Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1522 I’ve been feeling annoyed lately.

[A misty rain and a dream can overturn the world and comfort your life. Prosperity only lasts for a thousand years, and mountains and rivers are as silent as waking from a dream. --Memory]

Ye Ming is naturally unwilling to expect him to handle this matter himself. Although he can handle it himself, the show Super Girl belongs to everyone after all. If something happens, everyone will naturally fight it together. Therefore, Ye Ming was not polite at all at this time and directly dragged the European balcony, or to be precise, the mango terrace into trouble.

At this time, Director Ouyang Yang naturally understood what Ye Ming was thinking. Now Ye Ming's meaning is very obvious, even if I am not having a good time, you can't hide and take it easy.

However, Director Ouyang Yang also said happily: "Everyone is looking for this, everyone is looking for it, time waits for no one, I will first ask if there is a suitable person. But if there is no suitable person over there, I will Here, don’t even think about it.

Therefore, it is better for you to work harder. Actually, we don't need to search for this matter. As long as we release the news and say that we are going to invite some people to be secret guests, there will definitely be a lot of first-line celebrities who are willing to come. After all, this is the Supergirl finals, and with Jackson present, there is definitely not a singer who is willing to be on camera in this place. "

Because Mr. Ouyang Yang is very familiar with Ye Ming, he knows that Ye Ming will not jump into the pit by himself. Although Ye Ming will solve this problem, he will never take over it directly, right? Things were told.

Teacher He also said on the side: "Yeah, I have received a call saying that I want to participate in our finals, but I have pushed these things away, but I think if our program team releases the news, I would like to Come here, it’s definitely not just one or two people who can come here in time.”

In fact, Teacher He has wanted to say this for a long time, but he is just the host of the show. What kind of people the show will invite as guests is beyond his control as a show host. Therefore, regarding a question like this, Teacher He, who has a very extensive network of contacts in the entertainment industry, although he said that he would receive many requests from friends, this really means that he is not in charge. The one who calls the shots.

And even if you tell Ye Ming about this matter and ask Ye Ming for his opinion, it is not easy to deal with such a matter. After all, Teacher He and Ye Ming are not related to the railways. Teacher He is also very clear about what kind of relationship and what kind of words. If you are talking about Ye Ming's friends like Feng Xiaogang, then it is a direct recommendation.

Therefore, at a time like this, since his leader, Mr. Ou Yangtang, wanted to take the lead in raising this issue, Teacher He would have enough excuses to talk about it. Moreover, in such a matter, it is hard for Teacher He to say whether the leader, Mr. Ouyang Yang, is a drunkard who is not interested in drinking. But for Teacher He, this team is indeed a good opportunity. Therefore, the resourceful Teacher He immediately seized such an opportunity.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Our program has not reduced to this point. Of course, some programs rely on stars to support it, but a program like our Super Girl does not rely solely on stars. Support. It is true that we rely on the influence of stars to attract some people, but more importantly, it is the charm of our own program itself. The extraordinary ratings of our program at this time are actually due to our program Such a result can only be achieved through the hard work of the staff of our program team. We must have celebrities, but we do not mainly rely on them.

Therefore, our program must set such a standard. We don’t necessarily have to let every celebrity come on. Only if such a standard for program production is determined, then under such a situation, our program will have more long-term vitality. Otherwise, regarding something like this, our program will be the same as other variety shows in less than two years. "

Why Super Girl has such a huge influence is actually due to its own factors. Everyone can gain a certain amount from watching such a variety show and have a certain sense of involvement. This is enough. Therefore, regarding a question like this, Supergirl can become a popular variety show, not because the guests in it are celebrities. Of course, this is only one aspect, but it is only a limited number of factors.

Therefore, the most attractive part of Chai Nu is the program setting and some interactions between contestants.

Anyway, under such a situation, Ye Ming was confident when talking about this program. Principal Ouyang Yang and Teacher He who wandered over at some point knew Ye Ming's temper very well and also knew this guy's confidence. He said that this show is not purely supported by celebrities, which is indeed the case.

But the stars that Ye Ming invited are quite powerful. Just talking about the two queens Na Ying and Wang Fei mentioned in the instructor, they are not something ordinary people can invite. During the first live broadcast, Ye Ming personally wrote a song for Super Girl and invited his brother Leslie Cheung over. Super Girl's initial influence was inseparable from Ye Ming's help.

In fact, without Ye Ming's help, the show Super Girl would have definitely become popular, but it would never have become so popular. During the finals, I originally wanted to invite my brother over, but because there were some problems in Hong Kong City, my brother didn't come. But this time Ye Ming was not idle. He told the media early that he would invite Jackson as a guest in the finals. This time he really kept his word and invited Jackson directly. This is a very special event. of breaking news material.

Therefore, speaking of it, Ye Ming is actually very supportive of Super Girl. It is not relying on celebrity support, but relying on the content of the program to support the popularity of this program. But if there is hot content and big stars, then something like this is definitely the icing on the cake.

Therefore, from a question like this, we can see how much Ye Ming actually cares about this program. Director Ou Yangtang said with a smile: "If you don't do it this way, forget it. We can find it. I have a suitable player who is a professor at the Beijing Conservatory of Music. If you want to invite him over, then this matter Maybe there’s some moderation.”

Ye Ming shook his head and said immediately: "Impossible. The professor at the Beijing Conservatory of Music is actually from within the system. Therefore, it is impossible for us to invite him on such a matter. If you If you don’t believe it, you can call him, he must have received some news, just like the seven old artists."

