Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 156: The arithmetic is completed, and the question of

"Senior Sister Xiang, why are you here?" Wang Qi was a little confused.

There are indeed many monks coming to Lande City now, but most of the purpose of this group of monks is to study the sea gods. Xiang Qi's main practice is Tianxu Sword Disk, which is an "element". This realm is far away from the Poseidon type. As long as human physics is not completely wrong, the sequence of that day, the periodic table of elements, should be universal throughout the universe, and the chemical elements of aliens may not be any different from the chemical elements existing on the earth.

It makes no sense for her to appear here!

As if feeling Wang Qi's surprised gaze, Xiang Qi smiled and said, "I didn't come here specifically for any reason. Well, as for me, I just happened to pass by Wanfamen some days ago, and then, a senior from Wanfamen just passed by A new book has been published. I thought for a moment that the guy behind me would definitely regret not being able to read this book for the first time because he was in Lande, and then cry that he was lagging behind in this step. , in order to avoid that scene, I got a copy for him and sent it over.”

Wang Qi was a little puzzled: "Isn't this unreasonable? Shouldn't the monograph be released simultaneously across China? Why is it only available in Wanfamen? Even if it is a special edition, it should be able to be read through Wanxian Fantasy Land, right?"

"The internal version is still an internal version for now. The official release will be the day after tomorrow." Xiang Qi kicked Su Junyu's calf: "I guessed that this guy must be happy."

"This book... is of no use at all." Su Junyu replied as he flipped through the book.

Xiang Qi was stunned: "I'll go. Aren't you very happy to see it?"

"It's useless." Su Junyu's eyes widened, for fear of missing any detail in it, but he still said to himself: "Really, this book is actually of no use to me."

"If it doesn't work, could you please take your eyes away from that book?"

"Ah...wait a minute. This part is very interesting." Su Junyu didn't even look up.

Veins popped up on Xiang Qi's forehead: "Didn't you just say it was useless?"

"It's useful for my current practice... not much... not much..." Su Junyu said while reading: "Interesting... interesting..."

Xiang Qi kicked Su Junyu: "Look at people when you talk! Didn't your parents teach you etiquette?"


Xiang Qi held his forehead with one hand. After a while, she arrived: "Okay, okay, you've been reading this book for a while, let me have a look at it first. This book is related to his thesis four or five years ago."

"Oh." Su Junyu nodded, but still didn't move.

"You bastard..." Xiang Qi reached out and grabbed the book. This time she had used her true strength. The moment her fingers touched the book, the physical properties of all the pages immediately changed, becoming like gold but not gold, like stone but not stone. Don't be afraid of the exchange of strength between the two. Then. Xiang Qi flipped her wrist and wanted to grab the book. But Su Junyu was a step faster, and his right hand left the page, and his two fingers were like venomous snake fangs, reaching for Xiang Qi's wrist. Two people and three hands danced together like butterflies in flowers.

Strictly speaking, Su Junyu uses three fingers - the middle finger, the index finger and occasionally the thumb. Plus a little wrist strength. Sometimes his index and middle fingers join together to form a sword, sometimes they separate like two dragons grabbing a pearl, and occasionally he retracts his middle finger, and his index finger and thumb bite each other like tiger teeth.

Even without looking, Su Junyu can imitate all Xiang Qi's moves in the virtual "Xiangyu" just by hearing the sounds, sensing the mana and energy, and the feeling from his palms. He didn't have to look up at all.

Xiang Qi looked even harder than Su Junyu at the moment. Her arms were like two giant pythons, flying up and down, but they were still unable to break through Su Junyu's defense. Su Junyu only used three fingers to seal all her changes. Su Junyu's fingers were always covering the various acupoints on Xiang Qi's arms and wrists, no matter how exquisite Xiang Qi's boxing and palm techniques were. There is no way to display it. All changes were blocked by Su Junyu.

Su Junyu then raised his eyelids and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that! You forgot! I am already a golden elixir monk! I am the golden elixir monk who has just achieved Xiangyu's heavenly power! I am no longer the one who had to rely on me. You're a weakling who can only fight with magic weapons! Don't try to bully me again, hahahaha!"

Except for the freak Wang Qi, most of the Wanfa Sect monks were weak in fighting skills when they first entered Taoism. Their mana is poor, there are not many spells, and their strength is supported by magic weapons. This is their portrayal. Take Su Junyu as an example. In the later stages of foundation building, he still had to rely on card magic weapons with magic spells sealed as his main means of fighting. However, after the high-level skills such as Xiangyu Tianzong are completed, Wanfamen monks will usher in a real golden age.

One method gives rise to ten thousand methods. The phenomenon of one method defeating all methods can only be revealed at this time.

Except for a very small number of talented monks, most monks only come into contact with the mystery of that technique during the Yuan Shen stage.

Xiang Qi bit her lower lip: "Fuck..."

——It really doesn’t look like before...

