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A group of big men swarmed towards Su Chen.

Su Chen's face was indifferent. He had learned a lot of skills in the mountains, practicing both ancient martial arts and immortal cultivation techniques.

To deal with these people in front of him, he would naturally not use the immortal cultivation techniques. He would probably scare these people.

As for ancient martial arts, he has practiced more than a dozen types, including Tiger Shape Fist, Fierce Sun Palm, Wuxiang Jie Finger, Prajna Heart Sutra, Infinite Proud Jue, etc.

Each one has been practiced to the point of perfection.

He grinned. These people were just the time for him to warm up and try his skills.

With a movement of his body, he rushed into the dozens of people like a ghost.

A wailing sound like a slaughtering pig rang out. Su Chen was like a tiger skewering among the sheep. Everywhere he passed was knocked down by his one move like the autumn wind sweeping down fallen leaves.

His movements were clean and neat, and no one could survive a single move in his hands!

A group of people were as fragile as babies of several years old in his hands.

More than a dozen people were crushed to death. In less than forty seconds, Su Chen had put them all down. They were all lying on the ground in a mess, rolling and wailing.

"How could he be so powerful?"

Looking at the group of big men who fell to the ground, Zhang Ziqing was stunned. No wonder Su Chen was not afraid of Liu Long. He didn't expect to have such a powerful skill?

Liu Long and Liu Quan were already stunned and stunned. No wonder Su Chen was not afraid of Liu Long. It was unbelievable that more than ten people were knocked down so easily.

The two of them could not help but tremble like chaff.

Su Chen stood proudly with one hand behind his back, like a spear piercing the sky. His sharp eyes were revealed.

He glanced at the fallen man with cold eyes, shook his head and sighed:"Oh, the warm-up is not enough!"

He was a little frightened at the same time. He didn't expect that he could be so strong. He didn't use any means at all just now, just a normal attack.

He didn't expect that such a group of people would be too inexperienced! What if? Is it okay to use ancient martial arts and immortal cultivation techniques?

Looking at Liu Long and Liu Quan with indifferent eyes, the two of them felt as if they were being stared at by the god of death, and they both trembled.

"You...are you a martial artist?"Liu Long Zhanzhan Hehe asked.

"Martial arts master?"

Su Chen smiled disdainfully. He still knew something about the divisions of warriors in this world. Warriors in this world were divided into martial arts disciples, martial arts masters, great martial arts masters, grand masters, grand masters, and legendary transformation masters.

His strength , according to his ancient martial arts skills, he has more than just transformed into a realm, not to mention that he also has the art of cultivating immortals.

"My strength is not something you can guess! Su Chen said in an indifferent tone:"Do you still want me to kneel down and apologize to your brother and compensate you for 300,000 yuan in medical expenses?""

"This brother, I am blind to the truth. I apologize to you for this matter. Please let us brothers go."

Liu Long relented. The skill of the person in front of him was beyond his expectation. He didn't want to offend such a person too harshly. He just wanted to settle the matter now.

"It's not impossible to let you go, but I have a request. Your brother will divorce Zhang Ziqing immediately, and the child must stay with Zhang Ziqing!"Su Chen said coldly

"Impossible...absolutely impossible...don't even think about it! Brother, I absolutely disagree with this. I immediately called Mr. Li over. No matter how powerful this kid is, I don’t believe he can still go against Mr. Li?"

Liu Quan was extremely angry. He was injured by Su Chen and his anger was stuck in his throat. How could he succumb like this?

"Brother, are you going too far by doing this? If you divide my brother's family like this and want to take away the children, doesn't my brother have nothing?"Liu Long's voice turned cold.

"Then you just don’t want to, right?"Su Chen's face turned cold.

"Brother, I want to deal with this matter peacefully to give you face. Since you are so unreasonable, then don’t blame me for being ruthless. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want with some skills. Wait until I call Master Wu. Come here, I hope you won’t kneel down crying and begging for mercy later!"Said, Liu Long took out his mobile phone

"Is it? Maybe later, it will be you who is crying and begging for mercy, including the Lord Wu you are talking about?"Su Chen sneered

"hehe...Sure enough, a calf is not afraid of tigers. Boy, with these words, I told Master Wu that even if you don't die tonight, I will probably be crippled!"

Liu Long grinned and sneered, and had already dialed the number.

Zhang Ziqing's face changed drastically. She still knew a little about Master Wu, that is, Li Yunwu. He was an underground Ding Ding in the Wanjiang River. He had hundreds of subordinates, and he was said to be very skilled. Very powerful.

How could Su Chen defeat Li Yunwu on his own?

"Brother, please don’t call me Lord Wu!" Zhang Ziqing urged with an anxious expression.

"hehe.."Liu Long just sneered and ignored Zhang Ziqing completely.

