Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,502 Celebrities and the media are at odds with each other

【It's almost autumn in the south of the Yangtze River, the lonely moon is like a hook, the leaves are falling all over the place, but no lotus roots are being picked. --Jiangnan】

Next were some moderate questions asked by several reporters. Most of them were about Supergirl, and the answers were almost scripted. But at this time, some questions will actually be asked. The difference is whether Ye Ming entrusts other reporters to ask this question, or whether some reporters take the initiative to ask it themselves.

In fact, originally speaking, if Vivian didn't ask questions about SMS voting, then there must be other reporters who wanted to ask about such a situation. Therefore, if a reporter who is familiar with him asks a similar sensitive question at this time, then in such a situation, he can still be somewhat prepared for this matter.

Moreover, these problems, even if Ye Ming wants to avoid them, are impossible to avoid.

There is no need to answer this time. At the next press conference or something, reporters will definitely ask questions.

For example, the matter about Mao Duoduo is actually something that reporters really want to know the inside story about.

After all, Mao Duoduo was a big star in the entertainment industry before, and he also had some grudges with Ye Ming. Therefore, if Mao Duoduo was arrested at this time, the matter would be quite sensitive. Now there are No reporter would give up the opportunity to ask Ye Ming a question like this. The difference is that it depends on which reporter will ask this question under what circumstances.

In fact, it was agreed upon at this time. If no one asked Mao Duoduo questions at this moment when the press conference was almost halfway through, then King Charles would be responsible for asking such questions.

To avoid being asked more intense questions by other reporters.

So at this moment, King Charlie stood up and said: "Mr. Ye Ming, I am King Charlie from East Weekly. Recently, I heard that the mainland star Mao Duoduo has been invited by the relevant departments to cooperate with the investigation of some issues. Some rumors say that it is because of Mr. Mao Duoduo You have some conflicts with Mr. Ye Ming. I think what everyone wants to know is, in a situation like this, whether you are related to this matter, and what kind of relationship is there? "

Something happened to Mao Duoduo. Now, the first thing most people think of is naturally the methods used by Mao Duoduo's opponents. Among Mao Duoduo's opponents, those who have the ability and resentment to use methods to calculate Mao Duoduo are really rare, but Ye Ming should be considered one no matter what kind of calculation he uses.

As for the reporters at the scene, in fact, under such a situation, they also hoped that Ye Ming could answer this question carefully.

Although everyone is mainly here to interview Jackson this time, Jackson has become very cunning now. When dealing with reporters, the only way to answer questions is to answer them directly. This is the Jackson that everyone is familiar with, but if he encounters For questions that he didn't like to answer, or that he couldn't answer directly, Jackson would leave angrily in the past, which meant that he was playing a big role.

Or in such a situation, Jackson would do some strange things, such as putting his young son outside the window. In fact, this is almost a child's joke, similar to a child's joke. Some of Jackson's mentality at that time was quite childish.

Whether you admit it or not, there is always a child living in Jackson's heart. Of course, everyone has a child living in their hearts. The difference is that in such a situation, most adults will control the child very well and do more to Things adults should do.

This is what people usually say when they grow up. And if it comes to old age, almost all the work that they should do is done. At this time, most people will let out the childish side of their hearts. Therefore, in such a situation, that is, Will be an old kid.

This is a normal change in a person's life. When he was a child, he didn't need to perform. He was a child. When he grew up, he became an adult. When he grows up, he will regain the mentality of a child again.

But Jackson, in fact, has always been difficult to restrain his childish side. He is a genius, but this genius has not really grown up, or to a large extent, his psychology remains that of a child. stage.

There is a convention in the entertainment industry, that is, if a person becomes famous at a certain age, his mental state will generally stay at that certain age. Jackson debuted at the age of five, and he almost became famous after his debut. Among the five Jackson brothers, little Jackson is actually the real soul.

This is absolutely unobjectionable. Otherwise, after the five Jackson brothers disbanded, under such circumstances, why did only Jackson become a real superstar, while the other four brothers have remained mediocre.

But now that Jackson can deal with reporters, it seems that he has become very mature, at least he will not behave inexplicably. Such a superstar is not good news for a reporter, and reporters need it. Breaking news, they will not think about it. In such a situation, whether the news is good news that is beneficial to the artist, or negative news that is unfavorable, as long as the news is breaking, then in this case In a child's situation, things are likely to become news as quickly as possible.

Therefore, to a reporter, a mature superstar is far more attractive than an immature superstar.

Therefore, in a situation like this, there are actually some problems, more importantly, when reporters write about some scandals about Jackson, such as the previous child case, does this mean that all reporters have no interest in this news? Is there any doubt that Jackson made a mistake?

This is impossible. There will definitely be some reporters who see that this case is problematic, but for their own wages, for the ratings of their own programs, and for the better sales of their newspapers and magazines, most of them Reporters will always choose to ignore those doubts.

