Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,445 The conspiracy is revealed

[The city gate willows are green, and the swallows are singing from the south. The sun sets over the clear water, and thousands of houses are brightly lit. --Spring Day]

Ye Ming took care of the Super Girl matter. Basically, the press conference was almost done quickly. Ye Ming simply answered the remaining questions.

Some people even mentioned that Guo Degang left, how Ye Ming viewed this issue, and whether there might be problems with some of the employment mechanisms of Huihuang Film and Television. Ye Ming's answer is also very simple. We are not civil servants or anything like that. There is no problem with the employment mechanism. Brilliant Film and Television will give opportunities to actors from any company. As long as you have the ability and can catch it, then There is always a day when you will succeed.

As for leaving, Gu Degang's departure is nothing. He likes to do cross talk and hopes to devote himself to doing cross talk. It is that simple. There is really no inside story about the rest. Guo Degang, this guy is the most attractive newcomer title in Glow Film and Television in recent times.

The pen name Guo Degang is the first person to rebel in Huihuang Film and Television. Under such a situation, it is naturally worthy of everyone's special mention. And Guo Degang is also very careful. No matter what it is, he just keeps silent on such a matter. If a reporter asks this question, Guo Degang will either talk about him or pretend to be nothing. have no idea. Anyway, it was a direct refusal to answer at this time.

This is where Guo Degang is cunning. In fact, since he came out of Huihuang Film and Television, he himself is somewhat unkind. Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, he really says that he has nothing to answer.

Therefore, the reporter hopes to find out some inside information from Ye Ming or Huihuang Film and Television. However, a hush-hush order has been issued within Brilliant Film and Television, and they are not allowed to get involved in Guo Degang's affairs casually.

Therefore, it would be more difficult at this time to find out any news directly from within Huihuang Film and Television. Therefore, if a reporter now says that he wants to go to a higher level, he must say that he wants to go to Ye Ming for this matter. As the boss of Brilliant Film and Television, it was natural that he must know the news at this time. But Ye Ming's answer was very technical, saying that it was what Guo Degang wanted to do when he went out, and he didn't get it done.

Anyway, let’s just say that Guo Degang liked doing cross talk, so he did it.

The answer to this question was obviously not very satisfactory to the reporter, but Ye Ming was able to do this, which was considered a pretty good answer for the reporters at the scene. Therefore, from Ye Ming's point of view, he did his best.

As for whether the reporter is satisfied at this time, this is not what Ye Ming considers. Anyway, the reporter can write whatever he wants, whether it is from the standpoint of Ye Mingde or Ye Ming's opponent, that's all. It's just a propaganda trick. It's not a good time for the host and guest, but no matter what it is, at this time, Ye Ming showed his strong side, or in other words, his powerful side. Whether it's Fast and Furious, Super Girl, or Guo Degang, it's basically the same.

The reporter has more or less obtained some materials. In this case, when he goes back to write news, no matter what angle he approaches it from, there will always be news to write about at a time like this, right? And when Ye Ming came back from Hollywood, he gave everyone an explanation.

As for the media, it's better not to offend the media. As for some things, no matter how you say it, it's better for everyone to cooperate. For a moment, in fact, in Huihuang Film and Television, Ye Ming may become more domineering towards the media. And if you want to quarrel with any reporter, you will do so directly.

But Ye Ming is a star who is very serious to reporters. To be honest, he is a relatively kind star. Therefore, it can be seen that in the entertainment industry, there are many celebrities who are more difficult to maintain than these. Celebrities are actually born with that sense of superiority in front of reporters.

But Ye Ming usually doesn't show this sense of superiority and treats reporters very well. But the problem is that Ye Ming has a very taboo bottom line. Once this bottom line is exceeded, a question like this will naturally cause Ye Ming to attack like a storm.

At this moment, Ye Ming responded to the question of Guo Degang leaving Huihuang Film and Television. Over there, a reporter from Film and Television blocked Guo Degang and asked Guo Degang how he viewed such a matter. Guo Degang is indeed a person who can do big things. Therefore, no matter what the answer is to a question like this, his answer will always be labeled as treacherous.

Therefore, at this time, Guo Degang said with a smile: "Every banquet in the world comes to an end. I don't think there is anything inappropriate about this matter. My departure is actually a normal procedure.

In other big companies, do you think it is normal for a person to resign? Even if you, journalists, say that you feel your work is not good enough, then on such an issue, you may change jobs. Is what I said correct?

When people from big companies resign or you reporters change jobs, it is not a big problem and they will not be reported as news. But why did it become entertainment news at this time when the matter came to my side? "Guo Degang's question is also difficult for reporters to answer. After all, what Guo Degang said is, yes, there is no problem for other companies to resign, but Huihuang Film and Television just left me, Guo Degang, so You just think that you are bullying your master and destroying your ancestors. This is indeed inappropriate.

Guo Degang's job is to open his mouth. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is really impossible for reporters to criticize Guo Degang. But on such an issue, there are actually a lot of big news breaking out in the entertainment industry. In an instant, , a piece of news like Guo Degang was directly submerged in many big news in the end.

