Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1519: There are difficulties

[The Qinhuai River is full of prosperity for ten miles, and a lonely boat is like the end of the world. My sleeves are wet with tears, and there are people's homes in the distance. --untitled】

Ye Ming came back just in time, and everyone was wondering what should be done about this matter? Obviously, if Huihuang Film and Television allows Xu Zheng to participate in the discussion, it will be at least a bit inferior in level. Not to mention Xu Zheng coming, even if it was Sister Fang Fang who came, she would have to consider what kind of attitude she should adopt when facing the head of the Ouyang balcony on such a problem.

These are not people of the same level. When they talk, there will definitely be a gap. For example, when it comes to Mango Terrace, in fact, the director of Ouyang Terrace can make decisions very easily. Even if something goes wrong, he can bear it himself.

After all, Mr. Ouyang Yang has such a right, but on such an issue, if Xu Zheng comes to make a decision at this time, then the Super Girl program team may be easier to talk about, but if it is To say that this matter is bigger means that he no longer has the right. Therefore, when speaking, although Xu Zheng said he was neither humble nor arrogant, he was actually quite restrained. After all, there were some things that he himself could not take charge of.

If we were talking about talking to He Jiong, there would be no problem, but it wouldn't be possible if Director Ouyang Feng was around. Now that Ye Ming is here, there is no problem with all this.

If something happened, Ye Ming would just carry it. Therefore, Xu Zheng was very happy when he saw Ye Ming coming over. Finally, he had someone to help him bear the heavy burden.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, Xu Zheng is the first to stand up and say: "Boss, you came just in time. Those old artists can't be contacted until now."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "You can't wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. Likewise, if those people Gu Yu doesn't let you contact, then it's impossible for you to contact them." Obviously, this is someone. Behind the scenes is Supergirl. To be precise, someone is on the Black Mango stage. In fact, Supergirl may be a typical example of someone who gets shot while lying down.

Director Ouyang Yang nodded and said: "I actually see this matter in this way. After all, on this issue, we are actually very good to those old artists, not to mention digging our hearts and souls. , but at least in terms of treatment, it is higher than other TV stations, let alone the Spring Festival Gala. But these people actually said that they would join forces to disappear. There must be someone behind this. If it is said that there is no one, Then I think it’s impossible.”

The remuneration for the Spring Festival Gala is actually like tears. Anyone who has attended the Spring Festival Gala, whether a big name or a small star, is basically treated equally. The travel fee is two to three thousand, which is still the treatment of top stars. As for the average treatment Of course, small stars will also be paid for their services. At least on the surface, CCTV cannot use people in vain. But it only starts at one thousand, which is the price of domestic first-tier stars.

But if an A-list celebrity wants to appear on the Spring Festival Gala, then basically the public relations has to be carried out four or five months in advance, which means that the public relations will start around the Mid-Autumn Festival. This still depends on whether the work is excellent and whether the relationship is good. Hard enough.

If these two points are met, then you can enter the rehearsal with makeup or something like that for the Spring Festival Gala. But please note that even if an A-list celebrity enters the dress rehearsal, it does not necessarily mean that they are guaranteed to appear on the Spring Festival Gala. After all, the Spring Festival Gala has a habit of cutting off programs even on New Year's Eve.

Of course, usually as long as the public relations department does a good job, after canceling the program, it will have a chance to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, such as a chorus or a sketch. This can be seen from the fact that so many songs in the Spring Festival Gala programs over the years are choruses. Some songs are actually more suitable for one person to sing, but it is very common for three or four singers to sing in the end. This means that the programs of some related households have been cut off, but if they are not taken care of, who will put effort into public relations next year?

Therefore, it is very easy to directly sing the chorus at this time. For example, if you go home often, this song is actually a song that is more suitable for one person to sing, but the Spring Festival Gala is for four people to sing together. The person who has the right to sing this song is actually Chen Hong, but why is Chen Hong willing to sing a duet with others? It’s not about how great Chen Hong is. In fact, the thing is very simple. I don’t care about your songs. Are you willing to sing with everyone and the people arranged by the program team?

If you are willing, then you are guaranteed to have no problem attending the Spring Festival Gala, and you will not be dismissed from the rehearsal. But if it means you don’t want to sing a chorus.

No problem, if you don't agree, leave, and you won't be able to go in for the rehearsal.

Therefore, it can be seen from an event like this. In fact, during the Spring Festival Gala, it is a small arena. As long as there are people, there are arenas. As long as there are arenas and lakes, there will always be fierce competition. Although the competition is not about swords and swords, it is still thrilling at every step. Why is it that the Spring Festival Gala has become a mess, and the treatment is so poor? Then given such a problem, there are still so many people willing to attend the Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, such a thing is very simple. That is to say, under such a situation, attending the Spring Festival Gala is actually the mainland's recognition of a person in the entertainment industry. After attending the Spring Festival Gala, you can feel at ease in the future. The price is high.

Therefore, even if the competition for the Spring Festival Gala is fierce and the treatment is poor, there are still so many people flocking to it. You must know that there are almost hundreds of first-line stars in Huaxia, and this does not include those old artists who have almost retired.

Therefore, competition in the entertainment industry is so fierce, and appearing on the Spring Festival Gala is a dream for many artists. Of course, Super Girl is the most popular program of this year's Spring Festival Gala, the most popular and the most profitable program, so when inviting guests, the treatment will naturally be very high.

