. In fact, not only the audience, the host, and even the contestants backstage applauded enthusiastically. If you say that you have never seen Jin Yong’s TV series or movies, you are embarrassed to say that you are He's from the entertainment industry. And then, at this time, Ye Ming said very enthusiastically: "Then, the next person I would like to introduce to you is our King of Pop Music, Mr. Michael Jackson. I think you must not be very happy that he can appear here. It’s unexpected.”

Of course, there is nothing unexpected about this. When Super Girl started, Ye Ming said that he would invite Jackson to the stage of the finals. In fact, there was nothing surprising about this. But it's one thing to say it, but it's another thing to really consolidate it and invite Jackson Hei as a guest. At this time, Ye Ming immediately said: "Mr. Jackson, look at the enthusiastic fans here, shouldn't you say a few words to everyone?"

Jackson is still wearing the standard black dress, black top hat, and white sleeve bands. Add sparkling diamond gloves. Of course, there is also a pair of very cool sunglasses. Under normal circumstances, you cannot wear sunglasses during live broadcasts. Of course, if you are talking about a blind singer, that is an exception. But if your status has reached a point where you flout the rules, then in such a situation no one can control how you wear sunglasses.

For example, Jackson is a person like this. He wears sunglasses himself. To this day, no one can really control him. Jackson was also very happy to face the camera, and actually said in broken Chinese: "Hello everyone, I am MJ," and the scene was filled with overwhelming cheers. This is a way to pay tribute to their idol.

Jackson then continued to say in English: "I am very happy to meet you here. I hope you can have a pleasant night. Today, I will bring you a brand new work. I will be satisfied with it on the record or It refers to a song that has appeared on the Internet. This song is a song that I like very much. It can be regarded as a bottom-of-the-line work. I hope everyone will like it." In fact, Jackson came and wanted to sing. Yes, but what kind of songs to sing and when to sing need to be carefully considered.

If you don't think about something good when it comes to a problem like this, then maybe there will be trouble in the live broadcast. The audience at the scene did not expect that this time Jackson came not only to sing, but also to perform a brand new song on the spot. This also shows how much Jackson attaches importance to a program like this. I take it seriously that I can personally prepare a brand new song. How can I do this without making the fans cheer at the scene?

Ye Ming immediately took the initiative and said: "Okay, then we have to look forward to what kind of works Mr. Jackson will bring us.

Now, what we want to know is what is Mr. Jin Yong’s favorite interlude in the album. "

This matter is actually about interviews, which actually means that you have your own skills. For example, in such a situation, if we talk about the status in the entertainment industry, then Jackson is naturally the most powerful, but if we talk about the tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, Jin Yong will be the first to be introduced.

Moreover, in such a situation, Jin Yong is a very rich man, not an ordinary rich man. If he is introduced in the second place, he will be said to look down on the old man or something. Yes, there are even some radical people who would say that Ye Ming does not value Chinese people very much and favors foreigners. He actually said that he would introduce Jackson first in his own program and would not introduce others. Anyway, in a situation like this, everything is possible.

This is a social issue. Super Girl is a Chinese program. Since it is a Chinese program, it must take into account China's national conditions. But if we introduce Jin Yong first, then Jackson’s status in the entertainment industry is indeed greater than that of Jin Yong. Of course, there is no comparison between the two people, but if we look at it from the perspective of the entertainment industry alone, , or Jackson's influence is more extensive around the world. Therefore, according to some rules in the entertainment industry, it is very normal to introduce Jackson first in such a matter.

Therefore, this is actually a false proposition. No matter who is introduced first, there will always be other people saying otherwise, and Supergirl is actually so popular that it makes people envious, jealous, and hate her.

Therefore, it is actually very difficult for the program team to deal with such an issue at this time. After Jackson and Jin Yong arrived, in fact, who should be introduced on the stage and how they should be introduced was quite difficult for Xu Zheng. Later, I found out if this was really true, there was a solution. Go directly to Ye Ming and ask how this problem should be solved.

Ye Ming feels that if this introduction is left to the host, it is indeed somewhat inappropriate. After all, the host cannot grasp some of the scale issues. How to introduce, who to introduce first, and who to introduce later. Everyone, this is quite difficult. At least He Jiong and Li Xiang didn't dare to say how to do it to satisfy people. In the end, Ye Ming thought about it and came up with this idea, which was to give an introduction. First of all, I want to introduce Jin Yong. At this time, there is no doubt about this.

As the oldest person on the scene, Jin Yong should actually be taken care of. Let’s introduce Jin Yong first. In fact, from Jackson’s point of view, it is quite normal. After all, Jin Yong is in his seventies or eighties, so even in the West. Jin Yong is a respectable artist. Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in introducing the Golden Eagle first. Ye Ming also gave some explanations to Jackson about this issue. Sure enough, after hearing such a piece of news, Jackson actually didn't say anything.

As for who should be introduced first and who should be introduced later, under such a situation, it seems to Jackson that it is not a big deal.

But although Ye Ming also said that he should introduce Jin Yong first when it comes to a question like this, but during the on-site interview, he should interview Jackson first. After all, Jackson is the King of Pop Music. Regarding a question like this, if we don’t focus on introducing some Jacksons at this time, the fans in the audience and those Jackson fans in front of the TV will not be happy. Therefore, under such a situation, the first person Ye Ming interviewed was Jackson. At this time, those people outside who are making irresponsible remarks actually have nothing to say.

When it comes to respecting the old and loving the young, in a situation like this, it is indeed Jin Yong who was introduced first, but if we are talking about Jackson fans, in this finals, Ye Ming is the first The interview with Jackson also took care of some of the emotions of Jackson fans.

This is a means of improvising on the spot.

If a host like this does not have such a skill, then even if he is a host, he will not be able to be an excellent host for a long time. Of course, Ye Ming doesn't expect to survive as a host, but he still must have these elements. This is actually a question related to the overall quality of the artist.

As an actor, if he can't handle the role of a host, he is definitely not a good actor. (To be continued)

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