Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 150: The shortcut to Taoism? Use the false to cultivate the true?

Gou Dabao once again stood opposite Wang Qi. This time, his interest was not as great as last time. Before Wang Qi opened his mouth, he already showed some impatience and said: "It's useless."

Wang Qi's shadow floated in front of Gou Dabao through the illusion of ten thousand immortals, and said with a smile: "How will you know it's useless if you don't try it?"

"It's useless." Gou Dabao said in a bad tone: "You passed by last time and wasted a lot of my time. Are you going to waste your efforts this time?"

Wang Qi sighed: "Are you addicted to practicing or something? Why do you want to practice so much? What are the benefits of practicing? Don't you think this is also a manifestation of the influence of the residual consciousness of the immortal on you?"

Gou Dabao was startled. Confronting himself is the problem he has been pursuing all his life. Wang Qi's words really fooled him. He thought about it for a moment and then asked: "But, what can I do if I don't practice?"

"Listen to my lecture." Wang Qi sat opposite Gou Dabao, then pointed his finger and asked him to sit down.

Gou Dabao shook his head: "I won't listen. I have a headache."

"If you don't listen to knowledge, how can you become stronger?"

Gou Dabao scratched his head: "I listened to your lecture last time, and I pulled out a lot of my hair..."

"When you become bald, you will become stronger." Wang Qi said: "Besides, I don't plan to tell you anything too complicated today. I promise that what I said today will not go beyond the ordinary level. The difficulty. Moreover, we are not going to talk about algorithms today, we are just going to talk about mystery and emptiness.”

"It's all talk. Isn't this what you, today's cultivators, hate the most?"

Wang Qi pointed at himself: "I am a monk of Wanfamen. You know, a monk of Wanfamen must be a little different."

Earlier, mathematics was classified under philosophy. Although it has developed to this day, mathematics has long been separated from philosophy and metaphysics. Incorporated into science, however, there are still a large number of "controversies of ideas" that are rare among other sects.

Gou Dabao sat down and asked, "Oh, tell me."

Wang Qi drew a few operators on the ground and wrote down a formula: "Today, we'll start with one plus one."

Gou Dabao's eyes were filled with an expression of "Are you crazy?" "'One plus one'? Children understand it, right? Or are you talking about 'Pearl Calculation'?"

"It has nothing to do with the pearl arithmetic of 'one prime number plus one prime number'. We won't talk about that. This is 'one plus one equals two'."

Gou Dabao's expression. The anger was already mixed with "Are you kidding me" and "Did you call me stupid?": "Wang Qi. What do you mean?"

"I'm serious. 'One plus one equals two' is the source, the backbone, and the rhizome of all arithmetic." Wang Qi maintained the "Please sit down" gesture with a calm expression: "If you say it is simple, then It is the simplest question. Even a babbling baby knows how to answer it. But if you say it is difficult, it is really difficult for Wan Dharma Gate to explain."

"Oh?" Gou Dabao raised his eyebrows and sat across from Wang Qi: "Let me see how you explain it."

"One plus one equals two. This is the concept you first knew in this life... No, it's not just that. In your previous life, that is, the concept that 'he' in your mind first knew was also this, right or wrong?" Wang Saki held up one finger, then another: "One plus one equals. Two."

"That's enough, there's no need to demonstrate. I'm not really a child." Gou Dabao interrupted Wang Qi angrily: "You kid, what do you want to say? Just say it."

"Don't worry, let's talk slowly." Wang Qi cleared his throat: "All additions can be seen as an extension of 'one plus one'. Subtraction is the reverse of addition. Multiplication is the superposition of addition, and division is multiplication. The inversion of more advanced matrix, vector and other algorithms is different from that of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but it is essentially an advanced form of addition and multiplication - if you don't understand it, then think of addition and subtraction as a Qi training period. , multiplication and division are understood as the foundation building period, and those advanced operation rules are understood as the realm after the soul. Although there are essential differences, the latter is always developed on the basis of the former. "

Gou Dabao nodded: "I probably understand, it seems to be the truth."

"If you can understand, that's the best." Wang Qi nodded, feeling that his efforts had paid off. He said: "Although some people think that sets are deeper and more fundamental than addition. However, from a historical perspective, there is indeed 'one plus one' first, and then there are others. 'One plus one' is It is the source of arithmetic, and it is the ‘one’ in ‘Tao Sheng Yi’.”

Gou Dabao nodded with a surprised look on his face. When he looked at what Wang Qi had written, "One plus one equals two," his eyes were different: "Sure enough, you must do nothing, there is nothing to escape from. If the Tao is true, then it is true." "Yes. Wang Qi, you can be said to be very eloquent. It turns out that there is so much truth to be said about 'one plus one'."

"It's not over yet." Wang Qi shook his head: "This plus one also involves a special controversy."

"A special...argument?"

"Is it a 'shortcut' or a 'Taoist thing'? Was arithmetic invented by humans, or is arithmetic itself coexisting with heaven and earth, and what humans do is nothing more than the discovery of arithmetic?"

Gou Dabao shook his head this time: "I don't understand what you mean."

Wang Qi asked: "Gou Dabao, do you know about the Dragon Clan?"