The call was quickly answered, and Liu Long sneered:"Hey... Mr. Wu... do you have time now?""

"What's up?"The voice on the other side was thick and deep, and the voice gave people a feeling of majesty.

"I was in Minji Hotel now, and I had a conflict with a short-sighted boy. This boy was so arrogant. He not only injured my brother and my brother, but he also completely ignored you and said,"Come here and let me do it." Are you crying and begging for mercy?"

"Oh, really? Are there still such crazy people in Wanjiang?"

"Therefore, Mr. Wu, this boy, must give him some color!"

"I'll bring someone over right away to see which reckless kid dares to be so arrogant!"

After the other person finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Liu Long looked at Su Chen with a sneer on his lips:"Boy, Lord Wu will be here soon. I hope you won't pee in fear later!"

"Is it? I wonder how he can scare me to death?"

Su Chen sneered, took a step, and sat at the dining table. He picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea. He drank the tea leisurely and waited.

If they want to play, just pay them to accompany them.

Zhang Ziqing, on the other hand, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. She was completely No:"Su Chen, do you know who Master Wu is?

Su Chen shook his head:"Never heard of it!""

"Uh-huh! Zhang Ziqing's face changed slightly:"Do you know that this Lord Wu is very powerful?" In our area of Wanjiangxi City, he has more than a hundred people working for him, and his skills are particularly powerful!"

"oh? Is it? So what?"Su Chen looked indifferent and didn't take it to heart at all.

"He seems to have a gun!"Zhang Ziqing said again

"Is it?"

Su Chen is still calm and composed. He now has all the means, let alone a gun, even if one is placed in front of him, he will be unafraid.

"Haha...are you quite calm? I have to say, you are the most courageous person I have ever seen. How long can you stay calm?"Liu Long sneered.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Li Yunwu's arrival. Time ticked by. In about ten minutes, luxury cars drove over outside the hotel door, including Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, etc. It was a luxury car worth more than 100,000 yuan. There were seven cars in total. They stopped on the roadside in front of the hotel. The car door opened, and a man with a strong build and a fierce face got out of the car.

, gathered together, and walked towards the entrance of the hotel.

This group of people looked forward to it. They were a man in his thirties. This man was thin, his face was dark and red, and he had a light line around his eyes. Scar, with a big gold chain hanging around his neck, dark eyes, and walking with dignity, Li Yunwu

"Brother, Master Wu is here!"

Looking at the group of people walking in at the door of the hotel, Liu Quan sneered and glanced at Su Chen, his eyes full of teasing.

Liu Long moved his body and hurried forward to greet them, holding fists with his hands. He said respectfully:"Master Wu!"

"Which arrogant boy told me to kneel down and cry for mercy?"Li Yunwu scanned the entire hotel with his sinister eyes and asked coldly.

Liu Long grinned and pointed at Su Chen:"Master Wu, that's that boy!"

Li Yunwu looked at Su Chen with his sinister eyes. He saw Su Chen sitting at the dining table, drinking tea leisurely. Only his back could be seen.

"Haha...it's really crazy, here I am, I'm still in the mood to drink tea!"

With a sneer, Li Yunwu waved his hand and led a group of tough men to Su Chen.

Zhang Ziqing looked at so many people approaching, her face turned pale, and she felt endless fear and worry in her heart.

As soon as Li Yunwu walked in front of Su Chen , picked up a stool, placed it in front of him, stepped on it with one foot, and said arrogantly to Su Chen:"Boy, I'm here now, how can you make me cry and beg for mercy on my knees?"

Su Chen slowly put down the teacup, with a sneer on his lips, and turned his head to glance at Li Yunwu.

"Damn it!"

Su Chen's glance made Li Yunwu tremble in fright, and his legs uncontrollably kicked the stool over. Then his expression was startled, his whole face was frozen, and his eyes suddenly enlarged several times.


When these two words came out of Li Yunwu's mouth, Li Yunwu was dumbfounded. He scratched his eyes hard, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

But no matter how he scratched his fingers, he still saw that familiar face in front of him


When Liu Long and Liu Quan heard these two words, their expressions suddenly changed. They wondered if their ears had heard it wrong?

The person in front of them? It turned out to be Li Yunwu's master?

Your sister!

In an instant, their expressions surged. There was a look of panic, and the whole body felt like it was suddenly the twelfth month of winter, and it was shaking constantly.

Li Yunwu's subordinates looked at each other with extremely shocked expressions.

Didn't they come here to cause trouble? Suddenly called someone else's master?

What kind of drama was this?

Zhang Ziqing's face was also shocked, and her heart was full of shock. She had an IQ of 150, and she didn't expect that Su Chen would be Li Yunwu's master.

