Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,499 Jackson is here

[Send me the moon knife and the clear sky. The clear sky has been numerous since ancient times. The heavy thoughts turned into the breeze, and the breeze slowly sent each other away. --farewell】

The Super Girl finals were about to arrive, so at this time, guests began to arrive one after another. The biggest one is naturally Jackson.

Jackson also realized his dream of holding a concert in mainland China, so now that he comes to the mainland, he feels very relaxed. After getting off the plane, Jackson was very happy to see the huge crowd of people welcoming him.

Although he is the king of kings and has seen many big events, it is rare for fans to greet him on such a scale. Eight thousand people, this is the limit of the capacity outside the airport. This time, eight thousand fans came. Some fans flew from Japan and South Korea to welcome the King of Heaven.

Of course, there are quite a lot of media coming here, more than a hundred. There is no way around it. Who makes Jackson the King of Pop Music? There are no less than thirty media coming here from Europe and the United States alone. This is still mainstream. The media, if you count tabloid journalists and the like, there are more.

The person from the New York Post is Song Zhongguo, a Korean who understands Chinese culture relatively well. Of course, Song Zhongguo now holds a green card from the United States and is considered an American.

All this is due to his own employment at the New York Post. There is also Yamamoto from the Asahi Shimbun, who is also an acquaintance.

BBS, CNN, South Korea's KBS, SBS, and MBC are all on a first-come-first-served basis. The three major TV stations all have reporters involved in tracking and reporting on Jackson. Of course Fox TV station is indispensable. And speaking of which, The Times, The New York Times, Hollywood Film Weekly, etc. also sent people.

This is an entertainment phenomenon-like variety show, and Jackson was invited to come under such circumstances. This made foreign reporters very interested. At this time, Jackson was actually not easy to interview, even more difficult than before. Tolerance leads to greatness, and lack of desire leads to strength. This Chinese famous saying is very practical if it is applied to Jackson.

Therefore, this time Jackson makes a public appearance, it is also a very good opportunity to interview him. Therefore, reporters from both domestic and foreign media rushed over one after another, wanting to interview Jackson as soon as possible.

In fact, this time it was also Huihuang Film and Television that restricted some foreign reporters from coming to the scene. After all, it was impossible for the airport to allow so many reporters to come. Some reporters from small media had to wait outside the airport.

Only the large and influential foreign media have the qualification to enter the airport. But those foreign reporters have no choice. After all, in such a situation, if you are weak, you can only wait outside. When Jackson got off the plane, it was his own private plane. Of course, he now has enough capital to buy a plane. The 757 plane is a higher plane than some domestic flights. Some domestic airlines are still 747 aircraft are used to perform flight missions.

All of Jackson's private jets are 767s, which is already a pretty good level. Of course, the cost is not low. Even if it is parked and not flying, the annual maintenance cost is about 500,000 yuan. This does not include the crew, airport parking fees, etc. In other words, just by leaving it in the airport warehouse, the annual maintenance cost of this aircraft The maintenance cost is 500,000 yuan. Including various expenses, even if you don't fly, the annual expenses are calculated in millions. Therefore, if you want to own a private jet, it is definitely not something that ordinary celebrities can afford.

For example, the flight cost of Sister Tao's Falcon 2,000 per hour is 10,000 yuan. This does not include other expenses, just the fuel cost. If you think about the fuel consumption of the 757, you will know how expensive it is to maintain such an aircraft. An easy thing.

But for a star of Jackson's level, it is easy to maintain a private jet. This is a status symbol. Can Jackson live without a private jet? Many Hollywood stars, and even many Chinese celebrities and rich people later, have their own private jets. Therefore, if you think about it, Jackson would be laughed at if he did not have his own private jet. Even if you say your plane is not up to par, you will be laughed at.

Ye Ming personally led the team to greet Jackson. He originally planned to drive the motorcade directly into the airport. Not everyone is qualified to drive here. It must be applied in advance, and only with a certain background can it be done. These are all coordinated by Mango Channel. As the local media boss, Mango Channel also has a good cooperative relationship with the airport, so it is possible to apply for this qualification in advance.

Of course, although it is said that driving a car into the airport is convenient, and it is a status symbol, and it also shows the importance Mango Channel attaches to Jackson, but at this time, Ye Ming did not use such rights. His reason was It's very simple. Reporters and fans are here. At this time, if the car drives directly to the airport, it really avoids reporters and fans. But in a situation like this, it is also for people. There is a feeling of being a big name. Although a star with Jackson's qualifications no longer needs to be a big name, in such a situation, it is best to avoid it as much as possible without causing criticism from the media and fans. After all, this time it is to promote Super Girl, and it is said that Super Girl uses a civilian approach to attract everyone's attention.

If you use your privileges at a time like this, then it may not be a good thing for Supergirl at this time. Therefore, this matter was so denied. Of course, Ye Ming did say that he brought people to the airport to greet Jackson. At this time, it was Ye Ming who brought people to the airport to greet Jackson. Such qualifications are not possessed by ordinary people. Generally, we are greeted at the exit of the airport, but if Mango Desk arranges it, there will be no problem in entering the airport to be greeted. Jackson's salute and entourage were all checked by a team of security personnel specially sent by the airport. This is a necessary procedure at the airport, and even Jackson is not qualified to remove it.