Gou Dabao nodded: "I know. It is said that 'he' was killed by the dragon clan, and then after several disasters, I was born."

"The dragon clan established a glorious civilization in Shenzhou 200 million years ago. At that time, they knew that 'one plus one equals two'. Our human race rose 80,000 years ago, and the first thing we knew was 'one plus one equals two'. The demon clan was enlightened and learned to count by themselves, and the first thing they knew was 'one plus one equals two'. And you..." Wang Qi stretched out his finger and tapped Gou Dabao's chest: "Does the immortal soul in your heart reject 'one plus one equals two'?"

Gou Dabao was stunned : "No... I don't reject it."

"Your immortal soul is probably not a product of this world. That is to say, in a place millions of light years away, in different time and space, the iron rule of 'one plus one equals two' will not be shaken." Wang Qi looked directly at Gou Dabao: "If this is not the Tao, what is it?"

"This is... the Tao?" Gou Dabao shook his head: "How can this be the Tao?"

"Then it is at least 'shortcut to the Tao'. It is the iron rule of the Tao, right?" Wang Qi asked: "Think about it, in your previous life, you traveled across the starry sea, did you have the memory of 'one plus one equals three'?"

Gou Dabao shook his head quickly. He was completely confused.

"One plus one equals two", is the Tao? Is it the Tao?

"At least, 'one plus one equals two' is a shortcut to the Tao." Wang Qi said calmly: "Then tell me, one plus one equals two. Was it invented by people? Or was it discovered by people?"

This is really an interesting question.

The word "discovery" refers to witnessing something that originally existed in nature; "invention" means creating something out of nothing, making something that originally did not exist in nature.

So, should mathematical laws be described as "invention"? Or "discovery"?

Did people invent mathematics, or did people discover mathematics?

Mathematics. Is it a route built by people to approach the Tao, or is it something that exists with the universe, nature, and the Tao?

Is the Tao in calculation? Is calculation in the Tao?

Gou Dabao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. For the first time, he began to examine the so-called "mathematics" and "calculation".

It turns out that there are such basic and simple iron rules in the world.

"There is a Tao that says 'Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things'. This 'one plus one' is the 'one' here, and the subsequent addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are 'two' and 'three'. The subsequent mathematics is that all things." Wang Qi's tone was calm, but Gou Dabao's heart was already surging with stormy waves.

He had always thought that it was just mechanical and rigid mathematics, but in fact it was a very neat and orderly theory, with no signs of losing the truth!

A saint is one who understands the beauty of heaven and earth and reaches the truth of all things.

What is the beauty of heaven and earth?

This is the beauty of heaven and earth!

What Jin Faxiu does is basically the work of a saint. The path he takes is the most in line with the teachings of a saint!

Heretic? Saint!

For the first time, Gou Dabao's expression, which had been numb for many years, became lively. He clapped his hands and praised, saying, "Good reason! Good argument!"

Wang Qi accepted Gou Dabao's praise calmly. In this world, no one can understand this problem more deeply than him. Because the mysterious connection between Shenzhou and the earth is close and distant, Gödel did not show up, and other mathematicians have fallen into a deep misunderstanding. The mathematics community on Earth has undergone an incomplete baptism. Mathematicians, in a state of confusion, also know how to adjust the attitude between "themselves" and "mathematics". He came from such an environment.

As for the content of Gou Dabao's praise, Wang Qi just sneered. He didn't care about "carrying on the lost knowledge of the past saints" or "the saints' teachings". If his behavior conforms to the saints' norms, it is just a coincidence at most. In other words, the words of the saints were once the cornerstone of the modern law. The modern law started with this, and it is not surprising that there is a little commonality.

In Gou Dabao's eyes, this is the so-called "not surprised by honor or disgrace" and "free and easy bearing".

Suddenly, Gou Dabao slapped his head: "I understand, I understand what the "reductio ad absurdum" you told me a few days ago, Mr. Wang! It turns out that the proof is exactly the truth of borrowing the false to cultivate the true!"

Wang Qi was stunned: "What?"

Borrowing the false to cultivate the true... What the hell?

Everything in the modern law is about "having traces to follow" and "having things to prove", not saying "true and false" or "real and false". Wang Qi had learned this kind of thing from Zhen Chanzi before, but he had thrown it out of his mind long ago.

Gou Dabao said excitedly: "'Fake two numbers' is false, and the proof process is absurd and false everywhere. However, this 'fake', the mathematical principle finally obtained, is a part of the truth of the universe! Using falsehood to cultivate the truth... This is also the principle of cultivation!"

Wang Qi's mouth trembled: "Whatever you think."

From a metaphysician to a folk scientist... It is also a kind of progress, right?

"Since you have already felt what I said, then practice the two chapters of 'Arithmetic' and 'Fingering Delusion' in the Yibi Suanjing! I will go back and sort out my thoughts, and then tell you the rest. Next time I come, I will tell you about the principle of arithmetic geometry." (To be continued ~^~)

PS: Regarding the issue of "invention" and "discovery" - in the history of mathematics in China, the word is generally "discovery", for example, Pythagoras discovered the Pythagorean theorem. At least that's what I saw.

In addition, I ask for monthly tickets.

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