Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,446 As long as you do better than your opponent

[The snow has melted and it is already dusk in winter, but you can still see the fragrant grass withered and flourishing. No matter how much I miss you, I just love you deeply. --Remnant snow in late winter]

Sister Fang Fang naturally knew that these things were not very important, so she immediately said: "If there is only this little thing, it is not a big deal. I can handle it myself. But this time , it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Your Ye Jiajun has the largest appeal online as a fan group. This fan support club requires money and people. The key is that the leaders are all different. The owner who is short of money, so if we talk about ordinary things, in fact, Wawa and the others can handle it. But this time it is not just like this, look at this data. "

Ye Ming took the second document, looked at it and said, "Someone deliberately organized people to target us? Has this matter been verified?" This matter has become a bit interesting. Under normal circumstances, even if you say you have seen it, Programs like Super Girl are very popular. Some colleagues are not watching nephritis. At this time, they say a few words that it is not painful or itchy. Regarding such a problem, Ye Ming also thinks that it is nothing. At the beginning, Hua Programs such as Boys and Girls, Running Brothers, etc. are actually the same ones that make people jealous, and there are also some people on the Internet who are against them.

But these are normal phenomena. You can't make everyone satisfied with you. Therefore, there is no need to worry about such an issue. But this time, it is obvious that someone is targeting Super Girl.

What this data shows is that there are large-scale trolls organized to smear Super Girl, and at certain times and in certain cities, there will be a surge in posts slandering Super Girl. Such a thing If it weren't for the fact that the posts were just complaints, it would be fine, but they were all targeted and planned, and they were designed to discredit Super Girl step by step.

At this time, Ye Ming really took this matter seriously. He frowned and said, "Sure enough, someone is targeting us. This is an organized use of navy to discredit us. Now in China, those who are so skilled in navy are those professionals. company, don’t worry, I will ask people from the technical department to check to see which company has the courage to target our brilliant film and television."

Huihuang Film and Television is definitely the boss in terms of video. Even in the world, Huihuang Film and Television is the boss. Therefore, on the Internet, at a time like this, it is generally difficult for anyone to target Huihuang. Internet.

But this time there may be some exceptions. Super Girl is a variety show focused on created by Brilliant Film and Television. For this variety show, the filming of "Running Brothers" has been postponed to a later date.

But in a situation like this, someone actually said that someone was slandering Super Girl. At this time, it was impossible for Ye Ming not to be angry at all.

Sister Fang Fang immediately said: "I asked people from the technical department to check this matter, but they couldn't find anything at all. The other party is also a master. At least those in our technical department want to find out the detailed identity of the other party. It’s not easy.”

Ye Ming was not here, so these matters were naturally handled by Sister Fang Fang. As the housekeeper of Huihuang Film and Television, Sister Fang Fang was qualified enough to ask people from the technical department of Huihui Network to handle some things. But in such a situation, the people in the technical department actually said that they had not found any valid information. That is, there is only one possibility. The other party is also an expert on the Internet. Although it is said that posting posts while surfing the Internet can benefit from the traffic. I saw some anomalies and knew which city some posts were posted on a large scale. but

It was operated by someone who specifically told what everything was like behind the scenes, and that was not found out.

This is actually what makes Sister Fang more depressed. You know, Huihuang.com is known as one of the best firewalls in the world. Therefore, in such a situation, the people in the technical department of Huihuang.com did not find out the details of their opponents. This has to be said to be a bit ironic. the result of.

Ye Ming put down the document and said: "In fact, it is impossible to blame the people in the technical department too much for this matter. In a place like the Internet, there are mountains and mountains. Sometimes, some people's talents are very good. In an instant, , in a situation like this, if it is said that a genius can master some skills in an hour, then in fact, for an average person, it may not take a week, or even ten days and a half month. It can be mastered. For example, Mitnick, the American super hacker, but do you know what kind of person he is? When he was a child, Mitnick was a child with some autistic tendencies. He never had any friends, so he was always tinkering with radio phones and stuff, and then he became the most famous hacker in the world."

Mitnick may not necessarily be said to be the most powerful hacker in the world. In fact, powerful hackers will not be easily caught. But in such a situation, Mitnick is one of the top ten most famous hackers in the world. First, there is no problem with this. Maybe it is not certain that the three major ones are included. Anyway, Mitnick is a legend in the hacker world. Sister Fang Fang immediately said: "Then there should be a famous hacker involved in smearing our Super Girl?"

If there are hackers at this time, it means that it can explain a problem. That is, if powerful hackers intervene at this time, it is reasonable that the people in the technical department of Huihuang.com cannot complete the task. of things in. Ye Ming nodded and said with certainty: "That's right, there is definitely a famous hacker who has joined our opponent's camp. I don't know why, but he is a master.

Our company seems to say that the relationship with hackers is pretty good, but in a situation like this, it is actually said that a hacker dares to do this. It is interesting, it is really interesting. Don't worry, I will handle this matter. You can tell the people in the company to organize our efforts and fight back online. We should never make those people too proud.

