Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,179 Some Rules of Hollywood

Become famous as early as possible. If it comes too late, then even happiness will not be happy.

This statement is very applicable to most actors. You should become famous as early as possible. The earlier the better, but few people know what kind of price an actor will pay behind the glamour. For example, in This outsider has no idea what kind of hard work goes into filming.

Therefore, being an actor is not that easy or relaxing, especially when shooting on location. If this is applied to the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", then this matter is actually even more true.

"The Day After Tomorrow" is a disaster film, a disaster film that shows a cold environment. Therefore, many shots of this film were shot on cold exteriors, which made it even more difficult. Because when shooting, we need to find a cold location.

Just after Christmas, it is actually the coldest time even in the United States. In Chinese terms, the nine cold days refer to this period. At this time, Director Emmerich took the crew to Wudalian Lake. That's right, it was Wudalian Lake.

In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, there is such a classic scene, that is, a large ship sails directly onto the street. Such a shocking scene is indeed very shocking.

But how did such a scene come about? Was it produced directly from the studio?

Obviously, if it is necessary to use studio production, then the Hollywood film industry can still do it, but at this time, the photographers and special effects have already made it very clear, if it is really If you do it like this, then at this time, in terms of the shocking power of the lens, it will not be good enough. Even if special effects are added later, it won't be so realistic.

Otherwise, why would Hollywood movies use special effects and shoot on location? Therefore, it is for this reason that Director Emmerich decided to shoot the scene where the ship sails directly to the streets of New York.

That's right, it was a real-life shooting, not in a studio, but in Wudalian Lake. So the crew arrived here. Along the way, Ye Ming once found an opportunity to ask Emmerich why he went to Wudalian Lake.

In fact, for Emmerich, it doesn't matter whether he explains it or not. The key lies in who asks.

Since it was Ye Ming who asked this question, Emmerich explained: "Actually, there are two main reasons. One is that Wudalian Lake is big enough to be able to shoot the kind of photos I want. There is a key scene where a big ship enters the streets of New York. What I want is to give the audience a shocking feeling. If the special effects cannot do this, it will be nothing. We can directly move such a thing to Shooting in real locations.

The second is that Wudalian Lake is cold enough. Our outdoor scenes have to be carried out in a cold environment. Therefore, regarding such a problem, no matter how it is said, if we go to Wudalian Lake, then It is very suitable for our needs. "

It seemed that after listening to the director's words, the actors and staff who had been paying attention to this matter fell silent.

The director was able to explain that it was because the person who asked such a question was Ye Ming. If it weren't for Ye Ming, then other actors would not have the guts to ask such a question.

Therefore, it is normal for everyone to hear this explanation. Hollywood shoots movies in a cold place like Wudalian Lake. You must know that it is the twelfth lunar month and Christmas has just passed. At this time, Wudalian Lake is also the coldest place. local.

Therefore, it is perfectly normal to go to that place to shoot exterior scenes. Everyone has rested enough and got in the car. Basically, there is one car for the staff and one car for the actors. These are three vans, and Emmerich, the director, and Anna Foster, the assistant director, use a luxury off-road vehicle. There are a lot of air conditioners, refrigerators and other things on it. It is a very luxurious off-road vehicle, almost similar to a RV.

As for the people on the crew who are qualified to ride on this off-road vehicle, there are basically three people in the entire crew.

Apart from the director and assistant director, only Ye Ming has such qualifications. If Ye Ming is regarded as an actor, he still does not have this qualification. In Hollywood, he is basically an eighteenth-level actor. He is considered to be an early nineteenth-level actor. Can he be considered a nineteenth-level actor? If so, it's hard to say. It depends on how people evaluate Ye Ming's acting skills in the future.

Therefore, if we talk about his status as an actor, Ye Ming is not qualified to sit on this off-road vehicle. But if we talk about his status, then Ye Ming's status in Hollywood is enough to qualify him to sit on this off-road vehicle. On top of this off-road vehicle.

At this moment, Ye Ming was sitting in the car, looking at Emmerich with a serious face and said: "For this matter, you have to go all the way to Wudalian Lake. Isn't it a bit wasteful? Even if you are shooting on the beach in New York If so, it will be easier to get effective shots.”

Effective shots, this is a Hollywood term for a movie. For example, for a plot, you may be able to shoot twenty or thirty identical shots, but it is difficult to say how many of the shots are usable. Clear.

And those lenses that can be used in movies are called effective lenses.

When editing, what kind of effective shots are used and how to use them all test a director's skill. Effective shots and special effects are an important reason why Hollywood movies dominate the world.

Emmerich nodded and said:

"Ye, has everyone told you that if a person is too smart, he will not be liked by everyone. Well, let me tell you, making a movie is making a movie, and private things are private things.

I went to the Five Great Lianhu Lakes for the reasons I just mentioned.

Everything is fine. The most important point is that in such a situation, a crew must have an authority, and this authority should be the director, or a producer, investor, or something like that. Now James is not very good at all. If I am in charge of the crew, then I have to take responsibility as the director. After all, James has given me so much money. If I don’t complete the task well, then I will be sorry for him.

