Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,518 The person who takes the blame

[Wandering across the river city, I was surprised by the old friends in my humble house. I even drank a glass of wine and happily met each other on a spring night. --An encounter in Jiangcheng]

Wen Purui's interview is still going on, except that there is one missing person, Ye Ming. However, Wen Purui's target this time is Jackson. Ye Ming is just doing the interview in passing. Therefore, it is a pity for Ye Ming to leave early. At this moment, Wen Purui Puri didn't take it seriously either. However, as a courtesy, Wen Purui also sent Ye Ming to the door directly, and happily expressed the hope that one day Ye Ming could go to the United States to participate in Wen Purui's show.

Of course, under such a situation, Wen Puri's words were just a joke. If he really wants to be on her show, Ye Ming must at least have an Academy Award-winning actor to support his appearance. In this case, this will be possible. This invitation is actually just a polite invitation. It's like meeting a friend in China, saying a few words and then saying, have you eaten yet? Why don't you go to my house to eat? It's just a courtesy. Don't really think that the other party is inviting you. If it is really done like this, it will be very embarrassing. Of course, if Ye Ming really maintains his current momentum in the entertainment industry, then this invitation is not impossible.

Anyway, this is the reality of the entertainment industry. As long as you are famous enough, anything is possible. Ye Ming returned to the program group. At this moment, the news was still under lockdown. Luffy did not dare to come back for fear of being punished. Therefore, as the representative of the TV station in this area, he was trying to contact those old artists, but The result is very helpless, I can't contact you at all.

Director Ouyang Yang said helplessly: "If it means that one person cannot be contacted, then maybe some accident happened, but if it means that everyone cannot be contacted, then it is certain that this matter was premeditated. There must be a pair of invisible big hands controlling this matter behind the scenes, otherwise, it would be impossible for such a thing to happen. Maybe it is aimed at our Mango Channel, because our Mango Channel has developed so violently in the past two years. It makes Brother Satellite TV a little bit uneasy, or in other words, it is not certain that CCTV will directly take action behind the scenes."

He Jiong thought for a while and said: "Director, do you think someone might be targeting Ye Ming in this matter? When it comes to offending people in the entertainment industry, Ye Ming has offended no less people than our Mango Channel. .”

This incident is indeed very rare. Mango Channel is a TV station after all. If a TV station wants to develop, it will definitely offend some people. If your market share is large, others' market share will definitely become smaller. .

Because China has such a large market share, this is certain. If you occupy the majority of the market share, it is basically normal for you to be squeezed out by other brother stations.

Therefore, the development of a TV station will definitely rely on the blood of other brother TV stations. Mango Channel has been able to reach the top of the provincial satellite TV list, and has been the leader of provincial satellite TV for a long time. Therefore, it is normal for it to offend a lot of people. But as an actor, Ye Ming seems to have offended quite a few people. For such an incident, it can be said to be a miracle in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, there are very few actors like Ye Ming who offend people and are not afraid of offending people. You can check them out with one hand. Therefore, as He Jiong himself suspected, if these people came for Ye Ming, it would be a very normal thing.

Director Ouyang Yang shook his head and said: "This matter is almost impossible. After all, these people are touching those old artists. Those old artists who have participated in the Spring Festival Gala were invited by our Mango Channel using our connections. If those people want to If it was Ye Ming who was to be dealt with, then he should be targeting Jackson. After all, Jackson was invited by Ye Ming.

Even if they can't touch a superstar like Jackson on a matter like this, then if they attack Na Ying and Wang Fei, deceive these two people into taking money from the bottom of the cauldron and leave directly, the impact on the finals will be the same. It will definitely be very big. But these people did not touch Jackson, Na Ying and Princess. Therefore, it seems that such an incident is more likely to target our Mango TV station. After all, it means that we are more likely to be hit by this incident. "

He Jiong said with some embarrassment: "That's true. In fact, even if these people tricked Na Ying and Princess away, Ye Ming has nothing to fear. If there are really few judges, it is not impossible for Ye Ming to take over by himself. . After all, Ye Ming is also a singer, a singer who exists at the pinnacle of pop music in the Asia-Pacific region. If a person like this were to be a judge on Super Girl, he would be no worse than Na Ying and Wang Fei."

Jackson may actually be a judge, but He Jiong has thought of this matter, but speaking out about such a matter is actually to boost others' ambitions and destroy his own prestige. As a seasoned teacher, He must not I will say these words in front of the leader. At this moment, Xu Zheng also received the news and rushed over.

Director Ou Yangyang didn't know what he was thinking. He raised his head and glanced at Xu Zheng, who had just arrived, and said, "Director Xu, you now understand this matter clearly. As the director of this show, what do you think should be done? Huh?" After all, Xu Zheng is the director of the program team. In theory, the entire program team must obey Xu Zheng's orders.

Including Teacher He.

But Xu Zheng also knows his status at this moment. One is here to learn, and the other is that he is just a part-time worker with his own boss behind him.

Therefore, in such a situation, Xu Zheng hesitated before saying: "Director, if you come to ask me about this matter, then I myself will be very helpless in such a matter. After all, I am right. I don’t know much about this kind of thing. Even among the crew, Luffy is responsible for this matter. I am very reassured about Luffy. I basically don’t care about this matter. Those old artists Once you arrive, just arrange the rehearsal directly.