In addition, I will ask some companies in Silicon Valley to send some equipment, and you can ask people from the technical department to join our servers. In this case, our servers will become more secure. The most important thing for a video website is the server. If this time they are not targeting our Super Girl, but the server of Huihuang.com, then the result of such a matter is that it will change. Very bad. "

In fact, this is also an oversight by Ye Ming. Ye Ming feels that his Huihuang.com is one of the best websites.

At least on the firewall, the digging is relatively good. But looking at the situation now, at a time like this, if someone is really serious about using hackers to attack, will the firewall of Huihuang.com be able to persist? This will become very troublesome. And it means that on a problem like this, the problem may slowly become a reality. Nowadays, Huihuang.com is a standout. I don’t know how many people are coveting the success of Huihui.com. If there are powerful hackers trying to plot against Huihui.com, the losses may be incalculable.

Therefore, Ye Ming was secretly rejoicing at this time. Fortunately, at this time, his opponent was smearing Super Girl from an aspect like the navy, instead of directly attacking Brilliant Network. After Sister Fang Fang left, Ye Ming directly contacted Alexander. This guy had been at Universal for many years and was an old man in Hollywood. Moreover, Alexander had worked in Silicon Valley for a period of time before going to Universal.

Therefore, it should be very right to ask him this question about a matter like this. Ye Ming called and said, "Alexander, I have a business here and would like to ask for your opinion."

Alexander was very surprised. This guy Ye Ming is definitely a master at the level of a genius boy. At a young age, he has already become a big boss of the Internet. He has hundreds of millions of wealth. He wants fame, fame, and wealth. , the kind of person who is a winner in life no matter what. Such a person, when he was the producer of Fast and Furious, he was always trembling and walking on thin ice. Anyway, it was just a bad management problem of Fast and Furious. If you can't offend such a person, then don't offend him.

therefore. At this time, Ye Ming came to ask his question, which made Alexander somewhat proud. Of course, it is also a good time for the assassin to have a relationship with Ye Mingla.

Therefore, Alexander also said very politely: "If you have anything to do, Mr. Ye, just tell me, and I will do my best to help."

Ye Ming immediately stated his needs. Alexander thought for a while and understood more clearly. Ye Ming is a genius in making videos, but that does not mean that he is a genius in everything he does on the Internet, such as making firewalls. There is no one person in the world who is completely proficient in all things on the Internet, such as Bill Gates. He is a genius when it comes to making the Internet. Jobs is a genius when it comes to making hardware. Anyway, no one can take care of all aspects of the Internet.

There will always be a chance for some people. In fact, Ye Ming is the same at this moment. He is not necessarily a genius in firewalls. Therefore, at this time, it is normal to find a high-quality firewall. Therefore, Alexander thought for a while and said: "The best, of course, if you want to use it, use the best. Cisco is the first choice. Normally, if you have no other better choice, then Cisco is definitely the best choice." It will make you feel at ease. Cisco Firewall Company is founded by Bosak, director of the Computer Center of the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, and Santi, director of the Computer Center of the School of Business.

The couple designed a networking device called a "multiprotocol router" for use on the Stanford campus network, integrating incompatible computer LANs across campus into a unified network. This Internet-connected device is considered to be a sign of the true arrival of the Internet era. John Chambers joined Cisco in 1991. In 1996, Chambers took charge of Cisco. The former Persian guy really developed Cisco into the scale it is now.

Of course, Juniper Networks is also a good choice, but I personally recommend you to use Cisco. Chambers and I are classmates at West Virginia University and have a pretty good relationship. If you want to use their company's products, I can give them to you. Let me recommend Chambers. I guarantee that your Huihui Network will be safe from attacks by hackers around the world. "Cisco has this kind of domineering confidence. In ten or twenty years, Cisco will be a golden brand of firewalls in the Internet market.

Therefore, Ye Ming nodded without much thought and said: "No problem, I will come back to you for dinner and introduce Chambers to me.

But the problem now is to get people from Cisco to come over quickly and come to our company to help us improve the firewall. Our company's current firewall is relatively unreliable. "Alexander agreed to this matter very quickly. He also believed that doing so would definitely be a good way to bring the relationship between himself and Ye Ming closer. This is a matter of exchange of interests. As long as It means that if there is enough exchange of interests, then in such a matter, only then can we become good friends. Ye Ming put down the phone and directly contacted the system. At this time, the system was actually talking to Huihuang.com. The kind that knows everything. The current intelligent system of the system can only be described with one word like invincible in the world. Therefore, Ye Ming said directly: "I hope that when the people from Cisco come, they can help me." Improve the Internet. Now you can help me improve it. Of course, it should be improved based on the inheritance of Cisco. Don’t be too far ahead. "

At this time, the system was very curious and asked: "You don't have to go to anyone else for this matter. If you ask me to help you improve your company's firewall, it will be impossible for all the hackers in the world to break through your company's firewall." .Why do you still spend money to find other companies?"

This is actually something the system doesn't understand very well.

Ye Ming said very directly: "Yes, if I ask you to help me improve the firewall, then there will be no other problems. But I can't let my company be too perfect, otherwise it will be suspected. . Huihuang.com is already very profitable and is very jealous. If you say that I am the best in other aspects, why don’t I let others live? When playing on the Internet, you can’t always eat alone, you always have to give. Others leave a path for success. You don’t have to be the best, as long as you say you are better than your competitors, that is enough.” (To be continued)

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