Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1521 I will try my best to do this

[In front of the child's bed in the hall, time is rushing by, green plum blossoms are wrapped around the bamboo horse, and the fingers are flicked as if it were leisurely-sentiment]

Ou Balcony shrugged. The expression was indeed a little helpless, but there was also a kind of emotion that was difficult to express. He said very distressedly: "What is this? This is the weekend. If it is according to the regulations, then today is the weekend. If it is according to the weekend, what is it?" If so, then I should go home. But after what happened, it was impossible for me to go back even if I wanted to. I have a child at home. My son and daughter-in-law are working overtime today, and I was expected to see the child. , but I didn’t expect that such a big thing would happen today.

In fact, to put it bluntly, today's matter will definitely be solved. Even if it can't be solved, what does it have to do with me? What really gives me a headache is actually the little devil in my family. Now he is being unreasonable and making trouble. At the age of two and a half, he has already started to be reasonable. But you must never reason with this grandson. Reason with him. He will bring your IQ down to the level of his age and then defeat you with his wealth of experience. "

This was naturally not a work conversation, but more like a private complaint. But He Jiong didn't dare to listen to this. After all, Principal Ouyang was a leader. Therefore, in such a situation, Teacher He didn't dare to listen to the leader's complaints about his personal life. Especially at this time, Director Ou Yang also said that compared with the emergency of Super Girl and his own grandson, his grandson is more important. Ye Ming dared to listen to this, but as the host of Mango Channel Teacher He didn't dare to stand aside and listen to such words. He usually makes little jokes with the boss. As the head host of Mango Channel, Teacher He has such power.

But if it comes to some major issues of right and wrong, especially if you are right about what the leader said, do you think that the official affairs of Mango TV are not as important as the private affairs of the leader?

Although as President Ouyang Yang said himself, in fact, no matter what the public affairs are, the troubles are always borne by those inside the station. Even if it cannot be handled well, at a time like this, those who resist thunder are also responsible for it. Mango Channel, and of course Brilliant Film and Television. However, if it means that in a matter like this, Ouyang Yang is responsible for his own family's private affairs, then in a matter like this, it means that the director himself is responsible for everything.

Even if the grandson of his family is in trouble, it has nothing to do with Mango Channel and Huihuang Film and Television. This is the truth, but Teacher He dare not listen to the truth. Some things are better not known.

But to Ye Ming, this matter was not a big deal, so he just listened to it.

At this time, Ye Ming even said with a smile: "A child of two or three years old, if you talk to him for ten cents, he will scare you to death. Children of this age, in fact, Even when they are unreasonable, of course it is also a time to distinguish right from wrong. They just watch what the adults in the family do. If the adults in the family are full of poetry and calligraphy, then the children will definitely imitate the same and have a Chinese culture style in the future. .

But if you are unable to strictly demand yourself at home, such as washing your hands after eating, going to bed on time, brushing your teeth before going to bed, etc., these are all things that children watch adults do, and adults themselves cannot do it. Naturally, I have learned from others.

In fact, looking at children like this, it is better to lead by example than any other principles. "Chief Ouyang Yang just complained a few times. He said that he has been annoyed by his grandson at home recently. This grandson dares to tear up anything he catches, and before tearing it up, he will ask you, "Can you do it?"

However, please note that when I ask you if I can, I am not asking for your consent, but I am telling you that at a time like this, I am going to tear this thing off.

As for whether you agree or not, it has nothing to do with whether he tears it up or not. The only thing that matters is that if you agree, he can tear it up happily. If you don't agree, he may tear it up. Tearing it off or something, just tear it off anyway. Three or four of the certificates, honors and other certificates that Mr. Ouyang received in the past have been torn up by his grandson.

It doesn't matter, it was his grandson who tore it off. But this matter, Mr. Ouyang said it doesn't matter, can you not be angry?

But if you talk about this matter to your colleagues, you will be laughed at by your colleagues, and they are the leaders in the station who are qualified to listen to what you have to say. But there is no way that Ou Yang Yang and others can say this. It is even more impossible to talk to one's subordinates. Leaders also need to maintain their prestige. Talk to your wife?

My wife always stands in the grandson's position, and I can't even talk to my wife.

Therefore, at this moment, even if Mr. Ouyang Yang said what he wanted to say to someone, no one would be able to listen to him. Therefore, this time because of the emergency, the seven artists left directly. They happened to meet Ye Ming. When discussing the problem, they said it by the way.

Anyway, just find someone to talk to. And Ye Ming, no matter how he looked, was a very good person to talk to. This guy and I have known each other for a long time. We were filming Huanzhugege in 1997, so we already know each other.

It's been six or seven years now. Therefore, we have known each other for a relatively long time, so we have a good relationship. The key point is that Ye Ming is now a big star, a singer, a director, and a billionaire. In terms of status, he is equal to himself. Even as friends, they must be of similar strength to become long-term friends. I have never seen a beggar and an emperor become true good friends. Therefore, Mr. Ouyang watched Ye Ming step by step as he reached the top position in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Now that I have met Ye Ming, I am not afraid of Ye Ming's jokes when I talk about my troubles. But Mr. Ouyang Yang did not expect that Ye Ming also had his own unique insights on such an issue.