As for something like this happening, to be honest, it was really unexpected. I think that under the current situation, we should first block the news. If the matter is really irresolvable, then we can discuss a proper solution under such circumstances. I have ordered those on the crew who know about it to keep it secret. Director, you'd better say hello to the people on Mango Channel. "

Xu Zheng wanted to clean himself first. After all, at a time like this, the person in charge of such a job was actually someone from Mango Channel. Luffy was not very good at putting his director on In eyes. After all, Luffy is from Mango Terrace. Therefore, if Xu Zheng wants to control Luffy in such a matter, it will be through Mango Terrace.

In the program group, it is Sister Fang Fang who can suppress Luffy. Of course, there is also a boss Ye Ming now.

Anyway, even if Luffy didn't sideline Xu Zheng, right?

But under such a situation, Luffy didn't have much respect for Xu Zheng at this time. Therefore, now that Luffy is unlucky, it is too late for Xu Zheng to be happy and think of ways to solve the problem? Don't be kidding, it's quite interesting if Xu Zheng doesn't add insult to injury at this time.

As for his own suggestions later, it was because Xu Zheng wanted to express his presence and remind the director of Ouyang Yang that he was the director of the crew. In theory, he had the final say here. And I also protested a little at the end. Some people on your Mango Channel are acting in a secretive way on the program team. This kind of thing is very bad. It is best for you, as the channel manager, to give these people a little warning. What kind of person is Mr. Ouyang? The old foxes in the entertainment industry have been foxes for thousands of years, so Liaozhai is naturally very familiar with him.

Therefore, the head of Ou Yangyang also knew that Xu Zheng was complaining to himself, but thinking about Xu Zheng's suggestion, it was indeed a very good suggestion. Before he knew what such a thing was like, When it comes to something, it's better to keep it secret for the time being.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, Mr. Ouyang Yang immediately nodded and said: "There is no problem with this, Xiao He. You can go back and tell those people to keep their mouths shut. If anyone has a problem, then I will focus on who is dealing with it. As for Luffy, let him finish the show and go directly back to the logistics department to see the warehouse."

This is Luffy's disguised distribution.

Those who can be photographed by Mango Channel to conquer cities and territories are actually the more important backbones of Mango Channel, and are reserved as future talents. This is like leading cadres to those who are popular and professional, and whose academic qualifications are recognized by the country. The same principle applies to studying in a Party vocational school. But Luffy, this guy, really didn’t do a good job in this matter. No matter what your ability is, I don’t blame you for this matter, but after all, you are the Mango Channel in this regard. principal.

Therefore, if something like this happens, at least you should be responsible for the leadership. Therefore, if someone must be found to take the blame for a matter like this, then Luffy is a very suitable person at this time.

Therefore, regarding such a problem, Luffy was directly captured by Ouyang Yang. If Luffy was not captured, it would be impossible to satisfy Xu Zheng. The key is that it would be impossible to satisfy Ye Ming. Satisfied, something like this happened, and Mango Channel was responsible for this matter. No matter what it was, in such a situation, Mango Channel must give Ye Ming an explanation.

This is for sure. Even if Ye Ming did not come in such a situation, it is very necessary for the head of Ouyang Yang to express his attitude now.

Anyway, the matter will definitely reach Ye Ming's ears through Xu Zheng. Rather than saying that Mr. Ouyang Yang handled this matter to gain face for Xu, it would be better to say that he was doing it to give face to Ye Ming.

Xu Zheng did not continue to talk about this issue. The head of Ou Yangtang expressed his position in this way. It would be disrespectful to say that Xu Zheng still clings to this pigtail at this moment.

Therefore, Xu Zheng also said: "I received this news just now, and I also asked people to contact those old artists, and found that they really couldn't be contacted. How to solve this problem is the most critical.

As for who should be held responsible for this matter in the end, it would indeed be better to wait until after Supergirl. "

After saying these words, there was a brief silence at the scene. The three of them were a little confused about what dishes to talk about. After all, at a time like this, the three of them felt a little helpless about what was happening in front of them. The key point is that things happened too suddenly. In such a situation, everyone was caught off guard.

At this time, Teacher He came out to smooth things over and said: "The handler will talk about it later. The key now is how we handle this matter now. If we can't find those old artists, then there are still some problems for our program at this time. A very big impact.”

From the perspective of the host, Teacher He can know what kind of impact it will have on a program like Super Girl if it is not handled well.

Therefore, cutting through the mess quickly is what Teacher He Jiong hopes to see most.

At this time, Ou Balcony opened his mouth. He just wanted to say something, but he didn't expect that Ye Ming actually said it here.

When Ye Ming got the news, he rushed back directly. After all, it was said that at this time, something like this happened. Although there were some troubles that were not the responsibility of Huihuang Film and Television, in such a situation , after all, it’s about Guan Xu joining a show like Super Girl.

At such a time, Ye Ming also knew very clearly that if such an issue was not handled well enough, then I don't know how many people would be waiting to see the joke of Brilliant Film and Television and Mango Channel.

And if something serious happens to Super Girl, then in such a situation, not only Mango TV will be affected, but Brilliant Film and Television will also be affected to a certain extent.

Therefore, Ye Ming obviously attached great importance to such a matter, and rushed over directly after receiving the news. (To be continued)

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