Next, the four of them chatted while eating happily.

From time to time, Su Chen would find some topics to ask Lin Qingxue. He spoke well and eloquently, and was very good at creating an atmosphere. He was not cold at all, and he would praise Lin Qingxue from time to time.

Lin Qingxue's reaction was not perfunctory, and she chatted with Su Chen in a nonchalant manner.

As for Su Chen, he remained silent and completely silent.

Seeing that Su Chen was silent, Su Wanting suddenly said:"Hey... you two are not interesting enough. You are chatting all the time, leaving Su Chen aside as air?"

Su Chen smiled faintly and faced Su Chen. He glanced at it and asked:"Beauty, what does your brother-in-law do?"

"I'm not so sure either! Lin Qingxue replied, showing a dazzling pear blossom smile:"However, my brother-in-law, like you, has also learned martial arts, and his martial arts is very powerful!""

"Oh, really?

Su Chen suddenly became interested. He looked at Su Chen and asked,"Brother, how long have you been practicing martial arts?""

"Just a few years!"Su Chen replied calmly

"It’s only been a few years, what kind of martial arts have you learned?"Su Chen asked again

"Just learn whatever you want!"

Su Chen's answer was a little perfunctory. He didn't really want to have such a deep conversation with Su Chen. After all, he wasn't familiar with her.

"If you just learn casually, then you must not be very good at it. I guess you can only be a martial arts disciple at most. I am a disciple of Tang Qingshan, the master of Xingyiquan. My master is an intermediate great martial artist. I learn martial arts from him. It has been seven years, and I am now an intermediate martial artist. If you are interested in learning Xingyiquan, I can help you recommend it to my master!"

Su Chen said with a somewhat proud expression.

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly and replied indifferently:"I'm not interested!"

"Well, brother, since you have learned martial arts, how about we compare notes after dinner? Let me see how far your skills have come! Maybe I can give you some tips!"

Su Chen looked like a master.

Su Wanting said with interest:"Qingxue, let the two of them compete!

Lin Qingxue was also very interested. She looked at Su Chen with watery eyes:"Brother-in-law... do you want to compete with him?""

"Not interested in!"

Su Chen flatly refused. How could he be in the mood to fight with Su Chen? His ancient martial arts skills alone have surpassed the state of transformation, let alone the art of cultivating immortals.

In his eyes, Su Chen was like an ant. Average.

It feels like an ant is provoking an elephant. Can you see an ant in the eyes of an elephant?

"All right! Lin Qingxue curled her lips, feeling a little disappointed.

Su Chen raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Su Chen's refusal was regarded as because he was afraid of himself, so he said proudly:"Since Brother Xia is not interested, then Forget it! Fists and feet have no eyes, and I am afraid of accidentally hurting Brother Xia!"

Pretending, naked pretense!

But Su Chen didn't want to hit him in the face. He really couldn't muster the slightest interest in doing anything with him. He said calmly:"Well, you're right, fists and feet have no eyes. It won’t be good if you get hurt!

Lin Qingxue frowned, feeling a little unhappy that Su Chen looked down on Su Chen so much. She was very doubtful whether Su Chen was Su Chen's opponent or not.

Su Chen smiled proudly:"Haha....Since Brother Xia is unwilling to take action, so be it, Brother Xia, why don't we both go to the arena tonight to see how well we perform?"

"Well, that's okay, Qingxue, can you let your brother-in-law also participate?"

Su Wanting's face was full of hope. Her father had been very distressed recently, which made her feel a little distressed. She also wanted to share the distress for her father. With one more person participating, there would be more hope.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to go?"

Lin Qingxue asked hopefully. She just heard Su Chen say that the few Simi people who set up the arena were particularly arrogant and even insulted the Chinese warriors. As a Chinese, she naturally shares the same hatred. If her brother-in-law participates, he will become a blockbuster and stand for the Chinese warriors. She felt proud and proud.

Of course, Su Chen looked down on Su Chen and wanted Su Chen to prove his strength.

Su Chen thought for a while:"Let's go and see it tonight!"

"So are you going to participate or not?"

Su Chen's ambiguous answer made Lin Qingxue curl her lips in a coquettish tone.

Su Chen shook his head helplessly:"Okay, then let's take part!"

"whee...Then you have to behave better tonight! I will cheer for you!"Lin Qingxue encouraged, smiling brightly, as beautiful as spring plum blossoms blooming on snow.

Su Chen smiled charmingly:"Brother Xia, I hope you will perform better tonight and don't let me down too much!

Su Chen smiled lightly:"Don't worry, just behave yourself, I won't bother you!""

"Xiaochen, you are here!"

A loud voice suddenly came, and a middle-aged man in his forties with a graceful face walked into the kitchen.

This middle-aged man's name was Su Shengguo, and he was Su Wanting's father.

"Second uncle!"Su Chen greeted with a slight smile.

Su Wanting smiled slightly and said:"Dad... have you eaten?"

"We have just eaten, daughter, these two are..?"

Su Shengguo walked to the dining table and looked at Su Chen and Lin Qingxue.

"They are all my friends. Her name is Lin Qingxue and she is my classmate in college. He is Qingxue’s brother-in-law, his name is Su Chen!"Su Wanting pointed at Su Chen and Lin Qingxue to introduce.

Su Shengguo nodded slightly in response, and said hurriedly to Su Chen:"Xiaochen, after dinner, let's go to the martial arts gym now. The arena competition has been advanced a few hours today. It starts at half past one!"

"So fast, okay! Su Chen nodded slightly:"By the way, second uncle, this brother Xia also wants to participate in the arena competition!""


Su Shengguo's face lit up with joy, his eyes fell on Su Chen and he asked,"Brother Xia, have you ever learned martial arts?""

"I have studied for a few years!" Su Chen replied

"Do you have the skills of a martial artist? If you don't have martial arts skills, it's best not to participate, otherwise you'll only be asking for trouble! Su Shengguo reminded.

Lin Qingxue replied proudly:"Don't worry, my brother-in-law is very powerful, he can beat the martial arts master!"

Su Shengguo's face lit up:"Really?" That's good!

Su Wanting was a little surprised and asked:"Qingxue, do you think your brother-in-law can beat the martial arts master?" So what is his strength?"

Su Chen was also surprised. He wanted to see how Lin Qingxue would answer. He thought that Su Chen was just a martial arts disciple.

"I have no idea! Lin Qingxue shook her head:"Brother-in-law, what is your strength?"

Su Chen said calmly:"Strength you can't imagine!""


Su Chen couldn't help but sneer:"Brother, you are too pretentious. You have only studied martial arts for a few years, and you still have unimaginable strength? I think you are just a junior martial artist!"

"Well, you guessed it right!"

Su Chen had no expression on his face and was not in the mood to argue with Su Chen.

After hearing this, Su Shengguo immediately advised:"Brother Xia, it's best for junior martial artists not to participate. In the past four days, several junior martial arts masters have participated in the ring. , no one has ever won, and those Simi people are all intermediate or even high-level martial arts masters!"

"Let’s see then!"Su Chen said lightly.

Several people stopped talking and started eating quietly. After a while, they all filled up the Five Zang Temple. They all left the villa together, got into a Maybach car, and went to Wushu.���

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