Therefore, I want to establish the authority of the director on the crew and not let those guys be too presumptuous. "

This was said with great force. Ye Ming said doubtfully: "Why, don't the crew listen to the director? Even in our country, there are investors, but the filming is basically more directed by the director."

This problem is basically not a problem in China. The director has very great rights. Unless there are a few superstar-level actors who may suppress the director, usually the director is the boss of the crew.

. Therefore, the director does not need to establish authority, the director himself is an authority. Emmerich glanced at Ye Ming helplessly and said: "Now we are in Hollywood, not in China. China may be a director-centered system, but now, in Hollywood it is a producer-centered system. The producer has the final say, and the director , the screenwriter, the stage manager, etc. all listen to the producer. Therefore, to put it bluntly, even the editor may be against me in this movie. Therefore, I have to establish my own authority. Otherwise, what will happen in the film? At this time, there will be some unnecessary troubles during the filming process. Most of the rights belong to the producer. If the director does not have enough authority, then how can I lead the crew?"

Assistant director Anna said with a smile: "But you did not miss the script. According to the original script, the male protagonist Sam and Sam's classmate Dick went to the yacht to get medicinal materials, but you must add Ye Ming This bum.

I think Jerry will be mad at this change. "

Jeriff is the screenwriter of this movie, Roland Jeriff. As a screenwriter, you attach great importance to the script. If you are talking about a famous screenwriter, then the director will not modify the script casually.

But even if Jerry is not a famous editor, he is still a first-class screenwriter. Therefore, if it is not easy to modify the script, at least Jerry will not agree easily.

Therefore, Emmerich directly changed the script that had been ordered. If Jerry found out about this, he would be really angry to death.

Emmerich was not worried at all and said: "This matter is necessary for the plot. Think about it, you met a wild wolf in New York. Oh my god, this is a wild wolf. Both Sam and Jack are both." They are college students. I do not deny that their IQs are very high. However, high IQs do not necessarily mean that their ability to survive in the wild is equally high.

But as a homeless man, Ye Ming was different.

If the homeless man's ability to survive in the wild is not high enough, he will definitely be eliminated naturally.

Therefore, the script itself is flawed. I gave him money and he gave me a flawed script. I haven’t gone to him yet. In such a situation, I feel very unhappy. ,do you know? This guy still dares to cause trouble for me, forget it, he doesn't have the guts. "

What Emmerich said is not wrong. As two college students, it is unknown whether they are capable enough to deal with wild wolves, but if they add a homeless person, That would at least make it more likely, and logically more logical.

Emmerich glanced at Ye Ming and said: "Ye, if this plot is according to the script, you will not appear, but I still changed the script. I hope you can give me a surprise. What I want is in When facing the end of the world, anyone who has the courage to face it has shown his courage and wisdom. Just like college students, as a homeless person and the bottom of the American society, he can also show his courage and wisdom in the face of disaster. Exude the light of your own wisdom?”

American movies often have this kind of shining light of humanity. The wisdom of the people at the bottom always seems to be more prominent in movies than the so-called officials, businessmen, and scholars.

In the United States, these elites are often used to make fun of them, and Emmerich seems to be a master in this regard. This is an opportunity for him, and Ye Ming will naturally not give it up casually.

Therefore, Ye Ming nodded very definitely and said: "No problem, don't worry, I will use my best ability to express this character's inner struggle in the face of disaster."

Emmerich heard this, glanced at Anna and said, "Do you know now why I chose Ye to play such a role?"

Anna said without hesitation: "Is it because he is an Asian? Obviously I don't think so. As an Asian actor, there are not just one or two in Hollywood. For example, Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are all very good. candidates, and these two are more famous than Ye Ming."

This is natural. On such a question, no one can deny the achievements of Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, but Emmerich has his own opinion: "No, Anna, there are some things you can't understand. I look at the acting skills. Do you understand the acting skills? From the clips of Minority Report performed by Ye Ming, we can see that his acting skills are very powerful and very suitable for the rhythm of Hollywood movies.

The kind of struggle he just mentioned is not wrong. In fact, what is inside the homeless man's heart? He is naturally struggling.

What if an ordinary homeless man faced a doomsday disaster and behaved as strangely as Superman? What he wants to show is the inner struggle, the struggle to understand, the contradictory mood of the choice made on the edge of life and death. This is what I need. Ye can understand it himself. I think he can adequately express his emotions during filming. As for Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, these two are celebrities, Kung Fu stars, and they are also well-known in Hollywood. However, I have never been very fond of using superstars. You should be very clear about this. As for the crew, I should have the final say, not the producers or superstars. "

If a superstar reaches a certain level, he or she will have enough power to influence the crew, whether in China or the United States.

Emmerich is not a very good actor who likes to use superstars. It seems that he is very resistant to using superstars as actors in any of his movies.

Because he believes that superstars will escape the director's control, and as long as they are actors with sufficient acting skills, they can still perform well in movies.

And it seems that disaster movies are Emmerich's favorite. In a disaster movie, using a superstar would seem to overshadow the star. (To be continued)

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