Therefore, at this moment, Ouyang said with a smile: "You boy, I know it myself. It seems that you are not married. Why do you know so much about such things? This is a bit strange."

This thing is indeed strange. Ye Ming is not even married, but he actually understands children so well. At this point, it is strange enough for Ouyang Yang to grow up.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "I'm not married, but I already have a girlfriend. People from the Chen family in Hong Kong City will decide when to get married. Anyway, I just read more books on such a matter." , there is nothing else. The book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. It is still good to read more books. Stop talking about this, talk about how to solve this problem, the more you talk, the more you are running errands.

By the way, have any big-name celebrities come to record programs on Mango Channel recently? Some quick books and the like. They always invite some celebrities. If there are suitable ones, it will save a lot of time. . "

Director Ouyang Yang immediately shook his head and said: "There is no suitable one. Don't forget, in order to make way for Supergirl, almost everything was moved to another time.

And even though the celebrities on the fast books are also top-notch, if they can hold their own against Supergirl, there are no such people. Even if there were, it would be almost impossible to invite people to one of our variety shows. After all, at a time like this, if they are not here to promote an album or movie, then it would be difficult to invite real top stars to the show for such a thing. "

It's easy to get into the A-list celebrity, but if A-list is a mysterious guest this time, the level is indeed a bit lower. But those top stars, what Mr. Ou Yangyang said is not wrong at all. If they are not in the promotion period, then in such a thing, they are really not very interested in variety shows. After all, in the Chinese entertainment industry, filmmakers look down on those who make TV shows, and those who make TV shows look down on those who do variety shows.

Even among hosts, for a long period of time, as a TV station host, the person in charge was a news anchor. Those are the real anchors. Aloof status in television loving. Therefore, news anchors look down on variety show anchors. This is actually not uncommon in the entertainment industry. Therefore, in fact, variety shows at that time were not as popular and intense as they are now. Therefore, it is not easy to invite top stars.

Those who come to the front line are all looking for connections to hire people. Director Ouyang Yang saw that Ye Ming wanted to cheat on him again, so he spared Ye Ming easily because he was unwilling to do so.

So he immediately said: "Ye Ming, regarding this matter, in fact, if the TV station is looking for people, it will be relatively slow in terms of efficiency. And even if it is not slow in terms of efficiency, they can find suitable guests in a matter of seconds. It’s a very difficult day.

Therefore, in a matter like this, it is more appropriate for you to come forward. You know so many artists in the entertainment industry, and your relationship with the top group of people is also quite ferromagnetic. You can find a better one with good conditions. According to the price on the market, I will give you a higher price. Twenty percent, the rest is up to you. "

If we are talking about hiring new people, then naturally a lot of waste will be generated in terms of cost for such a thing. But there is no way. Who told the finals to be broadcast live at night?

Therefore, if you hire someone, you will definitely have to pay a high price to get someone to come.

Therefore, although the director of Ouyang Yang said that there was no suitable candidate in terms of recruitment, he gave a very good price in terms of support. For those top stars, the asking price is very high. If it goes up by another 20%, it will be considered an expedited fee. If you go to develop photos, the prices for regular and expedited ones are different. The ones that can be picked up immediately are more expensive.

Therefore, if you want to invite top stars over so quickly, you will indeed need to pay some extra fees. This is actually an unspoken rule in the entertainment industry.

But if you can think of such an unspoken rule, then what Director Ou Yangyang actually said, it is already relatively reliable. Although Mr. Ouyang complained about his grandson at work, the work that should be done must still be done. However, maybe this is the same as the problem that the Ouyangdao leader himself cannot solve smoothly. This problem is relatively difficult.

In fact, after hearing this matter, Ye Ming realized that this matter was quite difficult.

After all, it is very difficult to find such a person in such a short period of time. Therefore, even if Director Ou Yangtang said that the fee could be increased by 20%, Ye Ming could not guarantee that he would be able to accomplish such a thing by himself. Therefore, at this moment, Ye Ming also said very generously: "I can agree to this matter and give it a try.

But for a problem like this, I can't guarantee whether I can find the right person. If it is in the capital or port city, then I would say that this problem can be easily solved.

But now, it's not easy. So I agreed that there would be no problem in looking for it. But when it comes to a matter like this, you should also keep a close eye on your contacts to see if you can find a suitable artist to come to the rescue. "

Even if Ye Ming is now 90% sure, on a matter like this, Ye Ming just doesn't dare to say it directly that this matter will definitely succeed. After all, if something is too easy to succeed, others will be jealous of it.

But if it is said that this matter was achieved by them through untold hardships, then they will be truly grateful for such a matter. Therefore, if things are handled in the wrong way, it will not be easy to get a good result at this time. Ye Ming did not call directly. The key was to ask who should be invited for such a matter. Ye Ming did not think of it at this time.

Moreover, there is not much time left for Ye Ming. Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to find and be able to come as soon as possible. Top stars, people like this are already very difficult to find in the entertainment industry. Moreover, at this time, people still have to come as soon as possible, which is even more difficult. (To be continued)

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