Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,443 It’s just a routine

[When the flowers bloom in the south of the Yangtze River, the branches are full of lychees. There are no old friends in the south of the Yangtze River, so homesickness is often said. --Living in Lingnan]

Ye Ming answered some questions about the box office. Although the New York Times was a little reluctant, it said that his opponent was there after all. At this time, not only reporters from the New York Times came, but also reporters from the New York Post. Anyway, the New York Times has always been a fan of Ye Ming, and has been a professional fan of Ye Ming for 20 years, while the New York Post has been supporting Ye Ming for 20 years, and has been dedicated to cheering for Ye Ming.

Two newspapers that have been professional rivals for the first two decades.

This time was no exception. The New York Times just sent one reporter, but this time the New York Post not only sent a text reporter, but also a photojournalist and a camera reporter. There were five people in total, two of them. He is responsible for logistics. Of course, it is said that he is responsible for logistics. Only God knows whether this is true.

At this time, a reporter from the New York Post immediately stood up and said: "Mr. Ye, I am Carlos, a reporter from the New York Post. The New York Times just likes to be more pragmatic and not pragmatic at all. Although Hollywood as a whole is not very fond of Fast and Furious. This is promising, but it does not mean that this movie has no market at all at this time.

At least according to my understanding, Fast and Furious is still very successful in advertising. Half of the investment should have been recovered by now, right? "

This is the rhythm of supporting Ye Ming, and the reporters on the scene can naturally understand it. And everyone is very clear, that is to say, on an issue like this, as long as a reporter from the New York Post comes, he will definitely support Ye Ming and there is nothing wrong. Sure enough, Carlos immediately stood up to support Ye Ming.

Ye Ming said with a smile at this time: "This is indeed the case. I have already mentioned this issue just now, so at a time like this, we still have 20 million US dollars on our books. This is considered Now our post-production and publicity expenses.

Therefore, if we are talking about recovering half of the cost, then this seems a bit far-fetched. However, advertisers have great confidence in us, and this is indeed a fact. "

In fact, Ye Ming was just talking about this. Few reporters at the scene would take such a matter seriously.

After all, everyone is very familiar with some things in the entertainment industry.

For example, it is said that the investment for Fast and Furious is around 50 million, but on this question, the crew said at least one-third of the cost will be reserved for post-production and distribution costs, which means that this The money is already in the budget.

For example, the previous investment in Fast and Furious was US$50 million. Of the US$50 million, at least US$16 million was reserved for post-production and promotion expenses.

This is also a common practice among more formal film crews. If there is no money left for post-production and publicity, then the future of this movie may be uncertain.

The aroma of wine is also afraid of deep alleys. This is a rule that has been summed up in the entertainment industry. Even for classic sequels, some publicity and post-production costs will definitely be left during production. The only advantage of classic sequels may be that the post-production and publicity costs may be slightly less. The next quarter is it. After all, classic sequels have a fan base.

But if this is not reserved at all, it will definitely be impossible. Therefore, Ye Ming said that the 20 million was reserved for post-production and publicity expenses. Not many reporters at the scene took this seriously. They were all old people in the entertainment industry and should be quite familiar with the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, everyone agrees that the 20 million Ye Ming mentioned at this time can be regarded as the actual profit of the crew. But Ye Ming himself knows very well that if Fast and Furious wants to reach a higher level, it not only means that his own efforts are very necessary, but also that on such a problem, the movie Post-production and publicity must keep up.

Therefore, Ye Ming did not profit from the 20 million advertising expenses. Universal naturally knows that the more publicity expenses the better, the more helpful it will be to the box office. Therefore, Universal Pictures used 20 million for Ye Ming as post-production and publicity expenses, and then treated the full 50 million investment as Naturally, Universal didn't say anything about the entire crew's investment, and Universal was also a minority shareholder and didn't care about this investment at all.

As for Madoff, Ye Ming also said that he understood very well that if the movie wants to make two to three hundred million at the box office, it must keep up with the promotion. If Madoff withdraws funds, then if the box office is not very good, then Madoff will be responsible to the end in this case.

Madoff himself is also very good at disguising. Therefore, when it comes to such a problem, he also understands very well that once the publicity of this movie follows up, it will be equivalent to having a beautiful coat, at least to the point of view. Very brightly dressed. Only movies like this are likely to have higher box office numbers.

Therefore, as a marketing expert, Madoff also knew the importance of publicity at this time. There is nothing to say about Ye Ming's suggestion that the 20 million advertising dollars will be spent on post-production and publicity. On such a question, Ye Ming has seized all the rights of the entire crew. , at least when it comes to publicity, Ye Ming alone has the final say.

Regarding this issue, it was obvious that the reporters at the scene did not believe it very much. At this time, Ye Ming actually did not necessarily say that all reporters on the scene must believe in him. Sometimes, no matter how you talk, it is more suitable to take actual actions. As long as you talk about the amazing things you can do, then everyone will be able to understand Ye Ming's methods without saying anything. .

Therefore, at this moment, seeing that the reporter was not convinced, Ye Ming relaxed his shoulders and said: "Well, well, I hope this movie can bring you some happiness. Those advertisers believe in us, and I also hope that everyone will believe in me." The movie has to be believed a little bit.

