Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1500: Multiple Friends, Multiple Paths

[The cold wind is blowing, and there is a hint of sadness. Green willow trees line both sides of the bank, and the sound of the flute remains the same. The grass is green and the water flows in spring. When the wanderers go, the peach blossoms are beautiful all the way. --Spring Water】

However, regarding this matter, regardless of whether Jackson is willing to deal with the media or not, he must still face the media. In fact, Jackson himself is very clear that as a public artist, it is impossible to bypass reporters at this time. Journalists and artists have a coexisting relationship, either mutual benefit or mutual harm. Anyway, it’s just like that. The thing is, what Ye Ming said, someone had said similar things to Jackson before, but under the circumstances like that at that time, he actually didn’t care much about these words, but now it seems that after so many things , Jackson himself has also encountered the warmth and coldness of the world, and listening to Ye Ming's words is indeed more important.

Therefore, now Jackson has reluctantly accepted this reality. Although he is somewhat avoiding reporters and uses his indifference to refuse interviews from reporters, or refuses most interviews from reporters, at this time he also begins to Learn to deal with those reporters. Because he himself now knows that as an artist, reporters cannot escape. At this time, Jackson was much more calm when facing reporters.

Of course, Jackson didn't care about facing reporters in the past, but when he faced reporters at that time, he had more of an indifferent expression, rejecting people thousands of miles away, but now he has begun to learn to smile in the spotlight of reporters. .

Moreover, he has a very skillful smile and his backhand looks relatively kind. No matter what Jackson was thinking, in such a situation, when he faced reporters, he did say that he had learned to smile. Of course, Jackson used his fans to keep the media waiting for a while. It was difficult for the reporter to say anything in front of so many fans. After all, the interview was the most important thing.

After greeting his fans, Jackson immediately faced the reporters. This also did not give the reporters a chance to fight back. Jackson immediately said: "I am really sorry to keep all reporters and friends waiting for so long. This is not the first time. I have arrived in China, but every time I come to China, I can feel the enthusiasm of the fans of China. Of course, there is also the support of friends from the media and journalists. Thank you for your continued support."

These words are just for the occasion. Even a third-rate star in China can say such words very skillfully.

But in the past, it was impossible for Jackson to say such things, or Jackson could think of it, but he would never say it. Jackson is a proud man, and he would not bother to say such words to please the media and fans. But at a time like this, looking at Jackson's expression when he said these words, he looked very skillful and sincere. Therefore, whether you believe what Jackson said now or not, you must appreciate it at a time like this.

After all, it means that according to Jackson's status at this time, being able to say these kind words is already very different from the previous Jackson's repulsive words. This team is indeed a huge change for Jackson, and reporters also appreciate this change very much. After all, when interviewing a star, no one wants to meet a star who is thousands of miles away.

At this time, reporters came to interview. They were really not interested in Jackson's polite words or anything like that. They just said that as a reporter, they were sensitive to a problem, that is, what really happened to Jackson. There have been some changes. Of course, these are not what reporters care about. Mango TV reporter Yang Guoqing was the first to stand up. It was also convenient for the home court. As the host, Mango TV was definitely the boss of the on-site media without CCTV, at least on the surface. This is what it looks like.

Therefore, both emotionally and logically, Mango Station has to ask questions first. Yang Guoqing, who represented Super Girl, asked: "Mr. Jackson, as a singer-songwriter and producer, the speed of your recent works has obviously shown signs of slowing down. In such a situation, you The production speed of your album has stagnated. Please tell me what is the reason why you have slowed down your pace in music recently. I think your fans will be very concerned about this."

Jackson thought for a while and said: "Well, I also have a feeling. My own speed has indeed slowed down a lot, and albums and other things, that means looking at the right opportunity. Now the record market is shrinking, actually because The music player invented by Steve Jobs can be said to have had a fatal blow to the record market. Therefore, when there is a suitable opportunity for records, etc., if there is no suitable opportunity, then on something like this , I will choose to publish my works online. In addition, my cooperation with Huihuang.com is very pleasant. Sony and other major record companies have made many projects and hope that I can make a record next, but I I rejected them all, one because the opportunity was not suitable, and the other because they didn’t impress me at all with my work.”

Yang Guoqing immediately asked: "Mr. Jackson, do you mean that if there are no good works, you will continue to suspend the record publishing plan?" Jackson said without thinking: "There is nothing wrong with this, this is the way it is. I have to be responsible for music, and I have to be responsible for the fans who like me. When I release an album, people buy it because of my reputation. If they say that I am not good enough, it will be my reputation that is damaged. Therefore, If I didn't have the right opportunity, it would be impossible for me to release a record.

As for what I’ve been busy with lately, I’ve been busy doing things related to music heads, but it’s more of a behind-the-scenes job, so there may be less news about me. In addition, some recent news in Africa There is also a humanitarian crisis in the country, and people in some countries are facing the risk of famine. Moreover, some children are already suffering from famine.

Therefore, I will allocate more energy to do such work. And I have jointly established a charitable foundation with the Grammy Awards Committee. I will donate the income from the three concerts to artists and singers such as my friends Taylor, Madonna, Diddy, etc., and Ye’s friends Schwarzenegger, Spielberg, Lucas and many other entertainment people are our supporters. Our foundation, with the joint efforts of everyone, has begun operations.