Therefore, inspection is indispensable, and Jackson knows this. Ye Ming watched Jackson get off the plane, greeted him and said, "Dear Mike, welcome to China again. I hope you can still have a happy journey this time."

Jackson is in a very good mood now, and he is very energetic. Therefore, Jackson is also very happy and said: "Dear Ye, every time I come to Huaxia, I have different feelings. , this time, I also hope to discover some good talents in the Chinese music circle."

Jackson is Jackson. No matter what happens, what he cares about most is music. This time he came as a guest, partly for Ye Ming's sake, and partly because he wanted to see what good prospects would emerge in the future of Chinese music. Three sentences are true to the profession, and they are about people like Jackson.

Only people like Jackson who care about music wholeheartedly and have less intrigues can become true artists. If the mind is used elsewhere, then at this time, the person's artistic energy will be dispersed.

Judging from a person like Jackson, he spends more of his time on music. Therefore, in terms of life, he is actually not a genius at all. Jackson's emotional intelligence may even be lower than that of ordinary people, and his communication skills To be honest, his ability is far from that of another great man, Edison. Both of them are masters at the top of their respective industries, but Edison, whether it is emotional intelligence or communication skills, can crush Jackson.

Countless people were defeated by Edison. It can be said that Edison was a Cao Cao-level hero.

It is even said that under such a situation, the establishment of Hollywood has a lot to do with Edison.

It is said that the reason why Hollywood was established was largely because some film studios hoped to avoid Edison's patent tax. But Jackson also created a lot of wealth, but if you compare his life with Edison who crushed others, the result is far behind.

Ye Ming said happily: "There is no problem with this. Our program is for the common people. The contestants are all selected from the common people. The purpose is to give these ordinary people who like music a stage to show their talents. I I hope this show can continue.

But if you want to do it well and keep doing it, you need to have huge influence. Therefore, your arrival, Jackson, is a great help to us. There are reporters and fans outside to welcome you. This time, if you are going to suffer, you still have to say hello to those who care about you. "

Obviously, Jackson did not have a good impression of these reporters and complained: "None of those reporters are honest. They say they are believers in God, but in fact they are full of lies. God will punish them."

I don't have a good impression of these people. Of course, I still have to say hello to my fans. "

Fans, at this time, Jackson also began to pay attention to fans. Of course, it is not that Jackson did not pay attention to fans before. He still attaches great importance to his fans, but in such a situation, he manages his own fans. Not very clever. Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming suggested that he find a professional team to manage his fans. Now Jackson's impression in the hearts of fans is much better than before.

And Jackson's influence is continuing to increase. Jackson recommends his new works online every year. From Jackson's point of view, what a real singer relies on to speak for himself is naturally his fans.

Therefore, at this time, he would always release one or two, or even three or five new songs every year. These were a means for Jackson to maintain his influence. The entertainment industry is a very easy place to be forgotten. Even if you are the king of kings, if you don't always make your voice heard, although you will not be forgotten, your influence will definitely decrease. But now Jackson's influence has not declined at all, and is slowly rising.

The only thing is that Jackson brings some surprises to everyone every year.

Of course, now Jackson is also very concerned about the state of his fans. For example, when I come to China this time, naturally there are many fans coming to greet their idol. At the airport, after coming out, the first thing I saw was the criticism from more than a hundred media reporters. Next to the reporters were 200 fan representatives. These were all representatives recommended by the Jackson China Fans Association.

Of course, this Jackson China Fan Club is a fan support club established by Brilliant Film and Television. Ye Ming knew how to use Jackson's influence to expand and attract Brilliant Film and Television's influence among young people. There are people in any country who worship foreigners, and even the United States has many fans of the Chinese Taizu.

Therefore, establishing a Jackson fan support club is also a more appropriate method.

Of course, this is authorized by Jackson, and every year some people from the fan club have the opportunity to go to the United States to attend Jackson's fan meeting. Anyway, this kind of thing has become very common in the entertainment industry later.

But now, in China, it is still not very large-scale, and there are very few influential fan support clubs, but Jackson's fan support club is definitely one of the more influential ones.

Ordinarily, at this time, Jackson would greet the reporters and media first, but people have their own personalities. Big stars are very willful. Jackson directly saw his fans first, walked in front of them, and talked to them first. Say hello to your own fans.

This shows Jackson's attitude. I just don't feel comfortable with reporters like you. At this time, the reporter was actually quite depressed.

I was provoking someone, and in such a situation, I was still embarrassed by Jackson.

But there is no way. Jackson has such qualifications. If he is unwilling to be interviewed and unwilling to wait, he can just leave. There are many reporters outside waiting to enter the venue but have not been approved.

Therefore, although the reporters on the scene are a little bit critical of Jackson's move, they still have to endure it. Being able to let you come in for interviews is already based on the strength of your media.

Therefore, at this time, although the reporters were angry, they could only wait patiently for Jackson to come over for an interview. (To be continued)

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