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"All right!"

Su Chen was slightly disappointed. He also wanted to find out some information about Lin Shiyuan from Zhang Ziqing.

The two of them were silent all the way, and soon they entered the Minji Hotel that Zhang Ziqing mentioned.

This restaurant was doing very well, and it was full of guests. , all kinds of people came here, they all became foodies.

The two sat down at a dining table, and a waitress came over to greet them. Zhang Ziqing and Su Chen each ordered two of their favorite dishes.

"Su Chen, what have you been doing all these years? Why did you suddenly stop studying at that time? Zhang Ziqing asked curiously

"I didn’t do much, just wandering around. At that time, I was no longer in the mood to study!"

"So you should be married now, right?"


"No way? You are so old, why are you not married yet? Do you still like Lin Shiyuan and are waiting for her?"Zhang Ziqing guessed

"That's not true, I just haven't met the right person in these years!"

Su Chen denied that although he still liked Lin Shiyuan in his heart, he didn't want to leave the image of an infatuated man to anyone.

"Then you should still have a chance. In the past two years, Shiyuan was not married yet, nor was she looking for a boyfriend. Moreover, she also asked about you. After knowing that you did not study, she was still quite worried and often asked me, Is there any news from you?"

"Is it? how about you? how is it going?

Zhang Ziqing's face turned gloomy, and she pursed her lips and said angrily:"I'm having a very bad life. I married a wolf-hearted man. He only smokes wine every day and doesn't do his job. He's like a moth. My He has lost all my money. I really want to divorce him now, but whenever I mention divorce, he beats me and threatens me, saying that if I dare to divorce him, he will strangle his daughter to death. My life now is really worse than death.. Wuwu.."

Zhang Ziqing burst into tears and lost control of her emotions. She lay on the dining table and started sobbing.

Su Chen frowned. He didn't expect Zhang Ziqing to live such a miserable life.

Thinking of her sisterly relationship with Lin Shiyuan, he immediately said:"Don't cry, I can help you find a way to divorce!"

"It's useless, you can't help me!" Zhang Ziqing choked up.

"Why?"Su Chen was puzzled.

Zhang Ziqing raised her head, wiped her tears, and cried:"My husband's brother is Liu Long!"

"Is it? Isn’t it just some? I can help you take care of it! Su Chen said calmly.

Zhang Ziqing shook her head:"Forget it, don't help me. I don't want to harm you because of my affairs!""


A loud voice suddenly came, and a man wearing a plaid shirt walked into the hotel. This man had one hand in his pocket and a cigarette in his mouth. He looked about thirty years old, about 1.7 meters tall, with a short crew cut. His eyes were evil, and he looked somewhat handsome.

However, his face gave off a sense of arrogance.

Seeing this man approaching, Zhang Ziqing's expression changed slightly, and she became extremely nervous. She seemed to have not expected this. The man will come over.

This man’s name is Liu Quan, and he is Zhang Ziqing’s husband.

"Wife, who are you eating here with?"Liu Quan walked to Zhang Ziqing's side, looked at Su Chen with a joking look on his face, and his tone was very cold.

"He's my old college friend!"Zhang Ziqing looked very nervous.

"Is it? Is your friend quite handsome?

Liu Quan grinned evilly, walked up to Su Chen in two steps, looked down at Su Chen, and said with great arrogance:"Boy, what's your name?"

Su Chen glanced at him lightly and said coldly:"You'd better get away from me. I don't like to use violence very much!""

"Ouch...seems quite arrogant?

Liu Quan smiled jokingly, pointed at himself and said proudly:"Boy, do you know who I am?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Chen's lips:"I don't know, but judging from your appearance, these three words fit very well!""

"Which three words?

Su Chen blurted out:"What a fool!""

Liu Quan looked startled, wondering if his ears heard it wrong, and he was actually being scolded?

Liu Quan threw the cigarette butt on the ground, pointed at Su Chen's face angrily:"Damn, you are looking for death, you are scolding. Am I a fool to try?"

"Su Chen, don't mess with him, you can't afford to mess with him! Zhang Ziqing hurriedly tried to persuade her, her face full of anxiety.

Su Chen looked calm, scratched his ears with his fingers, and said with a playful smile:"Did I hear you right?" Do you have such despicable demands? I said you're a big idiot, but I didn't expect you to be really stupid. Okay, can you open your ears and listen more clearly? You are a big idiot, do you hear me clearly?"


