Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,442 Box Office Prediction [Happy New Year]

[When the flowers bloom in the south of the Yangtze River, the spring comes late and the butterflies come late. Who cares to see the lonely shadow? The flower branches are full of resentment. --Jiang Nanchun]

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "If you think about a problem from the perspective of an investor, the more the merrier, of course. If it is said that there can be three to five billion, then naturally it is good for you, good for me, good for everyone. If It's more than one billion. I guess Spielberg might be unhappy. If it's higher, I can't guarantee whether Cameron will be unhappy. Anyway, you said that as an investor, you would dislike your own movie. Is the box office high?”

This is naturally impossible. The purpose of investing in movies is to make money. Even if it is for the purpose of laundering money, Madoff, an old man, invests in Fast and Furious. In fact, he is also going to make money. Of course, if he can launder money , even if it means losing some money, if the money can be turned into legal income, then Madoff will be able to accept such a thing.

Therefore, in such a process, no matter how it is, all reporters have no room to refute Ye Ming's words, and they have no way to refute.

Everyone has said that from the perspective of investors, the more box office, the better. There is nothing to say about this. Qian Hao immediately asked the last question: "From the perspective of investors, the more, the better. If Mr. Ye himself watched this movie from the perspective of a starring actor, then what do you think the box office of this movie will be like?" This question is quite tricky.

I'm not asking about an investor's perspective. If you're looking at a movie from an actor's perspective, what's your opinion on it? This is a relatively abstract question. In fact, not many people who can answer this question well will satisfy the questioner. Because actors usually have an overestimation of the box office of their movies, but it is really hard to say whether reporters are convinced by this estimated box office.

The same goes for Ye Ming at this time. From an investor's point of view, people said that there is no problem with something like 2, 3, 4, 500 million, and more than 1 billion is also acceptable. Of course, not many people believe this to be true, but looking at the issue from an actor's perspective, it is impossible to be so abstract. Therefore, Ye Ming thought about it carefully and said: "What I can guarantee is that this movie will definitely make money at the box office. As for how much it will make, it's hard to say.

Anyway, from my perspective, any derived income from movie peripherals and so on can be attributed to profit. Moreover, this movie can be said to have the potential to make a sequel. If Universal does not make a second part, then maybe Brilliant Film and Television will make a second Fast and Furious movie. "

At this time, Ye Ming gave a relatively hidden answer. In other words, the current investment in Fast and Furious is 50 million. Basically, in terms of share, the investors can get about 140% of the box office. If it is a big company such as Universal, it can be higher. Around forty-five is considered relatively good. This means that Ye Ming is certain that the box office of this movie will basically exceed 100 million. In this case, it will have a chance to make money. You know, even if 50 million is recovered, this movie will definitely not be considered profitable. At most, it's just capital preservation.

Of course, Ye Ming still has 20 million in cash in his hands. How to use the money is also a matter of skill.

Anyway, even if it is for publicity, then Ye Ming can invest more of the 20 million in advertising on Huihuang.com. It is all used for publicity anyway, right? And if a movie wants to make a sequel, it's not just an easy thing to say to ensure that it doesn't lose money. It must be very profitable. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to shoot sequels, such as Resident Evil, The Mummy Returns, The Terminator, or Harry Potter.

But in Ye Ming's eyes, Fast and Furious is also the kind that is qualified to shoot sequels. In this case, the invisible box office given by Ye Ming may even be 200 million. In this case, Fast and Furious is the only one in Hollywood. Qualified to shoot a sequel, otherwise this would be almost a wishful thinking.

At this time, a reporter from the New York Times stood up and said: "Hello Mr. Ye, I am Lukes from the New York Times. What I want to know is that if the Fast and Furious sequel is about to be filmed, does the copyright belong to Universal? ? If you want to make a sequel yourself, can you get authorization from Universal?"

The New York Times basically looked down upon Ye Ming at first. In fact, in the eyes of reporters from the New York Times, there are only two Chinese celebrities that are relatively respectable. One is Bruce Lee and the other is Cheng Long. The rest are all scumbags. Even Li Lianjie, in fact, in the eyes of the New York Times , and he is not considered a Hollywood superstar who has become a big phenomenon. Is this actually a question of the New York Times’s attitude towards Chinese celebrities, or towards yellow celebrities in the Asia-Pacific region? If you don't like it, you don't like it.

But at this time, Ye Ming actually had a good relationship with Murdoch later, especially with Murdoch’s youngest son James, who had a very close relationship. Even some of James’ jobs in Hong Kong City were I listened to this guy Ye Ming's encouragement. Anyway, James is the kind of person who supports Ye Ming. Therefore, the New York Post is the American media that supports Ye Ming, and even media owned by Murdoch supports Ye Ming.

As we all know, the relationship between the New York Times and the New York Post is not very good. They are enemies in the same city, right?

Moreover, the New York Times is a decent old scholar and a lady, but the New York Post is a paparazzi gossip newspaper. But the New York Post always likes to tear the New York Times apart. Because when newspapers were popular in the past, the New York Times, as the big brother, did not take less care of the New York Post. It always criticized the Post's journalistic quality and other things. News and other reports to increase your sales.

At that time, newspapers were at their peak, and the New York Times was relatively high-profile. Therefore, it was absolutely rude to teach the New York Post a lesson. But things are different now. The current prosperity of newspapers is not very good, and in such a situation, the New York Times is not having a very easy life. Anyway, layoffs and other things, basically layoffs and cost-saving. Relatively normal.

