Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped in the parking area of the square outside Ningzhou Martial Arts Hall, and Su Chen and others got out of the car.

I saw that the square outside the martial arts hall was very busy at this time. At a glance, it was crowded with people, and there were black heads everywhere, and there were several long queues at the gate of the martial arts hall.

Under the leadership of Su Shengguo, everyone walked straight to the gate and entered the martial arts hall unimpeded.

This martial arts gym is very spacious and covers a large area. It feels like it will not be a problem to accommodate tens of thousands of people. The ring competition has not yet started, but it is already very lively and crowded, with at least three or four thousand people.

If it comes time for the arena competition, I don’t know how lively it will be.

In the center of the martial arts hall, there is a square high platform, which is fenced with ropes. It is the arena for martial arts competitions.

There is an area on the right side of the ring, where there are many long tables, and dozens of security guards are guarding there. No one is allowed to set foot in that area. That area is where people from the martial arts association sit.

Su Chen and others, led by Su Shengguo, sat down five or six meters away from the ring, waiting for the ring match to begin.

"Huh.. The people of this martial arts association are really disgusting. The tickets are so expensive. I spent five hundred yuan. Damn it!"

"Me too. This arena competition was free for the past few days, but today it starts charging. What does this martial arts association mean?"

"No need to think about it? Those few Simi people have been so arrogant in the past few days, making all kinds of arrogance and even insulting us Chinese warriors, but the Wushu Association just sat back and ignored it. I guess the Wushu Association deliberately ignored it, and then started to make money after causing a sensation!"

"The same goes for the owner of the martial arts gym. Why did he rent the gym to the martial arts association to host this competition? I think they must be in cahoots with each other. They disregard the reputation of Chinese warriors just to make money. How shameless!"

"It would be great if a master showed up tonight and gave those arrogant Simi people a good beating. That would be such a relief!".......

The crowd was buzzing with voices, and Su Shengguo's face turned livid and ugly.

"Dad... from now on, you will never rent a martial arts gym to the Wushu Association or this group of people. It’s really hateful!" Su Wanting said indignantly

"Well, don’t worry, no matter who the martial arts association is in the future, I will not rent it out!"

Su Shengguo said coldly, looking at Su Chen:"Su Chen, when you go to the ring later, you have to perform better, and you must let out a bad breath for the Chinese warrior!

Su Chen smiled confidently:"Don't worry, second uncle, watch me for a while and see how I can defeat them!""

Su Shengguo glanced at Su Chen, thinking that Su Chen was just a junior martial artist, he shook his head. He didn't have any hope for Su Chen, and he didn't even want Su Chen to go up and embarrass himself.

Time ticked by, and people kept coming to the door of the martial arts hall. Bu Jie walked in, and after a while, a grand ring match finally kicked off.

A strong man wearing a white shirt and black pants walked up to the ring with a microphone and spoke to the scene.

The audience waved and said:"Hello dear friends, I am Zhang Dajun, the referee of the arena competition.

Today is the fifth day of the arena competition.

Thank you all for watching this arena competition organized by the Wushu Association today.

Okay, I won’t talk nonsense.

Let’s invite the guests to enter first.

Let’s welcome Wang Zhenshan, President of the Wushu Association, with warm applause!


"bang bang bang.."

There was applause, but it was very weak.

Under everyone's attention, a middle-aged man in his forties and wearing a Tang suit with Chinese characters walked onto the ring.

"Now, let’s interview President Wang. President Wang, in the past few days, among the four disciples of Master Kim Jong-tai, only Park Ji-hyun has lost a competition. What do you think of this situation?"

After speaking, Zhang Dajun put the microphone to Wang Zhenshan's mouth.

Wang Zhenshan looked at the countless spectators below expressionlessly, and immediately said:"Taekwondo Kung Fu is broad and profound, and its fighting skills are more practical than many of our Chinese martial arts.

These days, I think everyone has seen the power of Taekwondo.

However, we have outstanding people.

During the Qing Dynasty, Ningzhou was known as the hometown of martial arts.

Ningzhou is a land of crouching tigers and hidden dragons.

I believe there are many hidden skills.

Real master, my purpose of organizing the group competition is very simple.

In fact, it is to communicate with our Chinese martial arts and Simi Wushu.

I only hope that the group competition will become more and more exciting in the next few days!


As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd was in an uproar.

"Haha.. What a pretense. Your purpose is martial arts exchange. Why did you watch it for free a few days ago and sell tickets for a fee today?"

"That's right, and there are so many masters in the martial arts association, why don't they go on stage to fight in the ring? Watching us Chinese warriors lose one game after another!"

"Damn it, there are many other powerful masters in Ningzhou. I suspect that the Wushu Association has also said hello to them. Otherwise, why are the truly powerful masters unwilling to participate in this group competition now?"

"I really hope that tonight, a more powerful master will come and defeat those Simi people and give them a try!"........

There were countless viewers, many of whom were holding a bad breath in their hearts.

Wang Zhenshan moved, walked to the right area and sat down.

Next, Zhang Dajun invited many other famous martial arts masters from the Wushu Association to come on stage for interviews.

After the invitation, Zhang Dajun immediately announced:"Okay, now, without wasting everyone's time, I announce that the arena competition has officially begun. Today, the first person to present the arena is Mr. Park Zhixian. Let us welcome him. Field!"

Under everyone's attention, a man about 1.9 meters tall and wearing taekwondo clothes walked onto the ring.

As soon as he stepped onto the stage, he crossed his arms across his chest, closed his eyes slightly, and waited for others to come on stage to challenge him.

"Does anyone want to challenge Mr. Park Ji-hyun on stage?"

Zhang Dajun asked the countless audience below.

"Second uncle, I’m going up!"

Su Chen was about to get up and walk onto the ring, but was held by Su Shengguo's hand:"Xiaochen, don't be impatient. Take a look and tell me that Park Zhixian's leg skills are not easy!"

"All right!"Su Chen sat down again. He also wanted to know about his opponent's situation first.

After a while, a burly man walked onto the ring and stopped one meter away from Park Zhixian. However, his face looked a little... nervous

"Come on... beat him to death!"

"This Park Ji Hyun's leg skills are particularly powerful, you have to be careful with his legs!"

"come on! You must fight for our Chinese warriors!"

The sound of cheering and cheering rang out, and the atmosphere in the entire martial arts hall suddenly boiled.

Park Zhixian opened his eyes, his exquisite eyes looked up and down at the burly man, a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his hands He raised his middle finger and raised his middle finger at the burly man with extreme contempt. The burly man couldn't bear it anymore. He moved and rushed towards Park Zhixian, and Park Zhixian kicked him with a simple whip.

, very fast, and kicked the burly man on the head in the blink of an eye.


The burly man did not dodge. He was kicked away and fell to the ground. He passed out on the spot. The faces of countless spectators suddenly became ugly, like deflated balloons.

I didn't expect that this would be the first challenge today. Otherwise, he was instantly killed.

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