I hope that this foundation can help more refugees. "If it was a perfunctory beginning at the beginning, then now it seems that this will be a very serious topic. After all, at this time, no one dares to joke about refugees, that is, Jackson. Since it is said that this foundation has started to operate, then this foundation will definitely start to operate. And the people in the entertainment industry he mentioned must have also participated in supporting the construction of this charitable foundation.

After all, it is said that on such an issue, if you lie about this matter, you will not be able to withstand the mistakes. Reporters are very good at delivering news. Sometimes it is even said that agents are not as smooth as reporters in delivering news. Another thing is, if one lies about this matter, that person's credit will collapse. Westerners attach great importance to personal credit. It is normal for a star to pass out. After all, nothing can last forever. There is no problem in playing some supporting roles after getting angry. Even for a superstar like Nicolas Cage, even if he has passed out, there is no big problem in playing the leading role. Of course, Cage will not be the protagonist in a top-notch production, but it is not easy for ordinary movies to invite Cage. This is why Cage's credit is pretty good.

Of course, Cage doesn't know how to manage himself. After winning the Oscar, he became increasingly poor, and finally became the king of bad movies. This is also quite embarrassing. But if it is said that a celebrity has become famous on Zhihu, then if his personal credibility collapses due to such an incident, he will have no way to survive in the entertainment industry. Therefore, there is actually no need for Jackson to lie about such a matter.

And it involves a lot of celebrities, so in a situation like this, he has no reason to lie.

Therefore, this will be a very big news for reporters. Just for such a piece of news, the plane ticket this time is worth it.

What's more, this is just the beginning, the real beginning of the interview. If the reporter continues to ask about an application number like this, then he might be talking about what kind of news is waiting. Of course, this Yang Guoqing asked two questions, which is already a very rare opportunity.

Even if Yang Guoqing is the host as a reporter from Mango Channel, in a situation like this, after all, he has already asked two questions. If the care is too obvious now, even the Super Girl organizing committee will not be able to explain it. .

Therefore, after Yang Guoqing asked two questions, he directly handed over the microphone. This is also a common practice. After you have finished asking questions, the microphone will be passed on to someone like this. This also means that everyone can huddle together to keep warm.

Since the host has already said that the questions are over at this time, basically speaking, the rest is relatively easy to cause confusion and contention.

Everyone hoped to ask Jackson questions as soon as possible, but there was only one microphone. At this time, Ye Ming said with a smile: "Everyone, please take your time, don't rush, don't rush. Mr. Jackson is tired from the journey. If you keep arguing, , then I think maybe the interview tasks you mentioned today are impossible to complete. Everyone keep order and come one by one." Ye Ming can be said to be a real landlord, the number one person behind Super Girl, a legend in the Chinese entertainment industry, The entertainment king of the Asia-Pacific region.

Therefore, Ye Ming's words at this time are a warning and naturally a reminder to everyone. Everyone has interview tasks, so the old rules are to come one by one, and there can be no chaos. Then the first person who could forcefully get the microphone was King Charles, King Charles of Hong Kong City East Weekly.

This is completely a coincidence. King Charles himself has a good relationship with a leader of Mango Channel. When the people from Mango Channel went to Hong Kong to inspect TV programs, they met on the plane. After two visits, they became friends. The leader of Mango Channel I also hope to have one more friend in the Hong Kong entertainment circle, especially one who is an expert. King Charles is obviously such an expert. King Charles is also interested in the mainland market and feels that if he has a good relationship with the mainland entertainment industry, he will definitely be able to use it in the future.

Mango Channel is the leading provincial satellite TV station in the Mainland. Therefore, when it comes to a matter like this, there is nothing wrong with having multiple friends no matter what. Therefore, when King Charles came to Mango Channel for an interview, he naturally said that he was given a good position.

At this moment, you can see the importance of friends. Otherwise, how could a Dongzhou magazine have such a good status on such an occasion?

King Charlie took the microphone and said: "Mr. Jackson, I am a reporter from Hong Kong City East Weekly. The question I want to ask you is what do you think of a program like Super Girl? You have never liked participating in variety shows. , even in the United States, I have never participated in variety shows, so why did you come to China to participate in Super Girl?"

This is a question I want to ask. In fact, why Jackson came is also a concern of many people. Needless to say, the relationship between Jackson and Ye Ming goes without saying. If there is not such a relationship, then in this situation At one time, it was impossible to invite Jackson, but this was definitely not the whole reason. Jackson must have had his own reasons for being able to participate in Supergirl. For example, he thought there was something about Supergirl that was worthy of his concern.

Moreover, a question like King Charlie's is actually a form of publicity to discredit Supergirl. Now that he is asking a question like this in front of the media from all over the world, this is naturally a very good publicity for Supergirl.

Although Ye Ming and Mango Channel didn't say anything to King Charlie, as a veteran in the entertainment industry, King Charlie naturally said that he knew how to ask questions and had the greatest promotional effect on Super Girl.

Especially since this question was not asked by Mango Channel's own reporter, but by a reporter from Hong Kong City, it naturally seemed more effective and supportive. (To be continued)

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