Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1503: Play the long game to catch the big fish

[The sound of silk and bamboo sounds far away. Looking forward to the new year and the old year. After three thousand journeys, I always want to return to my hometown. --farewell】

This kind of impromptu press conference is still relatively small for King Jackson, and it is not a big scene at all, but when Jackson got outside, Finally, I could feel the enthusiasm of the Mango Channel audience. Thousands of fans, overwhelming cheers, rising in waves.

Once the number of people exceeds 10,000, there will be no boundaries. The number of fans who came this time will definitely exceed 10,000. Therefore, it is impossible to easily see the boundaries of the crowd.

In fact, so many people came this time, which was beyond Ye Ming's expectation. He knew that many fans would come after Jackson's arrival, but he did not expect that there would be so many. Now the police security dispatched by the airport are somewhat unable to control the situation.

At this time, Jackson immediately called to Jackson and said, "Mike, let's leave first. If you don't leave, then I think it's impossible for these enthusiastic fans to leave. If something unexpected happens, then this matter will be very harmful to you." It’s not a good outcome for me.”

Fans are enthusiastic, but if there is a stampede due to enthusiastic fans, the result will not be a good phenomenon. Moreover, this is not the first time that Jackson has encountered such enthusiastic fans. He knows how to do it very well. He didn't want to deal with the current fans, so he waved to his fans, then went straight to the car, and with the help of the staff, he finally managed to leave the airport.

There were not only fans of Jackson from China, but also from Japan, Korea, the UK, and even from the United States. Many of them came here specially.

Jackson's popularity is not that high now. Therefore, under such circumstances, he doesn't like to hold concerts. It is very difficult for fans nowadays to meet the King himself. Therefore, Once they know where Jackson appears from, there are always countless fans who want to catch a glimpse of the king.

Whether you say it's a crazy fan or it's Jackson's personal charm, Jackson has a certain kind of powerful influence.

After Jackson left, the enthusiastic fans slowly dispersed, and the police and security guards breathed a long sigh of relief. This was just a star. Even if it was the president of a small country, At a time like this, Jackson may not have the strong influence he has at the moment.

After getting in the car, Jackson said with some surprise: "It's not the first time I've met such enthusiastic fans, but it's the first time I've met such huge fans. I didn't expect that it was just a pick-up at the airport. There will be so many fans here waiting for me."

It's not like Jackson has never done a concert with 100,000 fans, but it was indeed the first time for him to have so many people pick him up at a time like this. You know, this is just a pick-up from a plane. For a concert, people buy tickets and watch Jackson's concert live for two or three hours. But it's just a pick-up. Jackson won't perform or sing live or anything like that. In such a past situation, it is not necessarily said that he will say anything on the spot.

But there are still so many crazy fans waiting to see Jackson's style. This is the powerful influence of a superstar. Of course, there are so many people because they are in China. Although there were many foreign fans at the scene, compared with the endless Chinese fans, they were still inferior.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "You will often see the charm of Chinese fans in the future. The influence of your songs in China is much stronger than you think."

Of course, Jackson's songs are widely circulated in China, but most of them are just pirated copies. There has even been research on whether to unban the songs of Jackson and other stars in the mainland for some time.

But fans won't wait for you to study it. It's just piracy. This doesn't mean that you haven't played it. What kind of pornography and the like? The same thing is that piracy is rampant. Otherwise, why do you think an island country's pornography will become a pornographic film? Some otaku idols in China.

Genuine ones are not allowed to be distributed, and the same goes for pirated ones. It just means that piracy is rampant.

Not only that, there is also no genuine version of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez. At least for a long time, there was no full-page version of One Hundred Years of Solitude, but this does not prevent everyone from appreciating this world famous work. As long as they can make money, there is no way to stop the power of pirate merchants.

Jackson seemed to be aware of this situation, and said with some emotion: "I also met a group of Chinese fans in the United States, waiting for my autograph. As a result, I found more than 20 fans holding more than 20 kinds of my albums. , you know, I haven’t officially released that many albums since I was a kid, and maybe there won’t be that many albums in total in the future.

I don't know that I have released so many albums, but it does have my name, my photos, and my songs on them. At the time, I thought I was dreaming, but later I found out through my assistant that they were all so-called pirated copies. It left me speechless for a while. China is far ahead of the major record companies in this regard. "

Jackson's words were somewhat teasing. This was something that the previous Jackson could not do again. He only said that he would express his anger, but would not use such calm words to make fun of something in front of his friends. Ye Ming also said with a smile: "The national conditions are just different. In fact, this is also the result of the connivance of some companies in the West. You may not know this."

Jackson was stunned for a moment and said: "Would the record company condone such a thing? You know, they can't make even one cent more income from piracy?"

