Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 214 Social Sciences, Writing a Plan

The real trouble lies with another point.

Chen Feng dreams of social science.

When it comes to social sciences, a certain wise man cannot be avoided.

Don't underestimate every piece of knowledge in high school textbooks. Because the simplest sentence in it was put forward by the wise men of the past who spent countless years and effort.

Among them, the content of "High School Politics Compulsory Course One" is derived from the economics masterpiece "Das Kapital". This book took a wise man 40 years of time, and the prerequisite concepts such as "production", "productivity", "consumption", and "distribution" are worth nearly ten years of hard exploration.

Wang Qi was born in the previous life. These contents are given to everyone as basic knowledge. The country where Wang Qi studied abroad happened to be the hometown of that wise man. When he traveled to Frankfurt, he also listened to the speech of the successor of the wise man. He could not tell all about the wise man's teachings, but he could still tell some. Give him some time and it's not impossible to finish it.

[Unlike what most people think, this wise man has a high status in Europe. Take the British Labor Party as an example. The largest ruling party in the UK defines itself as a socialist party. The Social Democratic Party, the largest political party in Germany, is also a socialist party, and Frankfurt is the base of European neo-Marxism]

However, are these theories too advanced for China?

There are two aspects of China's economy and production that are different from those of Earth. First, there is a disconnect between the economics of immortality and the mortal world. Immortal magic weapons are difficult for mortals to use, and the Immortal Alliance rarely develops technologies that are convenient for mortals to use. The various resources that mortals can produce are of little use to the Immortal Alliance. Producing more people and providing more monks is the meaning of mortal existence. On the other hand, since Reiki can be directly manipulated, the distance between technology and theory is very close. Theory can easily translate into technology.

Therefore, Shenzhou Xiandao has already entered the information age, but the mortal world is still in the transitional stage from the end of the feudal era to capitalism under the production model of Asia Minor, and the sprout of capitalism has just emerged.

Under such circumstances, will rashly launching a theory that points directly to an ideal country and a prosperous world of great harmony cause turmoil in the entire humanity?

You know, it's different from the Earth in the nineteenth century. Because of Xianmeng’s productivity that transcends the times. China is not yet in such dire straits that conflicts must be resolved through violence. Moreover, the unique dual economic structure of immortals and mortals in China also requires some necessary adjustments for the theory of this wise man to come out.

So... although the Five-Star World War Technique and the No-Process Righteous Qi Technique are wonderful, they still need long-term planning before they can be developed!

Now, this is a prosperous age of science, and any theory must be rigorously proved by mathematics rather than speculation.

In other words, you have to take social science from China’s existing primitive sociological theory directly to the level of Keynes in one breath.

That's right, John Maynard Keynes. Although he is best known for his macroeconomics, Many people on earth have forgotten that this is a mathematician who graduated from the Department of Mathematics and was elected as an academician of King's College, Cambridge University with a mathematics thesis. The paper for which he was originally elected as an academician happened to be on probability theory. He was also the first person to combine chaos mathematics and economics.

And if he wants to improve probability theory from the current level to the level of Keynes's era... Wang Qi looked at Chen Youjia's manuscript again. Well, there's still a long way to go.

"Chenfeng, how long do you plan to do this project?"

Chen Feng pondered: "It's hard to say. Human nature is weird and changeable, and it takes a lot of time to sort out so many variables. In addition, I don't know much about Yu Jia, but it is said that it is also very difficult."

"long term plan?"

Chen Feng smiled helplessly: "Actually, it can only be said that it has not officially started yet. Only after my analysis of Shinto goes further or Yujia's arithmetic has a breakthrough, can I be sure to release phased results on a regular basis. Only then can I formally apply for funds and recruit personnel. ”

Wang Qi's eyes lit up: "In that case, can I apply for a new project?"

"New project? You?" Chen Feng was puzzled by Wang Qi: "The main business of this empirical department is the way of living things. Do you understand the way of living beings to the point where you can do independent research?"

"None of them." Wang Qi took out the fairy weapon "Dispersion" from the storage bag and threw it together with "Mathematics": "I will give you a big gift, a big project."

"I'm not a good collector. Antique magical artifacts are useless." Chen Feng touched it: "It's not a Shinto magical artifact. It has no research value to me."

"However, there is a lot of data in it." Wang Qi smiled: "The result of the binaryization of part of my consciousness."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qi explained the functions of these two magic weapons and the origin of the data.

Chen Feng suddenly became excited: "This is..."

"Because it is only a part of consciousness, and there is no supporting operating system, I cannot use this 'clone'." Wang Qi proudly patted the two magic weapons: "This is a good empirical material for you, right? You can study the structure of the human heart and the algorithm of the human heart.”

Now not only Chen Feng, but also Chen Youjia was interested. The two of them looked closely at the two calculators. Zhen Shanzi was stared at with fury: "Hey...I don't like the way you look at the white mice at all..."

"It's not your remnant soul that's going to be stabbed, it's me in the ring, okay." Wang Qi grabbed the ring and said, "I'll leave the 'dispersion' to you for observation. I still have some things to deal with. Go out first."

When he said this, Wang Qi felt the benefits of Shenzhou again. Scientists are in charge, and no research needs to be done with animal protection, green terrorist organizations, ethics associations, etc. If this artificial intelligence research is put on the earth, someone will definitely jump out and shout that it cannot be done.

After returning to his room, Wang Qi took out several jade slips. These jade slips are the inheritance of Zhilong Zhenren. Wang Qi pressed his hand on the jade slips, reading and entering into the calculator. This is also an application of "Qujian Collection". The information in the jade slips just flows into the soul and is transcribed into the calculator. It doesn't go through the brain at all, and the speed is very fast.

The capacity of a jade slip is equivalent to a computer hard drive, about a few hundred GB. Wang Qi's Tao-seeking jade is the top configuration, which can accommodate dozens of jade slips. After half an hour, he finally completed the transcription of several family inheritances. After that, he sent these jade slips to the Wanfamen Shenjing Station.

The Wanfamen disciples stationed in the outer gate of Shenjing had heard about Wang Qi's accidental disappearance in the suburbs of Shenjing. This meeting was another surprise. When Wang Qi took out the inheritance of several families in the Middle Ages, everyone showed envy and secretly calculated how much merit these antiques with great research value could bring to Wang Qi.

After handing in the inheritance, Wang Qi went to the Shenjing branch to report, explaining that he was trapped in the ruins, not missing. Because Feng Luoyi was behind the scenes, the case was withdrawn smoothly.

After Wang Qi returned to his room, he threw all the calculators into the storage bag and took out a booklet.

"Now, I should be able to practice this, right?"

The manuscript of the Taoist Priest, the core secret of the Piaomiao Palace! (To be continued ~^~)

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