Director Ou Yangyang didn't believe it. His relationship with this professor was not a close one. Therefore, he thought that if he wanted to save his own face, he might be able to invite this professor over for such a matter. of. Therefore, at this time, he decisively made a call and told his old friends some of the problems he encountered.

Unexpectedly, his old friend hesitated a little when he heard this, but in the end he declined the invitation, saying that he was feeling a little unwell, so he was not suitable for live broadcasts, etc. Anyway, he said that he was too old to go No. At this time, Director Ou Yang put down his mobile phone and finally believed how accurate Ye Ming's words were.

The people within the system are indeed well-informed. This matter is probably already known to everyone in the system.

At least in the entertainment industry, those celebrities with good physique and qualifications have probably received this news.

And those celebrities who have not received the news are not eligible to participate in the Supergirl finals. Ye Ming didn't say anything when he saw this result. Director Ou Yang also tried his best to look for it. If he couldn't find it, there was nothing he could do. Therefore, at this moment, Ye Ming directly called Sister Fang Fang and asked about celebrities in several nearby cities who could rush over as soon as possible. Finally, Sister Fang Fang thought for a while and then said that Zhou Huajian was holding a concert in Tanzhou City. If invited, it would be more appropriate to invite Zhou Huajian. Ye Ming thought for a moment and said that he had nothing to do with Zhou Huajian. If they were friends, it would just be a phone call. But Luo Dayou is also a godfather of music.

In the future, the vertical music group formed by Lao Li, Lao Zhou, Lao Luo and Xiao Zhang, although it only lasted for a short year, it was still a super group.

The influence among these four people is slightly weaker than that of Xiao Zhang, but it is only a little weaker than the other three godfather-level existences in the same team.

Xiao Zhang is also a person who can stand alone.

Therefore, it is more difficult to invite Zhou Huajian. Sister Fang Fang said with a smile: "This matter is not difficult at all. Our Huihuang Baodao website is cooperating with the Rolling Stones from Lao Duan. We still have a good foundation. And we have a good foundation." Lao Duan has also asked to meet you many times, but he just said that you have been in Hollywood and have not come back. After you came back, you were busy with Supergirl, so there was no chance to meet. If you talk to Lao Duan about this matter, it is just a phone call It is impossible for Zhou Huajian not to give face to Lao Duan."

Lao Duan, when it comes to Lao Duan, I guess many people will be confused. Basically, the surname is Duan, and older people can be called Lao Duan. But if you are talking about Lao Duan of the Rolling Stones, then this basically refers to Duan Zhong talked.

Duan Zhongtan, the boss of the Rolling Stones, may not know this person’s name if you are not a die-hard Rolling Stones fan, but if you are talking about a lyric in Zhou Huajian’s song that has been annoying recently, [My daughter said six plus six equals thirteen, I asked Lao Duan said, what to do? Lao Duan said, this is basically difficult. 】

The "Lao Duan" here refers to Duan Zhongtan, the boss of the Rolling Stones, and Zhou Huajian's boss, and the two of them are quite good personal trainers.

For example, Zongjuanxian is a band that Lao Duan encouraged to form. Lao Duan, Lao Li, and Lao Lu drank twelve bottles of red wine while having dinner, and finally decided on the prototype of this band. I went to have dinner with Zhou Huajian, and the two of them drank two bottles of red wine and settled the matter. But Zhou Huajian was at a disadvantage in this matter, because the two bottles of red wine the two of them drank were brought by Zhou Huajian.

Of course, this also means that the private relationship between the two people is very good.

Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's a good suggestion. You give them a call and try out the tone first. Don't let us call you then. It's not good if they don't give you face."

But Sister Fang Fang said with great certainty: "Don't worry about this boss, Lao Duan is a very kind person, and, over there, you, the boss, called me personally, which is a sign of respect for him. Lao Duan No matter what, they are all seniors, at the level of big brothers. If it is about work, I will have no problem calling you. But this is considered a personal request for help. You call me, which is a basic respect for your seniors. I think Lao Duan will definitely not refute your face, boss."

A place has its own rules. For example, in China, under normal circumstances, there will be no such thing as a king meeting a king. Unless it is at the stage of the final fight, maybe this will happen. Condition. Therefore, it is usually more common for people under my command to test things out in the mainland. But if we are talking about Baodao or Hong Kong City, what matters at this time is the issue of face.

Of course, if it's work, then it's easy to talk about anything, but at this time, after all, if Ye Ming wants to invite Zhou Huajian, it is considered a private matter. Therefore, for such a matter, it is important to say I need to give Lao Duan some face.

As the brilliant boss, you, Ye Ming, hit him directly. Naturally, you gave Lao Duan face. The two families also have a cooperative relationship, so the help will naturally fall into place.

Moreover, Duan Zhongtan is a veteran in the entertainment industry. Therefore, in such a situation, if Ye Ming calls him personally, there is absolutely no loss of face.

On the contrary, this is a kind of respect for the seniors in the entertainment industry.

Ye Ming was naturally very clear about this after seeing Sister Fang Fang's figure. Therefore, he thought for a while and said, "Okay, maybe your suggestion is right. What is Lao Duan's phone number? I'll call him right away." Give him the call, time waits for no one." After all, the live broadcast will be broadcast soon. Before dark today, or even earlier, people must come here to save the scene. (To be continued)

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