Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,180 Professionalism in Filmmaking

Listening to the snowflakes drifting across the branches in the moonlight, my thoughts quietly stay behind the ice-soaked dusk. The falling snow always gives people a sentimental impulse.

And Ye Ming especially likes snow, not necessarily its sentimentality and thousands of miles of silence. Every time it snows, the first thing Ye Ming thinks of is Jin Dada’s relatively niche work [Snow Mountain Flying Fox] ], or the song "Love in the Snow" that should have been popular, but has always been buried in dusty memories and drowned in the rolling red dust.

The cold wind whistles, the snow falls, and I walk on the long road singing. I look back at the stars, the past is like smoke and clouds, and I still remember the love left in the snow when we parted...

Heroic, free and easy with a hint of sadness, many Jin Yong fans believe that among the many Jin Yong dramas, there are only two TV drama theme songs that can be called handed down classics, the 1982 version of The Condor's "The Past Is Like a Dream" , and this song [Love in the Snow].

A song that is heroic and domineering in the post-martial arts era, but always reveals a sense of sadness.

Especially when it snows, Ye Ming always thinks of this song and the lonely figure walking alone in the cold wind and snow.

The current lowest temperature in Wudalian Lake is 32 degrees, which is not much different from the three eastern provinces of China. The cold is a bit unbearable, and falling snow is a common thing. Emmerich looked at the weather. The forecast came.

We arrived at a city called Duluth on the edge of Lake Wudalian. It is a port city in Minnesota near Lake Superior, and is known as the Twin Cities with the City of Superior.

The average temperature in winter here is between minus 10 and 20 degrees. Of course, sometimes the lowest temperature can reach minus 40 degrees. Duluth, in the eyes of Americans, means a city in the wilderness. Many years ago, this was almost a place where prisoners were exiled and escaped slaves were punished. Of course, almost the entire state of Minnesota has this function.

Of course, a city like this has already undergone some changes. The economy and culture are relatively developed. In addition, it is a port city, and its development is indeed good. When the crew arrived here the day after tomorrow, seven or eight reporters came to greet them.

Emmerich was naturally very happy. He introduced some of the situations that his crew was going to shoot in Duluth, and vowed to give everyone a very special science fiction movie.

After seeing off the reporters, Anna said to Ye Ming: "Ye, now you know why we came all the way to Duluth. In fact, this is an excuse that the crew needs for hype. In Hollywood and New York, We can all shoot similar scenes, but if it is said to be there, is there a subject for hype?

No, this is of no benefit to the crew. Therefore, under such a situation, coming to Duluth is a better choice. Look, in order to choose a location for filming, our crew went to Duluth to shoot the scene regardless of the cost, just for one shot. "

Movies need to be hyped, and in Hollywood, there is a complete system to hype a movie. What kind of shooting and where to shoot are all planned. Even the relationship between actors, or the background of actors, this is all possible for speculation.

Therefore, Hollywood crews will not miss any opportunity to promote themselves.

As for the cost of shooting in Duluth, the Murdoch family is so rich, are they afraid of spending more money?

Moreover, there are reporters to help promote it, which is much better than direct advertising.

Therefore, at this time, Emmerich wanted to come to Duluth to shoot outdoor scenes, and James immediately approved it.

After arriving at the hotel Anshun, Anna directly approached Jack, Dick and Ye Ming and said: "You three, this time we are here. The main filming is about Sam and Duke played by Jack, and Ye Ming." Three people go to a cruise ship to find penicillin. During this process, you will meet wild wolves that escaped from the zoo. Of course, these wolves have been hungry for a long time. You must run non-stop to escape from the wolf's mouth. .Here is the script, the three of you should familiarize yourself with it."

Jack played his son Sam. At this time, Jack took over a script, read the plot introduction and said: "This scene is more of a mime performance, expressing the situation at that time through facial expressions and movements. Guys, I I think we will still be in trouble."

If there are lines, it is easier for the actors to control the momentum and plot. However, if there are no lines and direct use of expressions, body language and other language for such an event, it is pantomime, that is, It's the same form that appears at the beginning of the movie.

Such a form is the most test of an actor's basic skills. Therefore, Jack said this shot was a relatively difficult shot.

Dick, the rich boy who plays Sam's love rival, also said after reading a few lines: "It's really troublesome, especially in such cold conditions. It's really not easy to express it." The director I really know how to choose a place. The lowest temperature here is said to be minus 40 degrees. God, if we meet, it will be very interesting for me to shoot."

It’s hard to say whether it’s very interesting or not. The weather outside is indeed very cold right now, with heavy snow falling. It’s possible to express the sad scene before the end of the world without using any special effects.

At such a moment, Ye Ming was the last to express his opinion and said: "I just think that by then the wild wolves will become more animalistic and really bite us. The director will not really find a few of them." Wild wolf, right?”

Emmerich is a very serious director who likes serious directors. Therefore, if he really found a few wild wolves in such a situation, then it would not be a problem on such a problem. Saying impossible things.

Anna clapped her hands and said, "Don't worry, you don't have to think about this matter. Safety is something that the director should consider.

In fact, the director has already had people experiment with this scene many times in advance. There won't be any trouble. If it does, then you may have brought it upon yourself. Therefore, read the script carefully and think carefully about what kind of expression you will use to express the mental state that the director needs. Okay, everyone, let’s disperse. Filming will officially start tomorrow, so please be more alert.”