Liu Quan's anger suddenly shot from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gai. He clenched his fist and punched Su Chen in the face.

"Liu Quan, stop!"Zhang Ziqing's face changed drastically and he stopped shouting hastily.

Liu Quan was so angry at this time, how could he listen to Zhang Ziqing's words? In front of him, he punched the opponent in the face. He had already expected that the opponent would be hit by this punch. The scene where he was beaten to the ground.

However, the next moment!

Su Chen just moved his left hand casually and easily grabbed his fist, then stood up and slapped the huge palm with his right hand.


A loud slap sounded, and Liu Quan's body, like a kite with a broken string, fell hard to the hard ground.

"Damn it.."

"Look, isn't the person who was beaten Liu Long's brother?"

"No way, who is this? So brave? Do you even dare to hit brother Liu Long? I'm so tired of living!"

"Yes, Liu Long is awesome! And he is also the general of Li Yunwu from Wanjiang!"

"This kid is finished!".....

The entire hotel guests gathered around and looked at Liu Quan being beaten, with shocked faces and an uproar.

Zhang Ziqing's face changed drastically. She couldn't believe it. Su Chen actually dared to attack Liu Quan. Her face suddenly became extremely anxious:"Su Chen... hurry up... run away.".."

"run? Su Chen smiled disdainfully:"Don't worry, I'm fine!""

Liu Quan got up. He covered his cheek with his hand. He only felt the burning pain on his cheek. He looked at Su Chen with burning eyes and roared:"Boy... how dare you hit me? No matter who you are, you are dead today!"

After saying that, Liu Quan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hey, brother, come to Minji Restaurant quickly. There is a reckless kid who beat me. Bring more people here. I will kill him!"

After making the phone call viciously, Liu Quan moved and sat directly on the stool opposite Su Chen. He stared at Su Chen coldly and gritted his teeth and said:"Boy, wait a minute, let's see how I torture you to death!"

"Oh, really? I'm really looking forward to it, how can you torture me to death!"Su Chen's face was determined, not panicking at all.

"Husband, please let my friend go for once, please?"Zhang Ziqing was worried and begged for mercy.

"You damn bitch, are you turning your arms outward? If you don't help me, why don't you plead for others? Liu

Quan was furious. He stood up and slapped Zhang Ziqing hard on the face.

Su Chen's eyes turned cold, and he picked up a pair of wooden chopsticks on the dining table and waved them. The two chopsticks were like sharp arrows. , shot in Liu Quan's palm


With a shrill scream, the two chopsticks directly pierced Liu Quan's palms. The severe pain caused Liu Quan to fall to the ground and roll, and scarlet blood continued to overflow from his palms. hiss!

The onlookers all took a breath, and looked at Su Chen with shock on their faces.

They all couldn't figure out how Su Chen did it. He shot Liu Quan's palm with two chopsticks.


Seeing Liu Quan injured, Zhang Ziqing's face changed slightly and she wanted to help him up.

"You damn bitch...get out of my way and ask someone to fuck me, right? Look how I will kill you two today!"Liu Quan roared angrily.

Zhang Ziqing's face turned pale. When things got to this point, she was completely at a loss and panicked.

She looked at the blood flowing out of Liu Quan's palms and felt a little unbearable, but she thought of getting married. After being given to him, she was often subjected to domestic violence and had the bad habit of gambling and drinking. On these days, she really felt that life was worse than death, and she felt a little happy in her heart.

Zhang Ziqing looked at Su Chen, as anxious as heat. The ant in the pot:"Su Chen, please leave quickly, really... you can't offend his brother!

Su Chen looked determined:"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter for you today!""

Zhang Ziqing pursed her lips. She couldn't figure out where Su Chen got the confidence to not be afraid of Liu Long?

However, Su Chen didn't listen to the advice, so she had no choice but to move and sit next to Su Chen. She could only use her troops to block the water. Liu Quan kept groaning miserably, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. He endured the pain and stood up, looking at Su Chen and Zhang Ziqing sitting together, his eyes full of resentment, and he cursed:"You stinky bitch, have you and this boy already had an affair?"

