Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 215: Wu Ding Yun Sword

Wang Qi put one hand on the Tao-seeking Jade, and papers flashed before his eyes. They were all the papers from the founding of Piaomiao Palace to the present, and some of them came from the opponent of Piaomiao during the sword debate in Erwei Village - the anti-Piaomiao faction headed by Tai Tianzun. Countless models that were limited, too complicated, or flawed flashed in his mind, and several corresponding spells were disassembled and analyzed in his mind.

These papers and spells worth hundreds of merit points were all exchanged by Wang Qi today.

He is now studying the development path of Piaomiao Tao and quantum mechanics in the world of mathematics and physics, and looking for the correspondence between quantum mechanics spells and theories, intending to find a shortcut to transform theory into technology.

The theories that can be put into textbooks are all classic and time-tested. Wang Qi is not familiar with the eliminated theories. In addition to trying to figure out the methods, this round of review is also to consolidate the foundation. In addition, the physical laws of this world are different from those of the original world. Without a deeper understanding of this world, I am afraid that I cannot turn the theories of the original world into the power of this life.

After the formation of the base of the law, the base of the law and the body cells are integrated into one, the body's tolerance of the mana increases by an order of magnitude, the benefits of the mana to the body begin to appear, and the brain cells begin to develop again. Although there are no new neurons generated in large quantities, the original neurons begin to produce new axons and dendrites, and build a new brain circuit. At the same time, the soul finally got rid of the embarrassing position of "thinking appendix" and began to truly participate in the thinking process of people.

The most direct result is that Wang Qi's learning ability and thinking speed have been upgraded to another level.

Countless formulas are running and deforming in his mind. Countless models appear and disappear. And all of this is centered around a sword formula and several mathematical models.

The Misty Unfixed Cloud Sword is taken from a page of the manuscript of the Taoist Priest.

This is the powerful sword tactic that Wang Qi saw from afar on the day he first heard of the current law. Later he knew that this is the highest-rated sword technique in the current law of immortals, and it is a peerless method that suppresses the flame of life.

As early as the Qi training period, Wang Qi had calculated this sword technique more than once, but he could not get the key. But this time, many obstacles no longer exist, and many key points are understood at once!

Finally. Wang Qi put away the calculator. Opening his eyelids, his eyes are as bright as stars.

"So that's it, so that's it! This sword technique... No, the key to this sword technique is not how the sword technique is or how the sword is, but the sword energy." Wang Qi pushed open the door. At this moment, the night is deep, the stars are bright, and the sky is full of stars. Except for a little light in Chen Youjia's room next door. The whole Shenjing is quiet.

Wang Qi walked quickly to the yard and said to himself: "The secret of the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword lies in the diffuse cloud-like sword energy. It is not the magic power that turns into a cloud, but breaking the boundary between the micro and the macro, using the probability cloud to turn into sword energy!"

Probability cloud, the existence form of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles all show wave-particle duality. In physical theory, they are neither particles nor waves. Only the state vector in Hilbert space can describe them. Intuitively, these subatomic particles are found in a certain area according to a certain probability distribution. This probability is like a cloud that permeates a certain area, so it is called a "probability cloud".

Of course. Generally speaking, only microscopic particles will show this strange characteristic of neither particles nor waves. In the process of transition from micro to macro, the fluctuation of matter waves weakens and is no longer known, and the particle nature becomes more obvious.

Wang Qi condensed a matter wave in his hand and murmured: "In fact, I have already mastered the method of breaking the boundary between micro and macro..."

The elephant phase wave power is essentially to drive the matter wave, which is to forcibly strengthen the fluctuation of matter under macro conditions. The particle nature of the macro object is weakened and the wave nature is revealed. The phase wave blade that Wang Qi used as a killer in the unified trial is an ordinary air blade, but the elephant phase wave power makes it present wave nature, resulting in the effect of cutting everything.

"Very similar, the Elephant Phase Wave is the probability wave of de Broglie describing particles, and the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword is the probability cloud of the Copenhagen School describing particles..."

Wang Qi was like a madman, making complicated deductions. Gradually, his mind became calm, and the whole world was slowly fading away.

Only one sword formula remained.

The eigenvalues ​​of mana kept changing, and Wang Qi's own aura became ethereal and ethereal.

Then, Wang Qi drew his sword.

This sword was slashed out in an ordinary way, relying on the basic swordsmanship. The swordsmanship taught in this fairy academy covers all the swordsmanship in Shenzhou, and Wang Qi's slash brought out countless changes.

Then, there was sword energy.

The sword energy was particularly large, as much as five or six meters.

Yes, five or six meters. The sword energy of the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword did not condense into a blade and shoot out, but turned into flowing clouds and collapsed, covering six sides and spreading in all directions. Like a blue stream covering the ground, there was no murderous intent.

Because of the probability of the sword energy, its true path has not been determined. But if you look closely, the area covered by the sword energy is exactly all the variations of Wang Qi's slash.

The area filled with sword energy is all the possibilities of the trajectory. As long as the observer appears, this beautiful spectacle will turn into a real and sharp killing method.

And Wang Qi's consciousness is obviously not here. He just calculated a sword, and then swung a sword according to the calculation result. He only felt that his mana flowed to the sword, and then reduced a part, but forgot to perceive this result. He knew that this formula based on the observer effect of the Copenhagen School could be used. So, he began to think about deeper problems.

"Is the observer effect the most correct answer?"

Why do microscopic particles show strange probabilistic properties? Why are macroscopic objects deterministic?

Is this world really probabilistic?

On Earth, there are many solutions to this problem. Some are not yet touched by Shenzhou, and some are already known by Shenzhou. Even before Wang Qi traveled through time, scientists had not found an answer. Even before he traveled through time, they did not know whether the essence of the world was probabilistic.

The non-local hidden variable theory still points to a self-consistent deterministic result of quantum mechanics, while some other theories believe that probability is only a pseudo-randomness presented by huge matter at the subatomic scale. At the most basic Planck scale, determinism still exists.

Without experimental verification, it is impossible to know what results Bell's inequality will produce in this world, and the conclusion brought by Bell's inequality is obviously not the ultimate answer.

Wang Qi suddenly felt a little irritable. A ripple appeared in the calm heart lake. He quit thinking and opened his eyes to check his results.

The moment he opened his eyes, the sword energy of the Piaomiao Wudingyun Sword reacted. Unfortunately, the attack mechanism of this sword technique is determined by the observer, and this "observer" is just a half-baked swordsman.

All that came into Wang Qi's sight was a flash of sword light.

"Enemy attack?" Wang Qi had already tried to resist. But the sword light turned and easily bypassed Wang Qi's defense line.

This is probability. The path is determined when being observed, and before the path is determined, the sword energy already exists at the target.

The sword light pierced Wang Qi's heart and shook Wang Qi's whole body. Wang Qi's eyes went dark and his consciousness gradually left.

A small white flame appeared on Wang Qi's chest. (To be continued ~^~)

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