After explaining these things to pay attention to, the rest is for Ye Ming and the others to figure out on their own.

Anyway, the official shooting starts tomorrow. This place is too cold. Therefore, shooting outdoor scenes on such a problem is a great test for the director, the crew, and the actors. Regarding such a problem, no matter how you put it, Emmerich actually spent money to come here to shoot the scene in order to pursue perfect effects. It is indeed worth learning from many Chinese directors. What is this situation? Ye Ming thought for a moment and could only describe it as Shaobao.

In the previous life, whether it was "The Day After Tomorrow" or "I Robot", it was true that they were all works of 20th Century Fox, but they were not planned by James and Elizabeth. Therefore, no director dared to be so lavish in spending money. of. If the budget is not enough and you are not one of the four great legendary directors in Hollywood, then as a director, you will be ready to change your career and go to Texas to herd cattle.

But it's different now. In such a situation, no matter what it is, at this time, as the crown prince and princess of News Corporation, James and Elizabeth have enough rights to spend money at will.

Even Tom Rothman, the president of Fox Corporation, did not dare to point fingers at the behavior of these two people. Everyone at Fox Company knows that this is the process of Murdoch letting his son and daughter fight. This kind of thing belongs to the type where gods fight and mortals suffer. Therefore, for these two movies, even Tom Rothman didn't care how much money was spent. Anyway, this is not what he should worry about.

Therefore, the directors of these two movies are equally shabby, and naturally they are not polite at all when spending money. For example, in this scene, in his last life, Emmerich actually shot it in a Hollywood studio, and it was just a matter of post-production special effects.

But now, [my robot] has hired Will Smith. In a situation like this, [the day after tomorrow], if it means that there will be no more movements, then on a problem like this, this matter is It's going to get really bad.

Therefore, Emmerich came to the port city of Duluth in an effort to shoot thrilling scenes. As for other things, just add special effects later.

The next day, Will from the props team looked at the local animal trainer and said: "Gordon, my man, tell me, is your snow dog obedient? If it messes up this time, the director will I stripped everything and stuffed it into this ice hole. If that were the case, I would definitely stuff you in before I was stuffed in."

Thirty degrees below zero, although there is no lowest level, is considered a relatively low temperature for a port city like Duluth.

The trainer swore and said: "Don't worry, Will, I'm an Alaskan Huskies, the most wolf-like canine in the world. I guarantee there will be no problem, and all my Huskies are directly from dogs." Introduced from Alaska, they are very adaptable to severe cold weather. It is guaranteed that they will not go on strike during the filming process. In fact, even if it is minus 40 degrees, these Huskies can still work for a period of time. And my dog ​​is The most obedient."

Opening the pickup truck, there is a large cage at the back. The iron cage is not sealed at all, which fully shows that Huskies can withstand severe cold. After Will glanced at the Huskies, he complained a little: "Man, are you kidding me? What I want is a wolf, and I want to dye these Huskies into the gray color of a wolf. You see, the wolf is so A lot of white hair? You won’t embezzle the money I gave you to turn into a wolf, right?"

There is absolutely no guarantee that the animal trainer will immediately swear by it, but he will not. This is a professional job. Obviously you cannot regard an animal trainer as a prop master of the crew. Therefore, in a situation like this, no matter it is Anyway, in such a matter, if the animal trainer is allowed to process it, there will be a situation, that is, the Huskies will be dyed into different shapes. Will only asked a few of his men to start working immediately.

The director's side is about to be ready, but the bastard animal trainer didn't have the props ready.

Emmerich obviously doesn't care about Will's affairs. As the leader of the props team, what Emmerich needs is that the right props must appear at the right time. What kind of props will be used in the movie has been decided more than a month in advance.

If in such a situation, as the leader of the props team, you are still unable to complete such a thing, then the problem is that you should leave.

Emmerich glanced at Ye Ming, Jack and Dick, who were wearing thick down jackets, and confirmed for the last time: "Are you sure you are all ready for me? Check them all, including your clothes and the glove on your hands. Are there no problems with the frost or anything?"

Although assistant director Anna had already arranged such a thing in advance, at this time, Emmerich was obviously a little worried and directly confirmed with the actor. The low temperature of minus 30 degrees, if It means that if you don’t apply hand cream, your hands will definitely freeze. And if the clothes are not completely sealed, then there is a problem like this. At this time, it is guaranteed that within ten minutes of filming, all three actors will be sent to the hospital.

Therefore, in severe cold temperatures, the safety of actors must be ensured. Ye Ming and the other three checked his clothes, and then swore that there was nothing wrong with them.

At this time, Emmerich waved his hand and said: "Okay, everyone, go back to your seats. Anna, give me one last check."

The entire crew began to work in an orderly manner. Professionals are professionals. Even if they have left Hollywood, these guys are indeed a professional crew.

In any environment, the Hollywood crew can overcome difficulties and start work in an orderly manner. This is a kind of professionalism. It is precisely because of this kind of professionalism that Cameron spent four years and 500 million US dollars to shoot Avatar. There is not enough for something like this. Professionalism can’t do it. The box office of Avatar ended up being US$2.754 billion.

This is not included in the peripheral income of the movie, ranking first in the global box office.

This is the importance of professionalism. Even a small crew, starting from the director, is in charge of lunch boxes. (To be continued)

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