Among them, one of the issues that attracts the most attention is that at this time, it is the news of Super Girl. There is no one who came back from Hollywood for the Supergirl finals.

In fact, now that Ye Ming has finished playing The Fast and the Furious, if we want to strike while the iron is hot and directly recruit a new crew in Hollywood, there is nothing to say, it can be done easily.

But when it comes to something like this, Ye Ming actually pays more attention to Super Girl. He believes that during the competition, in most cases, he is no longer involved, and it is the company's people who do this show.

Therefore, under such past circumstances, he himself felt that it was not good enough for him to always leave.

And Jackson will also come to the finals. In this case, Ye Ming has to come. It is precisely because Super Girl has such super influence that nowadays, the news about drunkenness is basically the news about Super Girl. Moreover, Supergirl has completed a gorgeous counterattack.

In this game after game, some young and outstanding players such as Brother Chun, Bibi and others have slowly grown up under such circumstances. And it means that on a question like this, they have more presence in front of the camera.

Super Girl can be described as being in full swing. Moreover, the same phenomenon that the entertainment industry calls this phenomenon is called the super girl phenomenon. This Super Girl phenomenon is actually the first time a provincial satellite TV station has produced a powerful and shocking version of some CCTV programs.

In the past, even if there were fast programs, they would be among the best in terms of ratings, but CCTV is the boss. Even if a variety show is good, it cannot beat CCTV. But later on, the phenomenon of Super Girl is worthy of everyone’s deep thought.

It can even be said that it was a strong shock to CCTV.

Therefore, this is considered the hottest topic in the entertainment industry now.

Any piece of entertainment news will basically be submerged in Supergirl. Therefore, at a time like this, while Sister Fang is paying attention to the ratings of Super Girl, she is also paying attention to the online evaluation of Super Girl.

This is to listen to the voices of netizens. In fact, at first, Sister Fang Fang was not very enthusiastic about this matter. After all, no matter how you look at it, this kind of thing is thankless. It can even be said that doing such a thing is useless. .

However, since Ye Ming was just doing it as she shouted, she had nothing to say, so she just had to find someone to do it.

But later, Sister Fang Fang discovered that if she could guide Wang Min's voices on the Internet and use them for herself, then this would be a pretty good method. On such an issue, no matter how it is said, the voices of netizens represent the voices of some people, and they are the kind of die-hard fans of Super Girl.

In an instant, Sister Fang Fang also began to pay attention to the voices on the Internet. It is even said that the girls on Super Girl who are more promising to win the championship are now roommates in their own fan groups. Among them are people like Brother Chun, Bi Bi, etc. who look like seed players. Sister Fang Fang brought these people together and became a fan support club for Supergirl.

Therefore, at this time, Sister Fang also feels that these things are relatively useful. Now, the voices on the Internet have indeed reached the standard of public voices, at least representing the grassroots voices.

What is Supergirl at this point? Of course it’s grassroots.

When Supergirl was first promoted, the slogan was for dreams. If grassroots people have dreams, just come to them. For a moment, this is a comparison of some styles of Super Girl.

Under such a situation, Sister Fang Fang still attaches great importance to the opinions of these support associations. Although some of the problems they have reported may not necessarily represent the voice of the entire Internet, no matter what they are, Speaking of which, at this time, it also represents the voice of most netizens. Now, in fact, on the Internet, although Super Girl is said to be very popular, it is already said that there are some not so harmonious voices. In the early days of Super Girl, these were basically one-sided praise. . But now, there are some different voices appearing on the Internet every month, and this different voice is the kind of trend that is getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, such a question finally attracted Sister Fang Fang's attention.

She paid attention to some problems reported by netizens on the Internet, and felt that the matter might be a bit serious. At this time, she directly took out the data and found Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was back at this time. Naturally, we need to pay attention to these issues.

If that was not the case, then Sister Fang Fang definitely handled these matters very decisively.

But now that the boss has said that he has come back, he must have said that he wants to listen to the boss's opinion on such an issue.

Therefore, she directly found Ye Ming, gave Ye Ming a document and said: "Boss, this is some discussion about Super Girl on the Internet recently. The negative voices have a tendency to be mixed up, although they are not the main force. , but it has already begun to reach a certain scale. I think we should pay close attention to this matter, lest we be caught off guard."

This question must be something that a boss must consider. Ye Ming pondered for a moment, read the document carefully, and then said: "This question is considered a relatively normal question, because of the influence of our Super Girl The power is getting bigger and bigger, so it can be regarded as moving the cheese of some people. At this time, please tell me, if it were you, would you do this, right? Do you want to smear Super Girl?" Sister Fang Fang said without thinking, "This is what we should be able to do, this is human nature, it must be envy, jealousy and hatred."

At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said: "Actually, that's how things are. Our program is so popular, so being jealous and saying bad things is a very normal problem. The greater the influence of our program, the more opportunities it will have to be slandered at this time. Therefore, when it comes to an issue like this, we must look at it correctly and not be jealous of others, almost That's mediocrity.

Therefore, this thing is normal, we are jealous of others, and you can be proud of it. ” (To be continued)

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