Of course, these things naturally mean that everyone should go see the movie first. I believe that when everyone sees the movie, they will understand why those advertisers, Dodge Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, and us are bidding. Why do cars have so much confidence in us? "

Reporters don't believe Ye Ming very well, but Ye Ming's crew has one fact, that is, there are indeed people advertising, and they are large automobile companies. These companies obviously will not throw money away in vain. , when they invest in a movie advertisement, they must go through some investigations and procedures. Only in this way will they invest in Ye Ming Movies.

Therefore, on a question like this, since it is possible that cars from the United States, South Korea, Japan, and even China may appear in the movie, it means that Ye Ming’s movie is not about plot, or It means special effects and other details, there must be something that impresses them.

After all, it is said that these big companies will not invest funds for no reason on an issue like this. Therefore, what Ye Ming said is right. The advertisers he invests in are very confident in the movie, so you can go and watch it with confidence.

Of course, reporters will watch the movie version in advance.

This is a common practice. Journalists and film critics will be invited to preview the movie before its official release. This is a publicity tool and a way to attract audiences. After all, these film critics will definitely comment on the movie after seeing it, and a considerable number of people will definitely criticize those who recommend it if it is not good after watching it. People.

Therefore, when these reporters and film critics write some film and television reviews or news, they must weigh it carefully. Maybe it is possible to exaggerate, but they must not rush to make it up.

These reporters and film critics have to rely on their fame to make a living. Therefore, most reporters and film critics are more protective of their feathers.

Even if it is slander, it is usually said in a tactful way. Carlos immediately heard: "My second question is about the special effects. I heard that the special effects for the Fast and Furious movies were actually originally intended to be done by Industrial Magic, which is one of the top special effects companies in Hollywood. . Therefore, you did not leave this operation to industrial magic, but Huihuang did it yourself. Does this mean that the special effects technology of Huihui Film and Television is better than industrial magic?"

In fact, there are many people who know the answer to this matter. The special effects of Fast and Furious were initially rumored to be done by industrial magic. Therefore, everyone actually has certain expectations for the special effects of Fast and Furious. of.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, this industrial magic is still famous in Hollywood.

But later, Fast and Furious said that the special effects work would be handed over to Hui Film and Television. Does this mean that it must be impartial and selfless? It is difficult to say clearly.

Ye Ming didn't hesitate at all. In fact, there was no need to hesitate at all for such a question. Carlos actually gave Ye Ming some preliminary explanations when he raised this question.

He knew that in this matter, there must be reporters who would ask questions about special effects. Instead of asking others to ask this question, it would be better to ask it yourself. In this case, Ye Ming must be the same when answering. It must be carefully considered, otherwise it will easily offend people, especially industrial magic.

If you give a bad answer, it is easy to offend industrial magic. After all, industrial magic is one of my top special effects and is very influential.

Ye Ming also nodded with a smile and said: "Industrial magic, yes, I had this plan at the beginning, but after all, industrial magic has its own work to do, and our movie special effects are also relatively urgent. Some need to be made as soon as possible. But it is impossible for industrial magic to put down its own work to help us.

Therefore, in fact, with this mood in mind, we tried to do it ourselves, and the result was good. It is a special effect that has been recognized by everyone. Therefore, I am very happy about this issue. Let Huihuang Film and Television do it, which is actually a last resort.

Fortunately, the effect is now achieved. At least advertisers are relatively satisfied so far. Otherwise, you would say that they would not be able to pay so happily, right? "Ye Ming's words left the reporters at the scene speechless. Maybe there were other reasons for the reporters, but Ye Ming found one reason and it was enough.

The advertisers who paid me money are quite confident in my film, so reporters and audiences shouldn't be so unsure about something like this.

At this moment, a young reporter also questioned his commission in the crowd and stood up and said: "Mr. Ye, I am Tang Wenbin, a reporter from China Entertainment. The news I heard is that the first Fast and Furious movie The promotional video should be released soon, right?

What exactly are the special effects meant? You should have a certain intuitive understanding of this when watching short films. "

Promotional video, this is something that almost every movie must make. The more famous the movie, the more serious it is to make a short film of your own movie. For example, Transformers, Terminator, etc., these movie promotional short films, now it seems that you can understand what the style of the entire movie is like.

And in such a situation, whether the special effects are powerful or not can be easily seen from the promotional video.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "This is naturally faster, and in fact, those car advertisers will definitely have seen some promotional special effects before investing.

Of course, in a few days, after the promotional video of Fast and Furious comes out, everyone will see more exciting content. By then, I think. Everyone should like this movie. If you don't like it, then of course I will not be responsible for refunding the tickets. "

Of course, Ye Ming's last words were only said in China. In the United States, Ye Ming would not casually say some unsavory and marginal words, but in China, just making a small joke Whatnot, this is also very normal. I thought that the Chinese reporters at the scene didn't take Ye Ming's last sentence seriously at all. It was just a joke.

Of course, those foreign reporters said they had found some Chinese colleagues to find out what Ye Ming's last words meant. As for how these foreign reporters will write news after returning home, this is not restricted by Ye Ming. Anyway, it seemed to Ye Ming that as long as he didn't curse, he could write whatever he wanted. (To be continued)

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