No wonder Su Chen listened. Li Yunwu has always been so sure, how can she not be sure when facing her apprentice?.."He took a deep breath, and his whole heart dropped.

Just from the word"master", she knew that Li Yunwu would never dare to do anything to Su Chen. She even felt hopeful that Su Chen wanted to help her.

Since marrying Liu Quan, except for the time when she first got married, her life has been pretty good. In the following days, she was in dire straits and suffered every day.

She didn't know how many times she had been domestically abused by Liu Quan, and she didn't know how much she hated Liu Quan's bad habits of gambling, drinking, and not doing his job properly.

She had had enough of this failed marriage.

She really wants to escape Liu Quan's clutches now and live a peaceful and stable life with her daughter.

Su Chen was very surprised. He didn't expect that this Li Yunlong would be his apprentice. He took a look at Li Yunlong, and a strange memory merged into his mind.

This memory left Su Chen speechless. His memory was quite vague. He didn't have much memory. He only remembered that Li Yunwu came to learn martial arts from him, and he was a very early disciple.

The clearest memories are of Su Chen scolding him severely, because Li Yunwu's martial arts qualifications were extremely poor, and he didn't know why the system found him such a useless apprentice.

He estimated that he was probably the most useless and least existential disciple among his two hundred and fifty disciples.

Su Chen looked at Li Yunwu with a smile and shouted coldly:"When you see the master, why don't you kneel down to me?"?"


Li Yunwu did not hesitate, he bent his legs and knelt in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't have much memory of him, but his memory of Su Chen was extremely profound.

At that time, when he was learning martial arts, he was too talented because of Well, Su Chen first gave him a strange medicine that changed his physique, and then taught him a set of ancient martial arts boxing techniques.

Because of his poor qualifications, he was unable to understand the ancient martial arts boxing techniques, and was often attacked by Su Chen. He scolded him, and it took him a whole month to practice that boxing technique to a certain level.

After that, he went down the mountain and relied on this boxing technique to make his own way in Wanjiang.

Thanks to Su Chen, he respected Su Chen like a god in his heart

"Disciple Yunwu, pay homage to Master!"

Li Yunwu kowtowed heavily, with an extremely respectful tone.

Su Chen nodded slightly. Although this apprentice was a bit useless, his attitude was not bad. He had not seen him for so many years, but he could still maintain that kind of respect when he saw him.

"Pour tea!"Su Chen said coldly. He was actually quite happy to see his apprentice, but as a master, he must have the majesty and image of a master.


Li Yunwu responded respectfully, walked to Su Chen on his knees, picked up the teapot, poured a cup of fragrant tea, held it in both hands and handed it to Su Chen:"Master, please drink tea!"


Su Chen nodded slightly, took the teacup, took a sip of the tea, put down the teacup, and said indifferently:"You brought so many people here? Are you planning to cause trouble for your teacher?"

Li Yunwu was so frightened that he trembled all over and trembled hastily:"No... Master... how dare my disciples to trouble you... Even if I borrow a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to go against you!"

The reason why Li Yunwu is so afraid of Su Chen is naturally because he was frightened by Su Chen when he was learning skills. Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that he has seen Su Chen and once climbed over the cliff. He walked on the ground like a fairy.

He also saw him splitting a big tree with one palm.

He also saw him carrying a huge stone and walking like flying!

He could afford to offend someone with such extraordinary skills. What's more, he is his own master?

"I thought, since I haven’t seen you in the past few years, your wings have grown hard?

Su Chen looked indifferent, pointed at the two brothers Liu Long and Liu Quan and asked,"Are these two people fooling around with you?""

"Liu Long is with me!"Li Yunwu responded with great enthusiasm, looked at Liu Quan and Liu Long, and cursed:"Damn it, you two guys who don't know whether to live or die, why are you still standing there? Come here immediately and kneel down to apologize to my master, otherwise I will destroy you immediately!"

Liu Long and Liu Quan were so frightened that they trembled and their faces turned pale. They were so busy that they walked quickly to Su Chen and knelt down obediently.

"I'm sorry, brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't have messed with you, you have a lot of money, please give us two brothers a break! Liu Long lowered his head, his body shaking like chaff, and apologized in panic.


Li Yunwu slapped Liu Long hard on the face and cursed:"You really want to die, don't you? Is it okay for you to call me brother? I want to call him master, how dare you call me master brother? You mean, you are older than me, right? Call me Master!"

Liu Long:"...."

Liu Quan:"....."

Zhang Ziqing:".....

A group of Li Yunwu’s men:"...."

Liu Long covered his face with his hands, his face was as mournful as a heir. The person in front of him looked much younger than him. What if he was called his master? Wouldn't it make people laugh out loud? How can we survive in Wanjiang? _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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