Of course, it will definitely not go bankrupt so quickly. There is no problem that it can survive for at least ten or twenty years. But at least the New York Times, which is so tall and high-profile, reports with airs and the like, is definitely not in line with the style of a newspaper, like When it came to digging up Clinton and Lewinsky some time ago, the New York Post was very happy to report it, but the New York Times was relatively objective and fair in its reporting, and another form of objectivity and fairness is almost dull. .

Therefore, on an issue like this, the New York Times is not having an easy time. Nowadays, the New York Post always wants to step on the New York Times whenever I have the opportunity, and it has the attitude of turning into a mistress and singing. Therefore, the New York Post is the kind of newspaper that takes care of Ye Ming. Therefore, the New York Times, as the opponent of the New York Post, is naturally the kind of newspaper that takes care of Ye Ming. And it’s the kind of professional Kuroba Akira who hasn’t let go for twenty years.

At this time, the New York Times reporter did his homework and asked the most critical question directly. Even if Ye Ming said he wanted to make a sequel, what about the copyright? After all, the copyright of Fast and Furious belongs to Universal. If Universal Pictures doesn't nod, then Ye Ming has no idea about such a thing. Any chance of a sequel. This one is more professional and prepared.

At this time Lux seemed to have succeeded in his evil scheme. In fact, when he came, he prepared not a sharp question for Ye Ming. The key is how to ask Ye Ming questions in this situation. Ye Ming will definitely not give him so many opportunities to discuss this issue.

Regarding such a matter, at this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Strictly speaking, the copyright of Fast and Furious is no longer held by Universal, because I am investing in this movie. This issue has been raised before. If Universal Pictures were to shoot a second installment of The Fast and the Furious, my investment ratio could only be increased but not reduced. The same is true for Mr. Madoff, and I have already withdrawn from McAdoff. Mr. Dolph has purchased this priority right.

According to the contract, it is no longer Universal that has the final say on whether or not this movie will be a sequel, but mine. Universal has almost a 10% right to choose. Of course, if they are unwilling to follow up, it is not impossible for me to pay some liquidated damages and let them play the sequel themselves. Of course, all this depends on how much box office this movie will bring us. If the box office is very high, more than 200 million or 300 million, I think there is no reason for me or Universal not to make a sequel. No one has a grudge against money, right? "

This answer is more in line with some of the habits of Hollywood. If The Fast and the Furious really has a box office of two to three billion, then on such a question, there is no need for Ye Ming to say it. Universal will ask Ye Ming to film it. There is even talk of the possibility of increasing investment in the sequel.

Lukes naturally said that he would not give up so easily, but said directly: "According to you, Mr. Ye Ming, the box office of Fast and Furious should be over 200 million?"

This is considered a pitfall for Ye Ming to jump into. Ye Ming did not directly say that it must exceed 200 million, but if he wants to film a sequel, the results must reach this level. Otherwise, it would be a joke in Hollywood.

But Ye Ming didn't say it directly after all. Everything was made up by the reporter himself.

Of course, it would be a bit rude for you to ask a direct question in your head. But this question was asked by a reporter from the New York Times. This is a question that does not look like a fool is busy.

After all, when it comes to matters like this, the New York Times has always been the kind of media that has been professional for twenty years. Ye Ming also knew that this might be a trap, but to him, in fact, it was not a trap at all. After all, the box office of Fast and Furious is indeed 200 million US dollars. Note that the box office of 200 million US dollars is because Fast and Furious was not released in China. If this is the current standard, it would be strange that The Fast and the Furious starring Ye Ming is not screened in China. According to Ye Ming's status in the Chinese entertainment industry, this movie will definitely be released. This is correct.

And this time, Ye Ming can guarantee a refreshing special effect for everyone. Even if it weren't for the limitations of technology and venue, it would be possible for Ye Ming to screen Fast and Furious in 3D on a large scale.

It seems a bit unrealistic now, but for a small number of people, there shouldn't be much of a problem doing this. Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "For two hundred million, your courage is too small. You need to be more courageous. In this case, it will be considered a more appropriate one." "It's obvious that Ye Ming is very confident in himself. He doesn't say it must exceed 300 million, but it must exceed it. This Ye Ming is confident. It just means that Ye Ming doesn't want to be so frank.

But the reporters from the New York Times asked the same question. If Ye Ming didn't reply again, he would be showing weakness.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming directly answered the question about box office for the first time.

At this time, the reporters on the scene were talking a lot. Although Ye Ming still hasn't given a definite answer, at least Ye Ming has given a standard, that is, 200 million, a box office of 200 million. This is the box office of Fast and Furious given by Ye Ming. At this point, Lux nodded with satisfaction and sat down. After reaching this point, he thought that what he had done was relatively successful.

You must know that this is China, and if Ye Ming is really provoked, Lux will have no idea. Anyway, he would not do it like this. Asking Ye Ming to state a specific standard for everyone to compare, this is indeed a good result for a reporter.

Ye Ming glanced at everyone and said, "Does it mean that the box office I mentioned may have made everyone more depressed, thinking that this box office is almost impossible. Because after all, no matter whether it is a professional or a The general audience seems to have no idea what they think of our Fast and Furious show?" (To be continued)

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