Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1533 The man behind the scenes

[Autumn windy night, the grass is frosty, the wine is melancholy, the flowers are falling away, the moon is full in the sky like my hometown, sighing about the passing years, even more desolate, the windows are full of loneliness and coldness, I have many thoughts, and the moonlight is all over the place. --think】

The curtain is slowly opening for Supergirl's final finals. At this moment, the top ten players are getting ready in the back, and as the hosts, He Jiong and Li Xiang are also waiting to appear in the audience. Now it is time to see the real test. After all, in such a situation, no matter it is How to put it this way, you always have to hand in a perfect answer at this time, and this time Super Girl is perfect. If there are any mistakes in the middle, it will be difficult for everyone to explain, and the host of the show is actually the most Error prone.

Even if He Jiong and Li Xiang are experienced in the battlefield and are veterans, there is no guarantee that something unexpected will happen on the stage. Therefore, if they say they are not nervous at this time, then they are one. Something strange is happening.

But after taking a look at Ye Ming, the two men finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, Ye Ming was present during the live broadcast of the show. At this time, Ye Ming was worried, and he had to take over in person. At this time, Ye Ming can step in. Even if Ye Ming is not a real host now, his role is to act as an assistant host, just like the kind of host who reads telegrams at the Spring Festival Gala. But no matter what, seeing Ye Ming on the stage, He Jiong and Li Xiang relaxed a little at this time. After all, there was a big man standing beside them.

The live broadcast hasn't started yet, but the countdown has already begun. Ye Ming is watching Xu Zheng on the stage arranging some final work. If Ye Ming doesn't do things by himself and does everything by himself, then what does Ye Ming want the staff of Huihuang Film and Television to do?

These people are naturally there to perform tasks, right? Therefore, as long as Ye Ming takes care of the general direction of the accounting, someone will naturally do the rest. At this moment, Xu Zheng came over and said: "There is news from Mango Channel that Li Yuchun will sing the song "I'm Ugly But I'm So Gentle" during the finals. As a result, they felt that it was inappropriate. I hope Li Yuchun will change it. a song."

Ye Ming frowned and said, "What's the matter? This is, the songs for the finals have been booked early. During the rehearsal, everyone already knew what songs to sing. The only difference was on the stage. We’re in confrontation, wouldn’t it be nonsense if we say to change the song at this time?”

This is indeed a bit of nonsense. After all, in such a situation, changing a song on the spot would be quite a blow to Li Yuchun's performance. Xu Zheng said: "This is an adapted song. Li Yuchun sang "I'm cool, but I'm very gentle". This song is different from the original one, so Mango Channel said they were afraid of any copyright disputes. I thought it would be better to replace it with one, as someone said hello to me."

The relevant people must be too busy, otherwise they wouldn't say such things at this time. Of course, the leader's reasons are also very strong, very upright, and very sincere. If the song is adapted, the original author of the song may protest. In the end, the leader is worried that Mango Channel will take the blame. , Hide, a song like this is temporarily stopped. Ye Ming said very unhappily: "There must be some leaders in Mango Channel who said this. Such leaders don't know anything about their profession. Anyway, they just want to show their presence."

Xu Zheng said without even thinking: "I think about this the same way. It depends on the situation. It's the leader's impromptu decision. How about I ask the director of Ouyang balcony to see what this matter is like?" As a director, I find that I am just annoyed by the splint. This is not the case. It is directed at me. In fact, it is directed at our program. Director Ouyang Yang shouldn’t ignore this matter, right? After all, if it comes down to it, So for a matter like this, we take the blame for him."

The accident this time must have been caused by the opponent of President Ou Yang, and he was at the same level as him. Even if he was not the deputy director, he was still the leader of Mango TV at a similar level. If this is not the case, then it simply means that such a result is impossible. Therefore, in fact, from Xu Zheng's point of view, at this time, Mr. Ouyang Yang couldn't ignore such a matter.

Then Ye Ming waved his hand and said: "No need for this, there is no need to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer. Don't go to Ouyang Yang for such a trivial matter. There must be someone at Mango Terrace who is not happy with Super Girl's popularity. He doesn't like Ouyang's appearance." , therefore, if you want to block Super Girl, you don’t need to worry about this matter. There is no need to tell Li Yuchun to sing how he should sing. If there is really any problem, then in a place like this At that time, the boss was here to carry her.

As for you feeling aggrieved as a director, that's right. If you don't have enough works to prove yourself, even as a director, you have to be versatile. If you are in the directing industry and want to go further, then in such a matter, it is very important to adjust the interpersonal relationship between the program team and Mango Channel. Directors have to do this job, especially before you become famous.

If you really have reached a status like that of National Master Zhang Yimou, then in such a situation, do you think anyone would dare to treat you as a chess piece? "

This is naturally gone. After all, where is Zhang Yimou's status? Naturally, no one dares to take advantage of Zhang Yimou. Ye Ming is a very loyal person, and this matter is clearly targeted. Therefore, Ye Ming had no intention of paying attention to this order on such a matter. But Ye Ming can ignore such a thing, but others cannot do this. Especially when it comes to Xu Zheng, at a time like this, Xu Zheng, who is so versatile, will naturally not easily allow anyone to ruin the Super Girl finals.