If it is said that the pirate businessmen did it themselves, then maybe Jackson can understand this kind of thing. After all, there are some things that even record companies cannot control. For example, those pirated copies all over the world, not just China. There is piracy in the country. In fact, piracy is rampant in the world. It just means that China is more professional and has more complete categories than other countries in this regard.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "This is almost certain. In fact, this is also a means for the record company to expand your influence. Think about it, if your fame is not world-class and you have countless fans around the world , so will those pirate dealers in China be crazy about pirating your records? The pirate dealers only say that they will pirate, but that is actually because at a time like this, your records are often bought by people. If it is said For an unknown singer, no pirate dealer would be willing to pirate it.

Even talking about your pirated records, some of them are master tapes circulated by people within the record company, otherwise those high-definition pirated albums would not be so easy to explain. Do you think it would be easy to make high-definition pirated albums without master tapes? "

Jackson is still very professional in this aspect. Therefore, at this time, he thought for a moment and said, "Do you really mean that some people from the record company were involved?"

At this moment, Jackson was asked by Ye Ming and he was a little undecided. Some pirated albums were indeed very good, so good that they were not much different from the genuine ones. Therefore, in such a situation, Jackson was a little hesitant. Ye Ming nodded and said with great certainty: "This is a definite denial. It does not necessarily mean that all pirated copies are related to some record company, but at least part of them is like this. This should be called cultural export."

Jackson said with some curiosity: "But what's the benefit to them if they do it like this? They can't make a penny. This is very different from businessmen's profiteering. No one will do business at a loss. Obviously, in There’s no way they can make money from this?”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "This is called playing a long game to catch the big fish. A more obvious example is the living operating system. Do you think Microsoft's operating system is very simple and clear? It can also be said to be invincible in the world. At least that’s how it was for a long time.”

At this time, Jackson was stunned, but still nodded and said: "I have indeed used Microsoft's operating system, and it is indeed very practical. Does this have anything to do with your pirated records?" What we are talking about now is pirated records. Ye Ming directly jumped the content of the conversation to the operating system, something that Jackson did not expect.

Ye Ming heard Jackson's question, nodded and said: "Of course it is related, do you think there is really no connection between things like this?

Let me ask you, how much does a full version of Microsoft operating system cost? Generally one to two hundred or two to three hundred is possible. But do you know how much a pirated set costs? It’s less than one dollar, and that’s the installation fee. If you buy a computer in China, the system is usually installed for free, and subsequent upgrades are usually provided by computer merchants for free.

But why didn’t Microsoft sue and protest on a large scale? In fact, it is because doing this will prevent Chinese people from having original operating systems, so in the future, Chinese computers will be even more dependent on Microsoft. The same goes for records. After seeing the records of top singers like you in the world, think about whether the records of China's own personality will be hit. It will definitely be hit.

American records cannot make a penny, but if they hit China's record market, they will hit their current competitors. Once there is a chance to enter through genuine channels in the future, they will be able to make a lot of money. This is to play the long game to catch the big fish. Anyway, even if I am not having a good time, you don’t want to have a good time. "

If we use some words on the current Internet to describe it, it is hurting each other. Anyway, let’s not talk about whether I am having a good time or not. It will definitely make it difficult for you first. What Ye Ming said may not be the whole reason, but it must be part of it. Many fans have seen Jackson's dance steps and songs, and then look at the break dances and robot dances of China. It cannot be said that they are all scum. Anyway, compared with Jackson, there is a certain gap.

Therefore, from the perspective of such a matter, it is definitely a mutually harmful result. Jackson was a little silent. What Ye Ming said was not unreasonable. In such a situation, at this time, Jackson really couldn't say anything else.

In such a situation, this time, more speaking, it shows the cunningness of those record dealers. In order to delay the prosperity of China's entertainment market, they actually used piracy. If Ye Ming hadn't told him such an inside story, then at this time, Jackson might not have known it all his life. Something fishy.

Think about it, yes, although pirated records may not necessarily have the shadow of these record companies, but in such a situation, at this time, it is indeed the case. At this time, there must be some record companies. people participated. No matter what the purpose is, it is impossible to produce those high-definition pirated records without master tapes.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, Jackson can only respond with silence. Generally speaking, his world is relatively perfect, although now he is gradually understanding that this world is not what he thought. Perfect, but in a situation like this, he didn't expect that there were such profound things that he didn't even know.

Now that Jackson thinks about it, it may be a very good idea to cooperate with people from record companies who are not good at it.

Moreover, under such a situation, many people from the record company invited him to make an album again. In the past, Jackson meant that he could consider it, but now under such a situation, it seems that this matter It simply means that there is no need to think about it.

This matter, the water is too deep. If you are involved in it, it will be more uncomfortable than knowing that it is aggrieved. After knowing it, it will be even more uncomfortable.

Sure enough, the record market is darker than I thought. I used to take record companies too much for granted. Some problems were not as simple as he thought, and it was even more impossible to say that they were caused by his own willfulness.

Those at the record company have now become the targets of Jackson's defense. (To be continued)

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