The moment Xiang Qi stopped his fist, his other hand squeezed between the two of them. At this moment, Wang Qi stretched out his hand, raised the two fingers together like a sharp sword, and pecked the Shenmen point on Su Junyu's wrist. Then he raised his thumb, twisted his wrist, and stabbed hard, with his thumb pointing The sharp magic power penetrated Su Junyu's Taiyuan point.

If this was an easy method of confining acupoints, Su Junyu might not be defeated. However, he unexpectedly jumped into the pit dug by Wang Qi and practiced digital cultivation.

Of course, there is no backdoor in the cultivation method that Su Junyu practices. Wang Qi does want to learn from the industry leaders on Earth and implant backdoors into every user, but he will not cheat Su Junyu. It's just like a program. Your system and every code are typed by others, so there is actually not much difference whether there is a backdoor or not.

Just like the "authority" in the network, a higher level is overwhelming.

Su Junyu's mana was instantly sealed by Wang Qi. Wang Qi pressed down his wrist and snatched the book from Su Junyu's hand. Then. He said to Xiang Qi, who was stunned: "Senior sister, please take care of Senior Brother Su. He will not be able to use his mana for a while now-in addition, please restore this book to its original state, thank you."

Xiang Qi completed Wang Qi's instructions in a daze, and looked at Su Junyu again. Soon. She realized-this is an opportunity!

She made a "thank you" gesture to Wang Qi, then grinned and twisted Su Junyu's neck with one hand: "Oh, come to think of it, when old friends meet again, we should have a drink, right?"

Su Junyu struggled violently: "Woo, what do you want to give me to drink? Listen carefully! I absolutely do not admit that the alcohol mixture you made in Fenjin Valley is wine..."

Looking at the two people walking away, Wang Qi shook his head and sighed softly: "Sure enough, Wanfa also wants to have a Taoist partner..."

Don't think about the two people who have already walked away. Wang Qi stole his eyes to the book in his hand. The cover is very simple. There are only four words "Wanfa Suanzang".

However, for the monks in Shenzhou, the meaning of being able to be crowned with the word "Wanfa" is completely different.

There has never been an academic institution, an organization, a society, or a university on the earth that has such influence and can serve as a representative of "all mathematicians".

However, in Shenzhou, the class and identity of "monk" is the most natural bond connecting those mathematicians. The sect is a natural society. Wanfamen is a collective of all mathematicians that transcends all academic organizations on earth.

The word "Wanfa" is the orthodoxy of "mathematics"!

A few years ago, the two schools of thought, Lianzong and Lizong, fought for the right to compile this step of the mathematical classic. Wang Qi even made a name for himself in this battle by publishing "Gödel's Completeness Theorem".

Now, after several years, this mathematical classic has finally been compiled... the first volume.

"Only one volume. Yes, "mathematics" as a subject has developed too terribly. Even a genius cannot understand it all. If you want to fully describe the entire mathematical system, you must have a small library." Wang Qi opened the book.

Although it is only the first volume, this book is already very long. Its purpose is to recast arithmetic and classify it as set theory. In this system, "one plus one equals two" is described as "when a set containing one element is combined with another set that also contains one element, the resulting union always has two elements."

It seems that the latter is countless times more complicated than the former, and it is simply complicating a simple problem. However, in the eyes of mathematicians. It is indeed the latter that is more clear, more fundamental, and more operational-of course, after this, they need to face a series of new problems, such as what is a "set" and how to define a "union".

But this is the meaning.

- There is no such task as Alfred North Whitehead in this world, but the master of the math has completed their work.

"Let me see, just to explain the definition of addition and prove that 'one plus one equals two', this book has written more than 500 pages..." Wang Qi hurriedly read this part and then smiled bitterly.

This math book does define "one plus one equals two", but as soon as Gödel's incompleteness theorem appears, this book that condenses the efforts and wisdom of everyone has to face a terrifying fact.

It is impossible to prove that any set theory rule that can be deduced to mathematical theory is self-consistent. You cannot use logic to deny the possibility of "one plus one equals three". However, anyone can intuitively judge that it is impossible.

"1", "2", "3", "4", "5"... these numbers themselves are objective facts that transcend human thinking.

"Hearing thunder in silence". The most basic numbers in mathematics are such terrible things.

"The typical mathematician is a Platonist on weekdays and a formalist on weekends." After experiencing the terrible despair, the mathematicians on Earth could only write this sentence helplessly.

When we have to make a correct statement, we have to admit that we cannot assert that there are no contradictions in mathematics, but we will not interrupt our exploration of mathematics because of this.

"One plus one equals two", in the final analysis, it is such a terrible problem.

"Alas... This problem is really brain-wracking. The human race has used 'one plus one equals two' for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but no one still doubts it."

Wang Qi closed the book and continued to walk towards the elementary school.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Wait a minute... The mathematics I first realized seemed to be 'one plus one equals two'?" (To be continued ~^~)

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