"You...Liu Quan...don't spit on others with blood!"Zhang Ziqing's face turned pale and she gritted her silver teeth and said

"Am I spitting blood? You damn bitch, okay, your wings have grown hard, right? How dare you cuckold me?.."

"What a noise!"

Su Chen's face suddenly turned cold. He moved his body and disappeared like a ghost.


A loud slap echoed throughout the audience!

Everyone onlookers looked horrified!

They only saw Liu Quan's body, like a sandbag. It flew up and hit a beam.

But Su Chen's body was still sitting there, as if he hadn't moved at all.


With a muffled sound, Liu Quan's body hit the beam and fell to the ground.


The screams of killing pigs rang out, and Liu Quan twitched in pain and screamed in agony.

When Zhang Ziqing saw this, her face was quite ugly and she didn't look much at it.

"This...this gentleman..���I'm the owner of the hotel. Can you... please stop making trouble in my hotel?"A man in a suit walked up to Su Chen and said eloquently.

"Don't worry, I will compensate you for any losses!"Su Chen looked cold.


The man wanted to say more, but Su Chen glanced at him with cold eyes, making him tremble all over, as if he was being stared at by a demon, and immediately became as silent as a chill, daring not to say a word.

"You all should leave here quickly. If something happens in a while, it has nothing to do with our hotel!"The man in a suit said to a group of onlookers.

A group of guests dispersed and left the hotel. However, many guests did not leave far. They all stayed at the entrance of the hotel to watch the excitement.

After a while, several cars sped by outside the hotel. Come, parked at the intersection outside the hotel.

The car door opened, and a man with a fierce look got out of the car. Many of them had tattoos, and they looked like bastards licking blood from their swords. There were thirteen of them in total. Thirteen people were led by a tall, muscular man wearing a black vest with a dragon tattoo on his arm.

This tattooed man was none other than Liu Quan’s brother Liu.

"What bastard dares to hit my brother? You're really tired of living, aren't you?"

As soon as a group of people entered the hotel door, Liu Long's angry voice sounded.

"Big brother.."

Seeing Liu Long and others come in, Liu Quan looked happy, endured the severe pain in his body and got up, limping towards Liu Long.

Liu Long looked at Liu Quan, looking at Liu Quan's walking posture, his palms were dripping with blood, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a wave of anger was burning all over his body.

"Why was it hurt like this? Liu Long asked in a cold voice

"It was him...he was the one who did it, big brother...I must destroy him for me! Liu Quan pointed at Su Chen and said fiercely


Liu Long waved his hand and led more than a dozen people to Su Chen.

Seeing this group of people coming straight towards him, Su Chen looked calm and composed.

Zhang Ziqing's face was extremely nervous, but now, things have become troubled. At this point, there was no room for change, so she could only accompany Su Chen down.

A group of people came over, Liu Long picked up a stool and sat down opposite Su Chen, and said coldly:"Boy, you are really eaten. Is the bear-hearted leopard brave? You actually hurt my brother like this?

Su Chen casually picked up a teapot, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said calmly:"I hurt your brother, what can you do?""

Seeing that Su Chen behaved so calmly, Liu Long felt a little confused about Su Chen and had some scruples in his heart.

Although he, Liu Long, is a local gangster in Tianhe Street, Wanjiang is so big that there are many people he can't afford to offend.

"boom! Liu Long slapped the table and asked in a cold voice,"Boy, which road do you belong to?" Sign up for me!"

Su Chen smiled faintly:"My name is Su Chen. I have never mixed up in any profession. I am an ordinary good citizen!"

"Oh, really?"

Liu Long suddenly sneered. Su Chen's identity without background gave him no worries. He asked Liu Quan:"Brother, how do you want to vent your anger?"

At this time, Liu Quan wanted to kill Su Chen directly, but he did not choose to do so. He sneered and said:"First let him kneel down and kowtow to apologize to me, and then pay me 300,000 yuan in medical expenses!"

"Boy, did you hear what my brother said? Immediately kowtow and apologize, and get 300,000 yuan in medical expenses! Liu Long shouted coldly.

Su Chen smiled coldly:"You are still the eldest brother of this group of people, why are you so naive?""

Liu Long's eyes turned cold:"Then you just don't know how to praise, right?"

"So much bullshit!"Su Chen shook his head.

"you.."Liu Long was furious and shouted:"Come with me and destroy this kid!"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - bookmarking and recommendation

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