It was only after Jackson passed away that the plaintiff, one of the parties involved, came forward and said that he had lied, and that the plaintiff's father also committed suicide by swallowing a gun. At this time, everyone seemed to suddenly realize what a great person Jackson was. What a noble person.

In five years, Jackson earned more than 600 million after his death. Such an achievement was definitely something that Jackson himself had not thought of, and even the media and related companies, including the Jackson Foundation, may not have thought of it. All that can be thought of.

Jackson has really left us, and everyone is guessing that it is too late to start missing him. Just like some Jackson fans on the Internet said, media reporters all owe Jack an apology. It is a pity that Jackson will never be heard from again.

Of course, Jackson's attitude towards reporters now is much more casual and rigid, so some reporters chose Ye Ming to make breakthroughs.

Sure enough, it can be seen from the beginning. When Ye Ming answered the questions, he was not polite at all. Ye Ming said all the breaking news without reservation. And this time King Charles is doing the same, and wants to ask everyone’s last question. Therefore, in fact, everyone is now waiting for how Ye Ming will answer such a question.

Ye Ming pondered for a moment and said: "About Mao Duoduo, I don't know where you heard the news from, but according to the latest news I got, Mao Duoduo himself has been officially detained. It is said that He is suspected of contract fraud or something, and he is already in a detention center anyway."

This news is also very shocking. Don't arrest Mao Duoduo. This must be news that just happened not long ago. Otherwise, it is impossible for the reporters at the scene to say that none of the relevant information has been obtained. news. Therefore, King Charles said rudely: "Grab Lai, what does Mr. Ye think of this question? It is said that the relationship between Mao Duoduo and Mr. Ye is not very friendly. Therefore, some netizens said that Mr. Ye was also one of the driving forces behind this incident."

It is indeed surprising that Mao Duoduo was arrested, but what everyone is more interested in is that Mao Duoduo said online that he was plotted because he offended Ye Ming.

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "As for this issue, because the case is ongoing, there are some things that I cannot say casually. If friends from the media want to know the details of this aspect, Then go to the Public Security Bureau and ask the police handling the case. I think at a time like this, if I can tell you, the police will tell you.

I can't tell you much so as not to affect the police's handling of the case. But what I can say is that the backend system of Super Girl has been attacked by many hackers recently. Later, we invited relevant personnel to investigate the hackers and found that many domestic and foreign hackers were related to the account of a domestic company. Relationship. As for Mr. Mao Duoduo being invited to investigate, and later when Mao Duoduo was detained, I can’t say whether there is an internal connection, but I think the truth will come out in broad daylight. Wait until the police report the relevant information. When asking questions, I think the answer everyone wants to know is that it will be solved easily. "

Ye Ming did not directly say that he was related to this matter, because doing so would appear to be relatively low-level and childish, and it would leave a bad impression on others.

But now Ye Ming answered this question directly, telling the truth, and explaining such a matter more clearly.

But when it came to the key points, he didn't say it directly. These are the things that reporters need to investigate.

However, he has already told most of the things. As for the results he wants to get, the reporters themselves will investigate, which will obviously make these reporters more interested and feel more interesting.

Moreover, reporters actually believe more in some of the things they have investigated after painstaking efforts.

There is also the fact that this is the case. After all, this case is said to be under investigation. Therefore, in such a situation, the specific facts of the case depend on the information announced by the relevant departments. Ye Ming has no right to do such a thing. , Domestic reporters are very clear about some things like this, and reporters who go to China to interview must have understood some of China's national conditions in advance, so they are naturally relatively clear about such things.

Therefore, if Ye Ming can answer such a question to such an extent, that is already a very good result.

In fact, if Ye Ming didn't want to answer so carefully, that would be normal. Now reporters have also speculated that the hacker attack on Super Girl's backend system is probably inseparable from Mao Duoduo.

It's just that Ye Ming doesn't have a direct answer to some things. Of course, some questions are really difficult to answer directly. In this way, it seems that this person is not deep enough and cunning enough, and Ye Ming is recognized as a very cunning person. star.

This time, the impromptu press conference was carried out relatively smoothly.

King Charles, Lao Bai Yuguo and other people were also very considerate. When asking questions, they were basically all agreed-upon questions, and the answers were quite smooth. You know, at this time, it was rare to be able to interview Ye Ming exclusively, but Yu Guo was able to interview Ye Ming alone. This is the benefit of cooperation. Everyone is an old friend, so there is no cooperation. Any questions.

Therefore, at this time, the reporter was actually very satisfied with the result. After all, under such a situation, several relatively sensitive topics asked by the reporter also received positive responses.

Moreover, Ye Ming's answer was very strong and explosive. Anyway, if he went back to writing news, there would basically be no obstacles.

Even at this time, it is not impossible for a more capable reporter to turn this interview into a series of reports or something.

Now Ye Ming is also very happy. After all, under such a situation, Super Girl was promoted at this time, and Jackson also saw the status of Brilliant Film and Television in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Only a truly powerful and powerful company can control more than a hundred journalists in such an orderly manner. (To be continued)

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