In fact, when Xu Zheng received the news, he just wanted to find Ye Ming, at least say hello to Ye Ming and see how Ye Ming would handle it. After all, Ye Ming is the boss of Huihuang Film and Television. Even if Xu Zheng steps in to handle this matter, it will only happen if Ye Ming nods.

But now, after hearing what Ye Ming said, he had to think more comprehensively. Therefore, he shook his head and said: "What about the copyright issue? Since someone on Mango Channel said this, then it must be There is a backup plan. If something unexpected happens, we may be in trouble for something like this.

Changing this kind of thing is usually something people don't say, so there shouldn't be any big problems. This is the unspoken rule of the entertainment industry. But after all, our supergirls are very popular, right? If it is said that someone on Mango Channel really wants to blackmail Supergirl and make this issue public, I think that by then, even if the original author does not want to maintain his copyright, it will be impossible. This move is quite an insidious one. But this method is also the most difficult to crack. "

In fact, Xu Zheng still had one problem that he didn't say out loud about such an issue. That is, at this time, why are there still people jumping out to cause trouble? Are there other means waiting for the Super Girl show team? Woolen cloth.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Don't worry about this matter, don't worry so much. It's just a pawn in the internal struggle of Mango TV. They want to use Super Girl to attack the president of Ouyang Terrace. I think this is the one they are attacking now." Reason. If we shrink back under such a situation, then at this time, I think we will encounter more difficulties. Don't worry, don't worry about this matter, isn't it just the copyright of a song? Don’t forget, the relationship between the Rolling Stones and us is quite good. Otherwise, would Zhou Huajian have come to our finals?

You know, I'm ugly but I'm gentle. The copyright of a song like this belongs to the Rolling Stones. As long as the Stones don't say anything, does it matter what you say to others? "

At this time, Xu Zheng was stunned and said: "Is there such a thing? I didn't notice it. If you talk about it like this, it's almost the same." Xu Zheng was very busy. In such a situation, , he knew that Zhou Huajian was here, but how did Zhou Huajian come and what kind of company artist Zhou Huajian was. Xu Zheng really didn't pay attention to these things. Ye Ming said with great certainty: "You must have not reported this matter to Sister Fang Fang in advance. Let's see what happened to Sister Fang Fang. She is one of the participants in this incident. We and Rolling Stone The cooperation has already begun. It is precisely because everyone has the feeling of cooperation. So on a problem like this, it is just a song. It is not a big deal. Just do it with confidence and boldness. Rolling Stones songs, I think. No matter what choice you make, there is no big problem.”

Xu Zheng then said with a look of realization: "It turned out to be a conspiracy like this. In fact, I really don't like some people on Mango Channel. They always criticize our program team. Now we actually want to do this again. Fortunately, our company has extensive connections." Ye Ming said with a smile: "You go do your thing first. The countdown to the finals is on. As a director, in fact, no matter what it is, Generally speaking, it plays a role in stabilizing military morale.

The more an accident happens, then you, the director, have to deal with it directly. Go ahead and do your work. "Let Xu Zheng go and get busy with work. At this time, Ye Ming also felt a burst of emotion. Speaking of Director Ouyang, naturally he is not the real boss, but if he can reach the level of deputy director, then in such a The situation is also quite insidious.

Ye Ming called Director Ouyang Yang, chatted for a while, and finally said: "Boss, regarding this matter, your TV station is not like this and it is not good for future generations. It is probably your opponent who did this." a thing.

Infighting occurs in every article. Even in our company, there is infighting. Our private enterprise is already like this. Then your unit must be even more fierce. But there are not many people who have the ability to waste their best resources. "

Super Girl may not necessarily be the best resource on Mango Channel. After all, she is just starting out and has little experience, but in terms of her popularity, she is definitely the best on Mango Channel. Therefore, in this situation, Super Girl was destroyed, and Ye Ming himself didn't know what some people on the Mango Channel were thinking.

Director Ou Yangtang smiled bitterly and said: "There is really no way around this. Some people just say that they can't see others having an easy time. I just did this program, and naturally it will be a program that will get extra points. Therefore, in this situation In this situation, it is normal for an opponent to feel uncomfortable. Don’t worry, just fight back. I guarantee there is no problem here, and your relationship with the Rolling Stones is so good. Okay, I’ve hired all my treasures for you, the copyright of a song, I’m sure the Rolling Stones won’t be so petty.”

This is almost a very certain question. Ouyang has seen Ye Ming's powerful energy, but it doesn't mean that the top management of Mango TV will pay attention to Super Girl inviting Zhou Huajian over.

In fact, if they paid a little attention to this matter, they would know that the relationship between Brilliant Film and Television and the Rolling Stones is very good.

Therefore, if you know this, you will definitely not use the copyright issue of "I am ugly but I am gentle" to attack Supergirl.

In fact, when this issue reached Xu Zheng, Li Yuchun simply said that he didn't know what happened in such a situation.

Ye Ming also asked Xu Zheng not to tell Li Yuchun such things, lest it would affect Li Yuchun's performance in such a situation. If this really affects Li Yuchun's performance, then the gain is not worth the loss. This is a future national idol.

If due to such a problem, she is unable to exert her strongest fighting power and ends up not winning the championship, then the entire Super Girl will be somewhat unsatisfactory. So speaking of it, let's hide such a thing for now. Maybe Ye Ming will mention it in music at future press conferences, but the rest is really not a big deal. (To be continued)

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