Entertainment: Banned for Five Years, Became the Godfather of Hollywood

Entertainment: Banned for Five Years, Became the Godfather of Hollywood


124 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Xuan travels through parallel worlds and becomes a boy group's little fresh meat

The predecessor was banned for offending the boss and went to North America to develop

Awaken the massive movie library of the previous life, and make movies to overturn Hollywood!

"Ghost Records" is surging with hundreds of millions of dollars, shocking the world!

As soon as "The Godfather" came out, Chu Xuan was called the Godfather of Hollywood

"Interstellar" makes Hollywood surrender to the Orientals!

"American Heroes", "Terminator", "The Matrix"...

5 years later, Chu Xuan lifted the ban in Long Kingdom, and domestic fans went crazy!

Are all the movies on the global box office made by yourself?

Chu Xuan: "It's not over yet, it's our turn to output"

"Three-Body Problem", "The Wandering Earth", "I am not the God of Medicine", "Shushan"

People finally found out that Oscar was completely reserved by the people of Longguo?


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