According to a conservative estimate, what the reporter wrote was that by inviting these artists, Mango Channel wanted to give Super Girl a boost, and the price given was 30,000 yuan per veteran artist, and the food and lodging were naturally free. The kind that reimburses round trip expenses.

Therefore, even in terms of treatment, there is absolutely nothing to say. Although 30,000 yuan is a little less than the appearance fee of some current stars, but you must know that this is only one finals, this price is already quite good.

Therefore, at this time, if those old artists directly messed with the Mango Terrace like this, it would make the director of Ouyang Terrace quite unhappy. Regarding such a matter, Ye Ming also had a similar mentality. He frowned and said, "Our program team has nothing to do with them, but they still directly let us go. This is a bit unsatisfactory." Well, let’s stop guessing, I’ll just ask them what’s going on.”

A person has his own circle. Ye Ming is able to get involved in the Spring Festival Gala circle. Everyone can see it. In the Spring Festival Gala, there are now two actors with relatively transcendent status. One is Zhao Benshan and Zhao Dahuang. The other one is Ye Ming.

These two are the two actors who went to the Spring Festival Gala and didn't have to worry about being kicked off. Therefore, from this point of view, we can see what Ye Ming's status is in the Spring Festival Gala circle.

You can attend the Spring Festival Gala casually, this is your ability. As long as you have the ability, your status in the circle will naturally be very high. Therefore, if Ye Ming wanted to inquire about something like this, it would be relatively easy for him to do so. Among the seven old artists who came this time, the one Ye Ming was most familiar with was Jiang Dali, a singer who often performed in the Spring Festival Gala. He was relatively familiar with Ye Ming.

Therefore, Ye Ming directly dialed Jiang Dali's phone. After two rings, a loud voice rang on the other side of the phone: "Mr. Ye, I knew that at this time, you should almost call me." . Sure enough, but it’s a little later than I thought.”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Teacher Jiang is really clever. Today I participated in a program with Jackson, so I got the news a little late. This time, the elders did things a little unkindly.

Teacher Jiang, if you don't agree to come early, we will think of other ways. But you promised to come and rehearsed, but now you leave directly. So in this matter, it is a bit unkind to leave this mess to me. "

Jiang Dali also said very politely; "Mr. Ye, this program is supposed to be yours. Even if we don't pay for it, we old guys will still give you the platform. But now things have changed. Some things are not We old guys can control it.

Let's put it this way, it was the people above who made the announcement, asking everyone to boycott your program.

You also know that us old guys, no matter what, are the kind of people who are a bit outdated. Although we don't want to admit it, in fact, that's the case. You, Mr. Ye, can earn more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan at a time. Our 30,000 to 50,000 yuan is too much, and it only happens once or twice a year. Therefore, those of us who are still within the system and rely on wages and pensions are relatively large.

In this case, if the people above have spoken, do you think we dare not listen? "

These old artists are actually a little helpless. After all, they are saying that they are not in charge of the rain boots. They also have to support their families, and there are not many people who hire these old artists for commercial performances and so on. Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, they still care more about their salary, pension and so on. In a matter like this, there are some issues that do not mean you can do whatever you want. For example, this time, the leaders above have said that they want to boycott Super Girl, so these old artists cannot compete with the leaders on this matter. Otherwise, it means that the rules are broken, and the rules are broken within the system, and the results will be relatively unpredictable. Therefore, although these seven old artists said they were sorry, there was nothing they could do about it.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment and then said: "What level of people are talking about the people above? It seems that they must be extraordinary people, otherwise you teachers would not have to give them face at all."

Jiang Dali was able to say this to Hu, which was actually enough to give Ye Ming face. If Jiang Dali didn't say anything about such a matter, then there was nothing Ye Ming could do.

Of course, Jiang Dali knew it very well. Even if he didn't say anything about it, according to Ye Ming's status in the entertainment industry, it was relatively easy to find out about such a thing.

Therefore, in such a situation, at this time, he still chose to tell the truth.

Hearing Ye Ming's question, Jiang Dali hesitated for a moment and then said: "Mr. Ye really put me in a bit of a dilemma. However, this matter is indeed what the big boss said. At least it is very popular in radio and television." The kind of leadership that has power.

I can only say this much. I really can’t say more about other things. I’m sorry, Mr. Ye. Dangre, if you inquire about Mr. Han's side, you should gain something. "

Of course, Mr. Han is Han Shanping. At this time, Jiang Dali also knew very well that Ye Ming had a very good relationship with Han Shanping. Therefore, Jiang Dali did not talk about the matter on such an issue. I understand very well, but I also gave Ye Ming some guidance on how to find out about such a thing. In fact, there is no solution to this. After all, it means that on such a problem, Ye Ming can ignore some rules. After all, Ye Ming has grown to this level.

But Jiang Dali is different. He still wants to work in the entertainment industry. Of course, now that Jiang Dali can talk so much about a matter like this, he is indeed considered a good enough friend.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Thank you so much, Teacher Jiang. Let's go out to eat together when we have time and catch up on old times."

Of course, this is also a polite statement, but with this sentence, Jiang Dali will ask Ye Min to go out for dinner or something in the future, so it will not be without purpose. Therefore, Jiang Dali was actually very happy about such a thing. Selling Ye Ming a favor was indeed a very good thing.

And this favor comes so easily, which makes people feel even more comfortable. (To be continued)

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